- ! i - THB PROGRESSIVE FARMER. Thursday. October 7, 18 Oi. Cotton Seed Selection. Select Plants of the Type and Variety You Desire, and Plant Seed From These in a Special Seed Patch In Three Year' Time Yon Will : Make 25 Per Gent More Cotton Without One .Lick of Extra Work. ; I T Messrs. Editors: The first thing in selecting cotton seed for planting purposes is to have a breeding patct where the land has been thoroughly prepared, well planted, rapidly culti vated and well fertilized. Plant for breeding purposes should havt plenty of distance in the row and drill, and plenty of plant food. The same laws of nature, hold true ir producing a good individual in plan' life as in animal life; and no one would think of starving or crowding to death an animal that was bein? raised for breeding purposes. A Good Variety Saves Several Years' Work. In breeding up cotton we must first decide what our object is whether prolificacy, big boll, earlines of maturity, length and strength of fiber, or all of these together a nearly as possible. When we have decided what we want we must then look about and find the variety tha most nearly fills our bill, for we can save several years' hard work by tak ing up a good cotton that some other man has been at work on for a num ber! of years. The best type of short cotton, in my opinion, is a prolific, big boll early variety that will yield a high percentage of lint and with good strong fiber about one and ono eighth inches in length. This is about as long a fiber as we can ge and retain the other qaulities de sired." ... - Why We Want the Early Big Boll Variety. We want a prolific cotton above all I things, for we want to make all that is possible per acre, and, too it costs just as much to cultivate ar acre that makes only one-half bale as it does one that makes a bale. Then we want the large boll, because it is much easier to pick, if we pick it ourselves, or much easier hired gathered, should we have to hire it done. We want the. high percentage of lint because lint is of more value than seed, and we must not lose sight of the length of fiber, as one eighth of an .inch makes it worth from one to one and one-half cents more per pound than cotton one inch or less in length. We want early maturing varieties in order that our crops will be made as early as pos sible. Some times a drought in late summer will catch slow maturing cotton when the early cotton has its crop made. Then where the boll weevil is we have to make early cot- n or none. . , . . . . '. When Selection Should Begin. Selection should begin when the cotton first starts to limbing and fruiting. To get a prolific variety the "joints on both limb and stem should be short and the - whole stalk have a blocky appearance. It must begin to fruit early and very rapidly. The only way to know good individ ual plants ; is by making a careful study of them. When we have made this selection " of good stalks and early fruiting, we should mark each stalk by tying a string on it, or In some other way. After the cotton opens we should then go through and sample the lint on each stalk selected and where the lint is what we want, and the bolls large enough, tie a paper bag on It so the general pickers will pass it by, or pick the selections first. Plant your breeding patch the fol lowing year with these selections and your whole crop the second year from x breeding patch. Continue this and ou have your whole crop from j peclally selected seed - every three , ears. This will give you better seed han you can buy anywhere at any ; rice, for the man who selects seed n this way has none for sale except rom his general crop, but he can al ways dispose , of these at a high price. Planting seed should be sacked rom the gin in sacks not holding iver four bushels, and put In a dry lace for the winter. If left in bulk hey are liable to heat, and if not ulned entirely, are damaged so that hey will produce weak plants. When ou have a few special selections rom individual stalks to plant in our breeding patch you can drop In he lint and it will come up as good i stand as if it was ginned. If a man were to adopt these nethods of seed selection, he could lo as others have done increase his rop one-fourth in three or four ears, and just think what it would nean to the South If It were gener illy practiced! J. W. WILLIS, j Bulloch Co., Oa. NATIONAL GINNERS' REPORT.! 2,564,000 Bales of Cotton Ginned Up to September 25 Condition 60.2. The report of the National Cotton Ginners Association, issued last week gives the cond'tion of cotton as 60.2 and indicates that 2,564,000 bales had been ginned up to the 25th of September. Ginned to States. Condition. Sept. 2 5. 1 labama 62 215,000 Arkansas . 57 60,000 Florida .......... 68 12,000 Georgia ......... 69 531,000 Louisiana ....... . 40 73,000 Mississippi ....... 60 101,000 North Carolina . . . . 69 82,000 Oklahoma ... . ... . 55 90,000 South Carolina . . . 69 249,000 Tennessee . . ...... 55 12,000 Texas 55 ,1,172,000 , : X ; I (S ter below) A' 1 ROOFING j Colchester, Connecticut. September 4. 1908. Barrett Manufacturinir Comnany : A. . 