12 THE PROGRESSIVE PARMER. Thursday, July 18, 1907. Raleigh Cotton. Cotton, good. Off grades. Raleigh, July 15, 1907. . 13 to 13 ml to 12 Baltimore Provisions. BAliTlMOBK Ms., July 15, 1907. Flour Winter patent Spring patents Wheat, Spot contract Houtnern Dy sample. uorn southern white. Oats No. 2, mixed , wye jno. x. Butter Fancy imitation Butter Fancy creamery.. Butter Store packed Eggs Fresh Cheese. SUfirar Fine p-rannlatort Sugar Coarse granulated 5 10 ?4 70 l 4 90 . 5 20 4 60 93 93 87 93 , 57 61 47 82 , 21 . 25 16 16 . U 5 10 22 26 18 17 15 Richmond Tobacco Market. (Reported by E. K. Vletor & Co., Leaf To bacco, Strips, Stems and Scraps.) . Richmond, Va., July 15, 1907. The market continues to be quiet but firm. There is still some business being done for export at unchanged prices. The hot weather which we have been having for the last week or so has moderated some and we have had some showers. The plants in the fields are doing well and are bound to make a rapid growth during this kind of weather. It is of course too early yet to. say anything about the quality or quantity of the new crop, but so far the prospects are fair. The markets in South Carolina are beginning to open for new primings, .which are selling at very satisfactory prices to the farmers. -1 Bright Wrappers. Fillers. Common 1215 8 9 Medium . 15 22 9 10 Good 25 40 11 13 Cutters. Smokers Common 10 12 9 10 Medium.. . 13 14 10 11 Good . 14 2211 13 Sun-cured. Dark-fired. Common). Medium Good Wrappers . 6 9 8 10 10 12 15 60 l4 y 4 5 5 6 10 15 . Richmond Prodace Market. Prices of general farm produce range to day as follows : , POUI.TBY I.IVK. Chickens, spring, large lb. Chickens, small Hens Ducks, large . ; , Guineas . BUTTER. Choice family packed, per lb Choice dairy packed. Choice store packed . 17 17 12 12 25 & 19 19 13 13 16 16 15 BOOS. Crates, nearby, fresh laid. 15 Crates, from other sections. 14 TBCITS AND VEGETABI.ES. 17 17 16 g 16 15 Blackberries, crate . Peaches, Fla , per carrier : Blackeye PeaB Per bus. Beans Navy, No. 1 white Common to choice, per bus. Potatoes White, No. l. per bus. Florida Fancy, per bol.. Tomatoes, lancy, per carrier... Squash, cbolce, per case ... Clay Peas ..,.-- ; 75 25 60 40 20 65 25 75 00 35 00 76 89 60 30 75 75 50 25 60 HAY. Timothy . Light Clover, mixed Clover, mixed CORNMEAI City, sacked! Country, bolted, sacked. 23 00 21 50 19 60 71 66 20 50 72 68 MILL-FEED. Shlpstuff, ton, winter-. 26 oo Bran, winter , 25 00 ShlpstufT, spring 24 50 Bran. . , 24 00 STBAW. Compressed Loose-pressed, large bales. 9 00 10 00 Petersburg Peanuts. Petersburg, Va., July 15, 1907. Spanish, per bushel 140 Virginias, fancy - . 4 4 machine picked.- 3 3 shelling stock 2 3 NEW YORK MARKETS. A Progressive Farmer Representative Keeps Our Readers Posted as to the Trend of Prices of All Farm Products. New York July 13, 1907. Potatoes and. Vegetables. New po tatoes nave come to market very freely this week and at the close there is a big supply left over. Quo tations are hardly as well sustained as they were last week, Southern Rose being held at $1.50S) $1.75 per barrel, and the same for Irish Cob bler; red, $1.25 1.50. Onions have been in good demand all the week and Maryland and Virginia white, per basket, are worth $1.75 2; red, per barrel, $4; N. O., per crate, $1.50 1.75. Asparagus has shown some falling off in supply and is woll held at $2.25 2.75 per dozen bunches, extra green, and $1.75 2.2 5 for whit.e. Culls 75c. $1. Cabbage, per crate, 60 75c latter for good Baltimore. Supply is more than am ple. Carrots $ 2 3 per barrel for old and $1.25 1.50 per 100 bunches for new. Cucumbers from North Caro lina are dull, owing to abundant re ceipts per barrel, $1.25 1.75; Nor