3IVE FARMER () I. -1 3A silo ? :: i factory ernoe ! r-rcia utcrest to yo. lie cost i U mauriU. i. nn nrm a i'oCvc:2KB ' Grows - Up- -1 crcxusiurx) itie-Seco'iidGl rrRADE-JOsao : By pLEANOH.IL POllTEIl CopjTigW. 1013. by Tli Pane Co. 0 I i i j ; i t I I i; to r is In 1 j not-" I f rrm- . c rye f ' .i'tl t 7. I : f fc"a, --, 1 faw, .. 1 T'm""1'"'" p- ilofliii. Grip Hook Tvrt F leeoa mTuj wn imu jc moth m mm saapiafiut LNotwttto WVNbutMNMt' tat 'max, mnf waste tiiBSw. powt. PsteatM lw-ped oos-pouex ami cleuir . Save 1-C tol-4iioijr cartal eeftrny bufit. A fourth kearier With oBtterfal record Tor long aantoe. . Wtl foe. latest catalog and - i wrtta a nmhrt SlniiwlMliav ' Plow CO.. . and Dallas, T. r iaIIT Mta. Ca it 49, ... r-v-llaaJtw4fc.WIfc.i-ey:i - mT?! Our hay caps sare hay and al Taiia iroin Tam ana imiacTT. TxcnxA siuibleaching.jyiow hay to cure properly tvithout wMnrocBdryinC VlcwluwjuMcinwm bed 1-awie ndnr-Tirwprool. Fay back cost samy tistes. Ou location makes possible low price. . Alto aoaeyaannf pnoea. -ffanptahiyafi t uriafao- tion fTiarantced. Write ' for prkeawiid catalog. c&3tja 4-c Attaata, Ca, O ivcmiiianccr iiiaucu nmc day 'shipment is received Ho Ccsssassica To Pay bwaafiaaalUSS 1XCSVIXX.sX ILESIPIElOEZA SEED "SAVER Saves too to lS'lnubels of seed per acre, Iespedez aeed la worth above i m bushel. ; The savinf o one aae win BKire than saw its cost. t an bo attached to any standard mowtr in : fit minutes. : No holes to drill. Uae mower trrench. Two ateea, V4 and 5 feet. Only JL2. Batiafactioa . gutramted. . Give make and size of mower.' - The abore price is sub-. Ject to advance y without notice as we have only a limited rtKrxks. Mail jout order before advance. t COLE SEED SAyEB CO.. New bar a. . , .-. ' TaDsetsce. r-4 y-rrrrYrrXTr j ' i."'- "i wwaaawaawaal IfEAMS OTTB HAM LESS. Fares 20 alisf Cost 135'1 7?. I fend tTa Ton Ordora and (. atKsaMirtootUay Laja-FajaaHayfraasCalwWjwaibai.lUamCay Get the AAwiral Tit iVam Boautaa matM-rnaker. UiS eapadt-f at lowaat enat.' No foot faaaflnc. tiao. Write todayT" ; ttt - - 5?;5f, - tea 4ft aaamCtbj.tla. i Thaaet way to get every farmer In yanr n ithborhood working tegether along all pro rrstTe llnea la te gat every one ot them t. iing the llvest and moat progressive farm r you knew. We don't say The Progres. l armer. If yea knowA. better one vse It. r wsse help the best one yn know. ...).- Miwim.! v -V .A uon iot JTeinr Biaa" -jura, wrew uk 'llDtlKnr anU' iurflcu. ' ihct saw uis ITPT2S.47 . i.f N- '?. . x V I a crjM. tha cadnio tnat an w rjtce thenand iell back; shocked and bTm b-r i kV, c&ly a long-as doesn't ireacJi. XTttnont .?Vfc- L . - . V- - -M 1 23 SMI 1 BVI a ir a ' 1 U ;wv? (0) L ,,-mmm. n Hay a l -v ii - 'V; synopsis ':r ";: i ' Fotlyanna "has fully; recovers from her. hurt f w " - . . -Injuries, received In the automoWh aecWenV UlVi, ' ' ' ' V and 'during her Uncle .and Aunfa visit TlTCrc was no answer. : ;: . , ,t v. "'. Grauuqr. is PMis wir In Bostoa -:.Wliaf is ll