7 a L- . T 1 1 1 - 1 . ; IJ A- i . i . wrtwYicc mail x cuuiu uciieve it wuma hi. sum a mocierate price, it is oy far the cheapest rooting on the market, when you consider the wearing qualities. Am going to use it on my other building; iSigned) AMDS C. CASE. This is a type of hundreds of letters which we get regarding Amatite. It is better made; has better waterproofing material and weighs more per square foot 'than any other roofing of the same price. And Amatite has lone distinction which makes it stand out above all others it has a real mineral surface which does away entirely with painting. j No other ready roofings compare with it from the stand points of low protection. cost, no maintenance cost and absolute Sample and Booklet on request. SEND FOR BOOKLET BARRETT MANUFACTURING COMPANY New York!. Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston. Cincinnati. Minneapolis, caeveiana, St. luis. fittsDurg. New uneans. Kansas City, - - I London, Eng. iVRTTE AT ONCE Ii I CtS I -If . 4 r TTBnooo Lotv Mco 3ell rooso DSQJIBIBIEK Freight Prepaid Lowest Direct Factory Prices Frelqht Prepaid on 100 Lbs or More 35-lb on.108fq.ft 1-Ply,$1.?5 4Wb roll 108 o.ft 2-My. 1 45 55-lb Roll, 108 sq.ft. 3-Plr. 2.2S Ton can't bny highest quality rooflngf UKetms anywnere else lor anytblng iiks inee tow prioes. it s bocaoBe we sen direct to you from oar zacTory ana sen taoasanas or roils waere otnra sell hun dreds. We Dtr 1 frelarht chanres to Dolnti east of the western line of Minnesota. ,Iow, Missouri, and north of the southern line of Tennee- j - see. ana allow ireurnttnatiar ii too lire berond. Long Guaranty Prompt Delivery We gnaraatee Breese Bros. Rubber Roofing not to crack shrink wrinkle or leak to be superior to others In nre-resisting qualities, and to glre you absolute satisfaction or your money refunded. Order now from this adver tisement to make sure of these prices. Cement and nails free with every roii a nunmer lays it easily, w e snip promptly ana guarantee saie aeuv ery. If yoa want further particulars send for our liberal Ire samples to test and tree book. Address THE BREESE DROS. CO. KOOnsS DEfT. gO C1XCIHMTI. OHIO Totals ....... 60.2 2,564,000 The faculty of right spending Is at the bottom of the secret of all suc cess In agriculture as in all other business pursuits. D. G. Mitchell. LOOK ON PAGE 19 right away and take ad van aire of our jrrfeat special half price c iter on Editor Poe a remarkably successful book "A Southerner in Europe" We could fill this pare with topical newspaper comments like the .following an i 1 ke the others printed on page 19: ; Durham Bebatd: "An excep tional y attraclve little volume of . 140 paaes In which thre Is not a superfluous line nor an un1it-reat-lnr fac the volume of a thinker, of a philosopher whose lmprt as ions ; ae learned in the examples ol history." Wilmington Stab: "A most da llehtiul book a bic our readers will enjoy, and the price of a copy will be moot y well spent." Chakity and fmiDBEK: "There has n-1 been Issued in recent years a more deilshtlui book of travel.? ; LOOK ON PACE 19 AR0 UNO YOUR 0X0 rR AT ONCE I 300 Barrels a'ly fiii-Stem Jersey S'td Sweet Potatoes' . For Sale TTellrery Oct. 15 to Nov. 15. EstI plantio of thl- varl-tv yielded nluty (9") bhis p r acre July 12 h. The ab e serd grown frum the vine h-ncu has better keeptnc qualities. Price t o. b. OrUnWl N. C, 12 60 per bol W.J. MOORE & SO.V, Oil en tal N. a Pure Shorthorn Cattle by 2$fnatr( a lamb and a George Drum and pure Tssril g SoutM' Wi Rms a prize winner in Canada as1 yearilnK. He was bred b Hon, mond breeder of champion lamh Wetter ove all br-e.M at ChicaKO International In 1905, 19U6 and 1907. R. J. HANCOCK & SON, Charlotte svllie Va. FARM LANDS FOR SALE. - - i .. .. - . For Sate. 10- ere truck and poultry farm. Fln location. W. u Boatwrieht. Hi.kory. N. C. . ... . , .v,.y . .: yj , . WE CAN FURNISH FARMING LANDS in Union or Chesterfield counties. In any iize traces or 5 0ii to 9100.00 per acre. ids tfonrot instirance and Investmt t i Company 175 FaHM fiO ftiisi cc Very de'r3.bla ; vnnA anti fiKou i. v.b. timber O e anH-a-half mlls from to-n. For particulars, address JNO. U RKLAND, v . Efland. Orange Co.t N. C. For $2,000 Down and $3,000 on Terms to auit pu-chaser I will sell a fine farm in Weat Fla. 400 acrea r od Und all under fence, locati n des rabje.-Tor particulars, write me at St. Andrews, Fla. I. H. KING u ACME" Doable Flint-GMifcd Roofing (Sanded both tides) lptra.ttl.8S: J ply at 12.25; Iply at 12.70 per square. ELECTROID" Rubber Roofing V (Smooth Flnlah) 1 ply at fl.ES: 1 ply at 12.20; 8 ply at tlBO per square. UNIVERSAL" Gravel Surface (Washed Sea Orayel) One weight only; very heavy, at tz.90 . per square. The above are the hlchett trades of Ready-to-lay Asphalt Roofflns that money can buy and are more eoonomlcal, as they will last Ion car. from 10 to 30 years, with but little care. "ae prices named Include sufficient Larce Headed Galvanised Nails and Liauld Cement Ooatlns. which are placed In the core of each roll, to property lay the tame. Ct fngg) ftsttt ts fosr IsSrasi'Stsfisi We sell cheaper trades of Ready Rooflnrs and Bulldlnc Papers, but the above are the best and most economical. Samples and Catalog "F" mailed tree for the asking. Ccrc!:na Pcrtiznd Cedent Company, CHARLESTON, S. C. Qe Trlmm OmmmiS TJm Far When writing advertisers, please mention this paper.

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