THE PROGRESSIVE PARMER. Thursday, August 15,1 90' (CONTINU ) 16 ED UCA TJON AL Southern Dental College If vou are in- Dnnin I rrlnnnfinn We will Send terested in a UCIliai CUUUaUUII you free a SB beautifully illustrated and descriptive cata ogue of the SOU HERN DENTAL COLLEJE, ATLANTA, GA., Write today to S. W. Foster, Dean for Catalogue No .40. ATLANTA. GEORGIA IflflllittamiMIHtlllllgfelKKA if You Are Seeking a School Home for Your Daughter A CATALOGUE OF THE Southern Presbyterian Golleoe and Conservatory oT Music - WILL INTEREST TOU. -J Splendid Climate. Able Faculty. Charges Moderate. Brick Buildings. Electric Lights. Steam Heat. Modern in Every Respect. Apply to RE V. C. G. VARDELL, Red Springs, North Carolina. ESTABLISH I D 1885. INI EPT. 1907, LITTLETON HIGH SCHOOL. . Prepares for college or university. Faculty of six experienced college trained teachers. Thorough instruction. Firm discipline. Cigarette Smoking Absolutely Prohibited. Health conditions remarkably fine. Mineral spring in two hundred yards of the school building. Board either In dormitory or with private family. Healthful athletics under proper restrictions. Expenses moderate. No extras. Raymond Browning, Prln. L. W. Bagley, Assoc. Prln, For further Information, address Z. P. Beachboard, Supt. Littleton, N. C. - UNIVERSITY OF TEWW ESS E E, KNOXVILLE, STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND EXPERIMENT STATION. Large, new Building for Agricultural Sciences; Two fine Farms; Model Dairy and fine Dairy Herd; Animal Husbandry, Agronomy, Horticulture and Veterinary Science; Poultry Farm; Bee Culture. Thorough courses in Domestic Science, Home Sanitation and Home Adornment for the girls. Short Winter Courses for Farmers, their Wives, fcons and Daughters Six weeks Summer Course In Agriculture for for teachers In Country Schools. i . V FOUR HUNDRED FREE SCHOLARSHIPS to Tennessee students. Living expenses moderate. Loan Funds. Self Help. Next regular session begins September 16, 1907. For Information In regard to the Agri cultural or other work of the University, or for catalogues, address BROWN AYRES, President, - - Knoxvllle, Tennessee. w MKE The Seventy-fourth Session will begin September 3rd. Sixteen Independent "Schools." embrac ing Science, Language, Mathematics, Phlloso- Ehy, Bible, Law, Medicine, Education, etc. lologlcal, Chemical, and Physical , La bora- FOREST tories. 18,000 Volumes in Library. The Gymnasium is well appoint ed. Abundant baths. A new In firmary with modern fittings. Expenses very moderate. Address .011 EQE President W. L. Poteat, Wake Forest, N. C. $63 to $81 Pays Board Tuition and Room Rent FOR A FULL SESSION OF NINE MONTHS 'AT PIEDMONT HIGH SCHOOL Situated In Cleveland County at the foot-hills of the Blue Ridge. Mineral water. No malaria. Splendid community. "Most heartily do I. recommend the School to all who have sons and daughters to educate." Chas. E. Taylor, President Wake Forest College "On all Sides 1 saw evidanpeR nf natlAnt nalTiH.tob-1 and marked executive ability."-!. B.Carlvie. Prof, of Latin. wtH wnm&t n.iiioo - eo-execaxive aDuny. " j. is. cariyle, Prof, of Latin. Wake Forest Colle?e.T- "The Instruction la thorOUPh And fnfln on roa BnrrnnnHlnir tha nnnll n-vs.aU Rev. R. F. Tredway. - MI my opinion there Is no High School In this part of the country doing better and more thorough educational work." E. Y. Webb, Member of Congress. T One of the best preparatory schools In the state." Cleveland Star. : . I "The young men who have come to the University from the Piedmont High School have taken a good stand in their classes and have done faithful and satis factory work. Very truly yours, Francis P. Venable, President, University of N. C.i' '-It is the best and cheapest school in the state." E. M. Koonce, Member of the N. C. Legislature. . f Fall term opens August 12th. For handsomely Illustrated catalog, write to W. D. BURNS, Lawndale, N. C. College Preparatory, 1.000 leet above sea OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE, 0AKNwcDGE A First-class Fitting School is better than a Second-class College. Book Keeping. Law, Short Hand. Type Writing. Near Greenslore. in trie Kills of North Carolina. Over level, in view ol the mountains. 