i - 1 i r , 1 t - ''Mi Hi i'il Hi 1 I 5 . 1 ; 743 (12) . With "the Fihge.Tc!: "Gcmo -Lilt 'Out : Without Pain Ar?lj r"cV Drops, Then LL't Ceres ; or Callouses CI Step Corn v-. Soreness Instantly FT7 Cdited try tVIIIS. W. N. IIUTT TI::: ' : : 1VE FARMER - :..cr IHz.lt TF. VOU vant:tfce mo,t bcautifu! Arhn;bi22: roses this side of pandit try -American Pillar." Several aso I saw them.advertised and decid -ed if one-tenth cfvhatrwas sairf J TVm tr beeJs inlds the wander ((. It castas aa al1 atfio ras . 4tfnmii4 fcJ a Ohttm asaav It to oiJrf famia. Is to a -- - . gmmd aaaoe tram nli. v ' vteasnoons baking-powder.- whites Ci errs. -'.Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, milk., and floor mixed and sifted -with, bak inr nawdrr: -then add -the -whites' I rjgs r them v,a$ Jruc 'thcv wonM k. ...... wx wru worth while, so three. were ord . and: panted ntcnj the south rmr .' Arcly a tew drer ef tkis trmcem mtmrn a tmdet. ertms cira er a bard toad ealkws. lsataaUy tba mu baarvear and snorCy yaw TUlCnd r- ams SO laiiuui an that Tom Jut EA tt ea wun us have Fuurr vnni every . . . . .beaten -atlff. -Steam UxJrty-flTe iinlmitei-la 1 OW thCJ have rOWil into 75 ftet of Beaae.V FooJVali.ev It Contain such absolute loveliness that one Iron, Fboaphoros, tie, nca uoc Taa feel as raia r awa hea tIl f i er afterward. It 6eamt evea kxitxto Om akia. - 2t ack la asr drat' atore tar a am2 botzle ef Iiiwm- This win coat bet a Irw cnta bat w3 taitMf rid tow peer. anSeriBc fert ef every aara aora. eeft arB.-r- eaca -fcetweca tbt ton. cr dm tewxk eaBooacs wn bettcaa ef fect. Uyoar drocaia hasn't any freoone he can get to at any vbolaato i 1 1 tors Prescribe' as Tonics Ue$ Fruit Jolces, Raw Fruits Some Recipes T ET us get oor health from garden and berry patch instead of from bottles and pill-boxes. Let ns live, like kings" but on' the. income of cob blers. ' , ; :-: J To do this requires thrift; thought and a fair expenditure" of money. Ho on' erer heard oj. a-stingy man' liv ing fwefl; and ' cheaply. . To do ' this money: and energy must be spent for the best trees, bushes, plants, spray ctrawberry eauce. - - - - ' gasps ior Dreatn. ihey are ramnan Baked PearsTOpe. quarter, .and core rrowersand such masses nf t pearm. Pntlna deep pudding dish, spriakle fc V . uu iiiasscs oi DIoom I with sugar or add a small quantity- oi mo lasses, then add waUr to prevent pears from burning. Cover, and cook two or three , hours In a very slow oven. ' Small pears may ; be baked ; whole. Seckel pears are oeucioue when.baked.- . .---4 , - XI i 'v-:. :. Blackberry Flosamery-CooTc four pints : of ripe blackberries wlthl tworupfnls of su gar for fifteen minutes, -Boil one quart of milk and- stir: In one cupful ofr ground lice; " cook for twenty minutes. -Add-the blackber-j ries, a'teaspoenful of lemon extract, and stir, till -thick. -Cover, with two whites of eggs .beaten stiff with, two tablespoonfuls ot pow dered r sugar. . f': '.. :,.? (:z ; ? -, - i v . , - Frnit Saladw--Cfbp ' trp -. into' one-half Inch v s91res w-ZS!?.1 Jf.u j?t beautiful rose; so dainty it is almost lowr fruitaf possible. -Trr. also io-combine - a? tairy flower, . but mme was spoiled - .oM fmita Him ohArriM fiTM -frnit-'-or aonrr "- tij .1 . have never: seen in anv othir re- The blossoms are single, a deep rose with white centergrowing in clus ters. Selecting- one "at- random i counted 32 buds and blossoms and as they growbri; long stems; many near ly a. yard . in : length, th'cy ire fine for a l .k . .. .