(19) -707 Addre'Lettera to "The Young PeopteTXgpftmcafyilie Pro greeei reFarxaer . . - . . ALABAIIA - i V; w :-- : .; . (State Son: AilW-The sutrin National Hymn) Alabama, "Alabama,- V c "- From jhy Quarries here -the Imarble We will aye "be true tothe,-- .j ' -tirhrte g that cflPaTOs -gleams rrm thy Southern ;shnre wheTe groweth. vrWalthrg .till jthy sculptor's chisel t., fho sea thy oranffe tree; Tn thy Northern Talewhere floweth -Deep and blue thy Tennessee, ' "U Alabama, Alabama. : -------r ; : .... .; We will aye be true to thee! . f .... ; - - ;.:..- : ; 'c ; ' 'L. .';-'. Broad th'e Stream whose name :-, thou . bearest: - :;, '..';-r ' ' ', -' ' " Grand thy Blgbee Tolls -along; ;- ; ; Fair thv Ooosa Tallapoosa; - , , Bol'rt thy "Warrior, ' dark .and strong.; - -Goodlier than the land that Moses .. Climbed lone "Nbo:s 'Mount to Bee, Alabama, Alabama, j; , : We will aye e true to theel r - - From thy prairies broad and-'iiertlle. Where the .snow -white .cotton chines, , To the "hifls where coal "and iron Hide in thine sexnausttess jmlnes,- . . Strong-armed minersvsturdy farmers; Loyal -hearts whate' ex we toe, . , Alabama, Alabama, ' We will aye be true to 'thee! Wake .to .life .Chy beet's reama: - For 3i at only wealth aof nature, 'TVealfhTftTntntliast-thou in fee. ' .-. Alabama Alabama, We will aye be true to thee! , Where the perfumed south-wind whbs- Thy magnolia 'groves 'amongr, Softer than a mother' fkisses, I Sweeter ihan a mother's song; ; Where, the golden jasmin trailing, JWoos the treasure-laden -pee. Alabama, Alabama, - will aye be true to thee! - .33rave .and pure A hy .men and women, Better this than corn .and wine, Make -us worthy; God rn heaven. 'Of'fhis goodty-landof nthtmy; . Hearts as open as our doorways, Liberal 'hands and spirits -ffree," -Alabama, .Alabama, v . -will -aye be true to r thee! . IiUle, Jittte. oan "Hgive thee, Alabama, snotlrerrlnine; : ' SBilt tthat little ihami. ibxaln, spirit, ' All I. have and am are thine; .Take O take, the gift antt giver. . itralteand rve thyself with me, . Alabama,' Aiabarna, -.- v- I will aye "be true to thee! Julia Tutwiler. 'Polljinsi Grows -Dp . j (Continued from page 14,' column 4) J 7 really ,yoTi that began:it, .Pollyanna..J cut follyanna, s,m iadie ' iean s case, would have -none :of this; .nd' she; .beganno "talk of - Jamie, and of what lie ihad4one4 .'. - "'Jamies a dear Mrs.' Carrwr an swered affectionately-' "!ATidI;16ve him like in'own son, jHc couldn't be dearer to me-if he were realty my sis ter's boy:'. . ' . ;; ; ; "Then you don Vfhinlc Tie is ?M ' "I doiit 3cnow ,VeVe fiever learni ed "anyfhmg conclusive ."Sometimes I'm sure lie is. Chen again I doubt it. I thmk "he ally believes 3ie is -"bless his liearti lAt all events, one thing is ;5ijr : jht hasgood blood in '.Inm rdm somewhere. Jamie's no. ordin-arjy-twarf crf the streets, .you Jcnbw. with his. lalerits j -and the wonderful way he Aas responded to teaching course?' nodded jPoilvanna. "And a Hong ms you love Him so well, it flo-e&nk really imatter, .-anyway, -does lvVheheT lie's the real Jamie of -not?". ' . :;; Mrs. Caxjew hesitated Into heroes crept the old : somberness of hearts ache. . :..-'..