Thursday, April 22, 1909. 1 - n a T I I lj' i 8 . I - " ; - I l ll i I THE HOME CIRCLE I' r Genasco T SSS M' I II rr , ...... II I I " i Ready Roofing Genasco is economical roofing. It costs a little more in the beginning because it is made of Trinidad Lake Asphalt, the perfect natural waterproofer and. weather-resister. The thing that makes the first-cost more makes the lasl-cost less. And last cost is what counts. Get the roofing whose composition you know-the Trinidad Lake Asphalt roofine backed by a thirty-two-million dollar guarantee. Mineral and smooth SSf ace. Look for the trade-mark. Write for samples and the Good Roof Guide Book. i ' THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Largest producers of asphalt and XarzesX manufacturers of ready roofing in the world. PHILADELPHIA New York San Francisco Chicago litWMt rnv ' Price Frclaht Prepaid Freight Prepaid on 100 lbs. FreifflM Prepaid This is the most liberal special price PWPsion ever TndepnGuara ferSaBbiriowUPrices Includefreht costs. . You cannot Duy anyimuK r , - Inz through a dealer, at anytn mg loyP"Mp' T!,r Bros. Rubber Roofin is made in our own cuy. h -d ess of long-fibre wool W,J to be waterproof, fire ;h flexible waterproof compound. Atoimeiy ,.,ai oner. We rUtin and durable. Order now and get tne a-i"""-"' , MinnesoU. lowa, and nav the freight to all points cast ol the western u" " , Missovri and north of the southJine of Tennessee. --Sltlll BOOUet - .f f t6 fn1i Three rrcc samples w.. Vou run no nsK cy ornennjj ""r," - Ordor today. Sample laik t'j VJ ' ' v ' ' " . . advertisement. We positively guarantee sausiai-uu.w If Breese Hros. Rubber Roofing does not prove tot aU that we claim for it. send it back and we will return your money. We Give the Longest Guarantee mi our truarantee is absolute. We are reSSy to make A on oery cUim. We pay the freight to all po.nts eaTof the western boundrv line of Minnesota. Iowa an ?Missouriand north of the south line of Tennessee Order at once-now-today and get the benefit l th remarkable offer. W e may not be able to make SaiLral offer again. Or write today for Free, samples and booklet. Delay may cost you money The Brccsc Bros. Co. Doof ina Dent, fio Cincinnati. O. FPaa Cement and Special Rooflnfl Nolle lnolACl in arh rnIL . Hammer I '.lav am at m j a ROOFING "ACME" Double Flint-Cqated Roofing (Sanded both sides) 1 ply at $1.95; 2 ply at 32.25; 3 ply at 12.70 , per square. "ELECTROID" Rubber Roofing (Smooth Finish) -- 1 ply at $1.85: 2 ply at $2.20; 3 ply at $2.60 per square. "UNIVERSAL" Gravel Surface (Washed Sea Gravel) One weight only; very heavy, at $2.90 per square. rrrv. rro. v,o VilcriPRt rrfl.de8 of Ready X lAXj O, JVJ V M,A.S wuw " - ' " - i a v,ni- T?nnffln cr fhnt. mnnpv can DUy-" and are more economical, as they will last longer, irom 10 to 'M years, wuu uutuno j -Mails and T.lrmlrl Cement Coating, which are placed In the core ol each roll, to properly lay me same. Wa PreoaY Frelztt to your Railroad Statloi -f Re&dv Roofings tt D ecu wuova . c and Building Papers, but the above are the DeBb alia luucib ovuui"vt . - mnies and Catalog F" mailed free for the asking Carolina Portland Cement Company, CHARLESTON, S. C. Get our Prices Cement Ldme. Plaster. Ac. &o wnBifnA rrrrnnv aniaamon o-nnrl Tt&V steady work and promotion ; experience . ttt m 1 1 i.H4iii4-lnn v vine Tobacco Co., Box J 44. Danville, Va. canvassing for us to your edu cation, buy a home R. M0S3. ciuse crry. it. A CHild's Laughter. LL' the jbells of heaven may ring, Ail th ft "birds of heaven may sing, All the dwells of earth may spring, All the winds dearth may bring All sweet sounds togetner, Sweeter far than: all things heard, Hand of harp4r, tone of bird, Sound of woods at sundawn stirred, "Welling water's winsome word, Wind in warm wan weather, One thing! yet there is, that none Hearing ere it? chime be done Knows not I well. the sweetest one Heard of man beneath the sun, Hoped in heaven hereafter; Soft and strong ! and loud and light, Very sound of very light Heard from morning's rosiest height, When the! soul of all delight Fills a child's clear laughter. Golden bells of welcome rolled Never forth such notes, nor told Hours so blithe! in tones so bold As the radiant i'mouth of gold Here that rings forth heaven. If the golden-crested wren Were a nightingale, why, then, Something seen) and heard of men Might be half so sweet as when Loughs a child of seven. ji Algernon unaries awmourue. Lret Patent fMediciiie Aloiie. Reckless Dosing With Suk Concoctions is Foolisli and Danger ous Guesswork If You Are Not Sick Enough to Need a Doctor. Let Medicine Alone and iet Nature Work Out Recovery. m I Don't let yoar enrplns fralta and 1 i m vetietables go to waste. Cantncm, m f the same as a large canning factory, m hX&riZr "Safi SrSS ,oucanbuyaSXAHL L-DL Canning Outfit! II fTs I and build np abig, 1 I I rfi mil i ' I irofltable businees. m f I - JlxtiWWSi'l All Bizes ; fully m f L. SJmWj'ilJi guaranteed. Write! f HI 0S-Y for catalogue. f ftff" genu F. 8. 