-, ucwiuyc puivwscs. Any.good rose nursery has - them for" sale. So far there has been no insect enemies and no - blight ;l ,Fianimais another er, spraymgmatenal,;fruif jars, and .acid tfjyU! by planting it next the Ameriran lVirr-fief tiw 1 1 m buying thmgs in quanUty. railing ness add celery, or apples cut m the same Pillar, sol this fall it will be moved 'V w i6J H . V.1V. mncf- K .r wrttft a ithsrTi knlfp. and moistened With - " 'iii' a nr BiccesteamieTDargsisevwr cered.Holds24 S4bLeanss caily capacity 300 to 408 cans: eewfraed wrilh Ianw (turta fnr coal or wood: ehareoal '1 rs-pot, smoke stack. can tones, topping cop per, and wonderial book of inctnetaoss. evinganiwcipes. all for only tllf9, Wltnityouean make tit to t23 a daT. saTine surplus frcitand vegetables and canning it ia glass or tia for the market. eryony own table, tjanners aa szzes ana prVeesi AH gnsriTt teed money back it bq uHsed.r Get our offer of cask prizes for heft work done on Ilajestie. .write today lot IoUmc wt .taitadlataia son. 5"'' on a lettuce lear, or ii you nave none, wun a little sprig of -green. At. big grape leaf looks very pretty but, of course, cannot . be eaten.- Moisten with the juice or some sour nn ml KoMt T 1 fruits Just before; serving :addi a -cream 5nt evcnmisseq, Decause 1 have been The peonies are all gone, and were -.-. i;1 rmW nil -i one teaspoon salt, two .teaspoons-Hour., one . ivu-ju - and one-half teaspoons "spraying of trees; that is.au. few grains cayenno pc ". fdwsetsaalII10Bsadssetdy.c 1 ? t i hon aai kec war wiA a . ff .J. l T cssiase. 1-IS K Issayk caaa I JCi XJt CsrcHsa Cetsl PreCsets Co., kaa fad. Prim. 1229 sad vs. W Wrist fc FIXE PcstCrncwCa 13 asVaOwwftwit.tiJLtgrs IIUSGZ 1 AIXStT raSr row frchs easily canoed, i P&tw p"Ml fona. coke- and Caver. -Qvxkrx and gbrajer than Two jars er cans. of ptffcts evtrr 5- aBin- Tstom. Whale fnaatoas IX limrtiw. a any stove.. Endorsed ay hfctesr aa thoritke book of dirae--txxai br Mrs. Barer. Kim- rW to operate. Sent prepaid for f fc5e aaoney or der. West ef ICacwaippi. ST. BMsto-Ssssicr Ce, P. UttfH Aveeee. PaHaelahla. r t v 1 -A i t: "JIB. HOOVEB them : in War. -1 IwapafjHaj. Saai farSaya aaaalaad - f j at yj,fjy'',"VIT I" ,v iMBtalaa KtaoaaHHa I iV V Oiaer twaawataa aaadaia IS. P ' Itotaa II UmaenllaalMMMlfrta .Otfceri 'S1T.7S Sfcwsa i to trade. Si to toetaar Vlrwa, 1 y waiiiyawtwreaa)oc DmIi . V- MiiiyaetwtawrwMMocaasaaua rAO CVCU CQL. C7T.S-7Sa DAISY FLY KHIEl Slsead asywWc. sf vacts sad kOs afl v tica. Keat. deaa.er i i mi i i ' chaap. Lasts all sea son. Made of SKtaL caaf apQl er tip er; will not setter inters sayifci&c. Gaaraa-j teed effective. Bdd oy dcatots. or by extras prcsaid. nr JL HAROLD SOBERS, l DalUa Ava, BrsaUra. M.Y. THE IMPROVED MONARCH , rant all' Fruits, .Vegetables and " Wnta in glass or tin' by latest COLD PACK METHODS, tain riUwr steam or hot water rrotaaa. Writs today . for Illustrated lit-. eratura and special Club prices. Address. MONARCH MFC.'CO.. pepjL SOQ, , CsatUseefS, Tess. ti JIm. l lw th6 "WWtr of our adver ti.pments but you must mention The Pro- n wive Farmer when Von write. " to do this, money and health must be JJash comoari - i, -. - J - 1 v ICUiVU saaV ev .J VT VUfc - vavr wa waa m w w . - - . spent v tur uutiuia, mugs, uu giir-j cers bills and with it all there is but ' a hand-to-mouth existence. i Let us enjoy 1 nut and not Have to .dreEsing . ; , - r so busy thrillinir over the vellow mro put our spectacles on every time we ceam ; Dre8ing--)ne teaspoon musterd, ; opsSf Diuc larkspur and red poppies - and one-half -teaspoons -powdered sugar-, -a ..lnat. COmpinatlOn, although it- has epper,?. one- teaspoon ; " Aefimi -.Se eA. Tlnn,,eU, f..i melted butter, yolk of ono egg.; one-tnlro; r . - 77 . cup hot vinegar.