THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER. Thursday, October 7, 19 09. 19 i y-- A AT' Ulna clan by ltielf. There'a a nrorn difference between the IT. 8. and any other .... v. KiM ta hot-ween a thoroughbred ' IIIURU W " " ------ -' and a crab7 It reduce, tha labor arid drudgery of tbe dairy and incree-. x..o proflta, Tha NODbLf " lM Bcmo 01 manufacture. Eay running. durable. CconomtcaU P''tV'VI? h hi? 1 - r.. withmit neeinff our cataloca Kc 1ES. It will give TOU 111- ?. y "::L-r j i -w -w u.i it J .t write today. lormniion vi wm jiu uvum iu vm& w-v-i - - - VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO., BEtLOWB FATXS, VT. . . m WiMhAnm in tha IT. H. and Canada. O. tllBMiiiumus . . . - THEjJJ" (Dream I i Separator R ' Where to Buy the Best Live Stock, ir SELWYEJ FARM THOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRES r Charlotte, N. G. Pigs of both sex- e , 3 to 6 months old by Lee Premier t. Mlrd ($1,100 Son of v&isJr Premier Longfel low), shortest noe and fanciest headed boar in America Gilts and Sows bred to him. T-o registered Jersey Bull Calves Write for booklet and prices. EDGAR B. MOORB, Proprietor. Fancy Seed Wheat and Rye for sale. Oakwood Fan jftrfy Gattle &cd Berksldra Hcji Eminem X at the bead ol herd, ion ol the famous Eminent that sold at auction for tio.ooa No female for sale at present but have a few choice bull and bull calves at reasonable prices. These bulla are from cows that have made over 400 pounds butter In twelve months. Choice Berkshire of all aces on hand. R.. I. SHUFORD l NEWTON,' IM. O. Registered Duroc Jerseys Twelve Sows to farrow between September 1st and 20th Pigs not akin. High Qnality. R. W WATSON. Sterling Stock Farm, r Petersburg, Va. DUROC BOAR I shall have at tate Fair. Ratlgh N C. a two-year-old Du roc Boar, that in a blue rlbboo taker of fam ous breeding and good qualities. I wish to sell him to pr vent lnbrt ding. Also some young Duroc sows. W. S.EATON," Mor ahead City N. C SU1IIIYSIDE FARM BERKSHIRES We have for sales, me "f the best pigs we ever raised, h o better breeding st- rk in the country. Ready .or delivery. Pi Ice t&oO each or two lor f 15 00, W. R. WALKER, PrpY, Union, S C. ARKOWHEAD fAKM tii PsSsi CstSt, Csrsst ss& Hixsi CSsit or the best breeding Bam'l B "Woods, CKnrlotUviUe, To. Duroc Jersey Pijs -'g-RSJSLffSS- ish. Sired by (3,000 boar. Also a ew choice service boars and bred silts. Writefor prices. I M. WHrTARTCR Mulberry. Tenn. Registered Duroc -Jersey Pigs E. B. Sutton, Calypso, N. C RstUtsreil Ptrcbtroa Staironj For Salt Acclimated, great workers, and mony-mak ers. Wietem Carolina JJv Stock Co., North Wllkesboro. N. a Southdown Sheep. Lambs; Essex Pigs, one extra fine 3 year-old; Augus Bull, one extra fine 4-j ear-old; Gue n sey Bull For prices, etc., address 4 I. G. JONES, Tobaccoville, N. C. 0CC0NEECHEE Registered Jersey Bull Calves, Dutch Belted Bull Calves, Tam worth and Berkshire Pigs ; An gora Goats and Shropshire Sheep. :: :: :: :: :: OCCONEECHtE FARM Durham, N C. The South's Greatest Herd Tennessee Herd of DurooJersey Swine Beaded by Tennessee Colonel 10666, winner ol first In class Tennessee State Fair, 1908. one ol the greatest Boars of the breed. Some extra choiceSpring Pigs by Tennessee Colonel for sale. Correspondence solicited. S. H. STANBERY A SONS, Newport. Cocke County. Term. r RIVf R SIOF STOCK F RM i Ttarbahfrn Pto-o frnm tiTTV fine reelatt-reri Prices $5 00 to $10 00. Satisfaction guaranteed. I M. COOPER Autryvllle. N. C. IT TOU WAirr THX BEST BXGISTZBXD Standard Bred , Essex Hogs, Horses, Jersey I JO Scotch Collie Cattle, BUAi) Dogs s s s or B. P. Rocks. S. L. Wyandotte. S. C. Brown Leghorn. Buff and Partridge Cochin Bantams and Errs in season, address OPEN VIEW FARMS, Robert L. Abernethy, Propr.. Mount HoUy, N. C. fmey Cowi, Fnsh ti CHD CAI C Berknin Swiss of Best Brttdinf I U l O H LL Send your order or meet them at the Fair. D. L. FARRIOR, - - RALEIGH, N. C. Poland China Pigs For Sale From the largest herd in the Stte Write me your wants. E. 8. WRIGHT, Sykes Tenn. Fox Hounds Trained and untrained, all pedigreed and guaranteed, list free, either send me the money or to the bank of Shel byville, as you prefer. J. D. STODQHrLU Shelby vllle. Ky. THE PERFECTION CHURft Makes buttermilk with no water In it. Pays for Itself In 16 weeks. Men and women make good profits as agents. Oee Perfection Churn at atflts' price to Introduce It Write today for cataloe and prices. PERFECTION CKUHN CO., Grtmsfeors. N. WHZELS, FREIGHT PAID $8.78 X7 Wheel. atMl Ttrw. wit Babbcr Tina. SUM. I atfg.whwUKta4la.trMd. aactyTopaJMO, ShafuAM Tt iOBbnllantt.Lt SOoa. OMtaMO. t rjlOBACOO FACTORY wants salesmen, good "" pay steady work and promotion: expert nee unnecessary. We give full instruction. DaanrfiU TobtMeo Co Bos S 44. Daiiw&I. V HAY PRESS The estet working most durable. aW p. h ma neat nrii nn ftfe market. Guaranteed to do the Work. Assnu wanted. For fun information and terms wite hu t5. etliUMAiN, Aoovuie, S a. it LIVE STOCK AND DAIRY Sparc Mcdicinco and Save the LivevStock, Unless Prescribed by a Competent Veterinarian, You Are Not Likely to Get the. Right Medicine, and It is Much Safer to Give No Medicine at All Than to Give the Wrong Medicine Which Hinders