n, ir 1 1 - L i i f s l i ' 1 J, ! : i.'i l .'5. 3 3 -S J ; '! Si! ;! :f? J mmm J s;- 1 in IV. 1 -'!! ' i 4 .! ; , i : ! ;'tld' PIS In --!'!- sry.u i ! lit .MM ill-' jj' ,; .-; X i 1 V1 -If. 4 it i t $5; 1 i - Hi - l! -. ; (ii it r- 5 ?t'l !!4 if! lie1? Mi : ii' "Hi 10 THE PROGMBSSIVB FAR3IER. Thursday, December 17, 1 Cfl Duroc Jersey Hogs 1 Now ready to ship from the old reliable Cherry Red Herd. Service boars, bred sows, open and : bred gilts. Write for prices. L M. YHITAKER & CO., : Ualberrr, Ts&nsssN. TAFT- and BRYAN Election is over, and I still have 75 fox, deer and cat hounds and pups, 10 fox terriers (rat catch ing kind). A fine lot of Shorthorns, South downs, and saddle stallions for sale, and they will be sold. Worth the money. Send for list .price. Mule and Horse Buyer for the South, J. D. STODGHILL, : : Shelby vilie, Ky. Pure Duroc Jersey Swine. Pigs either sex; bright cherry colors; extra breeding, and beautiful forms. For prices write B. A. WHITAKER & CO. Bell BucklevTean. A LTAMONT RANGE Breeders ef highest grade Thoroughbred Polled A turns Cat' tie. Angora Goats, and HerJcshire Fig. Best references all over the South. A. M. WORDEN. Prop'r, Tullahoma,Tenn. y . 1 ' Mill mtr 1 Prlces:$b.Oortojlo.oo: L. M. Cooper, RIVER SIDE STOCK FARM. Berkshire pigs from fine registered stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. - Autryville, N. C. RED RAVEN HERD DUROCS Very handsome lot; sows and gilts bred to Iroquoise, my $100 boar; fancy lot of pigs by him; prices low. MATT Wv MOSELEY, Bell Buckle, - Tennessee. U 1 OAKWOOD FARM U o rooy Co ttl o and orkohlro Hogo 87 cows produced in 1907 14175 lbs. butter, or an average of 883 lbs. per, cow; 30 of the herd made an average of over 400 lbs. My nerd was tested Dy a represen tative of the U. S. Dairy Dept. I have no cows for sale, but a nice lot of young, stock from these cows. The older heifers are bred to Em inent X now at the head of my herd. He is a son of the famous Eminent sold at auction for $10,000. If you want cows that pay a profit, Write and get prices. IL L Shuford, : Hevrton, II C. -IT YOU WAN THE BEST BEGISTKRED- ; Standard Bred Horses, Jersey Cattle, Black Essex Hogs, Scotch Collie Dogs a s a or B. P. Rocks,. S. L. Wyandottes, S. C. Brown Leghorn, Buff and Partridge Cochin Bantams and Eggs, in season, address OPEN VIEW FARMS, Robt. I Abernethy, Propr.. Mount Holly, N. C. . Sunnyside -:- Berkshires Boars in service. Dominant, sired by Premier Longfellow ; Peerless Premier, grandson of Lord Premier 50001 and of Premier Longfellow ; imported Hightide Commons, one of the great est boars that ever crossed the Atlantic. Sows equally good, of the very best blood and breed ing in all the oountry. Pigs for sale at reason able prices. Headquarters for Aberdeen-Angus Cattle. W. R. YFALXEB, Union, S. C. v ' ' ARROWHEAD FARM. Rid Polted Cittla, Dorset Sheep, Poland Chinas, of the best breeding. Sam'l B. Wood. :: Charlottesville, Virginia. Duroc 'and Tamworth . Hogs. No better stock to be had than mine. Satis faction guaranteed. I always ship with privi lege of return. S. W. WAT SON, s - - . Petersburg, Va. 100 FINE PIQS on hand. Or der before they are pick ed over. - JOHN A. YOUNG, GREENSBORO. N. C. V. H. COFFM AN'S SSB Of his most magnificent Berkshire Hogs is now ready to mail free to breeders at their request. BLUEFIELD, W. VA. CHRISTMAS BARGAINS III POLAND CHINAS ! Bred sows, bred gilts, serviceable boars, boar pigs and sow pigs. Stock of all ages and sizes for sale at all times. Write or come and see L W. WRIGHT, Sykes, Tenn. Stallions For Sale ! Two 2-year-old stallions, and one 2-year-old filly; also two 3-yer-old stallions, all register ed. Good clean flat bone, good style and action and sound and black. Will sell low considering quality. THOS. R. SMITH, ' LiNCOiiN. London Co., Va. Registered Durocs and Bronze Turkeys Good ones only, offered for sale. Bred sows, boars, and choice fall pigs of best breeding. Prolific, and quick to mature. Bargains for quick sales. Bronze toms $5 eaoh; pullets. $3 each; trio, mated, $10. Write your wants. - CLAUDE JENKINS, Sfaelbyvllle, Tenn. Mister Dairyman, Mister Berkshire Breeder, Mister Poultryman, Before you buy get our prices on Jersey Bulls and Heifers, Berkshire Boars and Gilts, Poultry of Standard Varieties. We will send pedigrees and descriptions. Address -v 'v-C.;'.