i A FARM AND HOME WEEKLY FOR THE CAROL..I VIRGINIA , TENNESSEE PROGRESSIVE FARMER VOL. XXI. No. '26. THE COTTON PLANT VOL XXIII. N 2". RALEIGH, N. C, AUGUST 9. 1906. GEORGIA. Weekly $ I a Year. 3C as 3: I Will Help You Select Your Buggy. IN considering the many offers of cheap buggies adv ertised at ridiculously low prices, it is well to look at these facts: GOOD vehicles can only be made from GOOD materials by GOOD workmen. And YOU know that good materials and GOOD WORKMANSHIP now command a higher price than ever before. Therefore, if you want a strong ly constructed, nicely finished buggy, the BEST you can do is to buy it direct from the factory, best equipped for turning out such work in the most economical way. I feel sure that if you kniw how our "Columbia" vehicles nre made, and if you could see the care that is taken in each department, yoiT! could readily understand why they are superior to other make?, which are sold at even higher prices. In fct, I know that some factories have no foremen in the different departments, which means that the work is built practically without any supervision. I figure that the care we take in building our buggies really costs us little or nothing. You know we guarantee our work against defects for two years and if we pay on an average 50 cents per vehicle extra for inspection wou dn'tyou consider this more desirable than furnishing perhaps anew set of wheels, or a new body for a vehicle, free of charge? I do. And be sides, our customers are better pleased. They buy again when they want something else in our line, and they recommend our work to their friends. That's the secret of the success and popularity of "Columbia" work. Now if you need a buggy, surry, phaeton or any other kind of a rig, write me about it. I will gladly help you make your selection and will build you a job that will suit you and save you money. Our "Columbia King" Fifty Dollar Buggy is the wonder and envy of other manufacturers who try to imitate it by building up a cheap buggy with some special points that they think might make you forget about the quality of the cloth, leather and timber used, which are really more important. Write me about what you want, and I will mail you one of our large catalogues free of charge, and give you any advice you may want concerning your particular rig. Remember, I take the risk of suiting you. IF YOU'RE not satisfied with the buggy I get up for you, vou need not keep it, and YOU CAN TRY IT THIRTY DAYS before making up your mind about it. Send postal for FREE catalog to-day. J. J. BE6KER, General Manager, COLUMBIA MFG. & SUPPLY GO, 806 Vandalia Ave. 6IN6INNATI, OHIO. 3 330rk.-A 3ZC $61.50 WINNER SURREY, Rich in Design and Finish fl Few Styles selected From Our Laroe Catalogue. Write for Prices on All Stoles. COLUMBIA SPECIAL, Worth $20 More $33.75 We Build IT To Your Order in a Hundred Different Styles Columbia Ve hicles are Guaranteed For Two Years COLUMBIA KING BUGGY $50 ORDER ONE on trial, compare it with the highest-priced buggies in your neighbor hood, and if you are not convinced that you have saved $20 to $25 on your purchase, send it back and your money will be refunded. Our Large Catalogue IS FREE. Write For it To-day. BOSTONIAN P7R SURREY, VI J For People Who Want the Best COLUMBIA RUN ABOUT From $30 Up Columbia Mfg. & Supply Co., J. J. BECKER, General Manager, 806 Vandalia Ave., 6IN6INNATI, OHIO 3C J