ft . v '" " Thursday, ' February 1 4 1907: PROGRESSIVE FARMER AND COTTON PLANT. Are Yotx 21 Old? - - , n The Progressive Farmer i& Twenty-One Years Old This Week, and if You Are Younger Than the Paper,-Whether Boy or Girl, Young Man or Young AVoman, Then This Letter is Intended for You. ' Are you 2 1 years old? " ; j jsioWj i aon;t mean to' embarrass any of the young ladies bur we don't" believe it will embarrass : them be cause our observation is that they - don't mind telling their age until af ter they pass the 21 stage. . - But that is neither. here nor there. We want 'our question answered." Are you 21 years old? You are " not? Well, ; if you are not, then this letter is intended espe cially for you, whether, you are boy or girliyoung man, or; young woman. . You see we are 21, years old. The Progressive Farmer has a birthday this week . , and that is its age twenty-one. . - And now we hate decided, dear young friends, tnat on reaching this stage of its career, The Progressive Farmer must have a "celebration wor thy of its record, and we want every member of The Progressive Farmer Family to help. V Thirty thousand subscribers that is the goal of the campaign we have now decided to make in celebration of our coming of age, and we have decidedto spend mqney enough and offer premiums -and prizes liberal enough to leave no doubt of success. And in winning this success, more over, we are counting heavily on the help of our.boys and girls, our young men and - young women, who are younger than the paper. We, especi ally want you to bestir yourself in our behalf, and we have hit upon a plan that will certainly arouse you to action. It will interest you because it will pay you and pay you handsomely. The trouble is that we are dead v bent on getting 30,000 subscribers for theold Progressive Farmer, and are willing to sink a thousand dol lars to get them right away. " . - So we are offering the most liberal - subscription commissions you ever . heard ; of just how liberal I cannot tell you here, but I have written a letter to your father telling all about it, and asking him to get your help. Nor do we stop with the commis sion although that is big pay, and will enable you to make good money" -but we go further:- , x Every working day for the thirty days from February 14th to March 3th we are-going to give a cash prize of $1 for the largest amount in new subscriptions received that day from anybody younger than the Pro gressive Farmer that is to say, un der. 21 years old. . It may. be one subscriber, two sub scribers, three subscribers, or a doz en: you will get your full cash com mission on all you send, and in addi tion, another cash prize of $1 if your collection: is the largest, of the day sent by any one under 21. That is all- that's the whole story, and. now we 'want our young people to rally to us and carry the old Pro gressive Farmer to 30,000. Our young, women we are count ing especially on their help, and the liberal commissions we offer will en able them to make not a little pin money. -erf r - ' ' And our school-boys and school girls the same liberal offer is open to them. : Let them find out from their schoolmates what farmers are not subscribers and make a clean sweep. - . . "' - And our older farmer boys let everybody help. Any boy or girl, young man or young woman, can make good money by canvassing for new subscriptions these next 30 days new subscriptions, remember, for we mean subscriptions from persons not now taking the paper, and no commission can be allowed on orders from families that already get it. But we have talked enough here's a blank all ready, see the letter we have sent your father, find out what neighbors are not taking the paper, get to work, send us a club, make your commission, and , win a prize. We count on your help. P. O. State Date. . . . . . . ., 1907. Publishers Progressive Farmer: -Enclosed please find $ . . . . . . . on payment for the following new subscriptions to The Progressive Farmer after deducting commission you offered. I am younger than the paper, having, been born after February 10, 1886, andyou are to send me an extra cash prize of $1 if this list is the largest you receive on the day it reaches you from anyone under 21. - Name of New Subscriber. - Postoffice. ! 4 - ' .. .. f. ..... .. i". .. ....... ......... . TRlYvIT. i s The best way j to judge a; good chewing tobacco l is to chew it We guarantee i Bill Baileyit's pure and clean! and pleasing BAILEY BROTHERS, j (Incorporated) WinstontSalcm, N. C. D No Better tobaccos made than those manufac- -S tured by BAILEY BROS, NOT IN A TRUST. U bin o vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvo The Raleigh Banking & Trust Co., The Round Steps Bank, - j l. , -j . s Cor. Hargett and FkyctteviUe Sts. Does a General Banking Business and Will be Pleased to Serre all In that Line, i The Trust part of our name means that we can become Administrators and Exe cutors of Estates, under Will, Trustees under : Mortagages and Deeds of Trust, and act In any fiduciary capacity whatever. 1 . We have a Strong Fire and Burglar Proof Vault, absolutely Safe, and in it we have Safe-Deposit Boxes for rent. All who have valuable papers, deeds, and .wills should have one. I " - " DIRECTORS Chas. M. Busbee, Chas. E. Johnson, James A. Brlggs, Chas. H. Belvln, W. N. Jones. Thomas S. Kenan, Thomas B Crowder, W. A. Llnehan, F. O. Morlng, J. R. Chamberlain, H. E. Norxlsi J. W. Harden, Jr., Alfred Williams. I-- We make and sell them to use on cook stoves or furnaces built of brick or stone, of all sizes aod prices for either HOM E OR MARKET CANNING. We also make t tie finest "Portable Canner" known. It bas all the advantages and overcomes all the disadvant ages of other pui table canners. The Best Ouifit, and Most Comp'ete Book of Instructions. You will be specially pleased with ihe ease with whih you ran do toe work and the splendid quality of the goods you can put up. -Write at once for catalogue and valuable information. . i t ; v- The Raney Cannor Company, Chapel Hilt, N. C. Farm and Timbered Lands at Close Prices, We can furnish good soil in farms f from 100 to ljOOO acres, and n the most fertile section of Sbuthside Virginia. . These lands are in communities that are being- more thoroughly de veloped every day, are in demand; 'and being sold. An excellent opportunity for energ-etic meni .j i - Write us for farther details, j r MECKLENBURG BOYDTON, RTY COMPANY; Inc. ni iif sr nm . If nri vT ii ii iuj I r i - jm t m vi snow - . ( a v nru hi I l I! I In I I II llllll 1 Strength of frame and flexibility of teeth are combined UEEDER ' m i m ' X , r Jt . 11 ow. it Via thA Ail. vantaeea of efficiency and economy over ill other weeders. "panpler Corn Plaatera WO rtw Irius always give BauBiacnuu um j. -feet la operation. Write for our free catalogue. .- 008 N Qneen St., York, Pa rJDD CDpBDOo For Horse, Sttaa or Gasollnt Power VoIl Augers For Homo Power , : IRON FENCED AND CATALOGUE FREE. r Cooper Bros., Raleigh. H. G. ' ' Address i - '-! ICC3I3 MACHINE Ca T1FFI1I 0HIQ WE PAY THE FREIGHT. m K i