THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER. Thursday, April 22, 1900. Where toi Buy the Best Seeds. THE MARKETS. 18 3 RALBIGH COTTON. Raleijrh. N. C., April 17. 1909. Cotton, best grades .....J 10 to lOHi Off grades 7 to 9 RICHMOND TOBACCO MARKET. (Reported by E. K. Vie tor & Co . Leaf Tobacco. Strips. Stems and Scraps.) , ; Richmond, Va., April 17, 1909. We have had practically no re ceipts of loose tobacco during this week owing to the harsh weather which has been prevailing here. Whatever is left of the old crop will be marketed rapidly now and the country will soon be bare of tobacco. Planting has commenced in South Carolina and will be commenced in the eastern section of North Caro lina next week. The market for hogshead tobacco continues to be very dull as there is practically no demand for export. ".'v. Bright . Wrappers Fillers Common 12 U 7 & 9 Medium 14 23 9 ll Good .-. 23 50 11 13 - , :yy Cutters Smokers Common 10 lt 5 6 Medium It 13 6 9 Good 13 30 9 10 ' Sun-cured Dark-fired Common - 6 & 8 5 7 Medium 7 9 7 9 Good 9 14 9 12 NORFOLK PEANUT MARKET. Norfolk. Va., April 17. 1909. The prloes are strictly wholesale (not job lots) and represent prloes obtained on actual sales: Fancy ......... Strictly prime ... Prime Machine picked.. Bunch..... Spanish Peanuts.... . B. E. Peas, per bag.. $ SXtoSK SHto StttOtX 2K to 2 396 to 92H to 3.00 CHARLESTON PROVISION AND FARM SUPPLIES. Charleston. S. C, April 17, 1909. D. S. C. R. Sides, packed .... . 10 .ABellies, packed 10H i R Butts 7 utter Creamery . 30 Hams Choice, as to size and orand ... 15V4 Lard Pure Tierces 11 Pearl meal $K75 Meal. Common 1.75 Hay Timothy 90 to 1.00 Grain Corn, white 88 Corn, mixed 87 Oats Clipped white 68 Mixed 66 Feed Cracked corn, per bushel .. 85 Corn, chop, per 100 pounds 1.60 Wheat, bran, per 100 pounds 1.50 Corn. bran, per-100 pounds l.2o Middlings, per 100 pounds 1.60 Hulls, per 100 pounds 50 Bice Flour Sacked, per bushel.. 50 Cotton Ties Pieced 80 Rebundled .... 80 New ties $1.05 Bagging 2 pounds 7X Flour Spring wheat patent 16.50 to 6.75 Patent.. 6.25 to 6..V) Straight 6.00 to 6.25 Choice . . 5.25 to 6.50 CHICAGO HORSES. Chicago. April Poor to fair Drafters..... ........ ..$125185 Loggers and feeders 60160 Farm mares and small ; chunks 75 125 Light drivers 70i20 Actors and ooachers... 110 130 Carriage pairs. 225300 Western (branded) 15 45 Mules 75125 17. 1909. Good to choice $200275 165220 130175 125200 140350 325675 60100 150 225 ST. LOUIS MULES. St. Louis, April 17. 1909. Common Medium to medium to good 14 hands ......$ 65 90 t 90110 14H hands 80 115 11 5 125 15 hands...... 95135 135155 15K hands 11514S 145175 16 hands and over 130150 155 225 NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET. New York, April 16, 1909. ; Our markets seem to be pretty well . stocked with country produce, and we are now receiving liberal supplies of telegrams telling of the killing of all sorts of garden truck, especially strawberries. At yet the Delaware peach crop is not heard from, but probably the worst is to come on paper. ' There is an active demand for for eign potatoes, but domestic stock is rather dull, as late crop1 South ern can not be quoted at more than $2 2.50.; new stock from j Florida, $35; Western, $2.62 g 2.67 per, 180 lbs.. Sweets, Md. and Va., per bbl., $23; foreign stock, $2.50 2.60 per 168-lb. bag. Texas has sent in liberal supplies of onions, and such are quoted at $1.75 per crate foi red, and $2 for white; new Ber mudas, $1.75. Cabbage well sustain ed at $2.50 3 per large crate for S. C. stock, and practically the same for Florida;, red, per crate, j $2.50 3.50. Cauliflower, per basket, Fla., $1.602. I Eggplant, Fla., per box, $2 4. Ok ra, $1.50 3 per carrier. Oyster plants, per 100 bunches, $3g)5. Rhubarb, per 100 bunches, $2g4. Peas, Fla., and S. C, per basket, $22.503. Lettuce, Fla., $1 2, and same for N. C. and Norfolk. String beans, Fla., $12.50 for wax and 2 5c. more for green: Spinach, Norfolk, per bbl., $1.50 2. Squash, Hubbard, per bbl., $11.50. Tur nips, 75c. $1 per bbl. Watercress, per 100 bunches, $1.50 