-one-half cup thick cream, -.it: IS eilOUgn-tO.make Ola Job himself Let us tWlxe cit wl decide have it. To cat it out-of-hand is stirring constantly, r until mixture .tbickens: . thateven if; he did come ' into the 1 r i-a t --x -It. . cool, and, add to;neay.; creamJiea.teii -mW: &Zi4A(tu A ft1ie , .Ai';t. r j splendid, but to Cnse it with : every stiff. ; Ia ;t X -;r .h ;w.ltn. no clothes to speak of and coarse of the'meal is better; Ftesen hrape Jmcev-rTo:,evety the?same way, there Begin the meal with fruit A dainty measure, and the same amount of sugar s,a Jot to see that ;war well worth little dact rrtr -nf rt Mcri ' nr of , iulce, - Make a -syrup n4 when Jt is vwhlle between COmmg and going, little glass. CUp -Ot . cut peacnes or cold add juice and freeze.. When half, froxen - ; iftc T nmc iv ATTCDcmr freshly- gathered berries r will itimu" add the-beaten whites of two.eggs. .- iic - uic - appcuie - oi - any nor .ana ; i weary man. Sugar very lightly; if a alL. as it may lessen -the appetite for ' other food. . Atr the plate, vhaye- a glass of cool fruit juice, f Plum and? blackberry make a good combination," as ;do strawberry and lemoni. In fact, a little lemon should be added to any fruit juice, as "it develops; the flavor of the other as does salt with beef.' Grape juice and raspberry vinegar are delicious J v If -you" can get ; ice," pound it-fine and" fill the glass " with? it, add the juice, and put in a sprig of f ! mint. Straws can .be bought wher ever- drinks ; are sold foe thirty-five -vcuts iw uvc. uunurcu. - niiaren en-- joy: them: v:: . 'itpzz f ';'fewVjruitlrccipes follow : plealse ; w jr -rtu ut J.UCIU.- x uouga put-. one iruit- is suggested others can be substituted. a-mic JoOMer, Fruit cobbler Is 'better maa pie -oecauso it ban more fruit And less; crustr r Pill - an earthen " or enameled - pan threev.fonrths full, that is, two or three inches ueepwiu i run. aaa sugar enough to make i quite sweet. Sprinkle flour over it and put -a small up-turned enp in the middle to sup-" port the crust and keep the Juice from -boil-' ing oven - Cover with a pie crust or a thln, rich biscuit crust. Prick, and bake in a hot oven. . - . ;. r ' . . FrsJt pie Is best . made In . perforated pie tins, as. the crust will notbo soggy. They cost the same as the other pie tins.:, If you havenone. bake the crust beforehand on the Doitom ox tne tins, . instead eft the Inside. ' Keep in a tight tin box. In a cool place. When you wish a pio or two, fill with fruit. add . sugar , and some strips vof crust and shore in sv hot oven. 4 . j.. ' , ; 1 Frnit Geialiaew One-fourth box - gelatine or one tablespoon - granulated, gelatine, one-' fourth cup cold water;' one cup boiling wa tr. one cup sugar,, one-fourtn cup lemon . jadce, whites of three egga ; . v .i ' , Soak .the gelatine inold 'water, dissolve in boiling water, add sugar and- lemon Juice. strain, and set aside in cool place; occasion- r airy stir -mixture and when quite thick, beat' with wire spoon or whisk until frothy; add whites of eggs" beaten stiff, and continue oeatlng until stiff enough to hold Its shape. Mold, or pile by spoonfuls, on glass dish; serve 'Cold with boiled custard... A very at tractive dish may be prepared by coloring nan ane mixture wun irmt red." "Fruit Trifle, Line a glass dish with thin slices of stale fruit cake. Sprinkle In one- half cup of fruit Juice. Fill the bowl one half full of berries or. slices of peaches. -Make a boiled custard, flavored wlth'lemon. Chill and Justbef ore serving pour over the berries and cake. Decorate with the beaten whites- of eggs sweetened, and a Yew red -berries. Serve very cold. . , . .- - Fruit Shortcake. Flour to" make soft dough, four teaspoons baklng-ppwder, uone -half teaspoon .salt, three-fourths .cup milk. one-fourth cup butter. Mix the dry ingredl entsr sif r twice, work in butter with tips of " fingers, addmllk gradually. Toss on floured ' board, . dlvWe In two , parts.' Pat, roll . out, and bake twelve minute in a hot oven In buttered tins. Split, and spread with butter. Sweeten the,frult to taste, place on .back of -range until 'warmed,', and put between and on top of short cake; . ... ' . ".... .'