-r':'' BILTMORE FARMS BILTMORE, N C. The Aberdeen Angus Breed of cattle has furnished the highest priced carload of steers (in America) ev ery year save one for seventeen years. - Sonny Home Farm is headquarters in the South for cattle of this wonderful market topping breed. Our chief stock bull is a brother of Gay Lad, that was champion bull of America during 1895-6, and later sold at $3,050.00. .. A. L. FRENCH, Prop'r, R. F. D. ByrdviUe, Va. Farm and Station, Fitzgerald, N. C. Angora Purebred Goats Registered. If you want Blue Ribbon winners at rock hot torn prices write us, and write us at once. Tip top Angora Does from $7.00 to $10.00 each. Grand prize-winning Bucks at $10.00 to $12.00 eacn. we are winners or so per cent, more pre miums than any breeder in the South. 1905, 1906. DIAMOND V RANCH, Stokes P. O., Va. Why Not Improve and Grade Up Your Stock ? Angus Cattle, Southdown Sheep, and Essex Pigs. Two choice young bulls, and several young cows: a few lambs and 8-weeks pigs Two extra mature boars for immediate deliv ery: -; L. G. JONES; Tobaccoville, N. C. Duroc Swine for Sale. The most prolific hogs on earth. Our herd averaged for last year almost twelve pigs to the litter. We have the largest and most fashion ably bred herd in the East, f We keep six great nera Doars, juogs ana pigs or all ages for sale, including bred sows and gilts, service boars and weanling pigs of every noted line of breeding. Send for Duroc Facts and literature on these hogs before you buy. The prices are right, and we guarantee sausiacuon. LESLIE D. KLINE, Shenandoah Valley Stock Farm, VAUCLUSE, Va. LIVE STOCK AND DAIRY. Have a Competent Man to Shoe Your Some Right -Ways and Some Wrong Ways of Doing This Im portant Job A Bungler May Ruin a Good Horse. Why should not-, the horse shoer be licensed to practice the same as a doctor? The doctor is compelled to master the intricacies of. his pro fession before he is. permitted; to enter upon, the practice of that which means life or death to human be ings. The horse shoer must work for years as an apprentice before he is technically capable of knowing how to shoe a horse. And he must then continue his study and practice the same as the doctor in order that he may be thoroughly up-to-date In the latest methods and keep his hand in. I believe we have now reached that stage where a horse shoer should be examined by; a State Board and qualified with a license to practice. Such a law has been passed in several States, and I . un derstand there are other States about to follow. : Here are a few specimen cases of shoeing practice that are common in most shops: , bar shoe with a leather pad is some times necessary. - ' v, i V'.' 5 -r 1 .s&-. Fig. 1. We have here the shoer's most frequent arid xommon trouble, corns. We sometimes find them on colts that have never been shod. When a horse is brought to the shoer with a corn, it is generally lame or sore from it. All the hard, horny hoof should be 5 well ; pared . out around the corn. That will leave the corn free and almost any kind of a shoe with a leather pad, tar and oakum in a bad case will re lieve, the corn at once. v wm - iijunt..' , (.jCTjse-ai r "i - 4 rP V;A Fig. 2. Here we-see a corn in both Inside and outside heels. Some times corns are very .deep seated, but you must go to the bottom and remove the wall as much as possi ble from pressing on the corn and also , trim "the sole down well arouud the corn. Where there are corns in both heels and the horse is sore, a v . - , jK 3 Fig. 3. We find this foot has a broken bar on he inside. There is but one cure for, this-to remove the bar as much as possible. You will see, by this illustration the bar is taken out. Shoe with a bar shoe, leather pad, tar and oakum, and it will soon heal up. . . I, '-' -' " - ' '"ii ) ii i xJ -tip , .' - r: - 1 rt: ' l.y. f. J1 . -5 A- pi'- v- r Fig, 4.- -A foot .with a dis known as! the thrush. Hnraps fln nnt srpnerallv go lame with it, but it very often destroys the shape of the foot. All dead and diseased parts of the frog should be removed,- and with warm water ap plications the foot may be restored to a healthy condition. 'in -in "in i.i.i ii. i oiu. mmm vmrsam-.- 2. " ' . .'" a Fig. "5. This'shows a badly con tracted foot. The heels were allow ed, to" grow too high. If the shoer s