bJb (14) TU LANE University ofv Louisiana " New Orleans Located in the choicest residential section of the South' leading city,, with climatic and. other advantages enjoyed by. no other institution of, equal rank.'-; : v- r Offers superior instruction in stan-. I t i 11 - : - i r? - i ciara college courses, ana in caigi neering, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Art, Domestic Science, Household Economy. . . Separate department for women in the Newcomb College. Extensive laboratories ; many schol arships - uv under-graduate colleges for men and women. Board and ac commodation in dormitories at low rates. Twenty-four "buildings. Cam pus of 100 acres. Full descriptive catalog or bulletin of any college sent upon application. Address The Registrar, Tulane Uni versity, New Orleans, La. Pollyanna Grows Up The Second Xxiaa JJooit (TRADE-MARK) "ORADE-MARX) By ELEANOR H. PORTER Copyrlaht, 1913, by The Paae Co.; SYNOPSIS - X Pollyanna has fully recovered - from her ininria received In the automobile accident. and during her Uncle and Aunt's visit ts )).. "j m WW wsssms. BF J- jttYniW' ...ntHillllll"" ......tlllllllll I I I 1 I THEPROGRESS1VEF cottage that she had first sn v a forlorn little runaway ? hlm r Orphans Home " year it? from ' thought of ,him again t re- . Sb little catch of her breath with the proud lifting of her head tt ways came now with th? hata1' thought of Jimmy, she hurriSeC0114 .: Snows' door-steptW vZZt As was usually the case tl?c ;liad nothing but the f war rr, 1 ; comes tor Pollvanna j 1 Ul wk ..wiiiic. p65 . ww.. , w -U41 u was not lone befm-A i, . drew long rsigh, threw:" aside tht talkingVof-the -game- n I i?y Wer ' second ruined pencil, and picked .up a Beldmgsviile was theVlaH iiome in slender green one witn a oeautnui .:along?"-sked"Po11n0" getting 1 wonder where they getf had finished the business af.? lr ?hev their titles' . she despaired. "Maybe, call ' . . , ; Ul n ; though, I ought to decide on the story - Splendidly 1" beamed Miilv c first, and then make a title to fit.- "This: is the third job IVp L?nv.- Anyhow, I'm going to. do it." And week. Oh, Miss Pollyanna I'm s forthwith she drew; a -black line . glad you had me take up tywrhW- through the three words and poised a for you see I can do that ViX g, J k the pencil for a fresh start.-. - . - hQmeL. And it's all owing to you " l The start- was not made at." once, v. "Nonsense T: disclaimed Pollvaiin 'however. Even when it was made, it merrily.;. yanna must have been a false one, for at the": .'But it;is. "In the first ni V end of half an hour; the .whole page, couldn't have done! it anywav if'; ' was nothing but a jumble of scratch- hadn't' been for the gzmt-LL ' : ed-out lines, -with only a few words", mother so much better, you S .here and there left to tell the tale. , r that I had some time to myself S ; . At this juncture Aunt Polly came then, at the very first, you suggested : into the room. She turned tired yes .typewriting, and helped me to buy a ' unon her niece." - " machtne, I-should like to lenn 'w 'Well, Pollyanna, what are you up; that doesnH.come pretty near owing; to now " she demanded. . itlltoyoul" ; Pollyanna laughed " and .colored ; " nt. ?nct apin Pollyanna objected. guiltily. r- " - t 2ime ?he was interrupted by ' "Nothing much, auntk. Anyhow, it f"' to-wheel chair by. doesn't look as if it were much-yet," 9' iivfdQ earnest,ly and ; she admitted,' with a rueful " smile., "yjdrs Snow speak, that-, n-e;A-i Wc o coo,- on, rm nnt cr. roJlyanna, :m spite of herself, could - Through MlBsWetherly she arrange. VtlWiJ" --bUt hearwhat she had to say. rtain.:dni.'