Thursday, February 14, 1907. PROGRESSIVE FARMER AND COTTON PLANT. 15 SOME GARDENING HINTS. Mrs. Reade Notes Several Points That are Sometimes Overlooked. -"- Messrs. Editors: That a common garden is an open book to most of us, we will concede; so we will? only , speak of some points that are over looked. Our good man does most of the work; but we may still claim it as an index to our general house-wifery; for if he has. not left off his first love he will talk the matter over with us, and we are his right arm of help to see that nothing is overlooked and that the garden is planted in time, even if we have to do it ourselves. For an Early Garden Have Land Plowed in Winter. - This is a matter of prime import ance, as by this means the seed-bed is firm, the Warm soil on top, where the continued freezing has left it light with no clods to interfere with the growth of the young plants. And too, while the good man is away sup erintending things of mpre import ance the good wife may do this plant ing of the first seeds before the land is hardly dry enough for the plow, and be along with the best gardener (pleasant rivalry!,) with the earliest vegetables. But all the good culture and the fertilizer cannot overcome the loss of a week or two in early planting. ' The planting of the full garden comes in a few weeks later, and prac- i tically everything grown, in the gar den may be planted then. Tklake no I discriminations, although you disobey I all of the seedsmen, for we would. I rather lose one little planting than I to be always behind. V What a glorious affair is the first full vegetable dinner, when the balmy breezes of June are wafting in at every open window and the whole world is rejoicing! What a wonderful thihg1 this gar den may be! No forbidden fruit now; all is so good for the health of the whole family! How we would like to date our letters from 'the "Garden-of-Green-Leaves" or "Gar-den-of-Golden-Fruits!" The fancy of garden parties is now quite popular. What could be nicer- in the sunny days of June? They belong, too, to the good form pf all ages, dating back to the Garden of Eden. Plowing the Garden. The vegetable garden in the coun try is not made a source of revenue unless near to market. We sow lib erally, but what are we to do with the surplus vegetables? There are many ways to save them all. We give of the first fruits to the hire ling, for he will leave his garden any day to plant ours first and best; and the giving is a source of bounty to us. We would arrange our gardens so that 7 the permanent plants are at one side, and do not interfere with thor ough plowing of the part which is' planted annually. However, let U3 have the whole thing in long rows and get- the hired man to run the plow along down these rows both in winter and summer. In some of these rows we have the asparagus bed the rhubarb, the horse-radish, the sage, the thyme, the curled parsley; and against this the rows that are plant ed annually, but lie in ground all winter, such as beets and parsnips, the latter of which come in in U eb- ruarv and March at a .very scarce time and make an admirable side dish. " " Don't Omit Butter-Beans. I consider butter-beans the best all-round vegetable in the whole lot. Thev may be planted in. early March. These beans can lie in ground all win ter, and if we do not look out we could gather a. crop from the volun teers before ours bloom. . We can save the entire surplus for winter. Cooked in five times their bulk of water, with salt, for four hours, strained through the colander and hurried into. the covered dish with a liberal lot of! butter and pepper, and opened after ten minutesY they make a dainty dish fit to set before a king. The Matter of Fertilizers. (Zabkage Plants for Sale x u jive naa several years exDeriMice in errowmer pa objure