Thursday, October 4, 1906. PROGRESSIVE FARMER AND COTTON PLANT 13' THE WEEK'S NEWS. Little news last week except that mentioned editorially. Gen. Stoessell, defender of Pon. Arthur, allowed to resign from the army instead of being shot. The coroner's jury investigating the Jellico dynamite explosion brought in a verdict charging the railroad with criminal negligence. William J. Bryan, in a speech at Nashville, Tenn., declared that "it might not be wise two years hence" for any party convention to endorse him. State Superintendent J. Y. Joynei is most prominently mentioned as the successor of the late Dr. Mclver. The election of a president will occur in January. Reports from a large section of the North Carolina cotton territory indicate that the crop is very short. The excessive wet weather caused the form's, to drop. Negro Republicans in the Third Virginia District are indignant at the action of the "Lily Whites" and will bolt the white ticket and vote for one of their own. Paul O. Stensland, defaulting pres ident of the Milwaukee Avenue State Bank, reached Chicago, was arraign ed, pleded guilty of embezzelement, was sentenced to Joliet and began an inderterminate period of incarnation. The' rioting in Atlanta is over, the citizens' committee being in full con trol of the situation and places ol business resuming operations. The tropical hurricane last week was terribly violent at Pensacola, hurling shipping from the bay on to land, destroying the wharves and do ing property damage of $5,000,000, with some loss of life. The wharves and elevator of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad were washed into the bay, that road's loss being esti mated at $1,000,000. In Alabama thirty miles of track was washed away, and at New Orleans and other gulf points enormous damage was done. Change of Chatham Alliance Meeting. Chatham County Farmers' Alliance will meet at Emmaus Baptist Church, October 11th, instead of Dry Creek, or Onion Hill School, as was once mentioned. Let every Sub-Alliance send us delegates. We hope to have a good speaker with 'us. Come. B. W. BOBBITT, Secretary. The more Progressive Farmer homes, the better your neighborhood. Send us a club. Every Planter Write to B. W. Hawkins, Nona, Ga. for history and descrip tive circular of his Extra Proline Cotton and price of seed. It's free; costs you nothing to get It and will be worth hundreds of dol lars to you. Quick maturing and will make three bales per acre. pfT Forty acre truck farm, part cleared, good building, easy terms. Address, C. W. Civ ARK, Chadbourn, N. C. Springfield Republican (MASSACHtTSETTTS) A Thoroughly Independent and Courageous Journal Devoted to the Protection and Advancement of the Broad Public Interests The Weekly Republican was established In 1824, The Daily In 1844, and The Sunday in 1878, by Samuel Bowles. The subscription rates are, for The Weekly $1 a year, Dally $8, - Sun day $2. Send for free specimen copies. OLD VIRGINIA FARMS Low Prices, Mild Cllmt. Free Illustrated Catalog. Largest list Farms in State. This is the country tor the Northern Farmer. We want to hear from every man wHn ilMirM to better his condition. Casulnun Co- Richmond. Va. Lurenee Caaialmaa, Former Aaditor BeLean Conaty, H.D. Every farmer in your neighborhood ought to take advantage of our 15 cent trail offer till January. Breeders' Directory "the New Breed," the Ideal hogs for the Southern States, solid black, very prolific. Wklton Winn, Santa Anna, Coleman Co., Texas. ' S C. Buff Orpingtons for Sale. Choice hens, cocks, and pullets $1.50 to 2; large cockei els $1 to $2. G. W. HARDY, Jeffress, va. S. C. Buff Orpingtons for sale. Choice Hens, Cocks and Pullets 81.25, Cockerels 81.00, Chicks 50c. G. W. HARDY, Jeffress, ...... Virginia. 15 Angus Bulls at Bargain Prices I Must go quick for want of room. Stock warranted. Money back if not as rep resented. Order to-day for a bargain. MYER Sc SON, B RIDGE VILLE, - DELAWARE. DUR0C JERSEV HOQS of the highest breeding, any age or sex ready to ship. Service boars, breeding sows and gilts, a specialty. The grand sire of our herd has never been defeated in any show yard and is now valued at $6,000. Write for prices. L. M. WHITAKER & CO., MULBERRY, TENN. ROSE DALE HERD " " ABERDEEN ANGUS. Top notch young registered Bulls our speci alty. A few heifers to offer with bull not akin. We send out none but good individuals. Correspondence and Inspection of herd invited. ROSE DALE STOCK FARM, Jefferson, - - - Virginia. Home of the Champions Stunner and Perfect Challenger are at the head of my great Poland China herd. Thirty five spring pigs for the season's trade and more sows to hear from. I guarantee my hogs to please or no sale. Honesty is my policy. E. S. WRIGHT, Brush Creek, Tenn., Route No. 1. 3S F"OR HATCHING Rhode Island Reds, Rose and Single Comb. Prize Stock. Hardy and Prolific. No breed of fowls excel them as layers and general utility. Circular free. Eggs per 15 82.00, Prize pens $3.00. WEST DURHAM POULTRY FARM, West Durham, N. C. Occoneechee Farm FOR SALE 800 White Pekin Ducks. 