Thursday, November 22, 1906. PROGRESSIVE FARMER AND COTTON PLANT. 13 DISPLAY ADVERTISING, $1 per inch per insertion; without display, 3 cents a word per insertion, each figure or initial counting as a separate word. rnv ERKSH1RE SWINE, Imported Strains IIJCRONZE TURKEYS, Mammoth. J I nl ITB1!? PLYMOUTH ROPfi i TOULOUSE GEKS.E. WHITE TURKEYS. WHITE GUINEAS. PURPLE GUINEAS. Very rare. Have the only flock of the South. Mention tnis paper wnen writing. j. c. fo;wke, BALDOCK, - - BARNWELL CO., S. O. Red Polled Cattle, Best for Milk. Butter and Beef, Smooth, K!n1rv anH ttottt Vi o n H an m A Thfl TTinst. 11 HP. ful of all breeds. Fire very fine young Bulls. . 11 Y f A J n -5 rs1r A 1 CI win C5UJXIC xaciiotB huuvuws iui saiQi a.iou iuo" tured Bull. POLAND CHINA HOGS. The sires of our Boars and Sows are the greatest prize-winners of the breed, and sold for from $2,600 to 87,000 each. A pair of pigs of this breeding for 815; in the West they would cost you from 840 to $50. ARROWHEAD STOCK FARM, Sam'l B. Woods, - - - Proprietor, Charlottesville, Va. Oakwood Farm, Jersey Cattle AND Berkshire Hogs. BULLS IN USE; Blltmore'' Torment, No. 60761; Sultan of Blltmore, No, 66300. In order to make room for spring calves will make special prices on bull calves from five to ten months old. All stock shipped guaran teed to give entire satisfaction. R, L. QHUFORD, Newton, N. Cm Decreaing Pension Roll. . The net decrease In the pension roll of the United States for the fiscal year ending June 30th, last, amounted to 12,470, the largest decrease ever known in the history of the coun try. The total number at that date "was 985,971. The total num ber dropped in the year was 47, 444. Pennsylvania has the largest number of pensioners, 98,829. Dur ing the year there were added to the roll 33,569 new pensioners and 1,405 restoration and renewals, mkking a total addition of 34,974. Ttyere are 666,453 survivors of the Civil War still on the roll, four pensioners of the Revolutionary War; 660, all widows, on account of the war with Spain, and 11,472 on account of the Mexican War. jai!!i'T"i-r- IF YOU WANT THE BEST BEGI8TX&KD Standard Bred Horses, Jersey Cattle, Black Essex Hogs, Scotch Collie Dogs Or B. P. Rocks, S. L. Wyandottes, S. C. Brown Leghorn, Buff and Partridge Cochin Bantams and Eggs in Season, address, OPEN VIEW FARMS, ROBT. L. ABERNETHY, Prop., Mount Holly, - -Nobth Carolina. THE SWI CREEK STOCK FARM Has on hand and must be sold, Young Jersey Bulls and Heifers. Also Poland China and Berkshire Pigs. None better bred. B RASWELL, Battleboro, North Carolina. Depend on Packing-house Products, Especially if You Live in the Country ? PLACE YOUE ORDER NOW FOR WHY A PAIR OF Poland China or Mam moth Black Pigs. for Fall delivery, and raise your own meat. Descriptive circular furnished on application. Address JOHN A. YOUNG, Propr. Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro, - - North Carolina. Sunny Home Farm ' Headquarters in the South for best strains? of Aberdeen Angus Cattle Young Bulls as good as the best. Write A. L. FRENCH, Prop., R. D. 2, Byrdville, Va. - Farm and Station, Fitzgerald, N. C. BERKSH IRES ! We have pigs from the best of register stock for sale at bargains. Cottage Grove Farm, Greensboro, N. C. ) DUROC JERSEY HOGS of the highest breeding, any age or sex ready to ship. Service boars, breeding sows and gilts, a specialty. The grand sire of our herd has never been defeated in any show yard and is now valued at $6,000. Write for prices. L. M. WHITAKER & CO., MULBERRY, TENN. 15 Angus Bulls at Bargain Prices ! Must go quick for want of room. Stock warranted Money back if not as rep resented. Order to-day for a bargain. ALSO ROLAND CHINA RIGS. Myer & Son, Bridgeville, Delaware. CATTLE, HOGS, TURKEYS, CHICKENS. Quit your Scrub Breeding and write us for Short horn Cattle Duroc Jersey and Poland China Hoes. M. B. Turkeys and White Plymouth Rock Chick ens. Prices right, stock right and satisfaction guaranteed. Congkr Bros., Fayetteville, Tenn., R. F, D., No. 1. Essex and Berkshire Pigs and Angus Cattle. A few choice male Esbbx pigs, and some fine Berkshires, single and in pairs. Also one fine registered Angus Bull, 3 to 4 years old, and one young Bull 15 months old. Price cheap. Quality, size, etc., considered. L. G. JONES, Tobaccoville, N. C. PIEDMONT SHORTHORNS. The "Baby Beef" kind, well-bred. Some jgood youngsters for sale. Write your wants; x can suppiy mem at lowest prices. JOHN M. KESTER, Kings Mountain,N.C. Breeder and Dealer in Shorthorn Cattle. GUINEA-ESSEX, k"the New Breed," the ideal hogs for the Houtnern states, solid black, very prolific. Weiton Winn, Santa Anna, Coleman Co., Texas. Home of the Champions Stunner and Perfect Challenger are at thei head of my great Poland China herd. Thirty five spring pigs for the season's trade and more sows to hear from. I guarantee my hogs to please or no sale. Honesty is my policy. E. S. WRIGHT, Brush Creek, Tenn., Route No. 1. Sham Prosecution. "The punishment of $5,000 fine imposed upon the Standard Oil Com pany for violation of the Ohio anti trust law," says the Springfield Re publican, "is not calculated to im press the country with the fearless impartiality of the courts. This is the maximum fine under the law for a single offense, but the law specifies that each separate day of continuance of the offending constitutes a sepa rate offense, and the proof was just as strong that the company had of fended during a thousand or more days as for one day. Yet it is to get off with punishment for only one day provided it does not escape alto gether through appeals. What is $5,000 to this mighty aggregation of wealth? Did the judge look upon the whole matter as a joke?" Growth of Rural Delivery. According to the report of the Di vision of Rural Delivery for the month of September, made public October 3, at the Postoffice Depart ment, 35,566 routes were in opera tion on October 1st. With the ex ception of 336 routes, the patrons of which receive their mail three times a week, all the routes get daily ser vice. . The balance of appropriation available for new service during the current year is $1,479,864. Peti tions for 2,424 new routes are pending. "Estimates revised to date, of the number of wealthy American women who have married titled foreigners, and the aggregate amount of their dowries, make the number 500 and the amount $200,000,000. It should be possible to get even more exact statistics of the number of these mar riages which proved unhappy enough to bring separation or divorce. The reported separation of the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough follows close upon the divorce or separation pro ceedings affecting a daughter of Jay Gould and a daughter of Levi P. Morton. In the case of the Marlbor oughs separation does not come until after Vanderbilt money has been quite freely disposed of in the re habilitation of the Blenheim estate, which the duke will keep as his residence." WRITE TO OCCON EECH EE FARM FOR PEKIN DUCKS, MUSCOVY DUCKS, FOR WHITE HOLLAND OR BRONZK TTTRKKYS. ENGLISH PHEASANTS OR HOMER PIGEONS, FTTR7 TOULOUSE GEESE, fTTTT POULTRY OF ALL KINDS, FOT? BELGIAN HARES, fTTb? GOOD FAMILY MILK CO WS. FOR T AM WORTH, BERKSHIRE OR POLAND CHINA PIGS. FOR YOUNG JERSEY BULLS. fT5r" MAN-RUNNING THOROUGHBRED BLOOD HOUNDS, FOR FINEST STRAIN COLLIE PUPS. ADDRESS OCCayEECHEE FARM, DURHAM, N. C. POULTRY AND EGGS I OF THE FOREMOST BREEDS, 0 Consult the advertisers in our 0 "Breeders' Directory" and the Q q list of exclusive poultry breeders 4' who solicit your trade in this 2 - -1. A 7 Advertising Rates: Display ads.'Sl a per Inch, per Insertion; without dls- play, 3 cents per insertion for each y word, figure or Initial. ' y GIANT STRAIN PURE-BRED MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS. Bred from select stock, large bone and beau tiful plumage. Can furnish pairs and trios from different matings. Mrs. Eugene Transou, Stratford, Alleghany Co., N. C. Choice Poultry Stock ! Standard-bred February and March hatched Cockerels, S. C. White Leghorns, Buff Orping tons, White Plymouth Rocks and Black Mlnorcas $1.50 and $2.00 each. Also eggs for hatching from the above strains. FOX HALL POULTRY FARM, R. F. D. No. 2, - Norfolk, Ya. Hardin's Crescent Strain S. C. White Leghorns and White Wyandottes won the blue at nearly all the Southern Shows during the past season. Acknowl edged everywhere the world's greatest combi- -nation laying and exhibition strain. Write . to-day for free catalog and price list. Our birds are mortgage lifters. W. H. HARDIN, YaUe Crucis, H. C. I EGGS, $1.50 FOR SETTING OF 15. S. C. White and Brown Leghorns, White. Wyan dottes, B. P. Rocks, Houndans, Black Minor-, cas, Light Brahmas, and C. I. Games. Larce Pekin Duck Begs. I1.25 for 13. Send for folder; it's free. NEVIN POULTRY YARDS, R. F. D. 7, Box 46, Charlotte, N. C. RELIABLE POULTRY FARM, DILLSBORO, N. C, Breeders of the "MOST RELIABLE STRAINS" S. C. White Leghorns, S. C. Brown Leghorns, White and Bar red Plymouth Rocks, S. C. Black Minorcas, White Wyandottes. 25 yards of pure Pit Games. Not the cheapest, but the "MOST RELIABLE." - Eggs for sitting our specialty this season. - White Wyandottes S. C. B. Leghorns, War-Horse Pit Games, Bred on separate yards from selected stock of the best strains that money can buy. S. J. GUYER, Waynesvlll, N. C. EGGS F"OR HATCHING Rhode Island Reds, Rose and Single Comb. Prize Stock. Hardy and Prolific. No breed of fowls excel them as layers and general utility. Circular free. Eggs per 16 12.00. Prize pens f3.00. WEST DURHAM POULTRY FARM, West Durham, u. STANDARD-BRED WHITE WYAN DOTTE Pullets and Cockerels, Blltmore Strain, for Sale. Prices reasonable. Faik Vikw Fabm, Boonville, N. C. FINE BIRDS FOR SALE Pen of Barred Rocks; Trios of Buff Dottes; Cockerels of Buff Orps. Prices S1.00 and upwards. P. H. Poln- dexter, Donnaha, N. C. FOR SALE 20 choice White Holland Tur keys, $3.00 each, cash with order. W. S. Shu ford, Hickory, N. C.