2.25. Kale, Norfolk, 75c. $1 per bbl. Parsley, N. C., per bbl., $2 3. Strawberries are of all qualities at all prices; Fla., 720c; N. C, 10 15c. Apples, firm within the range of $3.50 6 per bbl. " Beans quiet and about unchanged. Choice pea beans, per bushel, $2.50; medium, $2.452.50; red kidney, $2.45. Evaporated apples, 6 7c. per lb.; with carton stock, 8 9c. Dried cherries, Southern, per lb., 13(g) 15c; raspberries, 20(g) 22 c. Butter, firm so far as top grades are concerned, and creamery is held at 28 28 Vi c; extra, 26c, and stor age, 23 2 6c; Western factory, 17 19c. Eggs are dull and lower, as the Easter demand is over and the sup plies continue liberal. Quoted from 20 22c for Western stock though the latter figure is perhaps extreme. Naval stores, firm, and turpentine has advanced to 41c, at which fig ure it is well sustained and further advance is probable. Rosins, firm, but not much trading has been done. Prices practically without change. Tar, firm at $5 and pitch in demand at $3. May wheat is about $1.32. There seems a pretty well-settled be lief that this staple is not going to be very much below present quotations. Already bakers are talking j of de creasing the size of the-loaf. This will be more acceptable than to add a cent to the price of the prevailing size. F. J. ROOT. . For Hatching. S. C. W. Leghorns and B MInorcas;B. Langahans; Buff Cochins. The very best strains that brains and experience can produce. Bred to lay, and do it. - Eggs from best pens 11.50 per 15; aU others $1.00. Mammoth White Pekin Duck Eggs $1 per 11. r HOOT-OWL POULTRY FARMS, C. B. Green, Klttrell, N. C. "Square Dial" Poultry Yards. Try us and satisfy yourself. Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds, the ideal fowl for farmer and fancier; Eggs from selected hens $1.00 to $1.50 per 15. D. MATT. THOMPSON, ' - 8TATKSVILLB, N. C. S. C. Rhode Island Reds. Pure-bred EGGS FOR HATCHINGT from best matlngs $3 for 15; $5 for SO; from select utility matlngs 81.50 for 15; $2.50 for 80. Utility fowls for sale at all times. J. W. FRIuuLL StftktsMs, N. C. Combination Farm. Three Hundred Acres. for Sale. My reason for selling, the timber business consumes my time. Correspondence solicited, v. D. wuson. Chase City, Va. Have You TO SELL H 1 ? rnfit hv the Mnenences lot rogressive Farmer advertisers Put an Advkbttsement of Youb. SEED on this Page. That Will Seix Them. ! Mr. Bateman ran a small advertise ment of Black. Field. Peas and Sola, Beans for sale one time. See what he says: " Plymouth, N. C March 31, ,1909. "PuMUIwrs Tki PrtfrmWi Fanner, taleten. C. " Gentlemkit : My ad. In your pa per last week brought to me all the buyers I could furnish, and still they are coming from different States. -"Yours very truly, t : "W. M. BATE MAN." ; Send us your advertisement, and sell your surplus seeds. . il .?! Cotton Is King and the Kins Of All Cotton It .Simpkins' Prolific. The Earliest and Most I Prolific Ever Originated f TwiiaYt m m Ck-MS Man trm-ar thl a cotton4 nrofit- ably after cabbage, potatoes and all yearly ma turing CrOPS. Mate Wiae TOWS sua viiexi yumv MmtiJUan' Cotton between your rows. It will mature bolls In ninety days. j I I Grow Two and a Half Bales Pur Acre After Track. . ; xrfvinr. fha Koct tiriXA f or i! nlajitlntr. Sound and guaranteed to please. I will satis fy you witn reierences nom as w meu my seed. order quick, terms cash. i. $1.00 PER BUSHEL, F. O. B. BALKIGH. W. A. SIMPKINS, Orisinator and Introducer, RALEIGH. N. C. $100 Riwari ts aiyoni whs m prt that ny ltock- "f, W san nartoi, art sot pan Mmpura ia, vvmu m iwmu forma. j i:'-". -j ' Kirby's King Cotton Makes Three Bales to the Acre. to make 10 to 25 per ct. Ciirntonrl more than common va Ulldl aulCCU rletles; to be 15 to 20 days earlier; to yield 40 per ct. at the glm j Or Money Refunded j Send for circulars and testimonials. Price $1.00 per bushel L o. b. Selma. OH AO. r. KIRBY, Reference : The Bank of Selma. Field Peas ; Soja Bjians as long as they last at foilow'iisr p- tc?: Large Soy or Soja Beans at $1.13. St lH:t stock. Old Fashion Clay Peas nt 1.20. TrueHo Nam :. Whlppoorwlll Peas at $ i er bushel Wonderful Peas at $1.20, Goo 1 ttofc Big Black Peas at $1.50. (loo t Mock. Mixed Peas at $1.15, Fine lor Hay. All In good 2 bushel sacks. 