cday. December 14, 1905. PROGRESSIVE FARMER AND COTTON PLANT. T 15 PRACTICAL POULTRY TALKS. XLI.-To Get Winter Eggs: Feed and House Properly and Avoid "Egg Producers." ,r - T1itnr5? T nm fremifmr- I lirmeorl if , .' . jut1 - . yr i "--' .yu waui winter eggs. Iy askeil tor a reciy xf uiuauK. a ion i crowd; mst enough birds in the good eirjr producer. house for comfort, not too warm and T would not advise anyone who has fresh, pure air overhead if possible a .rood lieauny piacu 10 uuueriaKe dux no dratts. Observe these condi- doctorin them with a view to fore- tions, and if your birds are right, injr 'r production, either summer that is, fully matured pullets or vig- owinter. On most farms there i3 orous year-old hens you should have plenty of icel tnat wouia go toward a nne egg basket and be sending sev- makm a puneuujr uuiauwu raiiun, erai aozen weekly to market and rak if we took advantage of it. The se- ing in the top price for the near rrrt in making hens lay is simply pro by strictly fresh product, thev solr! .1 . 1 1 i 1 1 . rnlin" them witn suitauie ieeo, and it Js the safe way. Don't Feed All Corn. Corn, wheat, oats, barley and mil let semi are good poultry feed; some do not believe in feeding any corn. I believe in feeding it m moderation in winter, though very sparingly in sumn er. Though the Agricultural Experiment Station tells us that corn is one of the best feeds for poul trv. thev do not tell us to feed it ex clusively; still more, cool reasoning would not suggest that we feed it exclusively. The natural make-up of their food is a variety; a little of this and that, and a constant exercise in procuring it. Some tell us to make them scratch for their feed they would rather do it than not; besides it does away with gorging and encouraging a lazy disposition. Use More Wheat Bran. Com exclusively, or in fact, wheat or millet, is too heavy and too rich ; something to make bulk must be ad ded. I know of nothing better than wheat bran to balance up a heavy rich feed. It is so common, though, that it is hardly popular. Bran makes for twenty-five cents on Rntnrdnv last, and the actual cost to manu facture is just seven cents per dozen, and all you get over this is profit. Why, it's like finding money. UNCLE JO. Mecklenburg Co., N. C. From Alliance Lecturer Cates. Messrs. Editors: After spending ten days in Warren County I am at home for a few days. I wish I could paint a picture of the many good and true men and women of Warren so thai all the readers of The Progres sive Farmer could see them as I have. I will not begin to call names, for I would have to name about half the county and then some of the best would be left out. So I will just say I met with a warm welcome, and among such intelligent people I met with success. I visited all the old Alliances and a number of other places and left the Alliance spread ing like a green bay tree. May it continue to grow until every farmer in the county shall find a resting place under its sheltering shade. I find the old Farmers' Alliance is growing more popular each day and bulk, not only bulk, but it clears the I do believe the day is not far dis passages and keeps the digestive or- tant when its power for good will be ielt m every nook and corner or oui Commonwealth. And now I want to say to all the more than forty Alliance counties', let us realize the opportunity and be up and doing. We are nearing the end of another year's work, and yet much can be done before the next grans in condition. Bran alone would be too light for an exclusive feed, be sides it would not be in line with na ture to feed nothing else. The craw is a'.grinding mill and we must keep it at work. The different grains would not be a perfect feed alone ; grass, insects and dozens of things we hardly think of, going towards county meeting. Let us make the most of the remaining time and come up to our January quarterly meeting with a splendid record of the past and encouragement for the future. We have much to be proud of to- completing the natural wants. Green Food or Cut Hay. Fowls 'on free range usually find these extra tit-bits, but penned up fowls, or fowls in winter, must have dav. Had it not been for organiza their equivalent in some form, or tion. the sDirit of which was born in they cannot do the very best. Cut the Farmers' Alliance twenty