oW fellow ? . Are-VdU ! wltli - a Mra. -carew. - Several - Tears lira, CareWa nephew,' jam!, was nidnep-; ped and Pollyanna nndaher: embittered by KoS' SSSST? in?: ret f drs brself la baauUful iotha and jewela f and occupy the family pew at church aer- -wb ca.ua himself ran old dtiBW ma awaiy dlacauraged lrL -Pollyanna loea har f way. and la taken bMM hy Jerry, mtla , to Teed - the aqvlrrels nd - blrda and thera T t J t M.m. trew sx-nepnew, . aire, c-araw w .inanc- d U Otter the boy Poiiyanna S.ISO etermlsm 1 for Sadia . i i ww uwa u4 -- w j" mr u f "r -. i- . - however, doesnt We lip. and la X .TFiii r 'ZCsLZ to flhUm triend who caraa" my i5etjnow, 3; on x,yauyiningv Damn, her Ptibltc JaJieii tHeO: xaowir nrfo HFiyMina - sorely Jthis, he finished hrokenry, as he torn- fera Jamto a, home; and h-THa. 1 Sadicie4 and wMng batk along the narrow too, nua lasi iriena m Airs, varewi . folly- antn spenOs tx yra' ta Gtrnaay with Dri;It. ad-Mra.:iClimoj.-t6R-:;.Clultttc.d$e pactediy. and at almost the same lima Mra-Jr. wwwn ir niai sue m pracucauy ruinea Unancially. The two women return t Beld-! IngaviH. and Pollyanna has & plan which she thinks will enable' them to keep -the old homve. kThTtmsli Miss Wethwly ahe a.f raueea entertain Mrs. Care wV Jamie and -Sadie iean ror tn iiar.vv-v.fer ciiArrEirxn-caaud) othety each little finer than the one wittua .her reach iafo:rf ww t:i 11; Kt. a the waiting-Jamie, ?PoUyanaaook- lug axutuuiriy attractive in ncr scar- let sweater skiooedlfrom bunch im fl v ""r "i,J 8 l rlesh, she hnished; as Jl vi goiaenroi rfuways ; lust aiieatuxaijiedindly ujr bufttlr; adding to .hes't'breiShe;had tjd5jimmyV-4wtth'' a ; sigh that-was both hands full when there came the- not all for Jamie, went. '.v -i ?; hideous bellow of an angry? buUthel'jSrirlrf1- tagoanzed shout irom' Jamieatidithe sound of hoots thundering down -.the-i "Vr "- VViiai - Happened nexi was never ; :ji.'-f.--zum ct. f "! j j - - """f her. goldenrod and ran ran - as she never had heforerran as she thought? whenever couldtun back toward the r wall and-Jamie She knew that he't hind her the hoof-beats Were gaining;4 'gainingyalways!a!hmg;Dimly lesslyy fWahead of iiersh sawjam ie's agoiiizedV face, and &he hoarse cries.iSThenfrom somewhere. came a hew vdicWlmmy's shouting .thatiUstdayatcamwithUts-nfor. a cheery call bf .courage. e ; :- v: f '. SUII on and', on ;ihcaVMiiiaiyS besure, she and Jimmy had eas hearing nearer and nearer and nearer. y caught up with Jamie, and had, the thud, of- those pounding hoofs. t a!ter;Consjdcrale coaxing, persuaded Once she stumbled, and - almost fell him to turn abcrat and go to the Ba: Then, dizzily she righted" herself? and sm with them. But, in spite of every- plunged ; forward, bhe y telt v heT strength ; quite gon e iwhen" close .; to her , t she heard cheerv call ara'nL1 Thp. next J she felt herself; snatched. off her feet; ana neia ciose to a great mroDDing; wuucniui Knowing ex- something that dimly she realized