T'li-rsday, April 22, 1909. THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER. 17 : , ; : i i FRUIT, TRUCK, VEGETABLES. i UK EARLY CABBAGE CROP. Have Rich, Well-Frepared Land and Sot Out in November and De cember. Messrs. Editors: To succeed with ;u;y crop requires mature thought be ioie the work begins. Think out your work, and work out your thoughts." Unless one has w ry rich land it requires one and sometimes two years in its prepara tion in order to grow anything like a paying crop. We are now breaking four-year pasture sod for peas to be followed with oats, grass and clover this fall. Now is the time to begin preparation for our fall vegetable crops such as turnips, cabbage, let tvice, onions, etc. Our cabbage crop which has al io: dy had two workings, and is now beginning to head, was set out about the 20th of November, on land which had been in peas that were cut for feed and which was then top dressed with stable manure. , Land being well pulverized, plants were set about half way up on north side of high ridges running east and west. This crop will be ready for market about the 1st of May. I wish to say for the benefit of those' desiring to. grow extra early cabbage (and these are the ones that pay best) to be sure and put plants out between November 20th and De cember 20th, if possible before the land gets wet and freezing. They will then get good root . and stand zero weather. Not over 2 per cent of our crop has died. W. -L. KIVETT. Guilford Co., N. C. SWEET POTATOES.. Rot is Caused by a Fungus, and Not by Fertilizers Sulphate of Potash Better Than Muriate. Will commercial fertilizers cause sweet potatoes to rot? What formula will suit sweet po tatoes best? Will kainit mixed with 28 2 goods to make a high per cent of potash help them or cause them to rot? Is it better to get potash from sul phate or muriate of potash for them? I have been informed that they would keep better .where sulphate of potash was used. Will plain shell lime put on land now that is going to be put in sweet potatoes this year do them any good, or cause them to rot? Also, will acid phosphate 'do any good on high sandy soil for any crop? W. C. C. Perquimans Co., N. C. i (Answer by Prof. Massey.) Rot in sweet potatoes is caused by a fungus disease, and manure will encourage this more than fertilizers will, but neither will cause it. The thing is to use healthy seed potatoes and get healthy plants. Why the farmers .want to use 2 '6 2 fertilizer, which is fully one fourth sand, I cannot understand. I suppose it is because they look at the; price of an article rather than its quality. Kainit, too, is the most cost ly form in which to get potash, for it has but 12 per cent potash, while sulphate., and muriate have 50 per cent, and you . have to freight but one-fourth as much to get what pot ash is needed. It would take over 1,600 pounds of kainit in a ton to make the ten per cent potash that potatoes should have. High grade sulphate of potash is better for sweet potatoes than muriate. For winter, keeping it is better to grow the potatoes from -July cuttings which keep better than the ! spring plants. Lime is not especially need ed on sweet potatoes, and nothing that you put in the soil causes them jto rot, for, as I have said, the rot is a specific fungus disease, and if you have healthy plants you will not have ; rot unless you put them in soil that ; is .infected. Keeping the potatoes year after year in the same land will ' give you more rot than anything else, as the soil gets infected! You can make a good sweet potato fertilizer by mixing 1,200 pounds of acid phosphate, 100 pounds of ni trate of soda, 300 pounds of 'cotton seed meal, and 400 pounds of high grade sulphate of potash to make a ton. Use 500 pounds per acre. Of course, a smaller quantity can be mixed in the same proportions. Fertilizer for Cabbage! I Will you please give me a for mula for making a good fertili zer for cabbage? C. W. S. Washington Co.rNC. (Answer by Prof. Massey.) i Cabbage is a gross feeder and needs high fertilization. The best fertilizer for cabbage is good stable manure. Its main manurial needs are for nitrogen and phosphoric acid, and on soils like yours, some potash. For a cabbage fertilizer I would ad vise a mixture of 1,200 pounds of acid phosphate, 100 pounds of nitrate of soda, 600 pounds of cottonseed meal and 100 pounds of muriate of potash. Use 1,000 to 1,500 per acre. pounds Rooting Scuppernongs. Someone asked about Scuppernong vines. Last rooting August, with a hoe I pulled some dirt over some limbs that , were lying on the ground, and this spring had a nice lot of rooted cuttings. ALAMANCE. Truckers Favorite a Good Early Corn. Messrs. Editors: For the las four years I have been planting quite a lot of the Truckers' Favorite early corn. The first year I planted one acre, the second year four acres, the third year eight acres, last planted sixteen acres. I planted so much of it: year I (1) be cause I can sell quite a lot of it green for roasting ears in July. I get from 12 to 20 cents per dozen ears, or about 40 cents a peck on-an average.. (2) I can cut the corn and stalks and feed green or dry, then can plant a late crop of Irish pota toes. The second lot I sow in soja beans at the last working for my hogs and cows to gather as soon as I gather my corn. (3) I can strip my fodder the first of August at a time when I can get the labor before any one else is thinking about strip ping fodder. I do not believe in stripping much fodder but 'like to have a little