hursday, October 24, 1907.3 THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER. 15 THE MEN T7H0 KNOW in- CI IDCDIAD QUALITIES OF- dkrisft SLICKERS. SUITS The Merchants AND HATS HcL WNi iK" VfSS) PEOPLE, II YAM arc the men who have put them to the hard est tests in the rough est weather. , Get the original Towers Fish Brand made since 1836 . CATALOG FXEE FOR TM ASfMQ A J TOWER CO. BOSTON. V. 4. A. ' TOWES CANADIAN CO. LlMtTfD, TOWOWTO. CAN. atch Chickens by Steam with the U -$tl ' EXCELSIOR INCUBATOR or WOODEN HEN Economical and perfect hatching, lating. Thousands in use to-day. GEO. II. (Jnlmcy, 111. I ISendforfre Catalogue. coil spring fence Made of high carbon Steel Wire Horse-high, Bull-strong, Chicken-tight. Sold direct to the Farmer at lowest manufac turers prices on 30 Days Free Trial, freight prepaid. 100 page Catalogue and price-list free. KITSELMAN BROS., Box 84 MUNCIE, INO. : ... 8 I 1 JO I FENCE-fiSSSS? Made of High Carbon Double Strength uoilea wire. Heavily Galvanised to prevent rust. Have no agents. Bell at factory prices on 30 days' free trial. we pay aurreignt. at neignro oi iann and poultry fence. Catalog Free. COILED SPRING FENCE CO. Box 72 Winchester, Indiana Roofing l mm BP IB rr Try This Roofing for Your Buildingsl HBH The above are tvtes of Rooflne scientifi cally made from NATURAL ASPHALT and LONG WOOLEN FELT. They are more attractive In appearance, cheaper tban shingles, tin, corrugated Iron, tar and gravel, etc., sand without repairs will last longer. Don't be satisfied with something "Just as good." If your dealer cannot supply you, write us direct. We will sell you in any quan ut freight paid to your .Railroad Station, at the following prices: ELECTROID" (Hard Rubber Finish) 1 ply J1.85; 2 ply 12.20; 3 ply $2.60 per square. "ACMlfl" (Flint Coated Both sides) 1 ply Jl.95; 2 ply $2. 30; 3 ply J2.70 pen square. "UNIVERSAL" (Gravel Surface) $2.90 per square; one weight only about 135 lbs. per square. Sufficient larere-hearteri Onl-vanl "NTolln Liquid cement, and full i printed directions for laying, packed In the core of each roll. "YOU CAN PUT IT ON." Write for Descriptive Catalog "G" Sam ples free for the asking. CAROLINA PORTLAND CEMENT CO.. CHABIiBSTOK, S. C. : Also Portland Cement, Lime, Plaster.etc. Lands for Sale! We have several thousand acres of fertile, well Improved, Farm Lands, without rocks, In this and adjoining Counties, which we wish to get settled up with thrifty white farmers. We offer these lands In tracts of 50 to i,ooo acres at from $10.00 to $30.00 per acre, according to locations and improvement. One-Fourth Cash, balance in three to iflve years at 80 interest. For further information, address J. Pope Brown, J. L. Anderson, Jr., Hawklngville, - - -Georgia. HIGH-GRADE FE9U1T .axge Burplus of apple and other fruit trees, grapes, etc., at reduced prices. Get our Price wst before placing your order elsewhere. Columbia Nubsbbiss, bOX 1j Gainesville, Ga. I am the Frost. I'll show you -diamonds, laces and tapestries Of all variety At. the lowest cost; Weavings of chaste design Perfect in every line; Connoisseurs surely will buy of the Frost. I am the Dew. , Notice my elegant bracelets and neck laces, All of rare quality; Pearls not a few; Emeralds and amethyst; Opal all rainbow kissed; Ladies rise early to buy of the Dew. I am the Snow. Let me display for you carpets most exquisite. Choicest of bordering Also I show, Heavy and soft and white, Spread in a single night; Folk who have wisdom will buy of the Snow. I am the Rain. Something I'll show you priceless and wonderful, Making these offers seem Tawdry and vain! 'Tis but a cloak of gray Wrapping the world away Happy the few who will buy of the Rain. Isabel Mackay, in St. Nicholas. Bad Manners at the Table. Ml 'mil Here's a lively company, boys and girls, no doubt about that! It seems to be meal time with them, and they appear to be acting upon the motto that this im portant hour should be a lively one. No- j.l body seems to be bored; nobody, not even the dog or the baby, seems to be having a dull time. True, the baby is kicking about some thing, but it can't be on account of the dull time he "(surely, it isn't a girl baby?) is having or allow ing anybody else to have. A lively com pany it Is, boys and girls, but somehow it doesn't seem to be , BAD MANNERS AT THE TABLE. the sort of gather- mg yuu una x wuuiu like to, join. Can you tell what the trouble is? Look at each member of the company, and the deportment of each one before you read tne references un derneath, and see if you can determine what breach of good deportment each one illustrates. Then you may read the charges numbered below the picture, and you. will find, in truth, that each one is "guilty as charged in the indictment." These "horrible examples" of bad manners at the table show us Kith much vividness some glaring faults to be avoided. No. 1. Tips back hi chair.' '.' 