Thursday, December 17, 1908. THE PROGRESSIVE FARRIER. 13 With Our Rural Letter Carriers. Conducted for the N. C. R. L. Carriers' Association by Ed. D. Pearsall, Cor. Secretary, : Rocky Point, N. C. to whom all communications should be addressed. FROM PRESIDENT BAINES. An Earnest Appeal to All Carriers to Organize Volunteers Wanted in Each 'County Who Will An swer. 'My Dear Brother Carriers: I -wish it was so I could give each of you a hearty hand-shake and sit down nnd have a good long chat If you are not a member of our Association I feel that I could possibly persuade you to join us; and, if you are one of us, I'm sure you would like to know what new plans, if any, have been inaugurated and how the Asso ciation in general is progressing. vnw as we cannot have a face-td- face talk, we will do the next best thine write you. To save-space, we will touch only on the most impor tont rhaneres that have been made. We considered organization of vi- r:.i imnnrtanRe. and so we gave tnis n,,r first attention, upon invesuga tinn we found our system oi or ganization impracticable and almost impossible. And, instead of follow ing the old plan of appointing one r.rjmnizer for each congressional dis trict, we have adopted th r plan of onnnintine a carrier in each county, convenient, to do the work. This, of course, greatly simplifies the work and gives us about ten to ao thA work formerly required or one. And better still, we have made ar raignments1 to allow each organizer nnrt nav. at least, for his trouble, heretofore he did not get onvthiner not even for postage. Wa believe these changes will prove very beneficial, and can see no reason why we should not nearly double our membership by our next meeting. To make appointments, give instructions and get everything in good shape, requires a great dea) more work than one would imagine. But through the untiring efforts of our efficient and ever-faithful secre tary, Bro. J. W. Brooks, we have suc ceeded in getting organizers in 42 counties. We hope they have called meetings and that at least a score of them will organize at Christmas and send in their reports and get charters immediately. We shall pub lish the names of organizers and the counties organized just as soon as we get their reports. We would be glad if some carrier would volunteer his service in those counties wher,e no one has been appointed. I shall not attempt to discuss good roads" and "parcels post" now, but later they are going to come ; and, along with them will be better service, and last, but not least, bet ter pay. I certainly enjoy reading page 13, and am very proud that we have a Carrier's Page second to no State or ganization anywhere. Now, Brother Carrier, have you done anything to bring this about? We should not expect to get something for nothing; and please remember our State or gan is giving us valuable space each week free for our own benefit, and it does seem that we are morally bound to give it our support not by reading our neighbor's paper, but by subscribing ourselves. . C. H. BAINES, -President N. C. R. L. C. Association. REDUCE YOUR GUANO BILL Use a Ltofcey Compost Brfl and get the greater returns from your stable and lot manure, compost, etc. Fully guaranteed. A postal will get our Catalogue. LINDSEY & SONS. Box 22. CRYSTAL SPR1N8S, 6a. TEE NEW CENTl'BY AITOXUIC Easily opened from wagon. No hingM easting or cog-wheel. Nothing to get Simple, easy and durable. Will last a life-fame. Is being placed eTerjnhere, where other Automatic gates failed. Guaranteed to satisfy or money refund ed. Write New Ccatarr SteeL Wire 4 lre Workt,2S.Robter:S.R.D- " i. springs, out of fix. IK I rin..f .lu OLD VIRGINIA FARMS u s3k LowPrlees, Slid Climate. Free Illnstrmtd Is the country for the Northern Farmer. we want to near irom every man who desires to better his condition. Casselman Co.. Richmond. Va. La rente Casselman, Farmer Aaditor MeLean County, H.D. POTATOES PAlf Make them pay by using the machines that I really do the work CUT, PLANT- SPRAY, DIG and SORT There's nothing In potato op to ASPIHWALL EQUIPMENT Write for copy of our free book telling how to make money, growing potatoes. A SPIN WALL HFG. CO. 406 Sabin St.. Jackson, Klioh., U.S.A. Pioneer Makers of Potato Machinery SINGLE COMB BROWN LEGHORNS 35 females, - - $1.25 each. 10 cockerels, - - 1.50 each. Fan tail pigeons, - 1.00 pair. JNO. P. GREENE, - Charlotte, N. C. THE BIBLICAL RECORDER FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. This is very unusual, but we want every Bap tist in North Carolina, and every other person to examine the Recorder under the new editor. Hight C. Moore, Send 25 cents to the Recorder and get the pa per two months on trial, if you are pleased with it, continue your subscription. Respond to-day. This offer is. for December only.. Address BIBLICAL RECORDER, RALEIGH, N. C. THE HcKAY SULKY STALK-CUTTER We build the most satisfactory Cutter in America Simple, Strong, Honest and Durable. No "rattle-trap" trinkets to get out of order. A genuine pleasure to operate it. Competitive field tests invited. Our Cutter has won highest award at South Carolina State Fair. Columbia, as well as our State Fair at Raleigh, N. C. Want one good merchant in every town in the South to act as agent. Descriptive circu lars, eta. free. The Jno. A. McKay 51 fg Co., Dunn, IM. C mW v THE MARKETS . I immmr " A FEW VACANCIES At the Blackstone Female Institute After the Christmas Holidays. RALEIGH COTTON. Raleigh, Dec. 12. 