was actly what had happened, very evi Timmy's heart. ' It was all a horrid ' dently :felt that something was hot blur then of : cries, ."hot, panting' qmteright, . though they plainly tried breaths, ah pounding hoofs thun- 6 hide the fact that they did feel so. dermg nearer, ever, nearer.; Then,- Naturally, in this: state of affairs, rest just as'she knew those1 hoofs to -be al- ? happiness was out of the question most upon ner, sne leu nerseit nung, still in. Jimmy's arms, sharply to one side, and yet not: $o tar but that she still could f eel the hot breath'of . the maddened: animal" as he' dashed -by. Almost at once then she found her " self on-the other side of the wall,; With Jimmy4jCrtdmg over ierf implor- ihg her to. tell him' she; was'not With an hysterical laugh that was yet half a sob, she struggled out of his arms and stood upon her feet.' r imnf-'wA?r I nh'.thal- wtii onlpnHV i . itow oia you ao it i . snc paniea. l - ' Poohl; That was; nothing. I iust 1 - x" w, ' .V 1 V JU31. J " i . An inarticulate choking ' cry brought his 'Words to a sudden halt. He turned to find Jamie face.down on the "ground, a - little - distance, away. Pollyarina was already hurrying t0r': ward him.' - . .. ' , . ; ' . - : ' ; "Jamie, Jamie, whai'is the matter? 1 ' uTonA? TJn irif1 thnVe f n vai, "Well, gents." I VW I - awwww -aa i W V W4aV J . B . iiiiiii v. - j i jviaiaik'iia. .aiia ais ii' in . .m f -w m. . . I . J 1 1 - 11UW UU1U. KldUj ILldU 1 WIS LU llCdr,. Ill U UIUVU 1UI : ........ - - i l she cried. Did you fall? Art you ntrrt r . acmanaea j immy., ..v ..v ..-r-; , . .-. I rSttll there was lio aiswerV Thtn. soddenly, Jamie pulled himself half JlUSklly, ? flinging Out Wth his haflds. .DoJl't vOU SUOOOse it hurtl tO -See anything? . To;he tied, helpless, to, a pair Of . StlCKS f . 1 tell VOU ; there S no tvi. n'f. -mWM.f Ar.m1 J3ut-but Jamie," faltered Folly- vt)o If-interrupt crippSeVal iiu iiitii icu iu iuc wu4ii..v-fy'V;:i.-iur i'ii,.. ;i two behind him watched htm goV ?Well, ;byr-ove t Sibreathed Jimmy, ieh,vin a voice that shook a little. ('That was -tough-on himV . ."And'. I :didh'i: think, "and ' nraised you.: right, before hirfl,? halfsobbed P6flyanna? flArid; his"tohds-Hdid you. see ".them? Thev were bleedinj? whercthe nails i had t rght into the she turned and the path. ; j f r ;. a-nna," w-where are you & l m going to jamie. ot course! t lio y thmkd leave .hmi leuhatr " 1 d.T-r-t--."T:' ck. , . -'j .. - :; rc CHAPTER XXIV a -.:; Jiminy . Wakes Up x .-'V T' fAuTWARDLY , the damping trip ; Vr , .a- urnnnnnrpA n trrat snrrpc : - u wa$ pronouncea a great success, but mwardly.---i-c:y. . , ,t .