4 THE PROGRESSIVE PARMER. :j Thursday, October 10, 1907. It Pays to Plant GoddenV High-Grade and Tested Garden and Farm Seeds f Seed Wheat, Seed Oats, Vetches, Alfalfa, Grasses, Seed Rye Alsyke, . Red, Crimson and other Clovers. We Are Head quarters for the Choicest We quote, below prices on the highest grade of a few seasonable seeds: . If wanted in quantity write for oar prices. Mention quantity wanted, also prices on other seeds wanted. CLOVERS per lb. Bur in thebur 10c Bur, recleaned 15c Sweet Clover, melilotus 07c Crimson 10c Alsyke 16c Red (best) 16c Special bulletin on Bur Clovers; also bulletin on other Clovers. These bulletins are free. If interested in these crops write for them. VETCHES per lb. Hairy or Sand (Vicia Villosa) 10c Spring Vetch (Vicia Sativa) 06c FREE Our special bulletin on Vetches. Write for it. We have bulletins on Alfalfa, Burmuda Grass and Johnson Grass. If seed quoted by the pound are ordered by mail, add to prices named above, 10c per pound extra for postage. Write for our prices in quantity-also on articles wanted not listed here. FREE Our Fall Illustrated Seed Cata logue describing and pricing the best Vege table, Field, Flower Seed and Bulbs for fall planting. Write for if. AMZI-GODDEN SEED CO. Established 1857 ' BIRMINGHAM. ALA. Wood's Seeds. Seed Wheat, Oats, Rye and Barley. We are not only the largest deal-C ers in beed urain in the bouth, but we sell the best, eleanest and heaviest qualities. Our stocks are secured from the best and largest yielding' crops, and our warehouses are fully equipped with the best and most improved machinery for cleaning. If you want superior crops ' Plant Wood's Seeds. Prices quoted on request Descriptive Fall Catalogue, uivniu iu.il uiiuiiiiittiuj-i auuui uii : . .r..M - r a: i 1 1 seeds, mailed free. T. W. WOOD & sons, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. OATS FOR SALE! One thousand bushels APPIER OATS, 85 cents per bushel f . o. b. Hickory. WANTED! One or two thousand bushels of black and brown eye peas. Hickory Milling Co., HICKORY, N. C. HIGH-GRADE FRUIT TREES Large surplus of apple and other fruit trees, rapes, etc., at reduced prices. Get our Price 1st before placing your order elsewhere. Columbia Nukskkiks, Box 1 Gainesville, G a. Virginia News Note. Notable Success of Recent Fairs President Barringer Welcomes Stu dents Peanut Growers and Horticulturists Hold Important Sessions at Jamestown. ' ! Messrs. Editors: The Fifth Roa noke Fair, held September 24-27, was a success in every way. The first day was Children's Day. Fully five thousand of the little ones were on the grounds. The races .were a great feature of each day. The running and trot ting casts were both well filled and the purses were of a size to be worth winning. "Southwest Day," on the 2 5th brought excursion loads of strangers, and the crowd on the 26th, Roanoke Day, was estimated at 20,000. The exhibits in all lines were good and the fair was a signal success. Seed Corn Contest. The Rappahannock Valley Fair at Fredericksburg, September 23-26, had a fine attendance every day. The receipts will be sufficient to defray all expenses, pay for all prizes, and leave a good balance on hand. The races here afforded much pleasure to the sight-seers, but of especial prac-, tical interest was the seed corn con test. The first prize was awarded to Dr. C. B-. Martin, of Caroline County; the second to Mrs. S. G. Howison.i of Spottsy'lvania County. President! Henry Donnehl, of the Fair Society, was awarded third prize, but de clined to accept it, owing to his offi cial position. This prize will be awarded later to some other ex hibitor. Dr. Barringer Addresses Students. On Tuesday ' evening the new stu dents had their formal welcome to the Institute, at Blacksburg, at which celebration Dr. Barringer, the new. President of Virginia Polytech nic Institute, addressed the student body as a whole, and his speech was a most happy and cordial one. Petersburg Horse Show. The first annual Horse Show, held at Petersburg, September 27-30. afforded the lovers of good horses a chance to see some splendid ani mals and to witness some fine feats of horsemanship. The classes were well filled, and all society turned out to see "the show." Peanut Growers Meet at Jamestown. The National Peanut Growers' Association held a most interesting meeting at Jamestown Exposition, in Convention Hall, with about 150 members in attendance.- Hon. Harry St. George Tucker, President of the Exposition Company, made the ad dress of welcome, and the response was made by C. W. Mitchell, Presi dent of the Association. Among the other speakers were Professor L. C. Corbett, of Washing ton, on the subject of "The Peanut as an Agricultural Crop;" Professor W. F. Massey, of Maryland, on "Farm Rotation for Improvement of Peanut Crop;" Dr. L. R. Edwards, of Franklin, Va., on "The Use of the Peanut." Virginia State Fair. Everything points to a great Fair at Richmond. The entries for all classes of live stock are filling rap idly and the race horses are arriving daily. Workmen are putting the fin ishing touches to race tracks, grounds, and buildings, and exhib itors are busy getting their exhibits in place. Horticultural Congress Meets. The week of September 25-26 was a most improtant one at Jamestown, from a Horticultural point of view. In connection with the National Con gress of- Horticulturists, in session, there were meetings of the American Pomological Society, the American Nut Growers' Association, the Society of Horticultural Science, the Federa tion of Horticultural Societies,! the Maryland Pomological and Horticul tural Societies. 