rii and all othrr kinds of vegetable plants for thet ade. A d n lanta or taav ready for shipment Beet plants and Tabbage plants as fo - mws: iuany jersey wasene as. I are Type wakefieids and Henderson Successions, heae being the best nown reliable varie ties to all experience i truck armers. Tuf se plants are rown out In open air and will stand severe cold without Injurr. pi ice $150 per 1000. Ble lots at SI 00 per 1005. We have SDeclal low Express rates on vegetable piiU from this point All p'antswll be ship ped C O D. unless you pr- fer sending money iwlth ordtrs Your order will have my prompt and pers nai attention, w Den in nee l pi vegetame plants give me a trial order. I guarantee satisfaction. - ivaaress all orders to Many gardens are. overdone in the I 13m DOnQldGOtlm matter of 4 fertilizers. This invites insect pests and disease, and causes the garden which looked like an emerald sea in the spring to be . in the hot days of August a thing of the past when we would like to be still enjoying its fruits. - A friend of mine told me With sor rowing heart she could have no suc cess-with roses. J looked to see if the cause could be ascertained, and I found stable manure among the stalks. This is another proof of the power of small things, and it is a general rule, fertilizers are all right in moderation on the roots, but should not touch the stalk. i If the land is inclined to be low and sour, use some form of potash and chip-yard manure. If on the other hand it has been leached out by the poor process culture, use .acid phosphate and green stuffs. After this, scrapings from the bath-lot are best, and will out-last fertilizers. Now, with faithful attention, you may count on an ever-green spot and a fountain of joy. - ; , MRS. PAMELA C. READE. Person Co., N. C. MAN LOVE GELF-OPENIHG a ATE AlwayB In order. Operated b any vehicle. Ad s to vain, conven lenceaad beauty of home S vet t i m e and acci dents Use on Ft. P D. Koutes and county roads. MANLOVE GATE CO.. y 272 K. Huron tot., Chicago. SAW MILL MACHINERY. r.loggeits, s. c. Fortunes in Cabbage Raisin g. Early Jersey WAKEFIELD The Earliest Cabbage 'Grown. t Charleston Urge Tjpe WAKEFIELD f jSecond j ' Earliest. Succession The Earliest Flat Head Variety. Any of the above varieties of Plants, C. O. D. or csh: less than 4000 at 81.50 per M.; 6000 to 9000 at 91.25 prM Kpcial pries on 1 its of 10.000 or more. . we ave b-ea in the business eign year and row cur plants in the open air. so tbat they will stand the early frosts and severe coldB. All shipments have our personal attention, and satlsfa tlon 1 guaranteed br money efunded Address, B. L. COX, Ethel P. O., S. C. isxp ess and Telegraphic Office: Meggetts, . u. ' ; ; I - 1 ; ' i ' - - ; ; CABBAGE PLANTS,' CELERY PLANTS, Hi and all kinds of garden- plants. Can now fur nish all kind Is of cabbage plants, grown in the open air and will stand great cold. Grown from "seed of the most reliable seedsmen. We use the same plants on our thousand acre truck farm. -Plants carefully; counted and properly packed. Celery ready last of December. , Lettuce, Onion and Beet plants same time or earlier. Cabbage reaay now. Reduced express rates promised. which, when effective, will give us 6o perl cent, less than merchandise rates. Prices: small lots $1.50 per thousand,, large lots $1.00 or $1.25 per thousand f o. b. Meggetts, S. C. Special Garden! Fertilizer ? s 00 per sack of 200 pounds, f o. b. Meggetts, S. C. The United States Agricultural Department has established an Experimental Station on our. Farms to test all kinds of 'vegetables, especially Cabbage. The results of these experimets we will be pleased to give you at any time. Yours respectfully, ; ' N. H. BLITCH CO.. Messetts. S. C. I - .1. a "TV t I am now prepared ;to fill orders for my Celebrated Cabbage Plants in any quantity desired: days later than early Jerseys, also a sure header of fine-size. Succession Best known sure heading variety of large flat cabbage, later than Charleston Wakefield. - - Early Jersey (Wake field Earliest and best sure header, small type. - ' Charleston! Wake field a b o li t ten These plants are from the very best tested seeds and grown in the open air and will stand severe cold without injury.1 All orders are filled from the same beds that I am using fori my extensive cabbage farm. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices, f. o. b. here, packed in light boxes: oUU for fel, 1,000 to 4,000 at 81.50 per M.; 5,000 to;S,000 at $1.25 per M. Special prices on larger quantities. All orders shipped C. O. D. when not accompanied by i J .. ,U'.:: . . ... . CUAS. M. GIBSON, Youngs Island, S. C. remittance. i . . QINNINQ MACHINERY. Early Cabbage Plants GuaVanteed to Satisfy Purchaser GASOLINE ENGINES. 1. rk ' nil ---sT u 0 5 0 z I 0 0 y 1 EARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD The Earliest Cabbage Grown CHARLESTON LARGE TYPE WAKEFIELD Second Earliest SUCCESSION AUGUSTA SHORT STEMMED ! .TRIIRKFP FLAT DUTCH The Earliest Flat A little later Largest and latest' trno riot than SnnoAiiInn f!ahhftff PRICE: inlots of 1 to 4 in. at $1.60 per m.t 6 to 9m. at $1.25 per m., 10 m. and over, at $1.00 per m. F. O. B. YOUNG'S ISLAND. S. C MY special express wo rumw w i j - . I guarantee Plants to elre purchaser satisfaction, or will refund the purchase QjUarantee nflce to any customer who is dissatisfied at end pf season. These plants are erown in the open fleld, on Seacoast of $outh Oarolina, in a climate that is just suited to Irowine the hardiest plants that can be j?rown in the United States. Thesejlants can be reset In the interior of the Southern States during the months or January, February, and tri-.k mk. ma.-rra.r-a nnM withnnt. hAinff inmrAd. and will mature a head of Oao- bage Two to Three weeks sooner than if ypu grew your own plants in hot beds and cold s a n 0 0 c 3 0 z MTTATMrt Customers are the Market Gardeners near the Interior towns and cities of m the South. T'heir profit depends upon them bavins Early Cabbage ; lor that reason iney pur- 0hTaU&owVfuUUne ofXerPlants WPrult Trees, such as Strawberry, Sweet Potato . Tomato, Ek? Plant and Pepper Plants ; f Apple, Peach, Pear, Plum, Cherry and Apricot ; -Trees, FigHBushes, and Grape Vines. j I ' 0 Soecial terms to rden Write for ishes, and Grape Vines. SI t 2 persons who make dub XUfJl C 1 GRRATy or Ulustnted catxlocuc J OCrWA 1 1 YOUNG'S f - - v ' 1 ISLAND. 8. C e STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, GRIST MILLS, STFAM PUMPS, EVERYTHING IN Machinery and Mill Supplies. HYMAN SUPPLY COMPAHY, - Offices, Stores, Warehouses, Wilmington and New Bern, N. C. For full information, address "Ma- phinety uepi. r," at etner yu,. SAW-MILL ENGINES! Don't experiment, jnst bur a TumnhkT.n NO trouble, no danger. . Farauhar Boilers never ex plode or give -w ay. Give more power pej rated horse power than others. Dont buy until yon SPECIAL AJAX CORNISH SAW-MILL RIG t it-trnttTiTiu I .i-t r-i we Eeturn flo boiler; iinrns long tUJw ndw-dut. Fire-boc extend entire length of boiler. Orer fifty jeu of experieaee end noeeu it back of Farqafcer E.mgtntm and gawMOU. Our BewektalogneexpUlni la deuii au onr en- fines, Boiler,, Baw- MilU ana threnliera. viUaendUfree apoareqnetU A.B.TABQrHXa CO., Ltd. ; Tort, Pa. USE LEE'S DuananaH K rfrinnltnrfll Lima 1 1 UpUlUU Ulivuiiuiui ui w FOR COTTON, CORN AND PEANUTS. rtreventB sheddlDg and "pops." KUla bud worms. Address A. h. utam a ouflo, inc. Rlcbmond, Va. lASHiYOURFU Tf vnn trao or bOT IXJ AJ-ta ,,a t mv j w - fur write to-day foi our new plan to maJce ex tra ? on -- rnRBYHinFJtF BCaXDKHI.rA. P.O.Box 39 ,1) . - - .----.- ------ - -