- : : . dIya wdred4om5times r ere a peculiar, indefinableconstraint everybody -with.' everybody; else. lVand; shethought wniiesitatingiy i sno .attributed ity to -ouys xery eviuenr enoris to acx as it overdid; their, gayety - a bit, perhaps ; jcvch mc anncipaieu -nsn ainner was flavorless; and early in the afternoon the start was made bade to the camp -, (Continued next week) ' . ' " - i i . '-: - '. v ftftflTHPPM wtriTxr-M-pi ca . - A group ' t)f - Northern-era at a, hAti in Louisville wero poking fun at the partiality ?lt?TJ ' ot.aoioneu- Major," and "Judre, , "What Ja a. colonel hereabouts ?" asked one of the group, and there immediately followed a discussion. Finally a colored at tendant waa drawn In.' - , - - . said the Negro, "dere'a lota at airestian. . ree tonow- wae horn kunaels 4t jes run aerations. .'An' I'sa know- ed folks what Vaa Jest BDD'Inted ta b ku&. - nets. Ad. Vit Others what waa nl lrnn. tt by betn kind to mrri.. w.V;. fny mant gives me a dollah la knnael to ine hencefo'th . focevak." JCvarybadfa f Magatina. - 7 v "nf- a.r , the doctoh'cohfirmed Ylsltor--My good man, yoa Keep yoiT pigs much, too near the house. . - - , Cottrer-Thftfa Juat what the doctor said ,Trram. ITut I .don't' nre .how: ir agoln to hurt 'enit-I'unclx ' ', . . - ' . iwi iw muwew. rnnct haVttitxr Ha hart tmtreriwi frt suddenly," nouiing out ot tne orcunary nad nap Jimmy's pened, nobody really succeeded in do- .minnt: ' ng so. ' Jrollyanna,-Jamie," and Jimmr J .AVly mtc money U ct.x.t7 wul.cort yon 2-Ct T3 tr-J 0' r?psition to eon- tract tier? fw rear 2a j iT 7ocCll Lava rmntn a-ijff cln c? cl Earner fH E"3 AXSSON. INDIANA. 673 Exchasje HuIIdln.- HANSAS CITV nr o,,f : ell? Wldi ntw "Sennena fW!ne von can fret mum power rem a gaiioa x M Keroaena tuan yoa eaa fran a cailonf 2i or 25 eent asoiine in an v mm. oima engmft. lo eracjana;, no oattenea, easy to Wtart,at7 to oparat. s- r.l..tl. -Etrer Tamer -who V-..-.w J Ww.v ewtrn aa engine -or arpecta to tray one should know how to figure -exactly What aa eBgine w wor vaja vsa na "Wttlvola the bead deeiffa, the onVaet cylinder eonstraction and larger valres, ea Daya Trial. 10 Year Cwrmito. " . Xongaat 'sold Sjiet from fa. I latf uhmc. Mtore you Duy 1 nr ikh CM lay aet yiiifauar. VrittWv, f ' 6eO.CLONO, f OTTATfH HFQ. CO ; 3 tx a. EASYASFALLIIIGOFFALOG r The Progressive-Farmer GettmgTup i enougtsubscriptions to earn my splendid pig was easy as:falling;bf tion ' -name' Pis progressive . Cham- pion;; ;'rny wif e f nicknamed him (mmy,' and this suits him well. ;enyoti wrote xrie;; that my subscription had expired l sent $L00 to rericwj for on year and nominated myself for'xnembership in' the Pig;Club, and I have been glad of it ever, since;-; ; ; . Yours .truly 7 i ' "j:-;,-;;; FRANK FOUNTAIN. . -Dublin County, N..C T. KOTEtYev youmay nominate yourself by renewing orjplacing a new subscription for. The Pro gressive Farmer. You may. also nominate yourself by sending m thei-siibscrlption. of some relative or friend.'. Please use the 'nomina tion -form : which ;ippears . else where in this issue. ' r. jr.;; V 1 "ft . :0-V: V i I I , 1 11 111 i'i' 'i ' 'i ' ' l.fiTil l' -ii m f lllHHMMIHit tWj.M.. . Itamember that if what you 11 la not advertlal U The resaWa Fan , in our rurmfrV I ! snj'. ;

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