-..Carfwr Jtoli':U:t 8adl ?ng to tell it yet. - v uT t.m . . ... - T ' Germany, is spending .the winter m wo. fhU nnmt "5he eved with a ""VlfVi t uu m tne ows' :- with a Mrs. carew. Several years befora point. . .mis point sne eyea, wim ta , Well, and how are von Xll- Mrs. carew's nepaew, Jamie, was ianp- ., meanauve irowii. . ; , t ' . .aioner .slfprt Pnii,,-' pd and Pollyanna ds remWUered she.. n . i n m n n r i - iiiiiihirm.i hj ' lu iuu - Knowing something of Pollyanna's reTJuta tlon for ."being glad" Mrs. Carew. takes he i charge on the condition that she an stay only so Jong as she doesn't preach. - Without: doing what Mrs. Carew calls reaching, Pol lyanna .persuades her to open the unused rooms of her elegant home, raise the Bhades. dress herself in beautiful clothes and jewels and occupy the family pew at church ser vices. Pollyanna visits the Boston-Public Garden . alone and there talks with a - maa who calls himself "an" old duffer, " : and a lovely discouraged girl- Pollyanna loses her way, and is taken -home by Jrry, a llttla hewsboy. Pollyanna goes often to the park to feed the -squirrels - and birds: and thera again meets Jerry and his little friend "Jamie," and is convinced that he is Mrs. Carew's lost nephaw. i Mrs. Carew is induc ed to offer the boy a home, but he refuses. Pollyanna, however, doasn't give up, and' Is also determined to -find a friend "who cares" for Sadie Dean,- her Public Garden friend. Knowing th will vmlss . Pollyanna sorely when she goes home, Mrs. .Carew again of fers Jamie a home, and he comes. ; Sadie, too, has a fast friend in Mrs. Carew. Polly anna spends six years In Germany witkiDr. and. Mrs. ChUton. JDr. Chilton dies unexpectedly,- and at almost tfee samo time Mrs. Chilton learns that he Is practically ruined financially. The two women;return to Beld- -Ingsville1, and JPollyanna has a plan which she thinks will enable them to keep the old home. to entertain JDean for the summer. ."The .financial aide- of the venture Is a. success, but several misun derstandtngd arise, and the Carews go back to Boston ' leaving Pollyanna and Jimmy both miserable. ' CHAPTER XXV-(Continued) XX THEREUPON, forthwith, she be 11 stirred herself to' be very gay w and lively indeed, and to put this - Jimmy Bean Pendleton out of her thoughts. . As it "happened, Aunt Polly though unwittingly, helped. her to this. vVUr :X:"'"--i " AST T f 1 ' 7 A. .11 W Aunt Polly. But I can tell you right JSV 4 v . u , v now that" if you're 'trying to akeJule ttle4ook x anvthine 4iff erent out oftlose mort JPb' dear, today, that I j n Ur -H.rt J.ft: iiv i: uyui imc iu, see mere, jou are .; . . - . - i Know, i can-see it. a X TV V-V. bA T JA aim i UUHI vWQhder : . your , uncle's death, your aunt's condition, everything I won't , say more aoout tnat. But tneres something I do want to say, my dear,' and. you must let me say it, fori cant bear to see "that shadow in your eyes without trying to drive it away, No, dear, it isn't the papers. It's a whole heap nicer than-any papers ever conld be," crowed Pollyanna tri umphantly, turning back to her work. In Pollyannas eyes; suddenly had risen a glowing vision, of what it : Withhe going of th;Carews;had;.migh: tbe,; with that three thousand eJ 4t youVe Vm" one .also tlieir, chief, sourcevpfm-- dollars once hers. : , : t m, lor. SnU r whole town, and lor mediate income. anrt Aunt Pol v was : Knr