for a change. . (4) My corn is dry enough to gather in Sep tember, then I can turn in my hogs and cows long before frost and they will eat the leaves and the beans,' so that the lot is ready to plow! by the first of October and sow in grass or clover seed. f I have another field which I plant ed in the "Horse Tooth" corn- and sowed soja beans, and cojld not gather that corn before frost Con sequently when I did gathel it the soja beans were nearly all J popped out and most of them wasted. j I do' not think any farmet would make a mistake by planting a part of his crop in this kind of corn.t I planted one acre last year about the last of June and at the last work ing sowed in crimson clover. fl think I struck on the right time to plant it for seed corn, as I have the; best I ever saw, and my crimson cover is beautiful. J I sowed crimson clover 'or the first time last year in a ten-acre field of cotton. I expect jto sow every acre I plant in cotton and every acre of late corn this year! I think a good crop of crimson clover is as good as a crop of peas and it does not cost one-half as much to sow an acre of clover as of peasj From the Truckers' Favorjfte corn that I planted in June I had good roasting ears in sixty days from -the day I planted it. My last planting was the fourth of August, ;jne'if.ear gathered from the corn planted in April. That made good roasting ears but did not get hard before frost. 4 W. H. WILSON. Norfolk Co., Va. Do You Want Information Concrete? About We have had lately several; in quiries about the use of concrete, how to make it. how to handle it, how to prepare moulds, etc.! " Much more information than, we could pos sibly find space for can be fpurid in a little book, "Concrete Construe tion for the Home and Farmj' issued Dy me Alias roruana Yemeni juu., 30 Broad St., New York. All .who wish information about concrete' for any purpose should send fpr this book. It is free, will be sent! gladly and will be of great help to anyone who wishes to use concrete tor any purpose on the farm. It m$y sug gest, too, some uses you had mot thought of. Write for it today, if you all interested in concrete, lieve it will pay you. Union LocK Poultry Fence Square close mesh. Highest quality, su perior lock, easily erected, strong:, low priced. Writ for new catalog datcribinr tha Union Line of Field. Hor. Poul try and Lawn Fence. Union Fence Co. DO Kmlb. III. Kmnmmm City, mo. RANGER BARB1VIRE For a 22-Inch Hog Fence ; 1 for 26-inch; 18 for 31-lnch; 23 1-Se for 84-inch; S7 for a 47-lnch Farm Fence, i 60-inch Poultry Fence 7e. Lowest prices ever made. Sold on 30 days trial. Catalog free. Write for It today. ' KITSELMAN BROS., Bos 84 MUNCIE, I NO. FENCE iSSSSf- a2eofH,h Carbon Double Strength Coiled Wire. Heavily Galvanized to prevent rust. Hare no agente. Bell at factory prloea on 30 day' tr trial. We pay an freight. 87 height of farm and poultry fence. Catalog Fro. COILED SPRING PENCE CO. Box 72 Wlneheeter. Indiana. ORNAMENTAL WIRE ako STEEL FENCE Cheaper than wood. jt combining strength t tt a ana an. x or lawns, III 111 churches.cemeteries TTT Send for FBEE i Vr''' " u&iaijUU. Aaaress mtVtli THE WARS FENCE CO.. VSS ilifii IILEIT II I NVEUM are at We ibe- The gentleman is a man o -Emerson. truth. A COWPEA THRESHER At Last This is not a pea " huller " but a machine that will thresh any variety of cowpeas from the mown vines, not breaking over 1 or 2f of the grain. "It is the machine I have been looking for 29 years." Prof. W. F. Massey. Catalog free." Koger Pea & Bean Thresher Co., Mbrristown, Term. Fruit Trees OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PRICES RIGHT. CATALOGUE FREE. ARCADIA NURSERIES, FiIonticeDo, Fla. PEC AM BEST VARIETIES. SPECIAL LOW PRICES. TREES. BEAR'S NURSERIES, PALATKA, FLA. F o u a DI One of the best Commission Houses for you to snip your j-urs. maes. Poultry, Eggs ana Sweet Potatoes to. Write them today, they are HEWITT & COMPANY, 10 E. Camden St.. BALTIMORE. Md. DO-YOU SMI Lettuce, Beans, Peaches and Tomatoes If so send for our catalogue and price list of standard carriers. SOUTH SIDE Mrc.c6., - - Petersburg, Va. That Extra Five Hundred Dollars Made "lAs Easy as Falling Off a Log" Just plant an acre or two of vegetables, and Can them, and your fruit, with Tho lmprovod Raney Canning Outfit and you have got It I We furnish all the machinery and material, and tell you how to do the finest work, and you can challenge the world in quality, if t M . w ' 1 Not Too Late Tot Write now and; get our catalog, and learn all particulars. If you don't want to can for market, you icertalnly want to put up everything nice for your home, and you want the best. Then let us help you. Address THE RAN BY CANNING CO , Toxarkana-Tex.; Chapol Hill, N. C "CAROLINA" CANHG OUTFITS. c 3 The handsomest, cheapest and most convenient line In America, Canners wttb a capacity iot Uttls stov art fits. Thousands of satisfied cus tomers are now enthusiastic walking advertisements for us. If you intend buying a Home or Market Canner, our free booklet explains all. Write to-day, Tharp Hardware & Manufacturing Co.. Elkin, N. C SAVE THE WASTE AND TURN IT INTO WEALTH" using MODERN HOME CANNER METHODS. Family Sizes jto Factory Plants. Cans. Labels and complete supplies. Write today for FREE vannr.n., M. .. - .. . 1 Biustrsted Literature to Muucnri uANNtK uu., unananooga, lenn., uept, I. Usea tin or glass cans.' CAMMDMfMAMDMES.2 V'. ! '4 V. 1 ti : r. ! ! It " 4. I.-- , . . if J. ' r:

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