Thursday, September 3. 1908. THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER. Whv You Should Plant Special Purpose Cowpeas. Here Are Some Significant Facts to Guide You in Saving Pea Seed for Next Year's Planting Some Varieties Yield More Hay, Others More Seed, but Even the Same Variety is Surprisingly Sensitive to Changes in Climate and Soil Results of Careful and Extensive Tests. By C. i. Newman, Profeuor of Agriculture, North Carolina A. & M. College. For a greater portion of the past; (3) Varieties producing the heav fif teen years I have been very deeply lest yield of peas are. most easily interested in the cowpea and prob- cured into hay, while those produc ably have carried through more cow- ing a few peas, or none at all, were yea experiments than any one in the the most difficult to cure since they South: Particularly has the produc- habitually continue in vigorous tion of bay from the cowpea . been growth until checked by frost, given attention. In 1902 I grew '(4) Late, shallow cultivation pro about 250 plots and half of them Jongs the period of growth, and were for the especial purpose of tnakes the vines more difficult to studying cowpea hay making. cure. Cultivation-should cease when mune Varieties for Hay, Others for the first pods appear if the crop is Seed. In 1902, sixteen plots produced more than 6,000 pounds of hay per eight of which ripenea no acre, intended for hay. (5) Vines bearing a fair or full crop of peas ripeping well together are easily cured when one-fourth or nm11 Q 'n'HantMv' that Fr u-v - uvuwjr peas, or -bu ; - ripe and no second growth has been thpv were not worth the gathering. . . & tney ie uut induced by excessive moisture. ri he highest acreage yield recorded . - in 1902 was 8,750 pounds made by (6) Vines bearing a fair or full iitn ,,irtatv niav. This 8.750 pounds crop of peas ripening through a pro- nf hay bore shelled peas. The lowest yield of hay was 750 pounds per acre, pro duced on one plot of New Era and Extra Early Black Eye. These two plots yielded respectively 1,337.5 and 1,025 pounds of shelled peas per acre, me wciguu v plants continue in vigorous growth are usually difficult to cure in other than the most favorable weather. How the Hay Yield is Affected by Varieties. The numerous varieties of cow- - , . I naoD r i ffm cn tit I 0 7 V in Vflrlnna TA. hulls produced Dy tnese two vaneueu o - ,n th,-a instancp was double the spects that their peculiarities must vrpiht of the cured vines that bore be considered -when the crop the ueas and hulls. One. .plot of grown for hay and the time of mow- wmprfni for Unknown) yielded ing, treatment while in the swathe, 8,350 pounds of hay per acre and no in wind-rows, and in cocks, adjusted ya ormftnrPri nnon the uoi ouiy iu me uuuuiuuu "rr- , . soil of uniform fertility, but were given the same treatment in every respect from preparation of soil and planting through harvesting' and cur ing. The plot of Clay peas that pro duced $.800 pounds of hay, from Vir ginia grown seed was alongside! the plot that produced 8,700. pounds of hay from Arkansas grown seed. Black Eye from Indiana was adja cent to Black Eye from North Caro lina one producing 800 pounds and the other 4,000 pounds of hay per acre. New Era from Maryland pro duced 700 pounds while home grown seed gave 1,900 of hay per acre. On the other hand the Maryland seed yielded 22 bushels of peas against 19 bushels from the Arkansas seed. blossoms vines when harvested in October. Two other plots of this variety rip ened no peas. Two plots of Clay pro duced 8,250 and 7,450 pounds of hay per acre and no peas worth gathering. It Will Pay to Select a Variety Suited to Your Purpose. of the weather, but also the peculiarities of the variety, and to variations due to climate and soil. The cowpea plant is very, amena ble to environment, and while there are constant varietal characteristics the yields of both grain and hay are remarkably variable ' with the same variety grown from seed which come These two varietal differences from unlike or widely separate lo- have an important bearing upon the calities, and sown upon soil selected selection of varieties to be grown for its uniformity. Examples of the for whatever purpose, and particu- variations as affecting the yield of larly when the prime object of their hay are given below: culture is the production of hay. Lack of recognition of these differ ences in the habits of varieties is a fruitful source of failure, or of at least, unsatisfactory results and of disappointment. On the other hand, a due consideration of these varietal variations will enable the grower to select varieties well suited to each of the various purposes for which the cowpea is grown. Fifty Varieties Tested on 550 Plots Conclusions Reached. Since the summer of 1898 more than 550 plots of cowpea vines have been cut for hay, including about 50 varieties. A number of these va rieties, and particularly those of dis similar characters, were grown in - Lbs. per Acie Whippoorwill, seed from Ar kansas, yielded .......... 1,300 Whippoorwill, seed from Lou isiana, yielded . . . . 2,500 Clay, seed from Virginia, yielded .3,800 Clay, seed from Arkansas, yielded . ., . . . ..... ." - 8,700 Wonderful, seed from North Carolina, yielded ......... 