Saturday. Jur.c :- 1-1" GEORGIA'S TCilOOL KEED5 (S) G uR"x3 D U G ATI O N DIRECTORY: Superintendent Brittaia EapL&iizes kAmmntlEt 01 w. . f illitiititf t tt......... . , culturI na uoraeiuc jsienco in-, i m . three heads . n o n M M I, Consolidation crhobls," permit me to'answer under- S 3 - :.; - v.,- v;.v." v-Vv.::,"i i 1 -r : r -:; " as follows : - ' " I ;.:. V'V?:.: -Ovr W ; - aa . . I X U ... 'I'M..';... - . Ac .r-nrtr "(.vprvtfV attract nd retain I e v: - , wO V2ia If VV .a- " w 7 " .. - , ,I.H n . . . the 'strongesCteachers in the work hS S i ; of rural education mc uiiu 01 0111- - ization must, be larger-in oraer 10 pay salaries: : : Seeing plainly the frequently farcical work which al- 2 gvfo;: net necessarily-resiults. from the ef- ''UttMli; : ffiWfflSCT I culture ? ' SCHOLARSHIP trrades, as. Iweil.. asJ:: in.i the . upper classes, .the highest type of teacher. is 5 repelled by tne aimosx: nopeiess iasK.r oc Wpir as the" sriiall Salary. ;It) ; such ipachine or 1 r "near"eaching'; there- 5 S can be none of that division of labor jj so necessary tor ; expert emciency. 2. Transportation PON SOLID ATlON will 'require 5 S ; . transportation of some of the' pu: 2 11l0MBiiiJ pils. School wagons "should be : used 2 S 'V; '.t: ' ' and without biirdensome expense we "vniay nave tne nappy, hvhi& ucigm, 5 warm i4iiu..uij'-v vv.:w. ing at the school door. . In the outh . 1 , lit.;" l1.'A i. Jmr AM ' M A A 4 m particular wiui " dread of the Negro value 1 .from never . . she hears daughter s step, returning , " i--' -- --- - - .1 - "v-i. .... ; t .-.v.. 1 . 1 .f-. i-. 1 ,: tr n. r . ' ..4. . j 'WOMEN y A Liberal Education 4- , : rs Eauimrient for Womanlv Service r:.:r-ii.-:"Jt: PitessibnaltTrainm ; I V " f. - 5 Employment r. . i( jjk s MM M-M M M ' luc .t,w, i'' s 5 f rive-weii-pmnneu coureesi leauiijgw music k vagrant, is this of - V. -i ' :. -.1 .T .v.' . .-f ' : " Ji U , for it would remove the pallor - 5 , , , . , v r S - - , ' ; ' " K !i i many a mother's -cheek, now IS 2 - , 7'." , ' -.' ' ",;'rt. ' ; , -; ' "T, 1 , tf ' : reiaxea- irom me- siram -untu 1 ',;:ouc o;iciiv;C)vXXUU&iCiiuiu an v.m ;j the welcome sound ofher I - Bi.p.iAiA U ihitnH -1 iiu.jvvaviiiv3i. in muQivi aiiu 111 mi vuiwiHiuai wiauvua - r " - ; ' " ' :- ' . mm -unnarmea 1 ...y . vv::;.-..;:. , m : two 1 conidelatioS S E-:Teae and ra b I both regular ; and B , 'Uh EquipmentrmoderaVincluding . ment of transportation in place of the 5 g society halls, ffymnasiurh; music rooms, teachers-training; school; infirmary, model E s ; small district unit withtsMisagree SS v. r ; , . ; ,6 g g h1P anH r.ftPnt?m,P dflncrPrniii walk. 2 laiUlLU.Y, CCllliiU UWllUU UWUU ttUU UUCU'Oll ICWCrtUUM yiUUUUM - " , mm 3. Practical InstrCttiort s S iTDormitories furnished by the State.; Board at actual cost. Tuition, free to those H H , "'"7""'. s s wno pieage tnemseives 10 Decome leacners. , v w rural - schools, need to be more I " i; ::;r. - r' .::.r;V-''.V " M M M M H M MM MM January, 21, ,1918. ; sg President they represent but pale " arid-feeble imitations of city education, itself too -y&r-p : v.pfAKv- ; .:. X;- 'w " ,'';v.a"' ) ., teacher and the : cbunty farm agent 5 5 xne empnasis be;paced upon biology,-..-: , ... f r t rinrriMCDADA TVf ..instead of. algebra' or Latin.. SS.r;- - ; GKEEInoBOKO, IN. C. I . similar practical tinge should be . given to the training of the farmer's M M M M M M M M MM M M M M ' M M M M daughter, y Sewingl cooking, the ar- jnl' ohu . Bcuaiuic tare auu uctuia- ' v M m : '. MM MM M M MM v M M MM j M M M M ,t M M . M M , M M .'MM M M Inl- tion of a room, "canning all the arts I BO which co with home makincr.. are I needed to match the new work of the hoys. The girls should learn the meaning of a wellbalariced.'food ra tion and addlo the mother-s training a practical knowledge of the chemis-, try of foods.? I have" seen one little girl prepare cojn in its, various 'forms in sixty different' ways for the family : table; -u . v:.-: 11 s not contended or. expectejd that these things cane'mit'lnto our rural . schools: without 'perhaps additional expense. 1 But wt have alrparlv seen that the farmer's child .now has less spent upon hini than any other .in ;the . land. Give him tli cam rhirtr itriA history shows that, he wil). go further and do' better upon an average than the city-reared boy. It is too much to expect: however, that hcPwill be' as yell prepared, fop life upon a per cap ita of $3 or $4 each year as, the urban child with an expenditure of $12. to annually.. , His father,' must ; see that prdper of this 'type costs money and he must be' as will ;ng to spend it for this purpose as his cty brother. -;M.. BRITTAlN, v-1-. State Superintendent of Schools , , Atlanta, Ga. . .-".; : HlM'11111,111,,,1,1, r s, ' AA ' ' ' ' '4 -A : ... I .. J - J - ' ' v ' - , ' ' ' 1 fx --r ' , ' ' ' .At. .:;'; ' ;V--' An institution where young men '-of ' it.....';' i' 2' j . ' . cnaracier, . energy ana m - ,,mL ;.QUSTRV- -(c ... themselves for useful and honorable work ' . . ,,9m, . 1 ," ".ttt', r, 1 m: many lines or inoustry wniai require . training and skill for success. Thorough and practical courses are offered Agricul ture; Horticulture; Animal Industry; Civil,-: -Mechanical- and v?Ele'car.;Engin;enhg'1'--:'-. : Chemistry; Dyeing-and Textile'Industry.: f acuity vpr.v ofc tnorougniy competent -r ApntrtiSTPATto bldo. (or. . lUdUUV.LU19. X WCUIJ'-OC VCII wuiiu- ., 1 . irigs. Eighteen departments. Mil- , . ' itary features. Large Library. -Excellent Athletic field; Dormi- - ioryVrvooms for 560 students Many i rooms , already engaged for N next iesslon. For ... catalogue, lllus- ; trated circular ana .entrance Dianics, r :- i t