14 THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER. Thursday, January. 30, 1908. the markets; Cotton, good. Off grads RALEIGH COTTON. KaUtlgh, January 27, ISX.8. ... .... L l!i f 10 NEW ORLEANS COTTON. press or Quotations based on cotton In warehouse. Low ordinary .. Ordinary. Good ordinary.. .Low middling Middllner Good middling 12 9-16 Middling rair is Pair 13 11-16 To-day. sys 8 15-16 n 1Z This day last year. 5 15-16 6 15 16 9 10 - 11 3-?6 12 3-16 12 13-16 Blacseye Peas, per bushel 1 65 Ueans, Navy, No. 1 white 2 00 Common to choice, per bus 1 75 Potatoes, choice, per bu 70 Cabbage, Danl-h, ton,J 10 00 Celery, fancy large, per bunch. 60 Choice, per bunch 40 Black Peas l 60 2 00 & 2 25 2 00 73 12 60 6a 60 1 65 NORFOLK PEANUT MARKET. The prices are strictly wholesale (not job lots) and represents prices obtained on ac tual sales: Fancy Strictly prime . Prime . Machine picked .... Bunch 1 . : Spanish peanuts . m to S to 2 to 2 ti Zli to 80 to 3 3 Charleston provisions and farm supplies. Charleston, 8. C, January 27, D. 8. O. R. Sides, packed... D. 8. Bellies, packed D. S. Butts Butter Creamery . Hams Choleras to size and brand Lard Pure Tierces . Pearl meal . : Meal, Common . Hay Timothy , . Grain Corn, white . .' Corn, mixed.. . Oat aClipped white... Mixed Feed Cracked corn, per bushel Corn, chop, per 100 pounds Wheat, bran, per 100 pounds Corn, bran, per 100 pounds Middlings, rer 100 pounds Hulls, per 100 pounds . Bice Flour Sacked, per bushel . Cotton Ties Pieced . Re bundled . New ties Bagging 2 pounds FlourSpring wheat patent -?5 50 patent ; o w Straight . Choice 1908. 8 m 31 17 10 91 65 1 65 1 20 80 79 68 66 75 $1 60 1 60 10 60, 65 45 80 80 91 13 iPA to 6 75 to 5 25 . 4 60 to 4 75 to 4 25 I 1 4 4 00 RICHMOND PRODUCE MARKET. Richmond, Va., January 27, 1908. Prices of general farm produce range to day as follows: v POULTRY LIVE. Turkeys ... i .. Chickens, large lb. ChicaBns, small . Hens Ducks, large Guineas, each. Gees, each , BUTTER. Choice family packed, per lb. .. Choice dairy packed . Choice store packed Crates, noarby fresh laid Crates, from other sections FBUITS AND VEGETABLES. Apples, fancy, cloth cov'd bbL, $3 00 3 25 Apples, choice per barrel. 2 60 2 75 Pippins and Winesaps 3 53 4 00. 12 t 14 14 15 12 11 12 25 60 85 19 20 19 20 17 18 22 22 Live Stock, Seeds, Plants. 4 (Other advertising news on page 18.) Here are some firms and dealers who can help you to better yields through improved seeds: W. A. Simpkins, Raleigh, N. C.- Prolific cotton, superior, in earliness and heavy fruiting. :r.' " G. P. Park, Alexander City, Ala. Genuine Russell Big Boll Cotton seed by original introducer. J. W. Keith, Rocky Point, N. C- Wonderf ul and Unknown peas. Experiment Station, West Raleigh, N. C Culpepper's Imported Cotton. Hickory Seed Co., Hickory, N. C. OoatSj peas, so ja beans ; write for Catalogue "4." J. E. Miller, Eufola, N. C, R. 7. Hawkins' and Grears's cottonseed. J. E. Culpepper, Luthersville, Ga. Culpepper's Re-improved cotton. Thos. B. Pace, Maxton, N. C. - Floradora and Allen cotton. D. M. Ferry & Co., Detroit, Mich. Field, garden and flower seeds. Cat alogue free. , R. M. Kellogg Co., Box 445, Three Rivers, Mich. Great Crops of Straw berries and How to Grow Them a mighty interesting book sent free td Progressive Farmer readers. If you want live stock or poultry the following advertisers will be found added to the list of those who are ready to serve you: S. S. Smith & Bro., Whitesburg Tenn. Brown Leghorns. W. E. Barrett. Farmville. N. C -Bronze turkeys. A Pioneer Fertilizer Concern and its Methods. The Navassa Guano Company of Wilmington is the pioneer in the manufacturing of fertilizers in the South. Chartered under the laws of North Carolina in 1869, it is one of the first corporations, that entered upon the "work that has resulted in the great industrial and financial development of the South and in this great advancement this company has at all times been an efficient and helpful factor. With the South it has grown, and with the people of the South it has endured and ren dered assistance and in the prosperity of the South it has freely shared. Before the sources of fertilizer were known to exist in the United States in the forms of phosphate rock, animal products from the slaughter Jhouses, , cottonseed meal from the cotton fields and many other beneficial materials now in common use, the Navassa Guano Co. made its fertilizers of phosphate rock .from the islands of the sea, nitrates from the west coast of South Ameri ca and the Menhadden fish from our own shores, and was the first after our devastating Ciyil War to devote itself to the task of supplying to our impoverished Southland the best arti