Thursday, April 22, 19 0 9. 14 THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER. I A Good Bull Was Worth $450 in One Season. The average farmer and stock raiser will say, that he cannot afford to buy high-priced bulls. I know a man who bought a pure bred bull a good one and in the first crop of calves there were fifty steers. These steers were out of native cows that cost the owner from seven to ten dollars per head. The steers at an average age of 18 months were sold to a feeder for $19.50 per head. In the same lot the feeder had several scrub steers of about the same age and size that had been bought for $10.50 per head. I asked the feeder if ; he considered the better-bred steers worth $9 pec head more than the scrubs, and he replied that he did. If that be true, the good blood in the bull was worth $450 in his first crop of calves. E. R. LLOYD. Ropy Milk. i, I have two cows in field where they get peas, cottonseed and fodder. I notice in bottom of milk vessel after the milk stands until it goes to change to clab ber, there is about a half cupful ; of the milk that Is ropy or stringy. The milk is not this way till just before it begins to turn, and after it turns to clab ber it looks all right Please tell me what ails the milk and greatly oblige, W. D. H. Glenn, S. C. Editorial Answer: Ropiness in milk is a condition due to faulty handling after it comes from the cow rather than to any abnormal condi tion of the cow or to the feed she Is receiving. It Is due to bacteriological action. First, see that the cow is clean and that milker does his work in such a manner as to prevent contami- HOTEL TIMES SQUARE rf.ih is i i " " ' 43rd Street, Just West of Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. I ROOMS ELEG NTLY FURNISHED One Dollar a Day Dollar and a Half -Up with Bath. MORRIS NEWGOLD, Proprietor. AND IROM FENCES Raleigh Marble Works COOPER BROS., A- RALEIGH, - - - - N. C. Catalogue Free. We Pay the Freight. nation as nearly as it is practicable. Thoroughly wash vessels in tepid wa ter, then in hot water with soap and scald with boiling water and: expose to sunshine. See that the place where the milk is kept is fresh and sweet. This condition probably does not render the milk unfit for use, but its use would be more satisfactory and agreeable if the. germs which cause the trouble were kept out. The Johnston County Alliance. The Johnston County Alliance met in regular session at Smithfleld April 10, 1909. The regular business of the Alliance was transacted, after which subjects of importance were discussed by the brethren. Reports show that the Alliance is in good shape in the county and the indica tions are that the Order will be much stronger in the near future. We hope at our meeting in July to have a large crowd present as there will be business of great Importance to attend to. H. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary-Treasurer. Beasley, N. C. Tommy Where have you been, Willie? Willie Been flshin Tommy Catch anything? Willie Not yet; but I will when I get home. Slighted work and half-done tasks are sins. Emerson. - 1 'III Til I Selvyn farm -seres Headed hy the $1,100.00 Son of Premier Long fellow 68600. Lee's Premier 3d 112763, the SHORTEST NOSED AND BEST HEADED BOAR In America. We are now booking orders for his pigs of both sexes, which are marked Just like him: or will sell you magnificently bred sows safe with pig by him. Our herd contains sons and daughters of the peerless Longfellow 68000, Berryman Duke 72946 (litter mate to Masterpiece 77000) ; Pre mier Longfellow's HHal 101678; Duke of Oakdale 93955. Swsbred to Lee's Premier 3d 112763, and spring pigs of both sexes hy Ken II worth Long fellow 104156; Duke of Oakdale 93956; Berryton Duke 72946. and Premier Longfellow's Rival 101678. Registered Jerseys for sale at all times Write for descriptive booklet and prices. EDGAR B. MOORE, Prop.. Charlotte. N. C. Southdown Sheep ESSEX PIGS, ANGUS CATTLE. A nice lot of Lambs and Pigs for shipment in May, June and July. One extra nice 2Vi-rear- old Bull: one registered 6-year old Cow. Prices reasonable quality considered. L. G. JONES, Tobaccovllle. N. C. Poland China Hogs SHORT HORN CATTLE. RED PIT GAMES. Eggs 30 $3.50; large Pekln Duck Eggs. 13 for Si '2K lor and Fancy Poultry. Guar antee good quality and safe arrival. ! TUGGLE BROS.. Brush Creek, Tenn. Foxes; Dogs, Eggs. I can furnish this season 400 Red and Gray Fox Cubs at $4.00 each; best of Fox-hound Pups 87.50 to $10.00 each. S. C. B. Leghorn Eggs $1.00 per 30; 15 Barred nock Kggs 1.00; 12 pekln Duck. Eggs f 1.00. 