56th Year. 275 Students. Boys and Young Men. Leads in Athletics. For beautiful catalog, address PROFESSORS J. A. & M. H. HOLT. Before Deciding on a School for Ypur Daughter, Write for Catalogue of 1 njiicwnAhT rni i ear Address, C H AS J C. WE AVE R, nolr, INJ. c. THE GEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY- Is better equipped and organized in all departments than ever before. Advanced ! courses in Mechanical, Electrical, Textile, Mining and Civil Engineering, Engineer- ! lng Chemistry and Chemistry. Extensive and new equipment of 8hop,-Mlll, Labo-.' ratorles, etc. New Library and new, Chemical Laboratory. Demand for School's! graduates much greater than the supply. Next session begins Sept. 25th. Address 1 Department A for Illustrated catalog and information, K. G. MATHESON, A. M., IX .D., President, - - ATLANTA, GA. 1 Catawba College, Newton, North Carolina. Catawba College will begin her fifty-seventh year1 of continuous successful school work, on the 10th of September. Regular courses are offered in the College Depart ments; also in Music, Elocution and Art. Modern accommodations including steam heat, acetylene light, and baths. Recitation rooms, dormitory rooms, and new chapel not excelled In the state. Efficient and experienced Faculty. Rates for the year range from 108.09 to 1145.00 with music, elocution, and art extra. Newton is favorab ly known as a health-resort.; For full Information and catalogue, address the Presi dent, George Albert Snyder j Newton, N. C. LITTLETON FEMALE COLLEGE. Splendid location. Health resort Hot water heat. Electric lights and other modern improvements, j 240 boarding pupils last year. High standard of scholarship, culture and social life. Conservatory advantages in Music. Advanced courses in Art and Elocution. Business College, Bible and Nor mal courses. ' j ' -j' i:- ' - - Health record not surpassed. ! Close personal attention to the health and social development of each pupil. Uniform worn on all public occasionsi Charges very Low. j j 26th Annual Session will begin ori September 18th, 1907. For catalogue, address ... j . , M . ,r- j Rev. J. r.1. Rhodes, President, Littleton, N. C. Bnie's Creek Academy and Business PflllPtfA -Prep53 for College, University or sUvIIvqG Business. Thorough Business Course iEL,OCUTlON, MUSIC, ART, TELEGRAPHY 580 Students, 55 Counties, 4 States Gov. R. B.Glenn, Raleigh: You have one of the greatest schools in the State. It is doing magnificent work and I feel that when I am helping your school, I am helping upbuild North Carolina. I say this without any flattery, for when I see what you have accomplished, from small beginnings, it is simply wonderful and makes me proud of such a North Carolinian. I Board, washing included, In families $7.50 to 8.50; in clubs $6.00 to $7.00. Tuition, $1.00 to 3 00. j For Catalogue address Rev. J. A- C lule's Cn K. Harm. anripbell, Principal tt Co1. : North Carolina ATLANTA COLLEGE Op PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS (Consolidation in 1898 of Atlanta Medical and Southern Medical College.) B3RD ANNUAL GEQGION BEGINS OCTOBER 1, 1907. 'j 40 professors and instructors, three large laboratories, equipped with microscopes; many lecture and class rooms; modern operating rooms: students' gymnasium. Four years required, the last devoted to clinical and practical work. College opposite Grady Hospital, to which students have free access, as well I as all other hospitals and Infirmaries. Write for Catalogue B. WILLIAM SIMPSON ELKIN, M. D., Dean, Atlanta, Ga. i . ; ; . ;i CHOWAN; ! Baptist Female Institute; Sixtieth Session opens Sept. 11, 1907. High Grade College Course. Science Course In charge of specialist. Twelve teachers. Literary tuition l and board, $128.00." For catalogue and information, address i J - ' ' y't-v John C. Scarborough, President, MrjRffREESBORO, N. C. Warrenton High School, WARREN TON, N. C. 1 A Christian School though nondenomina tlonal. One of the leading College Prepara tory Schools In the South. Excellent Home life for 90 boys. Experienced and capable teachers. Rates exceptionally, low. ! Term Begins September: 2, 1907. For catalogue and other information; ad dress JOHN GRAHAM, Principal. 1 'j CLAREM0NT FEMALE COLLEGE HICKORY N. C. Twenty-seventh year opens September 17th. Completely re-organized and equipped with new furnishings. Twenty-acre campus loity elevation, brick buildings, all modern con veniences. Offers full College course, pre paratory, Music, Elocution, Art. New and able faculty. Affords Ideal Christian home Influence. A safe place for .parents to send their daughters. Board and Tuition $120. For further information address Pres. WM. B. DUTTERA, S. T. D. WOMAN'S COLLEGE, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. One of the great schools of the South for the higher education of young women. Best educa tional advantages In beautiful and historic Richmond. Send for catalogae and other lnfor-. xnatlon. .' JAMES NELSON, U. A LL. D., PRESIDENT.