8TAHL B1F6. CO., U iS Wanted Box Sll-D, QaiaelllvJL incorporated) V AS HE USE of patent medicines for man or beast is bafsed on a false idea of the prihclples underlying the rational practice oi medicine. If the public had a true conception of the principles involved in the correct use of medicines for the cure of disease, they would not give to the vendors and manufac tures a one-millionth part of what thfiv now Day mem xui iucu Hoaiinff concoctions. This has long conviction, but a reader asks us to state more explicitly the reasons for the faith that is in us, and perhaps this may be of some ser vice in checking the patent cine evil. i Guessing Among a Hundred BUSINESS: Wanted MAKE MONEY or start In business. P. B. i nrritA inr rintalocue ana Special Offers pi the Leader Buslnew .and Shorthand scnoois. ivihuo .fTr COLLEGE, Ralelgn.JN. J., or aarwwii. . we also teacn tiooKKeepiiiB, duuhui Penmanship, etc., by mall. Send lor Home Study Circular. 1 Bookkeepers. Stenographers, I T 1 U II f UrtPP TAKTCFT?1 In thet 17 States In f which Jno. F. Draughon's 31 Colleges 1 are located. Indorse these Business Col l U w Ioom than indorse ALL others. If YOU want EVIDENCE and want to RISE to the $10-a-day class, ask for FREE catalogue. Lessons BY MAILif preferred, uraugnon a rracuctu uuouirao RALEIGH, ATLANTA, COLUMBIA. W ASHIIIBTuil, P. C. WHEELS, FREIGHT, PAID,$8.7 tat Bnfty WheeU. Steel Tire. WKh Rubber Tire VIM. I m!. wheel H to 4 In. tread, Bnny Top J5-0. 8h",u T HHi Uf Ww T UnCL tuUnm rii. Kepte beelj, Wt. Wagon UmbreVU rKK. L U BOOS, Ctodaaad, 0. medi- '': i Com plaints and a Hundred Remedies. Let us say then, first of all that the number of complaints fromjwhich man nnfl his domestic animaisjsuner runs up into the hundreds.! Likewise there are hundreds of remedies used in the treatment of these diseases. Moreover, it is a well-known fact that the first and most difficult step fnjthe treatment of any case is to ascertain the nature of the disease. Now,t what -i does the use of patent meaicines mean? J (1) It means that the patient! must diagnose his own case, and with his lack of knowledge of anatomy phy siology, and of diseased conditions, his diagnosis is nothing Detterj than a guess. He may be sunenngs irom any one of a hundred different dis eases, and as he has only one guess, the chances are a hundred to one . . " i ii i 4 tnat ne misses it. 5 M IT (2) But even if we rashly suppose that the user of patent medicines diagnoses his case correctly, nei musi then select the remedy. There are a few of the hundreds in use which will fit this particular case, and only a few. The Stage of the Disease Must Be Considered. Again, the remedy which would be indicated for use in the first stage of a disease may be positively injurious in the more advanced stages of tne same disease. ii ne selects a ucilciil iucuiviub must take the same remedy, not only for all stages of the disease, but in most cases the same medicine for a great variety of diseases. In other words, the use of patent medicines is based on two guesses. If in either case the wrong guess is made, positive injury is done, and in both guesses the chances for making the wrong guess are more than 100 , to one. The well man or beast does not need medicines; nor will a well man or beast be made more resistant to disease through the use of medicine. Medicines are at all times to be loos ed upon as evils, but in some cases that is to say in sickness necessary evils. While a healthy man or oeasi does not need medicines, a sick one should be treated with the remedies appropriate to the particular disea--and the particular stage of that dis ease from which he Is suffering. A common fallacy is that there are medicines which if they do no good will do no harm. It is pretty sale i" state that a remedy which will do no harm when wrong will do no good at any time; and a remedy which is forceful enough to do good when right will do harrn when wrong. Playing Upon the Ignorance of People. Another fallacy common amtong the users of patent medicines and of which the manufacturers and sellers