PROGRESSIVE PARMER AND COTTON PLANT. Thursday, October 4, 190 6 16 fOFOGRESSIVE W FARMER. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE AGRICULTURAL PUBLISHING CO. (Organized 1903.) OFFICE: 106 West Martin Street SUBSCRIPTION BATES : Single Subscription, 1 year, - $1.00 Single Subscription, 6 months, - - .55 Single Subscription, 3 months, - .30 Improving Land With Cow Peas and Oats and Profitable Crops While at It. I am now drilling in oats in be tween cotton grows with Cole's Com bined Oat Sower and Guano Distrib utor. This early sowing often doubles the yield of oats, which compensates many times over all damage to the cotton. Where the cotton rows are three and one-half feet I use a six-inch feet wide I use a four-inch bull tongue and drill in three rows of oats between rows of cotton. Where we follow pea crops with oats we break the land as deep as possible. If the land is rolling use reversible disc plow, throwing dirt down hill at every furrow. Harrow smooth, then start the Oat Sower at upper side of field, running rows to drain in open furrow of previous open drill. The tapering wheel of Cole's Oat Sower that follows behind press es a light covering of loose dirt on the seed, leaving the open trench in the best shape to stand winter freez ing weather. On thin lands we use 150 pounds to 200 pounds acid phosphate to the acre under each crop of oats and the cowpea crop also that invariably fol lows the oat crop. The doube hopper Cole Oat Sower puts in the phosphate at the same time of drilling in the oats or peas, which manures on fall sown grains for the reason that we believe all soluble nitrogen in this fertilizer is leached out by rains be fore the growing season of the crop coems. We wish to impress the fact upon the minds of beginners that it is of first importance to use none but pure clean winter grown seed oats. We never fail making a good crop of oats by this plan, and in three years' time we have made abandoned cotton land thribble the yield, making two prof itable crops each year while at it. J. C. STRIBL1NG, Pendleton, S. C. SOOOOOeOOOGGOOQOCOOOOGOSOi Fine Seed Wheat and Oats FOR SALE. Genuine Georgia Purple Straw seed wheat, the hardest and most proline variety South. Golden Chaff or Velvet Head, a fine large wheat, very fine. Price, 81 60 bushel, 60 pounds. Appier rust proof seed oats so highly recommended by Georgia Experi ment Station and most prolific variety known. Tatum's Improved winter, a fine new prolific fall growing variety, rust proof and Hardy as wheat. Virginia Gray or Winter Turf, a fine winter variety. Price of seed 11.00 per bushel, 32 pounds; 10 bushels and over, 90 cents. Seed are pure, true to name and free from Johnson grass or any other ob noxious weed or grass Bee a. Terms, cash with order. R. D. TATUM Fair View Farm, Palmetto to, Ga. X SEALS! SEALS! Corporation Seals, U. R. Commission 8eals any kind of Seal made to order. Prices moderate and express paid to your nearest office. T. W. BLAKE, Jewller, RALEIGH, - - NORTH CAROLINA. 3E 3E SECOND-HAND ill im pen TS 1 We have a splendid line of second-hand Upright Pianos which were taken as partial pay ment in exchange for the Artis tic Stieff. All have been placed in first-class condition and range in price from $140.00 to $225.00. They are far superior to the new cheap pianos which ought to be designated as "Thumb boxes" that are sold for $175.00 to $300.00 by some retail dealers. Writte at once and get first choice. We will have applica tions from all over the country as soon as this notice is printed. SOUTHERN WAREROOfl : No. 5 WEST TRADE STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. C. H. WILM0TH, Manager. Mention this paper when you write. SIT RIGHT DOWN AFTER YOU READ THIS ADVERTISEMENT and send us your name and address and we will send you maps, plats, and par ticulars regarding the new "FRUIT- LAND COLONY CO.," of Georgia, on the Ga. S. & Fla. R. R. We have the greatest real estate bargain ever offered. Residence lots $15. Business lots .425. One acre tracts adjoining the town $25. 