folk, $1.50 2. Corn, N. C, $12 per case, and dull. Fla. Egg plant, per box, $1(5)2. Peas are plentiful and work out at about 50c. up to 80c. for the finest. String bean3, Norfolk, wax, 2 5c. $ 1 per basket; green, 50c. $1; Del. and Md., per basket, $l(g)1.25; squash, 50c. $1.25 per barrel for yellow crook- neck, and $11.75 for marrow. Tur nips,. per 100 bunches, $1.2 5 1.75. Tomatoes rather dull, and yet there seems to be no very great abund ance of desirable tock here. Fancy Florida, per carrier, $2.50 3; com mon, $11.50; N. C., $1 1.7 5 per carrier. - Fruits and; Melons. Southern ap ples are coming in more freely and really choice stock is worth $2 2.50 per box. Peaches firm and supplies are quickly taken if the fruit is wor thy. All arrivals so far are from Georgia and the range is from $2, through almost every ten-cent rise to $3.50 for very desirable Elberta. Plums and pears are hardly .worth mentioning as so few are in tlie mar ket. LeConte pears per barreil, $ 7 9. Burbank plums, $3 3.50 per carrier. Cherries plenty and some decline is shown. Per basket, 40 50c. Raspberries, red per quart, 69c; black caps, 68c. Huckle berries, plenty and lower at 9 15c. per quart. Gooseberries, N. C. per quart, 10 12c. Muskmelons, Southern per crate, $1.25 2.25. Watermelons, plenty at $18 50 per 100. Butter has been rather quiet. The hot weather exerts an untoward in fluence and off-grades work out at 17c. for factory. From this the rate is to 20 c, and for extra creamery, 2 5 y2 2 6c. Western eggs, 1 5 17c, and Southern 14 15c The supply in storage here is said to be enor mous. Wheat and other grains show a weaker turn and some decline has set in qwing of course to more favorable growing conditions. Sep tember wheat closes at $1.00 against 8 4 c. same time last year i corn, in sympathy with wheat has also declined and at th'e close Sep tember is worth 634 c. against 59 c. same time -last year. Oats steady at - 52 54 c. for 38-40 pounds. F. J. R. Good Roads and Insurance. S These are two of the things J in which the -rural letter carriers at their State Association showed con siderable interest. ' A Durham dis patch says that when the eastbound train came in a tall, slender gentle man, Mr. E. D. Pearsall, of Rocky Mount, bore a couple of small pine trees on his shoulder. There was also a motto inscribed upon a large piece of paste-board bearing the words, "R. L. C. Association, Dur ham, July 3rd and 4th. Your sal ary is 'riz,' boys. Next thing oh the docket is good roads. Don't forget it." On the other side were inscribed these words: "Pender County Greeting! N. C. R. L. C. A. Sea board to mountains. Good roads.'' This motto seemed to cause a good deal of fun for these boys, who Were all of one accord that eood roads was the thing. Next to . the good roads feature there comes the insurance plan' of both the National and State Associa tions. This seems to be a great fea ture among the rural men, and when we come to think that this body through the United States numbers nearly 40,000, we can easily see what a big feature it is. This plan of in surance comprises three things; life, sick and horse insurance. M - The insurance organization calls for many features among the rural carriers. In case of death the family of each carrier is paid $1,000, and in case of accident or illness, five dollars per week. 7 ; MADE AT THE h Jamestown Exposition SPECIAL SHOE ffnf Bala hn laaAIr rr m n.nli -. -.. t 1 If your merchant does not carry these shoes. in Stock dror ns n. Hnft anrl w will toil ia MT "w T AA. kUJA J VU who does. ; : CRADDOCK-TERRY CO., Lynchburg-, Virginia. WANTED I v Slnele Youner Man. fast. -mllh-Pr. himeet sober, steady, wants a job on Dairy farm, it ;uu waui a uunuer, wnie me, B.H. liURCH, Claussen, S. G. When You Go to the Exposition Stop with S. Otho Wilson, 327 34th Street, Newport News, nearest city to Exposition. auuuib ouu. w i.uu per mgnt. . . , i : : a BATES OF ADVERTISING: j ' I Three cents a word far nnnh tnAT-Hrtr aonh figure or Initial counting a a a sennrfttfl wnrd. Send cash with order. Stamps accepted for amounts leas than 11. More than twentv thousand famUles reached each week. WANTED Younr men and vouner wnmnn to prepare for positions paying from 850.C0 to $150 per month. Positions guaranteed; railroad fare paid. Wheeler Business Col lege, Birmingham, Ala. Farm for Sale ! 22 acres more or lessr at Murfreesboro n C., on edge pf town. 7 Room house, and out buildings. -Convenient to C. B F. Institute With a small amount of repairs this can h made a beautiful home. A splendid chanoA for a family with daughters to educate to get them at one of the best female schooik it, the State, to live in a nice town, amonS loPcatlol? PApPply tS health" J. BAKER, Agt., AHOSKIE,' - NORTH CAROLINA. Em Sale! One farm, two and a half miles from Har rellsville, containing 75 acres or more. :'- -I:, I.. Price $1,500.00. '-K-', 1 '' .' One horse crop cleared. Three room house and other buildings. Apply to R. J. BAKER, Agt., ahoskieI NORTH CAROLINA. Laiids for Sale! We have several thousand acres of fertile, well Improved, Farm Lands, without rocks In this and adjoining Counties, which we wish to get settled up with thrifty white farmers. We Offer these lands in tracts of 60 to 1,000 acres at from 10.00 to 530.00 per acre, according jto locations and improvement. One-Fourth Cash, balance in three to five years at &i Interest. For further information, address j. Pope Brown, 1 - ? ' ' J. L, Anderson, Jr., HawkinSYille, Georgia. teaDer than SillVKij2 n n o rl - f nr lawns, charcbea and cemeteries also hnvy steel picket fnce sold direct to co - ;- 'nmio -r- F-oe, ward fence CO.. Bo 91, Marlon, Ind ELASTIC A DUBABLB A PLEASINGr ' WI UAKX ANrrHINO.-EVERYTRlfcd1,- MADS H TMi f ' L;' . E9TABU8HEC OYER YEARS AOO WK KESF i rraiOTLT UPTO-DATE. TRY US. writs ronvmov , ff gov want nmrthfng nht, trwpur ASff Cushion Stamps ATLANTA RUBBER STAMP WKsL . ' Pioneer Stamp House of the South. ) WP.O.Box 4 i t t t ATLANTA, GA. THE CHEAPEST LANDS In the United States to-day soil, climate, markets, transportation facilities, and all considered Are Soutten Lands. They are the lest and most desirable In the country for the truck and fruit-grower, the stock raiser, the dairyman and eeneral farmer. S - The South has quick and cheap rail ac cess to the greatest markets in America. The South has seaports and a growing foreign trade. Its ports are nearest Eurone. the West Indies, South America, the Pana ma ana me orient. The South contributed nearly 700 millions of dollars to the 1,700 millions of exports last year, i The south has a mild and healthful cli mate, plenty of fuel, good wat er, soils yield ing a greater variety of products than anv other part of the country, excellent school facilities and every advantage desired by Law-abld jig and Intelligent citizens. The South has extensive forests, veins of coal, deposits of ore, quarries of marble and stone, beds of clay, and many other minerals and metals. The South Is in need of more settlers to buy vacant land, to raise farm stuff and Bell It, and buy wagons. Implements, furniture and household supplies, and put some money in the bank.- .. : Reason! tthv t,h Snnth fa ftiA mo-f Ha. sirable part of the country for the home- neeKer, manuisctorer, ana business man supplied by i M. V. RICHARDS, Land and Industrial Agent, Southern Rail way and Mobile & Ohio Railroad, WASHINGTON, D. O.