2. Eats with his mouth too fuH. " 3. Feeds a dog at the table. " 4. Holds his knife Improperly." " 5. Engages Id violent argument at the meal-time. " 6. Lounges upon the table. " 7. BringS a cross child to the table. No. 8. Drinks from the saucer, and laps with Vhis tongue the last drop from the plate. " 9. Comes to the tal.leio liia shirt-sleeves, . and puts his feet beside his chair. -" 10. Picks his teeth with his fingers. 1 " II. Scratches her head and is frequently unnecessarily gettiBg up from the table. Fall Nest ing. We are apt to think that birds build only in spring or in summer, because that is their "natural" sea son and because their ancestors did so. But have you never thought that perhaps the heat or the mildness of the weather may have a direct influ ence, and may actually invite them to build? Here is a little incident which I saw last year, and which seems to point in that direction. The 24th of September was spring-like in tem perature; a fine rain was falling, and I was afield, watching a host of small migrants, chiefly myrtle warblers and sparrows, but especially interested in the movements of some young gold finches that were learning to feed on thistles. About a cavity in . an old apple tree were four bluebirds hover ing and warbling. Looking more closely I noticed that each pair seem ed trying to get possession of the hol low as I have seen them fighting for a nesting place in spring. But to my astonishment one , male had a straw in his bill. He went into the hollow, tarried for awhile, and re turned without the straw. Then the female went in and stayed for several minutes. The birds were so much in terested that I went to within a few yards of them before they left. In the" hollow was the foundation of a nest. " , A bird, called the pine siskin, which I caught one day, and which roamed about the house, found an old vireo's nest and at once took posses sion, pulling and picking curiously at the loose fibres as if to arrange them to a siskin's taste. I have also seen a pair of wax-rwings gather nest ing material when if seemed too late in the season even for them. Per haps further study of the birds in the fine autumn weather will show that they are often led to build useless nests. It would be Interesting to know how far they may sometimes carry those untimely efforts. OFrom Nature and - Science, : in St. Nicholas. (CAP2TC2 DHDDiES For Rifles and Pistols Winchester make of cartridges in all calibers from .22 to .50 are accu rate, sure fire and relia ble. In forty years of gun : making we have learned many things about am munition that no one could learn in any other way. When you buy Winchester make of cartridges you get the benefit of this experience Winchester repeatinq Arms Co.. i new haven, oonn. 'i I have recently moved Into my large new store, corner Blount and Martin Streets, where I carry the largest com bined stock of Groceries and Agricultural Implements of any house In the city. I have recently received one car load each of Cement, Lime, Tight Hold Plaster, Shingles, Galvanized and Painted Roof ing, Wire and Cut Nails, Hog Wire. Horse and Mule Shoes, Mowers and Bakes, 8m. 00 the and Diso Harrows, Rid ing Cultivators, Grain Drills, Wagons and Carts, Flour, Sugar, Corn, Oats, Bran Ac Call to see me; I will make it to your In-. tefCst. . . W. A. MY ATT, No-! 83 Raleigh and Interstate Phones. We do all Printing for Newspapers INCLUDING BIBLICAL RECORDER , RALEIGH CHRISTIAN ACWCATE . THP MPBTWAMTC IHI IDKlAl t THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER 1 Ano Can Do Others Alsov All Kinds of Job Printing Hry JUs. Mlttual Pub.Co., Raleigh, N.C; ARB YOU INTERESTED TS FLORIDA T Best opportunities in the United States for money making real estate investments. Six months subscription to our descriptive znaga clne "Investors Guide" FRECI Jacksonville Development Co., Jackson ville, Fla.