years clover, cut pea-vine hay, or cut al- aero, millions of dollars would have t 1 r i .... i l I - . tt . .1 iana nay imitates nature, and so do been lost to the bunny boutn tnis cut vegetables, and cut green bone vear. Let us look well to our Sub helps to make summer out of winter, Alliance meetings, for on them de as near as it would be possible. All these things are within our reach, and the time required to produce pends the success of the county meetings. Let me say to the men and women them would return a nice profit, who promised to look after the inter These means will bring eggs, and it est of The Progressive Farmer in the is the safe way manv Sub Alliances that I have or- Avoid the so-caiied " E-Producers" and ganized in the last two years: Do Poultry Foods. your level oesx irom now uuwi v- t i i . i I mas. 7? ivise any because you ask him or her for their TJt 80-eaUe.d "to"". SSX You cau truthfully say Posed of ginger, sulphur, linseed. Snr nesZh-and meal, salt, pepper, soda and finely f Ia. p m.:ta t thp ground wheat brand or cottonseed then it's paper. Wntetoto hulls, to which is sometimes added Ed.tor and tell him some of Ae many disguise the color of the ajS? rtl- H, y?uhave any.ub1? Staking efforts- are appreciated fc lJZJdt? and loyal host of sub- see what they have to say about stock scribers and friends. and poultry fools. Occasionally on a !No one will think less of you very cold morninc it is wise to add a little pepper when mixing the hot mash for -the first -food, but would not advise doing it more than once a week. Proper Housing is the First Essential H. M. GATES.; Alamance Co., N. C. Common sense and the New Testa ment may be relied upon to give for ever, as they have until now, tne true trend to unnstianiiy as it gvco jwiu The most important of all is to to meet the religious need oi.uio see that your birds are properly world. Kov. A. A. JJerle. TO DELICATE WJ You will never get well and strong, bright, hap py , hearty and free from pain, until you build up your constitution with a nerve refreshing, blood-making tonic, like i i m. i i f i i i ii ii i mm It Makes Pale Cheeks Pink i It is a pure', harmless, medicinal tonic, mada from vogetablo ingredients, which relieve female pain and distress, such as headache, backache, bowel ache, dizziness, chills, scanty or profuse menstru ation, dragging down pains, etc. It Is a building, strength-making medicine for women, the only medicine that is certain to dc you good. Try IL ' Sold by every druggest In $1.00 bottles. WRITE US A LETTER freely and frankly, In strictest confid v ce, telling us all your symptons and troubl. We will send free advice (in plain sealed envelope), how to cure them. Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., ; The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. . "YOU ARE FRIENDS of mine," writes Mrs. F. L. Jones, cf Gallatin, Tenn.: " For since taking Cardial I have gained 35 lbs., and am In better health than for the past 9 years. I tell my husband that Cardui is worth Its I weight in gold to all suffering ladies." IE CLIMB OVER Can't Hurt All Stock -in GRISUOLD S FEK f s bnilt scientifically. We make our own wire and weave the fence in our own mills. Special atten tion given to the tfalvanizlnrf, the heaviest and most enduring: ever known on fence. Heavy steel wire throughout, stays 6 or 9 in. apart, spacinar and distribution, like a brick wall, to give greatest strength. Adapts itself to hills or gullies. Hand some, strong:, durable. Made in ell heights and for rtJi t i. l ft ( f all purposes. We ship promptly direct from factory. ljtoaaerfiitf.fe 4L'ii'Wi w-g Free catalog and prices by return mail if you write Dillon - Griswold Wire Co. 64 Waliace St. Sterling, III. At it Tr Proof IliJiif 2C ! FERTILIZERS i - l The Tmanufacture of Fertilizers is .not an incidental feature of our business it is our SPECIALTY. Our equipment, long experience, and expert knowledge in the manufacture of our goods, enables us to produce the best goods for your crops. Try them and you will always want them. VIR6IIIIA-GAR0LINA CHEMICAL COMPANY, L A. CARR, MGR., DURHAM, N. C; Ask your dealer for V-C. goods, and takeno other. Send us your name for our mailing list so you will getour 1906 Almanac 1 -$t -Ar fti 1bnilb -A When writing advertisers, please mention this paper. r