ctitl annthpr half-liniir Pnilv- . . : . ..i. . . . '.. l. -. . - - w.... . - --j cunQiini Diner DEODie evervwucic. . ...u j -r. z - -.. ed her pencils ; then, with her courage dulled, but not destroyed, she gather ed up her papers and pencils and left the room. -:- : r:'-::r "I reckon mavbe I'll do better - bv summer's work, and we have a. small, myself up-stairs," she was thinking as sumirom the estate right along; but she hurried through the halL "I wnSewS what she had until she found what she didn't have? beginning fo" worry again, audibly, about the state of their finances. : ? "I don't know, really, Pollyanna, what is going to become of us," she would moan frequently. '"Of course we are a little ahead now from this "Mrs. Snow 1M protested Pollyanna, , in genuine distress. j "Oh,tI xriean if, and I know what ; I'm talking about," nodded the inval-V id, triumphantly. "To begin with, ' look at me. Didn't you find me a ' fretful," whining creature who never I never know how soon that's going thought I ought to do it at a desk - to stpp, like-all the rest ;Jf only we being literary wOrk, so but anyhow, And didn't van ooen my eyes by coma xio.sometning to onng in some the desk diflnt help, rne any , this bringing.ane three kinds of things so ready cash 1 morning. Ill try the window seat in - pd have to have what I wanted, for It was after one of these moanine mv room." , i FA fie IEtfi Costof thins, I BiegeBtcannert)argainever offered. Holds 24 8-lb.ransi dailycapacity800to400cansf eQTiijDlwd-wrth Irozt Osatbs for coal or wood: AhamoAl ,771 fire-Jot, smoke staok, 1 ' j can tongs, tipping cop dl Ter, and wonderful V book of instruetioss. eivine all recines. all ! toronly $120. WithltyoucanmakstlOto P0 a day, saving surplus frultand vegetables amd canning it in glass ortinf orthe market or your own table. ' Oanners all sizes and prices. ' All guaranteed money back if not satisfied. Get our offer of cash prises tot best work deae on Majestic. "Write today Jet J14t, mt n& flS.SS aad get tutad ia thla ptosMot, yroftteble work. - caTursa cots i nssKn a.; . teft 10 ' Caattasoop, Tena. BSSBSBSBBKBSWBSSaDaBBI lameTrtations one day that Pollyan- na's eyes chanced to Sail on a prize story contest offer. It was a most al luring one. The prizes were large and numerous. The conditions were set forth jn glowing terms. To read it, one, would-think, that to win out were the easiest thing in the world. It rne window seat,, proved nv Mrs nnw.'was I really ever ;" to be no more inspiring, judgingby qmte so impertinent as that?" mur- f the jcrttched gnd rescratched pages mured Pollyanna, with a painful. .Mb a win x uiijaiiiia 4iduu , auu . Kuh -j it., t.if i r! ii uiusn. at tue cna oi anoincr naii-nour rouy- Tf -SfiwUrf ? nnt " objected anna discovered suddenly that it wis 1ir;tiS!!lrV ' Sfv Vou didnt time to fret -dinner . - J Mrs.T -SnQW, StOfltly. ,uth,t 7 ...... mean 'it as impminence-4"u wen, lm giaa 'tis, anyhow" she KELLY-DUPLEX COMOiriATlON CUTTER and j - - ii - in the wonu. iuauc ail mc uiuci mv , t er, my i 1i5vp trot me nnr anyoouy :. idea 'twas such an awful Job-just a velsef liancy." But you did get me to . story, sol'., ; ... , . t play'ing .