Nature's' Efforts at Recovery. E RECEIVE a large number of letters requesting jtreatment for live stock diseases. The Associate Editor being a veterinarian takes pleasure in answering such in quiries, but too frequently the de scription of the symptoms and con ditions surrounding the case is so brief and indefinite that it gives him no clue to the cause or nature of the trouble. The diagnosis of disease is the most difficult problem the physi cian has to solve. It is difficult and uncertain when a personal examina tion and every possible opportunity for getting all the facts and evidence are practicable; but when no further information, is given than: that the animal is sick, has a cough, a swell ing under the jaw, or is lame in a foreleg, a diagnosis is simply im possible, i s I ) Sometimes a single fact will give a veterinarian a pretty definite j idea of the nature of the disease, but more frequently the best he can do with these inquiries is to suggest 'general remedies and good care and feeding. We would like to give our ! friends who write for information about dis eased live stock more definite and efficient help; but it just simply can not be done, on the meager informa tion which the average inquiry con tains, with safety to the animal to be treated. I A Thousand Times Better , Np Medi cine Than the Wrong Medicine. We wish, too, we coiild im press on the owners of livej stock the fact that a wrong medicine given to a sick animal Is infinitely more dan gerous than giving nothing. The animal body has within it the power to heal itself in most cases, if given a proper opportunity. It fore, much safer to give is, there no medi cine than to give the wrong; one, or !l J" an r h'a',;,." 5 -v1 i . I i ' ' bother You would not with a The only piece lit alry Tabular Howie cultivator that had 40 to 60 use less shovels.. Then why bother with a disk-filled cream ! separa tor, with 40 to 60 useless disks in the bowl, when the Sharpies Dairy Tubular has nothing in the bowl ex cept the piece here shown on the thumb? 2 Dlaka from one Commti BewL Sharpies Dairy Tubulars are the only modern, simple, sanitary, easy-to-clean cream separators. Most effi cient, most durable, lightest running. World's biggest separator works. Branch lactones in Canada and Ger many. Sales exceed most, if not all, others combined. The World's Best liWrite for cat alogue No.283 TIIE SHARPLES SEPARATOR CO WE8T CHESTER, PA. Toronto.Oajk, Ckleage,m., San Fraaelae CmL Winnipeg, Cam, Portland Ore. FIM2(jKi one which may lessen the power of fact has been clearly recognized, then f or ' the sake of our dumb friends, the farm live stock, we wish we could convince their owners that any man who has not made a study of medicine and animal diseases is much' more likely to make a wrong diag nosis or select a wrong medicine than he is the right one. Don't Let an Untrained Man Doctor Your Stock. This seems, for some reason, a most difficult fact for the average person to fully believe. It is simply astonishing, the large numbers of people who will prescribe for sick live stock. Without any knowledge of medicines or disease the poultry man will prescribe remedies for chicken cholera, or the merchant or farmer will guarantee (?) a cure for colic or hog cholera. It Is true that the agents prescribed are sometimes without medicinal value in any case, but often they are not so harmless and are certain to do more harm than good. On points of law few men will accept the opinion of any ignorant man in preference to that of the learned judge, but thousands of otherwise intelligent people will ac cept and act on the opinion of any It is in direct conflict with the gen erally accepted and established truths of the best medical science. Better Chance of Getting Well With out Medicine. In this we are not writing for the benefit of the competent veteri narians, for they are too few in the South to enter into tha nronnsition. r- . but we are writing in the interests ff tbo riiinn'h nnlmnla wrfrri' Hn cr much for us and are entitled to more consideration when sick than is usu-' ally shown them. For their sake and for j your own give no medicines at all unless they are prescribed by one who has had a medical education; or you are sure you know the diseases. cines for its treatment. In fact, we believe it would be better to refrain entirely from the giving of medicines Internally to our live stock except when prescribed by a competent vete rinarian. VTf 1 n H i IS TTTlfl TlKRT TlK; K: I BREED? i '.''..' There is no best breed. The best beef breed is the one you like best. If you prefer Shorthorns you may take them without fear of any one haying a better beef breed than you havel If you fancy the Hereford you can rest assured that you have a breed as good as the best. If you prefer a polled animal you can take the Aberdeen Angus and no one will have better. But whatever breed you start with, stick to it. If you try one breed and it does not do well don't lay it to the breed. No breed of cattle will do 4 well without good feed and care. Those who have en gaged in stock raising in the South have not generally found it profitable but it has been no fault of the busi ness or the breed; but because of lack of proper feed and care.