-v utioL r Nf (O iS ....) II Witt 4 tS I DMtL UTtTVi mm . order MOW. I'll ship local to yor dtinitW same day I get order. Make your WITXK EiwIm w im piaceoi extra Helpdo twice as much. -TITTE EnginesI Slaas 1 to 22 H-P. Eeroseae or Gasoline. TvOr Guaranteed. Sold on 0 Dayi' Trial; Cash. PaV BMateor Deposit. Latest Prices by retarajasiU w' 'J s.foila WORKS tj 3 Not so4ar as he is concerned'.' she sighedt'last'. '"It's only that some times Iget to thinking:: if he isn't Dim Notice to Citeitant$ IF TOL contemplate writing on "Outdoor Good Times" for our Issue of July 7, be sure t& have your letters 3n Ty June 2 5 at latest. Dozens of splendid Setters Von .KMtr Com- tneacement" came in too late for the contest. tlful ; picture. Nd. longer was it called the -oor rmrt af the town, nd all because of one wee boy trying to make "hlslolty beautiful by beautifying his home. ' ' LOIS SCROGGS. ' Statesville, N. C " . CHILDREN DAY (Boys' f 1 Trlze lUttor) " ' . T WAS a beautiful JSablMtib'ia pie were coming ifrom ull directions to fho . little church on the hUl. It - was "Cnlldren'a Day. On entering fhe iioiise yoiT could ee a . crowd of children up mt fixe front Wtfa eager faces and sprakling eyeB, waiting tor the program to begin" - , '. The first thing was & march' ittilch was - played by a little girl alout ten "years :0T age. It was a gramlBtgnt.. to-"ee the chil- dren as. they marched, to the music with , their banners floating in "the1" air. The program was long and the children seemed very hapw as. fhev arose -one after another to speak. Thay did not seem excited : ; iri the least and their whole .minds neemed to be in their speeches and to make all enjoy It. - , TT IT riTATTON - Eoor.evi'Je, Miss. . - - ; . ' .. Jamie, jwhere is Jamie . Kent ? Is he well? Isheiiappy? Has'he any one' ' to love him? When I get to thinking like that, Pollyanna, I'm nearly wild. I'd give everything I have in the world, it seems to me, to really IcnowS tnat tms ooy is jjamie enr.. s Pollyamraarscd 1io thinkI ithis -bon-versation sometimes, - in her ufter - talks with Jamie. x 7an"e was so 'sure- ot 'himself. just somehowthat I feel it's Better Health Club A -BOIJT three months ago 4he hoys tnd -girls' of wir "community betw-een theges t iten wnd tteen -ovcanlaeil ;'9tter,'Halth. CSQ?.. .3he said once to Pollyantia. l , ciuh,v nd?ieaoived'to ,do something every Relieve I am Jamie Kent, I've believ? -ed ;tt 'quite while. I'm afraid i ve be day to help destroy -the Jjreeflers "of rsickness, nameiy. Hies, mosquitoes, jand -other insects. lVihave a weekly, jeport from every ;mem--ber aa to what they have alone. , Xhe 'report Js usually to thisffect; t "We put -out lime mhout the house or stable or 'any damp and' shaded .place we poured ioil "im 3onds of -stagnant water, -or turned over cans, huok-ets, -or .barrels of stale water-, where .mosquitoes -breed; we looked for and destroyed "the "breeding -places Of flies, and killed the grown ones' - All methods -of destroying fliesare. used. 'snch as "fly paper, 'traps and insect pow der, but the swatter-is . used most of all. . I think we are doing a .great work, and if every -person would - do as much. as we.our homes would Boon be 'free from flies and mos quttoes. . . We find that It is much .easier, to destroy these disease-spreaders in their immature stages than when full grown, and we do all we can 'to destroy them. -We hope that many, such clubs as. this will "C6t the Admiral Hons Pram m nostnaff moon m.z eapaaty at icost. . No foot I 4160. Writs today. Admiral Hav Sss 46 - Kanm CRv.Ca. BBBBBBSBBBISBBBBBBBBBCi ' tillLBURN WAS NO QUITTER Oaly TvelTe Yean Old, Too. liyed it so long, now, that I just couldti't h"ear s it. to . find out 1 -wasn"t. he. Mrs, Carew, has done so much for me ; just think if, after all, I were -omyoa, stranger v -But she Cloves you. Jamie." .'"n cnow he -does arid that would only . hurt all the more aon x .you see? because it. "would be hurting her. She -wants me to . be the real Jamie. I know she .does. Now if I could only, do something for herr rrfake her prpud of me in some wayJ If I could only" do something to sup port myself, even like a man! But what can I ' do, with these?" He ; soke hitterly,: and laid his hand on J the crtitches at his side. Pollvanna -was shocked and iis tressed.