10 broke Fox-hounds. J. D. STODGHILL, Shelbyvllle. Ky. Dogs and Foxes-SW especially Fox-hounds, bred Bitches, broke J r -i . E. p. WILMOTH, Shelbyvllle. Ky. L Poland Chinas at-home Rtock for sale. Come to see me. or write your wants. E. 8. WRIGHT. Sykes, Tenn. i Does Advertising Pay ? I j Jeffress, Va., March 25, 1909. Publishers The Progressive Farmer, Raleigh, N. C. Gentlemen: 'I I must confess, I did not expect very many orders from my adver tisement on account of its small space and the fact that it only appeared one time, but I want to tell you that it has wonderfully surpassed my ex pectations. Upt to the present date I could easily have sold $500.00 worth of pigs when tlie advertisement; only cost me sixty-three (63) cents. But, to my profund regret, the demand has proved greater than, the supply. Orders came in so rapidly that I sold out in one week. I heartily recom mend your paper, not only to Farmers, but to all who care to be 'pro gressive, " ior l consider it tne Dest advertising medium i nave known. Thanking you for past courtesies, I am, Very respectfully, Mrs. G W. Hardy, Jeffress, Va. ever IF-VOU-.VANT-TH BEST Buy frca ttsst wt ghrt ttsir sste ttttntloa ts tfca production of thi srsatsst Berkshire type W EE D O Our herd comprises the most splendid lines of breeding and Individuals that money can buy or experience develop in American and English bred Berkshlres. "LORD PREMIER OF THE BLUE RIDGE," 103565. the greatest living boar, heads our herd. If you are interested write. The Blue Ridge Berkshire Farms. Ashevllle. N. C. Oakwood Farm Jersey Gattle and Berkshire Hogs j Eminent X, at the head of herd, son of the famous Eminent that sold at auction for f 10 000. No females for sale at present, but have a lew choice bulls and bull calves at reasonable prices. These bulls are from cows that have made over 400 pounds butter in twelve months. Choice Berkshlres of all ages on hand. I f R. L. SHUFORD NEWTON. N. C .ft;. 13 O IL TW O Mil DKSCBIPTIVK LIST OF 1 NEW SELECTION Of" ? Jersey Bulls and Heifer Calves and Bred Hellers Now ready for dlstrlbutlci Reasonable Pbicxo. ffOOO rot HATCH IN a. Now is the time to send tn your Egg orders. Send in your order now; have tbemi shipped when you want them. Dont be late I Our 1909 Mating List is yours for the asking. Address . .. i t BILTMOOE FARMS aiLTKioatt, n. cl The South's Greatest Herd Tennessee Herd of Duroc-Jersey Swine Headed by Tennessee Colonel 20665, winner of first In class Tennessee State Fair, 1908, one of the greatest Boars of the breed. Some extra choice Spring Pigs by Tennessee Colonel for sale. Correspondence solicited. i ' S. H. STANBERY A SONS, Newport, Cocke County. Tenn. Tamworth Pigs, J Young Jersey Bulls, One Dutch Belted Bull, FOR SALE. Address 1 i) OCCONEECHEE FARM DURHAM N C. 1 The Aberdeen Angus Breed of cattle has furnished the highest priced carload of steers (in America) ev ery year save one for seventeen years. Sunny Home Farm is headquarters in the South for cattle of this wonderful market topping breed. Our chief stock bull is a brother of Gay Lad. that was champion bull of America during 1895-6, and later sold at $3,050.00. A. L. FRENCH, Prop'r, R. F. D. 2. Byrdville, Va. Farm and Station. Fitzgerald, N. C. A MOST SPLEHDID Small Jack (Spanish). Well broke. Will deliver him anywhere In North Carolina or South Caro ina for 1200. ft .. R. H. W. BARKER, R. F. P. No. 2. Stanly. N. C. ARROWHEAD FARM. ? Re HSsi Ctttt, Dcrct Stet?, Petes Cfcisas, of the beat breeding, j Sam'l B. WoeJs. tt Chariott vffle. Virsinla 25 Grade Southdown! Ewes Also 10 Buck Lambs. G. T. TYSON, Ronte 1, Greenville, N. C. 'i. , , 1 Registered Duroc Jerseys. No better stock to be had than mine. Satls faction Ruaranteed. I always ship with privi ties of return. K. M'. WATHOXi letertmrg,ya. Jersey Calves at Auction Great Overflow of High-bred Jersey Males and Females at Auction, Greensboro, N. C, May 4, 1909. My barn is now full of Jersey Cows, and I am for the first time offering Heifers from the great Bull Trevarth's General: he by Gen eral Marigold, out of Trevarth's Puritan General Marigold by Major Polo, oui of Mary Idagold, test 23 pounds of butter In seven days as a 8-year old. Major Polo by Glynllyn Boy out of Massey Polo, the butter queen of the Jersey race. Milked in seven days 354 pounds of milk that made 30 lbs. 6H ounces of butter. Cowb sired by this famous bull are now milk ing in my herd, and every one are No. l onu s. Sale begin at 1 o'clock, P. M Bids by mail will be placed In the hands of competent men and treated with utmost fairness. For par ticulars, address JOHN A. YOUNG, - Greensboro, N. C. At Roberts & Harmon's Stables. No. UK S. Davie St., formerly Vanstory's Stables, later Benny Bros. ur too wm thi bust hsuistsubd Standard Bred Essex Hogs, Hones, Jersey hpL JC- Scotch Collie Cattle, BlackiEfDogs s s s or B. P. Rocks. S. L. Wyandottes, S. C. Brown Leghorn. Buff and Partridge Cochin Bantams -and Eggs in season, address OPEN VIEW 'ASMS, Robt. I Abernethy. Propr.. Mount Holly. N. C. ROSE DALE HERD OF ABERDEEN ANGUS. To reduce herd for winter, we offer at at tractive prices to quick buyers, some regis tered bulls of choice breeding and Individu ality. Also a few heifers. Call or write for prices and booklet. . .'. 0 Dale Stock Farms JEPFERSONTON, VA Duroc Jersey Pigs Of all ages, ready to ship. Will quote special low price for 30 days. Bred Gilts and Service Boars a specialty. Pedigree furnished with each head sold. Write for prices. L. M. WHITAKER 4 CO.. Mulberry, Tenn. Mplvilte IRarm i f iiiv u vii mi Jersey Cattle and Shropshire Sheep. A few choice Bull Calves by Eminent of Mel ville, and Buck Lambs for July delivery. W , 9 WW I HAW ItlVJiK, i. t-..