-landi see , yvlgt its done During the following month Polly- for me, and for-Milry I Here 1 arnj anna worked faithfully, doggedly, but much better-that I can sit in i a w j, she soon found that "just a story, so" chair and' go -anywhere on tnis u : t was indeed no small matter to ac- in it. That means a whole w j evtrTone huhdred? Then why not go -complish.;-Pollyanna, however, was it comes to waiting on your.. ahexitrf . ?S.KLncL?.H?.s. ?WJh disease. rThe'Verv thiner cried Pollvanna , . wv-" "iucs, mere -was orcainc iucsumib 'V, nW;nff to von you this," it ram "What if you never have written .a story before 1, That is no sign:.3rou cannot write one. Try it. j TJiat's all. Wouldn't you like three -inousanu aoiiarsf xwo xnousznar "Onethousind?- Five hundred, or saw it 1 And it says I can do it, too. even any .oi ine others, it she should the pame. men mere s "-v ,,n. t not happen to win the first one I - Of ttties of others: tight in tR" j grinding Llill wrote and erased, and nnany ine sxory, sucn as it was, lay h nam voaamt, rat via bar. ahaaf aata. "kaffireom. and mfla aai h - tba tmtd. either oD&rmlelv or mixed la varied piaportioar with ton on tk aob. vita or with oatshucks.aead oats.tre.bap. Icy. oora and all other grains, Orlndi Velvet Bun - and Visas Foot rtatet s double ML arlndrna at tfw same time tccormu for Ita lirn onarltT. Perfect regulation, fine, medium or coarse grlndlna, Vor rapacity, easy nmntn and uniform grinding, Um nawiiine cnyinci. nmi tot fre rataiOB. DUPLKX MILL 4b APft. CO., Box 513. -rlnrW, 0. - Th bast way to tX STsry farm ft in your neighborhood working together along all pro reartva lints la to got every one of thsm VSdlflg tba Uvast and moat progroaaiw farm apr you know. Wo aon't say The Progrei , sivs Farmsr. if you know a batter one use It Bm pleass help the best on. you know. any more. Pollyanna was on her feet and half way to :the " door when a second rmnl.i. u-t-m . u.. . ti ' :L T:tt:. i V,r hparinj?. out . . ; thought htouth her steps to a pause sgivb it mut bSnUW-JnTheresight Vf. Come to think of it, I reckon I she took the manuscript to Uiy actually happy. ; Doyou eme all won'vafter all. I'll be all the nicer to Snow to be typewritten. V - ' cross-eyed Joe that -fhey used to surprise her; and if I should get the. Ir rpar1e an Cross loe. because qf hiss tefflP nrst one i . Pollyanna went to sleeo that nicht W-k1 MflfV Mrrlli ti a ml J JX - A 1 1 . """"b i,.i,reWuw uo wuninai cottacre: "and it's a. real nice storv threethousand dollars. . about a perfectly lovely girl.' But . rU)nn began her story the next there's something somewhere that aay. inat is, sne, with a very impor- isn't quite right a'bout it, I': sense," mused Pollyanna doubtfully; ; coining wci w --- Wen s0rnc-, as she hurried alone toward the Sndw 'more : than ft -did me, . thc r cottage; "and it's a. real nice story. -.body's taught nra f2J;t o v ana ' ma.ue -v him. And iisten, oci dittcreiii ,f nut . It's . l".v , rtttipr olaces. . 'a A.a.k.JBl T n 1 U TfllWIl. IJ11L U ST arlTl !" L dUUUL 11. III HIl HIIU . aw aff " - - - aM-f mU3 tant air, got out a quantity of paper, Anyhow, I don't believe I'd better V letter yesterdaytym j aii h on the first pr zer : Mimcnnieuv - that uscaj sharpened up half-a-dozen pencils, count too much and established herself at the big old fashioned Harrinirton desk in the liv ing-room. Aftet biting restlessly at the ends jof.two of her. pencils, she wrote down three words on the fair . iuu muni uii iiic iirsi xrrize i , mqt uav- . then I won't be too much disappoint- about Mrs. 5om,,;rnber the ed when I get one of the littler. onef-J :Hve hfcre. j Do 5? pendlet Pollyanna always thought of Jimmy v The; lived on the way . v. when jhc went to the Snows', for jt ' HilL , ; ; . t' wCek) was at the side of the road near their ', v. (Continued nexi w