-'. It was Jthe first'time she had J - . r- ' . .. . e 1 . ". .f "1 ineara lamie speas oi nis innnnuy. be organized in the schools'and homes of our '5ince the pld Jbbyhood days. ,Franti- j ' "' "' " . 1 '; In -iwMW-lriafolfliMilWn - mi . ' "country, , ; '; :-:r': MART SCOTT TAYLOR (age 13). Columbia, Ala. A GREAT CITIZEN (Girls' $1 Prize Letter) IFItl the Progressive 'TaTmer' a" good p& ' a.i. Suius -to wnie doX'. littieMt- - izen of whom T han'rii '. th--i;' as a very small boy and lived in the Door." neglected part of the town. , His home was a mall tumbled-down affair and the WrnWas h?d in which his father keot BfflSherse STld nrv.i- i ... . ... - ' ' u.. y 1 . ' r -w. aiiu uncK nT thla vrna on nllilr Yrttn V - . . , t.tu a.,. " . T- rt"' 'r . TTTinna -ria.VA - trtM hoW-t.mike beads ' but "u ine people threw All tftelr t. 3Be t: ... - : 1.1.. " ' : 9 Iween the hono v " ' ,r'v v 1 wt seen; instructions for making ;ra a k ucicsy iu 111c k"c, wu 11.4 turelh.r u 4 WM a :vt mA' xos beads. . - ' I'm. sure Fm glad , Pve got the pure here millions of flies fcred. --.Tkan-aiere TO-'W"t - - : r. ... u tu.'X "fl . V 41 1ML UK M.T1I1 I lt T1 U lnl!t1H r aU 80rta which- the hoy's father didn't Making Roke "Beads rally .she iast mahout rin, her mind fdr just the bright :lhing ;to , say X but be fore "she had ven : thought ot any thing,' Jamie's . face had undergone a complete chaiige. . . - "But, there, f drget it 1 I didn't, mean to say it," he cried gaily. And 'twas rtty xorear tney wouia oe ome of some ubg. nvttn u. proken sagging wire lenee ''trhjch -iiov one f"6' enoush to -either fl or pull down. ' ' . a was twelve veara old -when lie ' -nt tq ..school. ' Tha nlftiir -M 'tMrfc. showed him . . . " ""Bid oeautuui lawns ana r ens. Then she ordered some flowers for" ?or a penny a packaged He first put Poking gioriee al0ng .th ot the shed. ' som ater8, then violets, All of which 'eW and hi4 the Shed.. Then n naattir. ' luma and all kbvd . 'ji , l . T.iiijiS uvnxin aiuuuu lf VU,T heap a to hide It. He put W ' ird rr "ong me vines -lor the little . He had enousrh Aowapb hovn fmah nes on the table every day and some for his He wanted to -fbr th, f.--!-V.", ,.1 ot dig new post holes to put aew wire upio iS What ha riiA ti- ' . ... crutches-. They're a whole lot nicer .9 - ts n . in fine- keep them In an old '-iron pot to turn tnan tne. wneei Cnair 1 - them black. Grind once a day for fifteen ' "An d the Jolly -Book do yOU keep ' days. Then roll' them, into beads and string zMi 'now?" asked . Pollyanna, in a voice on a hat pin. When dry,. polish with shoe -that trembled a little. polish.' They, may be strung alternately with small gold beads or in. any way desired. I like to ride horseback and to ride a bicy cle, and X certainly like to read. I have -read lofs of good books. T '. - ' ' . I belong to the tomato club. I have canned .several things besides tomatoes.. I am going Mo make me a tomato recipe" book:. K ' -v- - . V ..MART LOWELtr. "; Brookhaven, Miss. ' Sure 1 I've got a whole library of jolly "books now." ; he retorted. -.