12 THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER. Thursday, June 6, 1907. NEW YORK MARKETS. A Progressive Farmer Representative Keeps Our Readers Posted as to the Trend of Prices on All Farm Products. 5 New York June 1, 1907. Yesterday and to-day constitute about the first "bunch" of season able weather we have had. The whole situation is thirty days late, and in this backwardness New York is not alone. Your correspondent heard a representative of a prominent woolen-cloth concern say that while their sales on a Saturday were usu ally about $1,500, the whole amount for the week for several weeks past was only $750, and that actually they would be about as well off to lock up and go fishing. The big stores, especially those dealing In clothing, must be on the anxious seat, too. People have until now been wearing their winter clothing, and summer stocks are practically untouched. ; This backward weather extending as it does all over the cotton belt nearly, has caused renewed interest in this great staple. The wires have been kept hot with reports of "20 to 30 days late," and no man can see the end. The whale' tendency is upward, and middling spot is now worth 12 c. If Sully could have put off his operation looking to 15c. cotton until now he might have been on the highway to success. While these high prices may cause rejoicing among planters, what will they profit if they have no cotton to sell? Seats on the Cotton Exchange have ad . vanced from $10,000 to $14,000 Within a short time and the top has not been reached. Grain. Wheat is not so feverish and quotations generally tend -to lower basis, closing at $1.05 for July, against 8 8 c. a year ago. Corn' 61 'c against 55 c. Oats firm at 49 c.; elevator, and 50c. track. Potatoes and Vegetables. Old po tatoes are weak. Quality in many cases is lacking, and quotations show some further decline. New stock in good request and firm. Georgia and South Carolina are worth S4rra per barrel for No. 1, and $3 3.50 for No. 2; Florida, Rose, $5g5.75; Texas, Red, $4.25 4.75. Onions, steady, with New Orleans selling at about $1.401.50 per bag. Texas, per crate $3 3.25, for white, and $2.25 for yellow. Peas are in freer supply but quotations are fairly well held at $22.75 per large basket for North .Carolina, for large peas, and $1.50 2 for large basket, small size. Rhubarb, per 100 bunches, $1 1.50. Cabbages well sustained at $2 2.50 per crate for North Caro lina and about the same for Virginia and Maryland stock. String beans in more liberal supply and somewhat lower; North Carolina, per basket, $33.50; Georgia and South Caro lina, $2.50 4. Tomatoes are held at about $2 2.50 per carrier for choice Florida. Beets, $2.505 per 100 bunches. Cucumbers, $1.502 per basket for Floridas. Oysterplant per : 1 00, $ 4 6'r- Lettuce in larger supply and held at $11.75 per bas ket for Southern. Marrow squash per barrel-crate, $l 1.50. Spinach, per barrel, $11.75. Watercress per 100 bunches, $11.75. Corn' per 100 ears, $2 4. Asparagus shows some advance;' prime, $2g 2.75 per dozen bunches. Carrots, $24 per 100 bunches. Butter has been in excellent re quest all the week, especially for top grades, which are called for by out- of-town hotels and watering places. Extra creamery, 25c; imitation creamery, 21 c; factory, 20 21c: and renovated, 20 22c Eggs.- The supply of eggs con tinues more than ample, and some decline has taken place. Fresh-gatft- I ered Kentucky, 15 1 6 V c : same for Tennessee. Duck eggs, 20c, for Maryland and Virginia. Provisions are somewhat higher. Mess pork, $17.5018.50 for clear, and $19 19.50 for family. Extra India mess beef, $2 2&2 3. 00. F. J . R. Our Weekly Tobacco Report. Danville, Va., May 31, 1907. The loose tobacco sales this week have amounted to about 175,000 pounds, and consequently have not been sufficiently large to be of very great interest to the buyers. Fur thermore the stock sold has been more inferior than usual and mostly damaged. The market for redried stock in hogsheads has been quite active, and there has been considerable Inquiry that has resulted in sales that foot up a respectable total. The inquiries are from widely separated foreign markets. The weather for the week has been unusually cold and windy for the season. The result has been that what little tobacco there was set out on the rain of the 25th has been damaged by cut worms or the weath er. To-day we have had a gentle, though cold, rain on which, no doubt, much tobacco in the Old Belt will be set, out. While the crop is being planted under adverse circumstances", still there is no reason why good seasons may not overcome all of the set-backs. It is probable, however, that the poor planting seasons will result -in a smaller acreage than was intended to be planted in the Old Belt. The following shows the increase in sales: Pounds. Sales May, 1907..... 