1 - Chattanooga, Tenn., will be j the next meeting place. The officers elected for the ensuing year are as follows: President, F. H. Berbelt, of Baton Rouge, La.; First Vice President, J. B. Curtis, Orange Grove, Florida; Second Vice Presi dent, H. C. White, DeWItt, Georgia; Eecretary and Treasurer, J. F. Wil son, Poulan, " Georgia. J. M. BELL. Richmond, Va. I MORE FARMERS' MEETINGS. Congressman Small Has Secured Experts to Hold Farmers' Educa tional Meetings in Six Counties This Week. Il Following up the meetings held in a part of his district in August, Con gressman Small has secured experts from the Department of Agriculture to hold meetings this week in i six other countiess as follows: i Camden, C. H., Tuesday, Oct. 8th. Currituck, C. H., Wednesday, 9th. Edenton, Thursday, Oct. lOth.jj Columbia, Friday, Oct. 11th. i Swan Quarter, Monday, Oct. 14th. Winton, Wednesday, Oct. 16th.: Drainage will be discussed by Mr. J. O. Wright, supervising engineer. Plant culture with special reference to corn and cotton, will be presented by Mr. C. R. Hudson. Dr. J.i A. Bonsteel will discuss soils, and Mr. W. L. Spoon, public roads, while ithe subject of forestry, now coming to be of more and more importance, will be handled by Mr. H. F. Studle'y, of the Forest Serviee. li Farmers' National Congress, ll For the Farmers' National Con gress which meets next .week s in Oklahoma City, Okla., Gov. Glenn has re-appointed all former delegates from North Carolina. Reduced rates are offered and a splendid program has been prepared. ii Found Profit in Its Teachings. Messrs. Editors: The Progressive Farmer is one paper I don't want to be without as long as I live. By its teachings I have been able to bring up an old worn out, run down farm to a . good state of cultivation, s T. B. WILSON. Jackson Co., N. C. ij Established 1887. ODELL BROS., Commission Merchants Roanoke Dock, NORFOLK, Va. LrfNG Distance; Phones. j Stenches Furnished. " 1" Our location and facilities to get the highest prices are unsurpassed. I Being large receivers of Fresh Fish and Oysters, can furnish you with the same References: Mercantile Acencles Wholesale Trade, Shippers, and News papers. I Those wishing COTTON SEED FOR PLANTING PURPOSES Will do well to write W. A. SIMPRIN8, Raleigh, N. C , for prices, and also for Best Cabbage Plants for Winter Setting, to head early In the Spring. MM GREATEST UIT TO MEASURE VALUEON EARTH DON'T btijr your next suit of clothes un der any circum stances until you hove cut out tHis advertise ment QX mailed it to us. We will then send you ABSOLUTELY FREE our '.samples of cloth, measurement blank and tape line. ? jC? We manufacture all our own clothing and sell direct to the wearer and give you a hotter suit of clothes at a smaller price than any firm in the United States. We Save you the retailers store rent, his profit, the salary he pays for his salesman and other ex. nses. Ou suite of the highest order for siyie. Trimmings, marie and wearing qualities. Any man who falls to send for our samoles will be Inn ing good hard money out of ma own nrtcKr . WE G UARANTEE TO PLEASE YOU OR RETURN , YOUR MONEY CHEERFULLY. Vriu u tcxJar lot samples yoa will be surprised at what eood suits yoa can get st inch lrtttr price. Don't ddij-trtitc to-dir Regen Woolen Mills Co. ' Manotaelurtna Tstlars, Dept. No. 4 ATLANTA, GA. 8T Spay Your SOWS and OTHER STOCK with the r? Pronto Process mil No Cutting, Pain or Death. No Knife used. Guaranteed to be absolutely painless and Harmless, sows ratten quicker and on lass feed. Fat sows mean fat pocketbooks. Use the Pronto fepayer and increase your prof its. Easy to apply. Any one can use it. Book ?io. on Stock spaying free. Send $1.50 for Complete Outfit. SllfC If Outfit. If NY fj r0, 111. U 't bnays 15 sows. PRONTO MFG. COMPANY Jackson Park Station, Chicag Farmers' Exchange RATES OP ADVERTISING: Three cents a word for each Insertion, each dgure or initial counting as a separate word. Send cash with order. Stamps accepted for amounts less than gl. More than twenty thousand families reached each week. FOR SALE 20 colonies of Golden and Leather-colored Italian Bees, cheap. Write at once If you want a bargain. W. L. Worn bie, Raleigh, N. C. - - JERSEY BULL FOR SALE Full blood, 2 years old, kind and gentle. Bargain at 835. Chas. T. Peal, Tunis, N. C. WANTED: One to two hundred bushels Scaly Bark "Hickory Nuts. Hickory Seed Co.Hlckory,- O. Small farm, about 125 acres, near Louis burg, for sale. Desirable location, good land, s hools and other advantages. Apply to THOS. B. WILDER, Attorney for owner, Loulsburg, N. J. "3W" STRAWBERRY, Stamlnate, vigorous, prolific plant maker, enormously productive, of large, sweet, lus cious beauties. Red through and through with beautiful luster. A marvel In the straw bery world. Write to W. W. WALLACE, Harriman, Tenn., li i For Descriptive Circulars and i i Testimonials. Every planter, rich or poor write to B. W. HAWKINS, NONA, OA. for history and descipt've circulars of his Extra Pro lific Cotton and price of seed. Itsfree and costs vou nothing to get it, and will be worth hundreds of dollars to you. Quick maturing and will make 3 bales per acre. 50,000 Keif fer Pear j! Trees for Sale ! These are In surplus, and L ean make most1 favorable terms, if ordered quick. Tb is pear is the; great money-maker of the South. JOHN A. YOUNG, Greensboro, N.C. the best selected rail ii Sff 9 lull.