-"They're ail in leather, dark red, -except the first one. That . is 'the. same little " old notebook that Jerry " gave me." ' . "Jerry ! " And I've been meaning all ' tne.time to asK ior mm, criea roiiy anna. "Where is he?" ' , "In JBostoh ; .and his vocabulary - is Editorial Comment: We are told red roses r just as picturesque as ever, only he make ; the most fragrant beads, and a few hasltO tone it down at times. , Jerry's still in, the newspaper; business out heY getting the news, not selling it. Reporting,' you know. I haveheen ableto"'.help . him "and mumsey. , Arid dotfi you-supposel was glad? Mum sey?s in a sanatorium for her rleuma tism.w " ,; ' . . ' , ' "And is 5he better ?'l ' : - . 'X7erv much. She's coming out brct- ty "soon, 'and going 'to housekeeping J withvjerry,. Jerxys .been making up J some ox nis lost scnooung inescpast'i drops attar of roses (from the drug store) added to the mass make the perfume more 'lasting. '.' f FORM VS. FOOD Zaf the-fene o they hid It entirely. In'.. Fred -Kelly,. -the ; Ohio humorist, leajtt' r' ont yard he put sweet - -newrich family :in Cleveland, -who . were 1e- and hyacinth, voi w i V " " "grrrnrnr -to put on a lot or atrs, trrreti a roi- . "cintn nd hack f the house he j,rd -arlrl 4ast arrived from the South tto met egetable garden. ' - ' " . as their serving maid. . Her jiew mistress in the. next-house" wa. ;ii-:-,. - Insisted '4hat all meals should be venred In '. who hun hi- i. - ' courses. Even -when there wasn't very: much hn .. nis he&d In very shame to see to eatlt was brought to the table In courses. v' o email a v i v . . . ... .. . .v. v .ii v ,,m i - - uuuii up ao oeauinuiiy. - -k uiv cuu vi ne had dona r-u'.4.. her f Job. Being' ' next i.u': - i quitting so mnAAti next v 'wcVWOTl ashamed Uoo-iid W fI'li U .you, raUatlUhewTx0l. b1Ar , ..4-' ew-ness of do -vittlesr-05aturday fiJrenmf ; f TIhd td rean for' fcw.ytars. He's Jet me help him but r-ZadyiT die yere house , only as a Joan.; He's been very parr .shiftin' joi de jdishes -fur de . ticular to. stipulate that . - tipulate (Continued next week) The Progressive Farmer. Dear Sirs : .1 am sending a picture of my self and' .my pig which I receiv- ved for ettfhg up; a.fclub ofsub'f a scriptions. ; It required a long; time to get the necessary hum-. htr. I secured ten before jOnstmaS 'arid 'as Iwas going : to school I idid 'riot have much V chance to'work:,I thought once that I puld'n6.t finish my. ;club arid jiecitled to giveit up. Then "about the ' middle Jpf January I s . changed 'mymind. I-jtist must have that pig. OtuerVboys were earning ifinepigs and I aid to "myself, Stirely, lliTburn'Baker: you -are riot a quitter 1" So I ' went to work in real -earnest then and within a few days I ; . ' firiished my club. It was easy ' after -all. Most tasks are easier ; than they seem. " ' ' I received "Lady Sophia" No. '621016 promptly, and, hoys, she is certainly a beauty. It. does hot seem possible you could i give so fine a pig' for so little ' work. This picture was taken -, when Lady Sophia weighed 140 '-'pounds, and I would not take less than $50 for her today. I am thanking you very much for sending me this fine pig and. t for your promptness in sending her. I have joined the Pig Club as a permanent member and will be able to show some fine hogs later. . " ? I am twelve jears old. " . . 1IILBURN BAKER. Columbia County, Ark. 'WOTICEi-FiU in the Pig Club . nomination -form printed . else- ; - where in this issue and get ' started on your club; today. ' I it Vs mm !! I 1 1 1 i '