50 Muscovy Ducks. lOO Brown Leghorns. 50 White Plymouth Bocks. 50 Barred Plymouth' Rocks 50 Young Belgian Hares. J8 Tarn worth Boars, 11 mos. old, en titled to registration. Fine Individuals. A few good Milk Cows. Address Occoneechee Farm, DURHAM, N. C. Large English Berkshires for Sale. Also the Renowned War Horse Game Chickens. Cor r espondence Solicited. CHESTNUT RIDGE STOCK FARM, A. L. Holdkn, Proprietor, R. F. D., No. 1 HlLIiSBOKO, N. jC. White Wyandottes, S. C. B. Leghorns, War-Horse Pit Games, Bred on separate yards from selected stock of the best strains that money can buy. S. J. GUYER, Waynesvllle, N. C. Red Polled Cattle for Sale. My herd of grade Red Polled Cattle. Will sell cheap, as I will discontinue farming. Will also sell one registered Red Polled Bull and one registered Cow. J. T. DENNY, Cromartie, N. C. BERKSHIRES. 21 Choice Pig's for sale. Address, Oak: 'Ridge Farm, R. O. CATES, Prop.'a R. F. D. Noj. 3. CHAPEL HILL, N. C. Pure Blooded Scotch Collie 18 months old $5.00. Pups 4 months old 5.00 each. -Fine Pointer, one year old $10.00.. H. Q. ALEXANDER, Matthews. N. C. Sunny Home Farm " 1 " " ' r y Headquarters in the South for best strains of Aberdeen Angus Cattle Young Bulls as good as the best. Write A. L. FRENCH, Prop., R. F. D. 2, Byrdville, Va. Farm and Station, Fitzgerald, N. C. 4 ERKSHIRE SWINE, Imported Strains. RON ZE TURKEYS, Mammoth. UFF PLYMOUTH ROCKS. UFF WYANDOTTES. TOULOUSE GEESE. . WHITE TURKEYS. WHITE GUINEAS. PURPLE GUINEAS. Very rare. Have the only flock of the South. Mention this paper when writing. J. C. FOWEE, BALDOCK, - - BARNWELL CO., S. C. Red Polled Cattle, Best for Milk, Butter and Beef, Smooth, blocky, and very handsome The most use ful of all breeds. Five very fine young Bulls. Some Heifers, and Cows for sale. Also ma tured Bull. POLAND CHINA HOGS The sires of our Boars and Sows are the greatest prize-winners of the breed, and sold for from $2,500 to 7,000 each. A pair of pigs of this breeding for $15; in the West they would cost you from $40 to 950. 'ARROWHEAD STOCK FARM, Sam'l B. Woods, - - - Proprietor, Charlottesville, Va. IF YOU WANT THE BEST REGISTERED Standard Bred Horses, Jersey Cattle, Black Essex Hogs, Scotch Collie Dogs Or B. P. Rocks, S. L. Wyandottes, 8. C. Brown Leghorn, Buff and Partridge Cochin Bantams and Eggs In Season, address, OPEN VIEW FARMS, ROBT. L. ABERNETHY, Prop., Mount Holly, - - North Carolina. THE SNA 1 CREEK STOCK F"ARM Has on hand and must be sold, Young Jersey Bulls and Heifers. Also Poland China and Berkshire Pigs. None better bred. T. F. B RASWE L l, Battleboro, - - - North Carolina. EGGS, $1.50 FOR SETTING OF 15. S C. White and Brown Leghorns, White Wyan dottes, B. P. Rocks , Houndans, Black Minor cas, Light Brahmas, and C I. Games. Large Pekin Duck Eggs, $1.25 for 13. Send for folder; it's free. NEVIN POULTRY YARDS, R. F. D. 7, Box 46, Charlotte, N. C O akwo o d Farm. Jersey Cattle AND Berkshire Hogs. BULLS IN USE: Blltmore's Torment, No. 60781; Saltan of Blltmore, No, 66800. In order to make room for spring calves will make special prices on Dull calves from five to ten months old. All stock shipped guaran teed to give entire satisfaction. Rm L. SHUrORD, Newton, N. C. WHY Why Depend on Packing house Products, Especially if you Live In the Country? PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR A PAIS OF Poland China or Mam-' moth Black Pigs, for Fall delivery, and raise your own meat. Descriptive circular furnished on application. Address j JOHN A. YOUNG, Propr. Greensboro Nurseries, GREENSBORO, N. C. BERKSHIRES I We have pigs from the best or register fit ock for . sale at - bargains. . I . Cottage Grove Farm Greensboro, N. O FOR SALE Registered Berkshire Boars and Sows from Prize Winners. PURE BRED White Wyandottes, White Plymouth Bocks, B. I. Beds, Pekin Ducks, Egg Settings and Stock. PINEHDRST GENERAL 0FEICE, Pinehurst, North Carolina. RELIABLE POULTRY FARM, DILLSBOBO, ff. C, Breeders of the "MOST RELIABLE STRAINS" S. C. White Leghorns, S. C. Brown Leghorns, White and Bar red Plymouth Rocks, S. C. Black Minorcas, White Wyandottes. 25 yards of pure Pit Games. Not the cheapest, but the "MOST RELIABLE." Eggs for sitting our specialty this season. PUKE DUKOC JERSEY SWINE. If you want something nice in a beautiful cherry red pig, standard bred, male or female, of the highest class and most fashion ably bred, enclose stamp for catalogue and prices to B. A. WHITAKER & CO., Bell Buckle, Tenn. Essex and Berkshire Pigs and Angus Cattle. A few choice male' Fssex pigs, and s me fine Berkshires, single and In pairs. Also one fine registered Angus Bull, 3 to 4 years old, and one young Bull 15 months old. Price cheap. Quality, size, etc , consldered. . LG. JONES, Tobaccoville. N. C. When writing advertisers, please mention this paper.