1908. Cotton, best grades 8 to Off grades - - 10 RICHMOND TOBACCO MARKET. (Reported by E. K. Vietor & Co., Leaf Tobacco. Strips, Stems and Scraps.) ' Bright Wrappers Fillers Common..... 12 J 9 Mfviinm ... 14 (&23 9 fell apod 23 5o u 12 Cutters Smokers Common;.....---- JO mt. 8 Medium I 8 Good "I::".-::.- 2 9 1 Sun-cured Dark-fired Common...- Medium. 8 I i,f flnnd . 9 14 9 12 SiiSr ""::::::::::: m 25 12 i Common Primings Good to Fine Primings.. NORFOLK PEANUT MARKET. xrrtTrtllr Va . Dec. 12. i908. The prices are strictly wholesale (not job lots) and represent prices obtained on actual sales: Fancy - 3 to Strictly"prime ... 2 to T--i 27 liO '". 2 to 2 Bunch.. - 3KJO Spanish Peanuts --- 75 to w B. E. Peas, per bag 4 UU CHARLESTON PROVISION AND FARM SUPPLIES. 1.4: e n TVe. 12. 1908. iluai icaiuui kj. 3. o. j. xv. oiucas, iivvvi. irV D. S. Butts ...... Butter Creamery. 40 brand .--- - Pearl meal - Meal. Common . - m J-w Hay Timothy - - - 9 to Grain Corn, white ------------- z Crn, mixed - t ' Oats Clipped white. Mixed . i .-r w Feed Cracked corn, per bushel.- - 90 Corn, chop, per 100 pounds. . Wheat, bran, per 100 pounds Corn. bran, per 100 pounds. .. Middlings, per 100 pounds TTnlls. tier 100 Dounds, Rice Flour Sacked, per bushel Cotton sacks, per cwt. 1.. -Cotton Ties Pieced , Rebundled New ties - - . Bagging 2 pounds .- Flour Spring wheat patent. vb.w PaWtlt. o.w Straight ..-. -- 4.50 Choice .... 4.00 $1.50 1.50 1.10 1.60 50 50 39J4 80 80 $1.05? to 5.75 to 5.25 to 5.25 to 4.25 Thfi Sentember bulletin of the North Carolina Department of Agri- culture treats of varieties oi iruit ior growing in North Carolina. It gives lists of all the varieties of each fruit suited J& the mountain, the Pied mont and the coast regions. Every person interested in fruit raising, which should 'mean every one who owns even a little patch of land, s-hould have a copy. Address the North Carolina Department of Agri culture, Raleigh, N. C. The Virginia Horticultural Society will hold its thirteenth annual ses- sion in Lynchburg, January 6th, 7th, and 8th. An elaborate and interest-j inir Drosram has been . prepared. Geo. E. Murrell, Fontella, is Presi dent, and Walter Whately, Crozet, Secretary-Treasurer. Charges from January 4th. 1909. to the end of the session, without Music. $90.00; with either Vocal or Instrumental Musio, $110.00. From February 1st to end of the session, without Music, $75 00; with Music. $90. Write for catalogue and information, JAMES CANNON, Jr., M. A., Blackstone, Va. FARMS AND TIMBER LANDS IN VIRGINIA. FOR SALE. Excellent farms from 50 to 1000 acres at from Eight to Fifteen Dollars per acre. Write for catalogue. JEFFREYS, HESTER & CO., Inc., REAL ESTATE AGENTS CHASE CITY, MECKLENBURG COUNTY. VIRGINIA. PREMIUMS OFFERED IfAnULIlin HHU OUUIF1 bAKULIMA C 3 I am now n position to ship promrtly all orders for Simpkin's Prolific Cotton Seed, This seed is now being planted by the progressive farmers of these States. The results justify every claim made for it. I now offer this seed for the next thirfy days at $1.00 per bushel, f. o, b. Raleigh. I have only a limited amount, so do not get left, as with me it will be first come first served TERM CASH. $10.00 in gold offered for best stalk of SIMPKIN'S COTTOX, and $5.00 for second best, exhibited at State Fair. Raleigh, N.C., 1909. ' - W. A. SIMPKINS, Raleigh, N. C. Phenomenal California Berry Plants. HIMAL AY A blacks 20 tons to the acre, DOLLAR strawberries will supersede all other varieties wherever introduced. PHENOMENAL berry a cross between black and raspberry a red, tart, raspberry 2H inches long by 1 inch deep greatest berry grown. Free Samples to responsible parties. Address Live Stock Journal Experimental Farm, Loomis, Cal. Gregory's New Seed Book Sent Free. Before you do any planting or buy seeds, you should by all means write for a copy of Grego ry's new seed book. You may have received a dozen different seed books, but you won t find in one of them or an oi mem wgcmci voc able information that's contained in Gregory s. This book is published strictly in the interest of farmers and gardeners. Not only does it il lustrate and describe the new and old varieties, but it helps make the planting a success by giv- ing expert advice on mu nusiue yi.joiivuo VeAUtoyouShave to do to get a copy of Gregory's Seed Book the book that helps solve all the problems of planting is to write J. J. H. Greg ory & Son, Marblehead, Mass., and a copy will be sent by return mail. GOOD HOHEST H0HEY I a" RJP JIl m Yoa Srt im Pa, Evw IIW " TAYL08 BSCS., Ufrs., Wktstoi-Salin, N. C Do you want to make some good honest ' ' "-""aiBas money and get your pay every nightT iAvav- nai A i f wj Write a line a postal will do to speci- JMS CLUAUn Jt5 al circulation manager of Mjv 3 U 208 H. P. J I The Progressive Farmer, I I u II ) Raleigh. N. C. Sta, Golin and Water Power Planar, Shinsle MiDa and Corn MOla. And he will tell you how. Worth look- WE PAYTHEFREIGiHT. intn .. : :: Send tor Catalogue. tnginw' " 11 DlLOACH UILL UT6 CO., Box 263, Bridgeport, JUi.