Saturday, June - 4 . (7). Cj MCT7:TD GET -UCH LANDS icXl liae: It Different Form -ajvd .Which to Buy 5 1 . ' "Cj'TAIT BUTLER " .;'r "", '- : ;t " .2. - JTj JmjJUL: Calcium .hydroxide,- alakfcd im, tMr lkd lima, - hyUraled lime, caustic lime, etc.- 3. Carbonate t Calcium carbonate, ground Urate tone, ground enter bells, ehell marl, marl, marble, chalk, shells, carbonate f lime, etc . -.--.. '.. ,, j . . - ' - Thesejthrce ' forms are not equally' ; rich in calcium and are consequently not 'of equal value m - V . - ; V l.SCO.O lb. JtS4.a Iba. S.600.0 lba. S.lOO.O Iba. 1.600.0 lbs. 4.100.1 Iba, 1.J60.0 Iba. 2,100.0 lbs. 1.250.0 lbs. 8.S0O.O Jbs., .4.550.0 lbs. 6.200.0 lbs. 2.700.0 11 a. t.OOO.O it a. 4,600.9 Iba. 1,400.0 Iba. 4..10O.O iba. 7,200.0 Iba. TMEslxenioved from thetiotl in; It true that plants may get the cal- W' ;.ouowing ;: taiie snows, tne r-iVrrI f.v, V ':: ri1!m-hlr . fr thfAA B'rvcights of .different .forms -of. lime. from;soils where little -or no calciuni carbonate exists, hut they get .this caicium irom otner caieium com- Different JFormt ia Which 'Lime -I the drainage water and in the v rium required- for their, food needs X-1 crops. - It is, therefore, plain that when the. supply ow in, the soil is not -.sufficient .for, the; best crop . production it .must; be added to get such a highly: productive soil; for ,no rotation, cropping'or, farming system .adds lime io the: soil." It is: equally i: wnnless a soil receives lime ' washed rdrained from lime.-rock or ."TOAlD in remembering the three other lime-soil it unusHn time need -4 forms in -which calcium is used,.the lime no ma.tter.'JiO'W much it , origin--, following - statement of the 'other ally contained.- Of course, soils orig-j names tused to--'designate'- each , of. inally very, rich -in lime xompounds -these three different, forms may be of may not require applications i)f artifi-; rvalue.: - - , .- rial lime -for jmany years. : : - 1. Oxide: . Calcium, -exlde, - lime, burned t i 1 rlrh- cr;tth lime, flulck lime,-causile lime, tone lime, Tn the. making .of. a jjcn.&oii .tne. -. , bullderfl. llme. Bheii iime. -etc. question .is pimply, aoes mis, paniLu lar soil require - lime! ow fpr tn$ most economical production of the. rmn, to be grown I -But ia'thenarg.. est and best" sense' economical pror duction must, maintain -.sou and in most cases. in' the" South must increase the production of, out" soils. It will be of value;tO give a lew ex amples, showing;. the amounts 'of cal cium carbonate; (calcium carbonate is 40 per cent calcium). which'.may he fe moved in given crops lihd .also esti mates of amounts which' may be rer- moved or lost by Jeaching, which are equivalent or; equal in vaK -wer For ' instance,:.: it: requires -,18; -""pounds' 'of ground limestone (calcium . ii iiiii in iiri i i i r 1 1 1 i 1 1 i i iiii r . . - pounds .oil xathtr than UcnC calcium carbonate." Calcium lime is -often mixed in va rying proportions with - magnesicn lime. "V On most soils it is generally accepted that - magnesium, carbonat e, while acting a, little-more slowly, h equally or a little more , efficient in correcting acidity. Table, showing relative values "per ton of the calcium compounds (lime), ter-slaked: lime (calcium hydroxide), - ased on the calcium which they con and 1.3 oo'unds of water-slaked : lime --; tain, when pure: . ' . to equal l'pound' of burned or quick lime (calcium oxide). This - table is based on pure -materials i of equal pur-: .ity;: - v.- - l - Calcium Oxide QuIckLime -Burned IJme -1.0 iba." ' 100.0 lbs. -- " 500.0 Iba -' 1?000,0 lba- Calcium Hy. drDXlde,'Wai. ter-slaked " Lime - - - yi.i ibs.- 130.O lbs. , 650.0 lbs. X.800.0 lbs. Calcium Car Lbonate. Air- v slaked Lime. ; Ground .Lime stone - 1.8 lbsl 1 -.180.0 lbs. - 900.0 lbs . -r 1,800.0 lbs. Calcium Oxids Quick Lime Buraad'Llme ' . .' - 12.50 " 1 . 8.00 ' , r 8.o . !: . '4;00 , -4.50 lr 5.00 ' -.5.60, ' " ' -". ... .0.00 v " Calcium Hy droxide, Water-slaked Lime 11.00 - . 2.80- 1 . ; 2.05 . 8.05 " ' ' 1, 3.80 . ' - ' . 4.20. . 4.-55 Calcium Car bonate. Air-' slaked Lime.' Ground Lime Stone ; si.4'0 ; 1.70 2.00 , 2.26 2.65 2.80 -" i '8.10 . , . , 8.40 (Continued on page 18, column 4) ij h Fair ILst Pricey eTriri t . " Crops T : . JPounds J- Pounds la : in -CropslCrops Betnoved Corn 35 M bushels.! ;' : ' 1 ' , - ' ' Grain 2,000 lbs.. . . 