' .. "... , -; - '"''J-' . "I" : : , ' 20 PROGRESSIVE FARMER AND COTTON PLANT Thursday, February 14, 1907. i i if PLANT FOOD PROBLEMS," AW 80 PAGE BOOK ON HOME MIXING. SEND US A POSTAL CARD AND GET A FREE COPY. This is a book of interest to every farmer and will be sent free of charge on request. In it we (describe the different fertilizer materials. five formulas for everv crop and instruct the farmer how to make his own fertilizers and save from; $y to $io per ton by so doing, besides KNOWING WHAT HIS MIXTURES CONTAIN. OTHER FERTILIZER MATERIALS FOR HOME MIXING For certain crops it may seem advisable to add more Potash or more Nitrogen to the percentage contained in Peruvian Guano, either by mixing the materials or applying the additional quantities as a side application. We are in aj position to quote lowest prices on the following materials and to ship them along with the Peruvian Guano, viz. : NITRATE OF POTASH. NITRATE OF SODA. MURIATE OF POTASH. SULPHATE OF POTASH. KAINIT. BASIC SLAG. PERUVIAN GUMO i A COMPLETE NATURAL FERTILIZER Holding first rank among all plant food materials stands Genuine Peruvian Guano, This valuable material, which for a few years has been in a measure overlooked by bur farmers in their haste to use cheap fertilisers consisting largely of Acid Phosphate, (dissolved rock), we are now importing and placing upon the market at prices which make it the cheapest as well as the.fe.tf source of plant food. ( j v: THE SUPPLY OF PERUVIAN GUANO NOT EXHAUSTED. I i The impression seems to prevail in the minds of many people that the supply of Peruvian Guano is exhausted. This impression has been deepened by the statements of various interested parties who have other fertilizing materials! for sale.- We wish to state most emphatically that this is not the case. The cessation of shipments of Peruvian Guano to this 'country! . was due largely to the increasing use of raw mineral phosphates and acid phosphates, and to the conservative attitude of j the Peruvian Government in maintaining the price of the Guano. In the meantime, however, shipments to Europe were made continually, and we now offer the Peruvian Guano under a $10,000 guarantee of genuine quality and unadulterated toondition. J i': . A small island situated off L,obos de Tierra was cleared of Guano in 1884. To-day it is estimated that! deposits of over 30,000 tons have accumulated on this island, a rock barely half a mile in circumference, or at the rate of 1,560 tons a 'year. The Peruvian Government estimates the annual production of all deposits at over 60,000 tons. If j SUPERIORITY OF PERUVIAN GUANO OVER RAW MINERAL PHOSPHATES AND ACID PHOSPHATES MADE FROM THESE MINERAL PHOSPHATES. ine iacc mat tne pnospnonc acid in Guano, when the latter is mixed with the Soil, becomes more and mrire available ro th nlanf while the phosphoric acid in acid phosphates (superphosphates) becomes less and less available, is of greatest importance when we consider that acid phosphates form a basis of seven-eighths of the commercial fertilizers now on the market. PERUVIAN GUANO A SUPERIOR BASE FOR MIXTURES. j if Peruvian Guano is a material that commends itself strongly as the best possible base for home mixtures. By its use, the neces sity for using a large number of materials in compounding, is entirely done away with. Such materials as ground bone, acid phos phate, tankage, dry ground fish, dried blood, sulphate of ammonia, etc., are not needed since the Peruvian Guano supplies all the plant food elements furnished by these materials, in choicest forms, and already intimately mixed and combined by natural processes. RECENT IMPORTATIONS. j Peruvian Guano, being a Natural Manure, every cargo varies slightly.- The following is the analysis I. of the cargo of Guano we have just discharged from the Steamship "Karl of Douglas:" I f - ..Phosphoric Acid. . . ................. . . . . . Potash . ... . . . .... Total Nitrogen 7.61 per cent equal to Ammonia 9.70 per cent 2.05 per cent 9.25 per cent Nitrogen as Nitrates Nitrogen as Ammoniates Organic Nitrogen . . . . 1.73 per cent 2.92 percent 2.96 percent We have other cargoes shipped from the same deposit now on the wav whnsp analuc 11 k Li,;i,. i .!,. : . i It will be notedin the above analysts that the Nitrogen is in three forms. That portion existing as Nitrates is immediately avail able and starts the young plant off with a vigorous growth and well developed root system. The early rains and warmth of snrintr render available that portion of the Nitrogen existing as Am moniates. The hot weather of midsunimer sets up that process known as nitrofication which changes the organic Nitrogen first into Ammoniates, then into Nitrates, in which latter, form all plants take their supply of Nitrogen from the so, . Thus ,t will.be seen that Peruvian Guano not only supplies the nourishment to the plant in the earlier stages of its growth, but also caters to its later wank A fwic i - tiiiJ. t , , o o -- u -v. pttm uuutiuuuubiy jo its nnai aeveiopment. APPLICATION. uriate of j Potash with each 1850 For triost satisfactory results on Cotton and Corn we recommend the mixture of 150 lbs. of Mi lbs. of Guano, to be used under the crop at the rate of too to 6on lb - ' .. - I V.. I f . . 1 i- VCM Tp tip? We recommea 2 ? 300 lbs. of Peruvian Guano alone to the acre in May or Tune. iUR lRUlK we recommend the application of 1000 to 2000 lbs nf Vrnon r,rt nf 14 J . rr T V. ary applications of Nitrate of Potash at the rate of aoo to 300 lbs per acre f Plantln& and supplement- WMS. 33 Broad Street, CHARLESTON SOLE IMPORTERS OF GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO. 9 j s. c