Thursday, June 6, 1907. THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER. 15 Large English Berkshire I Poland China Essex Pigs and Southdown Sheep. Imported strain bred and for sale. . A few extra male pigs left, and a number of pigs ready for shipment In July and Angus?. A number of Choice Southdown Lambs ready for shipment In May and J use. Also Jersey Cattle. D. I. Farrlor, K. F. D. 4-55, Balelgh. N. C. L. G. JONES, Tobaccoville, N. C. PURE BRED JERSEY. One Jersey Bull Calf 9 months old. Excel lent breeding on both sides, and fine Individ ual. THOS. P. WHART0N, Washington, North Carolina. GUINEA ESSEX THE IDEAL HOGS. Solid black, very prolific. Brood Sows, Gilts, and Pigs ready to ship. WELTOJf WINN, Santa Anna, Tex. DurOCS, DurOCS ! f J? elfelble; to? se at reasonable prices. Hired by Tenn.. Chief, No 14517, Lowrance, No. 19637 and other noted boars, and from large proline sows, of best breeding. Write your wants and for prices. CLAUDE JKJiBLINS, Sbelbyville, Tenn. Rose and S. C. Rhode Island Reds. White Wyandottes, S. C. B. L,egr- -horns and B. P. Rocks. Egg's $1 per 15, $1. 75 per 30. Rose Comb R. I. Reds a specialty. Valley View Poultrv Y ards. J. D. GLICK ,, Proprietor, Route No. 19, Box No. 41, DAYTON, VA. LARGE ENGLISH BERKSHIRES! The best I ever raised. Sired by the famnns Rnvprnor 96738. Have an ex tra lot of Sow Piers, will ship at two months of age.- Write to-day for prices on these fine pigs, Pine Grove Farm,' rvoute l, ieaar trrove, xn. v.. BERKSHIRE PIGS, As fine as the finest. - From registered stock. Prices on application. M. R. RUDISILL & CO.. HILDEBRAN, N. C. THE SWI ST OC K FA R M Has on hand and mnat he sold. Toons Jersey Bulla and Heifers. Also Poland China and Berkshire Pigs. None better bred. : ! Battleboro, North Carolina I R. F.D. 1. EGGS FOR HATCHING. I guarantee good .strong chicks. Pure stock. Healthy birds. Safe delivery. I ship from Richmond, Va. Single Comb Brown Leghorns. Sl.00 for 15; J6 for 100; $50 per 1,000; 500 at 1,000 rate. Single Comb BrtT Orping tons t2 for 15. Pure White Tnrkey Jfiggs, for 10; 10 for 50. MRS. CAL. HUSSELMAN, Highland Springs, Va. TALLY HO STOCK FARM. A few more Berkshire Pigs for sale. Your pr.mpt oraer win get one. $s.uueacn siouu for two at ten weeks old. We nevershlp any but good pigs, i ' a , - :: :: :. :: W. J. and H. P. Webb, STEM. N. C. , ':,: Angus Bulls for Sale ! TOPNOTCBEB. READY FOR SERVICE. f!hftlA Iftt rf YmW alv. alHf fnwa and heifers not akin to bulls. Inspection Invited. Call or address Rose Dale Stock Farms, Jeffersonton, Ya. WantedLive Foxes "Will pay $5.00 per pair. T. C. DePRlEST, L,attimore, N. C. Pure -Bred POLAND CHINA, BER KS HIRE and T AM WORTH PIGS at reasonable prices. J. C. GRAVES, Bar boursville, Orange Co., Virginia. Fine Berkshire Figs ( of the large English type, irom tne leaamg 'mTJTFVFvyitV Two months old: now ready for shipment 15.00 per pair, $8.00 single. Also Norwood's War Horse Game Chickens and Eggs. Correspondence solicited at all times. Chestnut Ridge Farm, Hillsboro, N. C. Pure Buff Orpingtons. HVi dIto hcantv. oxi trv t.VilR flnclr. Vnr flna r?1-m1A Hnnatora: an r 1 TCfl Inirlncr Hens, apply for terms. For fresh and care- raiiy saved Jfiggs, si.w ror 10. xne earnest laid eggs produce the finest chickens, MRS. G. W. HARDY, Jeffress, - Yirginia. Sunnyside Berkshires. We have the best Berkshire blood In America In our three great Herd Boars Imported Hightide Commons, Baron Premier Ill's Bachelor and - SunnysidVs Faithful. Our Sows are of Just as good blood and have been carefully selected from the best herds. Don't buy a Berkshire hog until you Inquire about my stock. Prices reason able. Headquarters - for ABERDEEN-ANGUS CATTIiE. FOR SALE Registered Berkshire Boars and sows from raze winners. PURE BRET White Wyandottes, White Plymouth uoe&s, it. i. Keas, .reran uncus, Egg Settings and Stock. J PIMEHURST GENERAL OFFICE, Pinehurst, North Carolina, OaKwood Farm. i Jersey Cattle AND Berkshire Hogs. 51 i BULLB IN UBE: RUtmore's Torment. No. 60781: Sultan of Blltmore, No, 66S00. In order to make room for spring calves win maze special prices on duii caives irom uv iu iu mnntiiB oiil - All ntnntr sklnnad srnaran- teed to give entire satisfaction. i t L. OHUrORD, Newton, Mm Cm QS FOR HATCHING Phn4. Ta1n4 T?v4u TlnM rA Sin firlB Comb. Prize Stock Hardy and Prolific. No breed nr rnvid thAm u lavera and general utility. Circular free. Eggs per 16 52.00, Prize ens 93.00. WS1 uunn&Ji ruumni ARM. west Durham, in. u. Sunny Home Farm Headquarters in the South for best strains of Aberdeen Angus