1.-0 lb , ' l.OJba-r -t Stover 3,000 ' lbs.. 26.0 Jba '26.0 -lbs "" Total .'. . .2770 lbs 7.0 lbs- . Oats 40 bushels. .-J - - " j ' ' -". r Grain 1,280 lbs. (. ,2.0 lbs . ' 2.0 lbs Straw 2,000 lbs. .. 15.0 Iba r '15.0 lbs " """"Total ... . . .. i .117.0 lbs f 17T0 lbs; Peanuts 50 bushelsTl 4 '-'J - TT1- Nuts 1,500 lbs- ... '3.0 lbs. -XO-lbs-,. Vines 3,000 lbs.. . 37.0ys' 37.0 lbs ' Total "I . . .140.0 lbs ""ToTolbs Tobacco ......... I -- " 1 , ' ' - - Leaves 600 .lbs . 55.0 lbs. I 554) lbs Stalks, etc....... 9.0 lbs 1 ""Total .164.0 lbs t - 55.0 lbs - 1 " 1 I " . 1 1 11 i wb ii I t if-r g Cotton . Lint 300 lbs. . .V. . . 0,5 lbs ' , 0.5 lbs . Seed 550 lbs.,,.. .3.0 lbs , 1 3 A lb 'I Stalks, leaves; etc. 70.0 lbs : - "Totals 173.5 lbs I - 3.5 lbs Alfalfa ;;';-..'.. .J 1 j'- -. j v 1 . 1 1 v1 1 4 tons haySC01bs364.0 3bB 64.0 lbs ' ... .:. NV'. The amounts' tX "caltium. carbonate indicated would be supplied by simt lar amounts of, ground limestone.if it was pure . calcium' carbonate hut as ground limestoriels usually .only C04d 95 per cent calcium carbonate larger amounts, are necessary toT supply, the amounts removed hy .these -crops. . The amounts of calcium "lost by leaching or in the jdrainage water de pends, oj aconrse, on the rami all ana drainage ,tmd,on Ihe amount in .the soil, as well . as on -numerous other more or less important conditions; It must be ; stated, however that- the losses by leaching, especially oh soils" well supplied . with : lime, ; are much greater than thoBe removed in or by crops. s . .. t . , ..'-! On soils in England, kat the'Rotham sted Station, ; to - which." ; a ' hundred years before; SO tons- of " chalk, had been applied per acre;" the" lossesof calcium carbonate per.: year ranged from 564 pounds to 1185 pounds over a period of 40 years. - Wheat arid bar ley were ihe crops grown. It is, therefore, apparent that the generally accepted . practice or ad vice to apply' two or three tons of ground limestone per acreevery four to six years is based on a sound foun dation of fact... . These losses are stated for the pur - pose of giving some.' idea of what is required. to onaintain -the niipply of calcium carbonate in a .'soli under cropping conditions' Such as those described. , ",''. 1 ,V," 1 But of course, there .are other rea sons than .those of supplying rplant food or maintain in tr- the irresent sun- P'y of calcium( carbonate in the .soil, for application's bf lime to out .soils. a markedly sour soil will not produce maximum yields of most-farm crops. t: i - 4- HE Goodrich trade marls on Goodrich Black Safety Tread Tircsi3 CERTIFlCATION that they are tfcs best fabric tires made, tested did found the best on the roads of tour nation. . r ,'-. It isrtifiea millions of miles of wear and teat : Ttestb Tonji for those matchless fabric t$resmilHoria of milea -ofhardjrouiinsittotry &yfotf1 , 1 It cerixfiesthat &ijtiti'. MOLD; unbroken cure fabric con- stractjon, Goodrich always champSbned, has vindicated :5tself - in ihe hardest test put to : tires the Goodrich Test Car Jleet. ' ,--''" -V - i' A, y ' J 4 '6 ' ' t" & ' f '"' ''-''"--'"'.'.-3,,,";a-''' - - i-'--'-'.1,". r-v-w ,- '.'t.. v . : v. "!.. -J : .v i'''''' ' - ''u- " before Goodrich sells, a'ltiref to you;tires like them areljelav vrboredwee after week thrbush the Test Car System. : . " ; : With jieavy car end light car, two sets of drivers Matter them 1 v sixteen hour3 n day over sand, rock and gravel ; : . ;: . : r Amidst .the .mountains pf ."Yellowstone land ; Glacier ParksJ : in Dixieland, on the Pacific . Coast, hi the lake region of Mh nesota, around Kansas City,-over, New 'England hills; SIX ; . fleets of Goodrich Test Car3 crhid 'out .the fcesf and worst . The BESTj backed up by GcocWch Falr Tr ch Black Safety Treads you buy. : 1 r - THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBIJER CO Goodrich clsociakcd the famous SilvertoTni Cord : r- ... ... .1.. iaic ; t..n:MnaKi .- a ires, vuica woa ui? y aw &uuwg : vuauijtuvuuw Tho BcctTribca-Brown end Clray - v: - .. a. . a "( i a . 1 1 -r '. . ( .M lv,i!i 4 1:1 fl';3;'! n I '''if' Wf- !! t s ! u An U i it 8 'f 1 i Mi ' ft