Thursday February 14, 1907. PROGRESSIVE FARMER AND COTTON PLANT. Test Your 4 4 1 t ; ; Dead Seeds or Adulterations a Serious MatterTests are Easily Made. The planting of dead; seeds to occnpy the soil to the exclusion of a valuable plant is a serious matter. -The testing of seeds is a small matter. 1902, all seed being one year old, were as follows: ' Beans, 86 per cent; beets, 128 per cent; cabbage, 82 per cent; carrots, 61 per cent; cauliflower, 77 per cent; If the crop is worth raising, if it celery, 53 per cent; cucumbers, is worm " wnne to Know Deiore we plant our seed whether that seed is alive, just how "much of it Will come up, and also how much of it is really the seed of the crop we-, think; we are planting. ' ' s Let the small farmer take a lesson trom the business man, and first know what he is buying; second, after buy ing it testit ".to. make sure that the goods specified have been deliyered: Practice of a Very Rich Man. I know of one man so wealthy that his name has become almost synony mous with money, who is running a farm on business principles, and in purchasing seed takes care that he gets value received. Before ordering 86 per cent; egg plant, 58 per cent; let tuce, 64 per cent; musk-melon, 77 per cent; onion, .76 per cent; parsley, 67 per cent; parsnip, 48 per cent; peas, 4 5 i per cent ; ; pepper, 76 per cent; pumpkin, 74 per cent; radish, 8 8 per cent; salsify, 6 7 per cent: spinach, -82 per cent; squash; 87 per cent; sunflower 9 7, per cent; tomato, 85 per cent; turnips, 95 per cent; watermelon, 82 per cent. V To show the effect of age upon the vitality of seed, , the" following table from the same source is reproduced: Seed stated to be less than one year old, 76 per cent. - c Seed stated to be between one and two years old, 63 per cent. Seed stated, to be between two and his supply of seeds he sends to yari-I three years old, 21 per cent. ous dealers . and asks for samples-; He then takes a portion of the sample, examines it for purity, and "also tests it for vitality. If the seed seems pure and alive, he then purchases the seed with the understanding that it is to measure .up to the standard of the sample. When the seed filling the order comes, it is again testedutb see that this seed is of. the, same quality as the original sample. If a man of great wealth sees fit' to put into prac tice such checks and controls as this to insure the purity and vitality of his seed, how much more is it neces sary, for the small farmer to guard carefully these points? - Beware of Adulterations. Impurity of seed is a very-com mon matter, either intentionally or through carelessness of the seed men There are numerous instances where the number of weed seed in "a pound of clover seed ranges from 20,000 to 200,000. There are numerous in stances in North . Carolina where seeds purporting to be oats contain more than 50 per cent of some other kinds of seeds. Grass seed are woe fully adulterated,: and so all along the ' line. Few seeds indeed are ex empt from impurity of .one kind or another. " Each farmer, should learn to know the seeds Of his crop and the seeds of the various weeds, and should ex amine each purchase to be sure that no weed seeds are among the. seeds of his crop And as nearly important as weed seeds is the question of dead seeds. Through avarice, some unscrupulous seedsmen seek to become free of old poor seed and mix these- old seeds with new ones, thus lowering the av erage germinating power of the seed as a whole. . Simple Method of Testing Seeds. For this reason it is well to test samples of seed before planting, them to . ascertain what proportion will si.-rvm Tliic.-tootm'iv ho To ny iUiuc uy imo -kvak "jnrf ly made by placing a few of the seeds, say one hundred, in a plate or cigar box containing some moist sand or soil. Place the7 seeds on the top of the sand and then, you can moi e readily detect their germination and get the results of : the test sooner. Place this germinator where it will be warm and see that it does not dry out, and when your seeds have done Secjd stated to be between three and four years old, 59 percent. F. L. STEVENS, A. & M. College, Raleigh, N. C. Peas Wanted. Kindly advise us if you can. put us in touch of any, parties from whom we could get cowpeas. Thanking you in, advance for your prompt, reply, we remain, L. O. MOSELEY. Kinston, N. C. Governor-elect Hoke Smith, of Geor gia, in a recent address to young men,' made announcement as toiiows of his life-purpose for the future: life in studying the problems which concern the State and South, and in writing and talking about them. When I ran for Governor last year I decided definitely to give up working for .money and to devote the remain der of my life to working out these problems for Georgia and the South.'' The 1907 Girl Yours for the Asking Have you made her acquaintance? Now is your only chance. After much trouble : and expense, The Sharpies Separator Co., of Wes Chester, Pa., have succeeded beyond their hopes in reproducing from life In the softest and