. BnewbaU raddlng One-half cup butter; . one cup sugar, one-half cup milk, two and onefourth. cups flour,, three and one-half - ALL H0OSEW1VE&TO BE EIIUSTED III IIATIOIIAL SERVICE HERBERT C Hoover outlined nta..pUns for cnlisUng the , Nation's housewiTes as members of the food administration, r and appeals to thenT to join him in the fight for conservation measures and the elimination, of waste. The" women will, be enrolled ' during a period of registration from July 1 to July 15 through the Council of National Defense and the state de fense councils. He says:' . '"v"' ; ' Ve ask erery .woman - in the ' United States engaged in the personal control of food to register if or actual membership in the food administration entering directly ; into Xkm National service. We ; shall later on ask rarious classes of men likewise ; i engaged in food preparation .and distribution to also yolunteer to- the National service tn their various Braiiche'aAf, "The proper assurance of tHe food to our allies will not only encourage them but it will maintain Without a larger' margin ' from" our abundant food supply, only to be secured by individual effort and olunteer' sacrifice, - the war wiU be prolongedT and thousands .of lives, not only of men but also of women and. children, .needlessly' 'Iostv: The guiding hand f of women in the home can" alone control this matter. V - r "In all of the arrangements which we plan to make during the forthcoming year for the supply of our allies, we, will bear the first " regard to our own people, that they shall have plenty. ", ., TWa not only wantthe names and addresses but we want the number of persons in the household,' we want to know whether the i household employs a cook, whether it has a garden, end we want to r know the occupation of The bread winner..:. V ' i ;- "We have six general principles of instruction: . p, "First To saye the wheaL If we eat as usual from our harvest this year, we will have little more than enough for our own supply but we can divide with our allies if each individual make some sacri fice; by eating at least one wheatless meal a Hay, substituting corn " bread or other cereals. ,".V.w''.;. ''' V-: v' "irv -:' . - "Second We want to save the 'meat, for our cattle and hogs are decreasing, and we must send to our allies, so wo wish eyery house-. , holder to buy less, to serve smaller portions and .to allow no waste. " fThird We wish to save the fats. We consume three times the ' . fats that are necessary for nutrition, and we need them now for war. - We wish no butter used in cooking; we want: less butter served on '- the table; we want less lard, bacon and other pork products used. v J "Fourth Any deficiencies in food-supply,, by economy along the aboyelines, can be amply cbvered by , increasing the use of fibf - potatoes, beans, peas, turnips, cabbage and : vegetables 'generally corn, buckwheat, rye and rice which we will haye in abundance this '"'harvest. - '. .. . "' -'. .J -V.' . ' rt.,-"Eif th We want to save transportation. Our Vail ways are unable to meet the war pressure for munitions, men and coal s6 that we s-. b yery one to consume products of local origin So far as possible,' to buy from the local rojller, the local packer, buy and eat vegetables grown near home. ' . : " . . . . ' : . - - - "Stxth-lWe preach and want everyone to -preach 'thergospel ot the clean plate;' to buy less, foodstuffs, to serve; smaller portions ia., .7 to see that nothing of value 'goes into the garbage cn."; . ' 1

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