ficial plant foods and to enable the Southern planter to increase his yields and render less arduous his tasks and more profitable his labors, resulting in his ability to discharge the heavy burdens upon the lands that his had inhwited and in: placing hope and happiness within his reach In the conversion of deleterious and waste products in available plan food, in the most approved and effi cient means of manufacture, in al that pertains to producing the bes fertilizers suited for tne various crops this company has always kep well in the front. This is evidenced by its continued increasing business that louder than mere words pro claims the proved value of its pro ducts .and the liberal policy that has ever marked its, dealings with its customers and the public. This company has throughout its history been owned and manage'd by Southern men thoroughly acquainted with the needs and demands of the South. A liberal and progressive policy has been and will continue to be pursued, ever keeping - abreast with all improvements and ever be ing in position to serve its customers the best. Its business extends from Virginia to the Gulf, and from its large fac tories in Wilmington, N. C, and in Selma, N. C, it has every facility to receive, manufacture, and j mos promptly deliver its products by al railway lines, as well as by water throughout the large territory where dwell its many customers. The Navassa Guano Co. of Wil mington is not only the pioneer fer tilizer manufacturer in the South but has proved itself to be one of the most beneficial and successful cor prorations chartered in our State. I I llgllm HOW 3X & ; FZ -55 1 T e-C - i i i i i i i i i i i i i t- tl 'z 'e 's 's E7 -l -I ol vl -I Id B l l a I I lllllllllltlllllllllllllllllr "When you buy an ordinary plane you have to find out by actual use whether it is true or not.4 You know a Keen Kutter Plane, or any Keen Kutter 1 tool, is true before you buy it, because it is stamped with the trademark which guarantees it. You know it will be perfect in hang, balance temper, finish and adjustment, because all Keen Kutter Tools are tested and inspected and found worthy to uphold their well-earned reputation as Tools of Service before the name and trademark are stamped upon them. This mark is your safe guard in buying tools. It costs you nothing but means if anything goes wrong you shall not be the loser. To be sure of lasting, accurate, and practical tools, ask for The name Keen Kutter covers Saws, Chisels, Bits, Drills, Gimlet. Awls. Plati Hammers, Hatchets, Axes, Drawing-knives, Screw-drivers, Files, Pliers, Glass- cutters, ce-picKs, ana a iun line oi v arm ana Oarden Tools Forks, Hoes, Scythes, Trowels, Manure-hooks, Lawn-mowers Grass-shears, Rakes, etc. Also a full line of Scissors and Shears, Pocket-knives and Table Cutlery. Keen Kutter Tools have been sold for nearly 40 years under this mark and motto :' "The "Recollection of Quality 'Remains Loni After the Trice is TorZOttett."T,. C. Simmons. Trademark Regi.tcred. . If not at your dealer's, jWrite us. SIMMONS HARDWARE COMPANY (Inc.) St. Louis and New York, U. S. A. rTTTTT 9f ,L TT ?l,,fi,,m:,.y.,m,.,,.y.,ttf. StrawDerru Plants ! Fruit Trees! Send 82 for 1000 strawberry plants, earliest to latest, best varieties. Fruit trees of every des cription. Send for free catalog. John Lightfoot, Dept. 2, East Chattanooga Sta., Tenn. Early Jersey WAKEFIELD -M-H-B-M-H-H--B-H-lW The Earliest Cabbage Grown. Charleston Large Type WAKEFIELD Second Earliest, Succession The Earliest Flat Head Variety. FOR SALE! I AM ON MY ANNUAL TOUR around the" world with any or the best known vari eties of Open Air Grown Cabbage Hants at the following prices, viss : l.OD to 4,000 at $1 60 per thousand; 5,000 1 9.000 Sl.25; 10,000 or more at 90o. F. O. B. Meggett, S. C. All orders promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed. As for prices on 50,000 or 100,000. Cash accompanying all orders or they t ill go C. O. D. Address O A B B A C E P L A M T S B. L. COX, Ethel, S. C, Box X. The niversal Planter. Has had seven years of growing popu larity and in creasiag sales. Why ? Be cause it beats them all in planting corn, cotton,peas, pea nuts, sorghum, beans, rice, vel- 1 i ve Deans,- i , I J (, CEOWNED WITH termelons. 4h ? MlT , SU CCESS Tens of thousands of intelligent farm ers after, trying all the leading kinds of planters" have placed the crown of highest success upon the Cole - . Planter. Why ? Because the Cole Planter shortens and lightens their labor and puts money in their pockets. You had better find out about tho.e Cole Planters before plant ing time. Write at once for free catalogue and full information. Box F, Charlotte TJ. C. 1 fmsm i