daintiest colors, the sweetest dairy maid that ever graced a cream separator calendar or was ever offered by any cream separator company as a free .picture suitable for framing. This calendar and this free picture, are like the Sharpies Tubular Cream Separator- you can t appreciate eiiner ?oi iuem until you see them.. Worthy a place in-every home. The Sharpies Sepa rator . Company will send the calen dar with this picture, on it to - you, free, for the names of two neighbors who keep cows but have no Tubular Cream Separator. Or they will send free the same picture, made larger for framing and without the calen dar pad attached, for the names of five neighbors" who keep cows but have no Tubular Cream Separator. Calendar and picture both sent free for . names of seven neighbors who keep cows but have' no Tubular. Write at once before the supply is gone, sending two names for the cal- germinating, determine what number endar with smaller picture on it, or of them have "done so, and you can five for the large picture without thus obtain the percentage of viabil- calendar pad attached, or seven for ity. Do not look for too high a both.. You must mention the name standard: You cannot expect 100 per I of this paper to get them. Address, cent-in any case. ." " ; I The Sharpies Separator Co., West The, results obtained in germina-1 Chester, Pa., Chicago, in., loromo, tion tests in the State of Connecticut, Canada:' , 4 V J. WHO 10 RIGHT ABOUT TH BEST EPfflflTM? G R E A Every cream separator, manufacturer, old and new alike, claims that his separator ietter than any other. WHO IS RIGHT? Who can honestly make such a claim? We will leave the answer to you but wi-h to submit a few facts for your consideration. The DE LAVAL machine wasj the original separator and it has, been manufactured for twenty-eight t years, twice as long as any other machine. The world's best inventors and mechanics have been constantly working and trying to better it and thousands of dol lars have been spent annually in this effort The DE LAVAL has for m my years been thoroughly tested, tried and used in every civilized country in the world land kinder every; conceivab e con dition. Over 800,000 have been sold to date, iEeveral times all ; other makes combined From f these "tests and experiences the -DE LAVAL experts have learned what a cren separator must be to be called BEST. The DE fLAVAL machine of to-da repre sents this knowledge. Every! feature of its construction is the result of years of study and practical experience and the expendi ture of vast sums of money.- Nothing has .been left undone that would help to make and keep the DE LAVAL the 8 EST of all sepa rators. No f eparator buijt to-day contains any feature whatever, not used in the DE LAVAL, which has not at some time or other been tried out by the DEjLAVAL exberts and cast aside for some- :" thing better in the present D E LAVAL construction. Consider these facts well, consult every experienced sepa ator user you can, . learn all that is possible about cream separators and tell us WHO you think is RIGHT. Meanwhile send for a DE LAVAL catalog of separator facts and reasons, to be had for the asking. The De Laval Separator Co. Randolph & Canal Sts. CHICAGO 1213 Filbert Street PHILADELPHIA 9 & 1 1 Orumm St. . SAN FRANCISCO General Offices: 74 CORTLANDT STREET NEW YORK. 109-1 18 Youville Square MONTREAL 75 ft 77 York Street TORONTO . 14 & 16 PiNCFB8 Street WINNIPEG ; A1 IJ ; 1 1 X 1 ' Contains all the money-maklnsr points of dairyinar. Among the subjects treated you will find How to Feed, What to Feed. When to Feed, What Foods . Produce - Most Milk. How to Take Care of Milk-Producing Foods, How to Feed Silage, the Care of the Milch Cow, and many other' profitable and practical suggestions that help swell the profits of the dairyman. With the book we will send additional information telling you how and why you can get the most out of you milk by usmgithe- Shandies VlpiilMair1 (Spearon Separation" We guarantee that with a Tubular vou can get 50 per cent more cream oyeri the old pan method of kimming, j. and 6-per cent over any other cream separator made. Sharpies Separators get all the -cream and the Tubular is the easiest running, easiest - cared for, and easiest kept clean There is just one tiny piece in the bowl, the milk 'can is low and handy, the bearings are self oiling. " .Write for the 'Business Dairying" at once stating j number of cows you keep. Ask for booklet D. 283 ( Mr. S. I. Boyer, Venetia, Pa., says ."The Tubular makea'me $255.00 yearly." Tho Ghsrploo Separator Co., Toronto, Can. WEST CHESTER, PA. Chicago, 111 GAIN ACHES byclearingrtbat stumpy piece 1 ' Vol land. I ke He-eulea Stumn ,C55sPallerpnllsanystnrip. Saves ".. , time. hor 1 And "tmnnM.. Catalog free. Herculw Kffc Co., Cept.t34. Ctoterfillt, la. Fruit Tree and Plants SSSi?t qJSSK guaranteed to live. Bfterlally less than agent a price. Illustrated Catalogue Tree. Botr a. CHATTANOOGA NURSERIES ChttUnooaa. Tenn. 4-

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