2,090.681 Sales May, 1906. .... . . . . 528,477 Increase, May, 1907. .... .1,562,204 10 Months, 1906-'07. . . . .35,108,196 10 Months, 1905-'06.... .33,844,659 Increase, 1906-'07 1,263,537 -Very truly yours, DIBRELL BROS., INC. Cotton, eoort Tinges and Stains. Raleigh Cotton. Balxigh, June 3, 1907. .I314 to 13 -iu 10 11 Baltimore Provisions. um BALTIM0B1B Md., June 3,1907. Flour-Winter patent fin Qn - yv w Wheat Spring patents. Corn Southern white! uais no. 2, mixed y in o. 5 10 . 5 40 80 90 Butter Ffttiflv iTnit7TZr . west uuii Butter Fancy creamery Butter Store packed! Eggs Fresh unease. 62 47 87 64 Sugar Fie granulated Sugar Coarse 'granulatart 5 22 a 25 15 a 17 UK 6 10- 4 88 23 26 16 10 Wilmington Markets. (Corrected by W. b. Cooper, Wholesale Wilmington, N. c, June 3, i07. FLOXTK. Straight A High Grade Preparatory School! With Industrial Equipment Boys and young men prepared for college in the most thorough manner. Course embraces Latin, Greek, Mathematics, History and English. $121 pays tuition, board, room, lights heat, and library fee for the scholastic year, j An opportunity will be given to a number of young men to work their way through school. If you are interested - write'- ' :r ; :: j - ' :: :: J. B. AIKEN, Principal, LITTLETON, N. C. FALL TERM DBQING AUGUGT 23, 1907. 31 BEYOND THE BLUE RIDGE LIES HILL COLLEGE... The Leading Co -Educational Institution In Western N. C. - 352 Students. 50 ot whom are boarding pupils. , .Invigorating climate. Delightful school spirit, j Five buildings. Spllman Home fhr GWs (6 a month. ) Hail for boys (S8 a month.) All nnder personal watchcare of thl "erry tultlon 2-0 3.00. Mars HI U satisfies. Fall Term (19 weeks) or.eS. August 8, 1907. See our Catalogue and "College Quarterly." Address T: P B. L. MOOBE, PRESIDENT, MAB8 HILL, N. C. IM MAKING h ... Fomum? YOU MM U OTHING so surely offers as large returns as a good N i iuaumdtiunug siock. jf roDaoiy you do not realize I how many people there are enjoying a regular in I come as the results from in veati nor- ;n mannxf. . - ; 0 -.M.Vy tHi - ing stocks. There are thousands of them and they are largely those who bought their stocks when the opportunity was first offered to secure shares at a low price before the Company had been fully de : veloped. . j ; - - Stocks of many manufacturing Companies have advanced from a few dblia t, , " ingT from $100.00 to $5,000.00 a share in value, and besides have paid back to the investors ; in dividends many times ST ey first mYeste d- May of the Companies are paying from 50 to 100 per cent in dividends on the first price for stock. Tvr u asp this opportunity purchase stock in the Empire Machine Company at $25.00 a share. This company is in the hands of men whose ability and integrity cannot be questioned and these men pledge themselves to see that each and every investor in the enterprise receives an equal division of the profits. CONCRETE. u?,?ZCr-etthS l0?ff been recognized as the building material of the future; its development as such is becoming a necessity. That n?wCeW mal nee U woven by the diminishing supply of wood, which is estimated! will all be cut in 20 years. andSfnoJft haiU Practically( a short life of usefulness, and buildings of brick, although they have a long-er life are sub- cre et00nditi0nt Mutually Sat"e cTn--JSte eit Jet fe $25000 bten corporated with a capital stock of Patetr' Protected by United States and Foreign TKL? SJffiJZ tbeir manufacture. 22 wilfbeSrete the PAYMENT PLAN. $5.00down and $5.00 per month for 9 months buys 2 shares tforch 7.:ifny one j person. Cash plan 5 per of stock will be sold on the cent for cash. Only a limited amount above price and terms. Send in vnnr ann1i.:- ,. ' ' ' ' us for full prospectus Uterature J-'? in.Pric or write gether with ouence fnpnS f Machines, to, xcxerences. .. Address all communications to, Empire Half patent JIT!! "r ' U 00 : . 4 50 0