3,300 Wonderfuh seed from Florida, ' yielded ................. 7.000 Black, seed from Arkansas, yielded ...... . . v. ...... 2,400 Black, seed from Georgia, yielded ............. -v- 5,700 Red Ripper, seed from Ala bama yielded . . z,d)) multiple plots, cut at various degrees Red Ripper seed from Tennes of maturity and . under a variety of weather conditions. The results of attempts to cure these various lots of hay range from perfect success to complete failure. A review of the results of these tests extending through five years seems to warrant these conclusions:- (1) Cowpeas of any variety har vested while young or in vigorous .growth are difficult to cure into hay, o matter how favorable the weath er conditions. (2) Mature vines are cured with I I A A see, yielded ....... . . New Era, seed from Maryland, yielded ........... 700 New Era, seed from Arkan sas, yielded . . . . . 1,900 Black Eye, seed from Okla homa, yielded . 700 Black Eye, seed from North Carolina, yielded . ... 4000 Same Variety Greatly Affected by Change in Climate and Soil. rm,c errant variations in the i " wiaiure vines are tuicu i . . j,- little . . - nonHHps of hay Droaucea ou muc. 4 ually cure in fair to excellent ent plots of the same variety could condition after an exposure of two not have been a ffecteb? ca I con four days of rain or cloudy ditions, since the several lots of each leather. Make Your Loafing Acres Yield a Profit. How many thousands of loafing acres I have seen in my recent travels in the South it would be hard to compute. Wide , fields that should be in one body, showed a little patch of corn here, a little patch of cotton there, a hollow full of bushes and patches of broomsedge pushing in between the corn and cotton. Patch-work farming, short rows taking up time, one horse implements that each take a man, all show in too many places at what great cost the little crops are produced. There is no profit in that sort of farming, no matter what the price of the products may be. That is the sort of farming ' that puts weak cotton . on the market in the fall to depress the prices, and most of it is done by croppers who would be better off working for wages, and the land better off growing up in pine trees, if the owner cannot afford to work and improve all he owns. It does not pay to grow cotton at a cost of eight cents a pound, when by . good farming, and the use of improved im plements it can be grown at half the cost. But this is never done in a field that is made up of a little patch of cotton, a little patch of broomsedge, a little patch of corn that will not make the feed for the mule that works it, and many big patches of bushes and gullies. That sort of farming does not Pay. .- Then in . some places I saw large fields loafing, in weeds and old corn stalks, "resting,' the owners say, while the land is doing its very utmost to grow a crop of weeds, though it would rest to much better, effect if growing, a big crop of peas to feed stock and make manure to enable it to grow crops. There are enough acres loafing in the South to feed all the stock needed to make farmers independent of the fertilizer mixer. If all the loafing acres were in a systematic: rotation, growing forage,, the cotton crop now made could be made on less than half the number of acres, and the South could produce all the meat its cities need, and all the grain and roughage to feed the cattle. Howinariy acres have you loafing in bushes and broomsedge, with little patches between the gullies? variety were not only grown upon Thoughts by the Roadside. By Maurice O. Eldrldge in "Good Roods tor Farmers." Drainage alone will often change a bad road into a good one, while on the other hand the best road may be destroyed by the absence of good drains. Water is the great road destroyer. An essential feature of a good road is good drainage. The first demand of good drain age is to attend to the shape of road surface. This must be "crowned," or rounded up toward the center. In addition to being well - covered and drained, the road surface should be kept as smooth as possible; that is, free from ruts, wheel tracks, holes, or hollows. There are thousands of. miles of public roads in the United States which are practically impassable account of bad drainage. The wearing surface of a road must be in effect a roof; that is, the during some portion of the year on section in the middle should be made as impervious to water as possible, so that it will flow freely and quick ly into the gutters or ditches alongside. The usual way of mending roads irVl run nwoi tfnoe nnnA-rr t " U" wiw iVUOC OttUUJf DU11S is to cover the surface with tough" clay or mix the clay and sand together. This is quite an expensive treatment if the clay, has to be transported a great distance, but the expense may be reduced by improving only 8 or 10 feet or half of the roadway. The only exceptions to the instruc tions given on road drainage are found in the attempt - to .Improve a sand road. The more one improves the drainage' of a sand road the more deplorable becomes its condition. Nothing will ruin one quicker than to dig a ditch on each side and drain all the water away. The best way io mane sucn a roaa nrm is to keep it constantly damp. Very bushy or shady trees alongside such roads prevent the evaporation of water; ;