5 acre tracts $75. bo acre tracts as low as $7.50 per acre. 3 crops a year, averag ing from $150 to $400 per acre. The above prices will double in 6 months. Write to-day. You will hear of things you never knew before. FRUITLAND COLONY CO., L-125 Clark Street, Chicago, or W. L. GLESSNER, care of Ga. S. & Fla. R. R. L-Macon. FOR RENT! The Beautiful "Alliance Property," One mile west of Hlllsboro, N. C, fronting the Southern railroad and the Occoneechee mountains, consisting of large eight-room brick dwelling, situated In a well shaded grove of fine oaks ; ail necessary out houses; sixty acres of cleared land, six acres set In alfalfa. This land Is well adapted to corn, wheat, and the grasses. The location and beautiful scenery makes this an ideal home quiet, restful. No healthier place In the State. There Is also on the place a three-story brick building, erected for school purposes, that could be used if desired. The place will be rented as a whole, or without the large school building, as preferred. Will be rented very cheaply to a good party. For particulars, address THOS. J. OLDHAM, Mebane, N. C. , R. P. D. 2. Done by order of the Executive Commit tee. J. W. DENMARK, Ch'm'n. BUSINESS PRINTING for Farmers. Use good stationery with your own name and name of your farm neatly printed. Write for prices to mutual publishing uo. Raleigh. N. C. School Desks, Blackboards, Maps, Globes, Etc. Write us for quotations. Can supply you Eromptly. We have stock in warehouses in lchmond and Raleigh. CHAS. J. PARKER, Raleigh, Jf. C. MAKE HONEY pulling stumps, grubs, etc ana clearing iana tor you. self and others. Hartmlct "Stu Falter Is tma kttt. Catalog FREE, nircnlit Etx. GOmJBipL B 84 , CiflttnUtJ Attention, Attention, Mr. KrALH Mr. Farmer! 0 Planter! Study the above diamond Get the outline thoroughly fixed in your mind so that when you make your purchase of ERTILI E R S FOR FALL RL-ArMTIIMG You will know what to call for if you want the best. "CARALEIGH" stands for the best. Be sure the CARALEIGH diamond is on your bag, otherwise you will not get the best. We have an agent near )ou; but if you think he is too far away, WRITE US DIRECT and we will see that you are supplied. CARALEIGH PHOSPHATE AND FERTILIZER WORKS, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. Importers and Manufacturers of Every Thing in the Fertilizer Line. Opera Furrow Oats! The Open Furrow Method of SowingOats. "'"""TH- Insures a Good Crop of Oats Every Season. It produces large plump grains and longj full heads. Like most great discoveries it is very simple just plant the oats in the bottom of a nice open furrow. And yet the method is in harmony with the teachings of nature and science. Almost the only way to sow oats, Wheatland peas in open furrows is to use an Oat Sower, and THE BEST AND CHEAPEST OAT SOWER IS By . removing the partition this ma chine becomes a fine Guano Dlstrlbutorof large capacity. For a moderate price we make the Knot f hot. tun Ha crrt A Stonp; Xf. ; at any price. O Well made and Reliable Machine. 1 s THE COLE COMBINED OAT SOWER & GUANO DISTRIBUTOR. -. Can you afford not to try this great plan whiclrthousands of farm ers have proved by years of profitable experience ? We offer the BEST machine on the market at the lowest price of any. It is worth more than its cost simply as a guano distributor for all crops. It is a fine pea drill. It sows wheat or oats, andjguano'at saraetrip in the most perfect manner. ' Write for full information, or send us $8.50 and we will send the OAT SOWER complete, freight Prepaid to your Station. Don't delay, order this Oat'SowerbeforeJyou forget it. You will always be glad you did it. . 6oi6 ManuTacturina Go, Charlotte, N. 6. The Advertisers in "The Progressive Farmer Are men and firms of known reliability, and will do as they promise. When writing for catalogues, prices, etc., and especially when you write to make purchases, please re member to say, saw your ad. In THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER." alcohol engine, superior to any one-cylinder engine: revolutionizing power. Its weight and bulk are half that of single cylinder engines, with greater durability. Costs Less to Buy Less to Run. Quickly .easily started. Vibration practically overcome. Cheaply mounted on any wagonTlt is a combination portable stationary or tractlott nglne. Sin fob. Catalogue THE TEMPLE PUMP CO., Mfrs., Meagher and 15th Sts- Chicago. SHBOUB E11tt1ui& ? YEAR , Hutu vnu iMVFCTiaATE "TIIE MASTER WOKKMAX," two-cylinder gasoline, kerosene or