Cattle Young Bulla as good as the best. Write A. I. FRENCH, Prop., R. F. D. 2, Byrdville, Va. Farm and Station, Fitzgerald, N. C Red Polled Cattle, Paei tnr MHlr Rntt.Br ATI A Reef. SmOOth. blocky, and very handsome. The most use fni nf aii raaAo HMtrA vflrv flna vonne Bulls. Borne Heifers and Cowb tor sale, i Also ma tured Bull.. . .1. . PrtT.AWn fiTTTN A MIII4H TUB HITCH OI OUT .Till flnvs am tha irrfiatBHt Drlze-wlB- ners of the breed, and sold for from $2,500 to vrrvM asih a tiq.1t nf nifrn of thlsi breedlne for J15; In the west they would cost you from X40 to 50. ARROWHEAD STOCK FARM, Sam'l B. Woods, - - Proprietor, Charlottesville, v a. ; ; IF YOU WANT THE BEST REGISTERED Standard Bred Horses, Jer sey Cattle, Black Essex Hogs, Scotch CoUie Dogs, or B. P. Rocks, 8. L. Wyandottes. S. C. Brown Lieghorn, jsuxt ana jranriage "it" " Vir -and Eggs in season. Address OPEN VIEW FARMS, Robt. Li. Abernethy, Prop., Mount Holly, N. C. ' i I Davis' Barred Rocks! PhamntnTiri nf North Carolina Write for mating list telling all about It Eggs and Cockerels, for sale. i j I B. S. PA via, cnanotte, . v. Registered Essex Swine for Sale from orize winniner stock. Early ma- turitv. fattened at any aere. Price, $15 per pair. A few young Registered Guernsey Bulls cheap. Excelsior Seed Farm, Cher aw, S. C. POLAND CHINA HOGS 8 C. Brown Leghorns, Homer Pigeons and English and American Fox Hounds. Smith Bros., Haley, Tern W. R. Walker, IP H i have 70 fine VoU and China and Mam" moth Black pigs to select you a fine pair from. Order at once and get choice. John A. Young, o ireensaoro9 jh. o. Union, S. C. s. C. White Loghorns (HEAVY LAYING STRAINS) Eggs UOO per 15. ' Stratheden Poultry Farm, Shipping Point, Macon, N. C. P. O. Embro, N. C. . Barred Plymouth Rocks Brown and White Leghorns, Cornish Indian Games, Fantail Pigeons, White Honliin Bantams. Bronze Turkeys, Toulouse Geese, Pekin Ducks, S. C. and Rosecomb R. I. Reds. My poultry is mated with best of care and will ! win in every show. J. E. THOMAS, R. F. 1). 5, Charlotte, J. J. FOR SALE! One Extra Fine Red Polled Bull Calf. J A S3 CV VX XXV JL1UD A9 Uv W CB J M-LJOm J sJbXM.m J U V will be sold reasonable. If you want some thing nice write me quick. . i E. S. WRIGHT, Brush Creek, R. F. D., 1, - Tennessee. White Wyandottes, S. C. B. Leghorns, Pit Games. They suit me testimonials Bay they suit customers, a. J. uuyxb, waynesviue, v t JOHN S. FUIIK GLEN FARU, HARRIS ONBURG, VA. ROUTE 7 Single GomD Brown Legnorns Exclusively . Breeders for sale, and eggs from three dif ferent matlngs. Also Homer Pigeons. Smith Bros., Haley, Tenn. DUROC JERSEY HOGS ' of the highest breeding. An extra lot of pigs from two to five months old, ready to ship. Also a few choice ser vice boars. Brood sows and gilts all - sold. These pigs contain the blood of a noted $6,000 boar. Write for prices, , pedigree goes with every hog sold. L. Mi Whitaker & Co., Mulberry,- Tenn. Kentucky Jack Farm A fine lot of big black well-bred Kentucky Jacks, also Imported Black Span UK Jacks, selected by me Sersonally from the best reed of Jacks in Spain. We furnish a certificate of Ttarileree with each lmtor- ted Jack. Come to see me or write for prices. I can1 please you. Joe E. Wright, junction City, Ky. T 4 "WT "IT? Rose Comb Ieghorns( MM I J F r Plymouth Bocks. 1 Milk White Guineas. . ! Purple Guineas Very Bare. REGISTERED SiSSteSf Mention this Paper when Writing. JOHN C. F0WKE. - - Baldock, S. C. Registered 0. IX. Swine! These hogs are from' Prize winners. Very thins for N. C farmers. Call or write. Five ci.-maolri: nlrt nlcrn fnr sal ft. HAKD18UIS, inurman, st. J. G. C. Importer and breed er of Resr. Polled Durham cattle, Pure bred Southdown sheep and Reer. Pol and China hogs. Pol led Durhams are shorthorned with the bones bred off. They are red and roan in color. -: V : America's Leading Horse Importers. " We Import more than 300 of the Best Stallions each yearmnd seU them all. Nearly every horse Is rood, enongrhto win at the Lradlnr 8havi in France and America. In France, in 1906, our Percherons won everyflrst Pre at every big show. In America, atWe foUowlng show: Iowa Stala Fair, Ohio State Falr, Minnesota State Fair, Missouri State Fair, Inter-State 1 Live Stock xhlon, St. Joseph, American 'Royal, Kansas City ; International ; Live Stocky t"11C1ncag19 Our Percherori anti French Coach Stallions were shown 123 times and won 119 first prizes. We sell the prize winners and win each year with fresh horses. 102 Stallions received December 18th. !t ; Mclaughlin 1 KANSAS CITY. MO. COLUMBUS, O. 9 ST. PAUlJ MINK.