3URRUS&CO., 'PHONE 184. 24 CRAVEN ST., NEW BERN, N. C. FOR SALE Improved Boone County Seed Corn, genuine Norton Yam Potatoes) for bedding-, and Registered Duroc-Jersey Pigs. 1 E. B. SUTTON, - Calypso1 N. C , 1 ; - y Southern Seedf N L. WBLLET SEED COMPANY. Augusta. Ga.. Largest ' Southern dealers , in cotton seeds, field corns, cow peas, Ac. We quofe best For age Mixed Peas, 25 bu. at $1.25. less am'ts, $1.30; Amber Sorghum; 10 bu. $1.50, less am'ts, $1.55, Get 1909 Catalogue and Weekly Bulletin. COWPEAS FOR SEED. $1.20 PER BUSHEL, f. o. b. Wilmington. N. C HALL & PE4B8AI.L, Inc. PLANT WOOD'S SEEDS For Superior Crops. Cow Peas The Best and Surest Cropping of Summer Soil-improving and Forage Crops. Makes poor land rich; makes rich land more productive, and im proves the condition and produc tiveness of soils wherever they are grown. a ue crop can De cux lor lorage, v making a large-yielding and most Q nutritious fftfid. and ih land X be disked afterwards not plowed making an ideal fertilization and preparation for wheat and all fall sown grains. All of our Cow Peas and Soja Beans are recleaned, free from hulls and im mature peas, superior both in cleanliness and quality, and of tested germination. Write for prices and ''Wood's Crop Special" giving timely information a bout Seasonable Farm Seeds. T. W. WOOD & SOUS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. PLANT Cook,s Improved , COTTON Alter a S-y ears trial of Cook's Iraprovtd Cottoi, I am convinced there Is no better va riety grown. A vigorous and persistent bearer and fine ylelder makes for me at gin 40 ft lint never less than 38ft. I made 100 bales last year on 80 acres, and but for the destructive rains would have gotten 125. Tho D. S. Government bought 500 bushels of my seed last year and I now have their order for 1909. Iam offering select seed for planting that are almost entirely free from lint at $1.00 per busbsl, f. e. b. EnflellM. C. Freight charies paid on orders of S bos. and over. CAREY A. WILLIAMS, Haxifax county. Rtngwood, N. C. ill Tl lJ 3 make three bales per acre. Every cotton grower, large or small, rich or poor, write to B. W. HAWKINS, NONA, GA. for history and descriptive cir culars of his Extra Prolific Cotton. It's free, and will be worth hundreds of dollars to you. Price of seed: 1 bushel tl.25: 100 lbs. $3.50; 5 bushels $5 50; 10 bushels $10: 20 bushels $18: 50 bushels $45; 100 bushels $85; 5 lbs. by mail, postpaid for $1.00. The Extra Prolific Cot ton matures quickly, and will COCKE'S PROLIFIC A nice lot of Cocke's Prolific Seed Corn at $1.50 per bushel f. o. b. Milton, N. C. Send P. O. money order or reg istered letter with order. J. B. S AHf R FIELD, - - MILTON. N. C. RANCH'S GENUINE RATTLESNAKE WATERIYJ ELON SEED ONLY NIE STUM Carefully selected. Kept pure IN BJITED CTATB forty years. No other variety grown on plantation of 1500 acres. Pore seed impossible where different kinds are grown. 1 oz. 15c 2 oz. 25c 4 oz. 40c i lb. 60c 1 lh. $1.00-6 lbs. $4.50-10 lbs. $8.50 delivered. . Remit registered letter or money order. Send for Seed Annual. Manual on melon culture with all ttders. M. 1. BRANM. Btmlli, Colombia Co. Coorgia. King Cotton per bushel. Will mature large crops. 75 cts. per bushel. Marlboro Prolific Corn $2.00 GEO. M. DAVIS, Clinton, S. C. FISH Drop vlb a card and we will put you on to something with which you can turn your neighbor green with envy by. catch ing dead loads of them in streams where he has become disgusted trying to catch them the old fashioned way. It's some thing new and cheap. It catches at all seasons something no other tackle will do. It will tickle you to see it catch house and musk rats. Illustrated catalogue of prices and testimonials for the asking. We are sole manufacturers of the celebrated Double Muzzle Wire Fish Baskets. Our sale covers over 20 states. We pay the freight on one dozen or more nets. EUREKA FISH IIET CO., tWZf.'L