tkday,:July 21, 1917J V. - ' ; - V BYE " -' - - ' -: -TJKy for Sale Write, O. W. dayton. Brevard.' ,;rU Caroling J (17) 809 Af cs Climax, N C. J. M. Field. Climax, . -.i. "raroUna. - - -. Tfxlaneocs seeds and plants I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I -rCZ. flrowing In the Upper. South Mailed free. ffflptntrtrm, Charlotte, M. C - -: ;TI"T7Plnt Bur clorer seed for sale. il.25 Seed n.a p''ker . c .Ewan, Clarendon, Arkansas. p uuaM i - - "T.iminea Famous Scotland County Canuioupes, nJEtT check wltit order. Covington & Cov- nrlnblirg. N. C. giuu. h- ... -nd Cabbage Plant $1.50 per thousand I To? , 40 cents 100 -postpaid. Special price In F. wVhiin Farm. Bauspury, n. v. IV,? and Georgia collards,- eighty cents pound. hrnlO Seen j onr. Atlanta n f ' r' t asn ocou , 7T i.v,..o viants Keady . f or shipment August the Cuabblr.vfl your own fall cabbage, - Also collard and "LJL8 &- Hickory , Seed Co.; Hickory. N. C. ILilUU" r iLeadingVMieues thousand. All winter purposes. Se nid. 300, ?ac; ou, fi.w ankling. va J. T. Council & Sons, XTr" 7ed rye, Abruzzl; rye, Appier, Winter Turf N. ;!lu .. seed wheat, crimsoa clover,, turnip K etr Write for special price list Hickory Seed Zrorted Celery Plants-800, for $2. postpaid ; by I Y i nnn for rooi-pruneu, ouu , iur .91,23, ted- by express. 1 000 for $3. Free cultural in- tela Wakefield Plant Farm. Charlotte. N. a.. (fee mts bruzzi rye native rye. wheat, bur tover, monnu. " j w '-TvJnTiwr. si rn ate auanuu uU ". ;.--- fevonia, u. v. cio SbbH nntatoes and peas. Green Moun- in Dotatoes for summer and fall planting at $4.75 k, T hnahfil Whippoorwiu ana .;iay peas a.iv per fend here. Tarns cash. -A. B. Hattaway. Spar- nbure. is. c ' " - . An nnn mi n(u n.Aiitn TTavHtf' P.anhnfrA Vlnta Lr fall heading ; ; seven jarietlesTeady. $1 50 1.000; 1 000, JI2.0U. jrosijmiu. ouu ivw, . o f a aim cumin jjtcn.w, v- - kcked in moss. Cash please.' Tidewater Plant Co., franklin. Va. - . v . oiA nnn HcrVit "oowlncr TnAih1nA wapnn. iiflp1 bout three months. Cheap for cash. Hickory Seed k, Hickory. N. C. , - - ' ; br wool. Mail samples for special prices. Athens llde do., Ainene, ua. rnr .Sale Honey Chunk ' Comb Honey No bread lr brood. , From patent hives. 5 to 50-pound tins, fc pound, delivered, express,' or ppst to ,zna aone; Sc, 3rd. Hollybrook Farm, Marietta," N. C. ' " ' Tom Houston, Combined Fruit Dried and Canner-r ts on a cook stove ana aries every lmaginaDie Kind fruit, berries or vegetables in less than one -tenth ne reauired to dry in sun. Can-be instantly con jerted into a kitchen canner of unusual capacity, lometliing every housewife In town or country has jlwaj'9 needed. Price only. $6. Save . fruits and ibles while cheap for winter use. .Hustling rep- hentative9 wanted. Write quick. Thomas Houston, lanutacturer, Columbus, ua. ' PRINTED STATIONERYi i "If we do not do your printing we both- lose." Ask B for samulea - and nricea. Printing T)tnartinnnt. ixford Orphanage,JI. C. . v ' H It's a Farm You Want, write' A. A. Paul. Wash. IlKiOII, IN. U. . . . '.. SflO Arraa Voa, nun nvni.. t v T i inn L ' " wnu. A UUUCi X. St WW For Rttlp Pirn. tri4lA Tr1n.m A W... av aw fiii.iixi jd mui Auuub m j ncrco. tT" 'TV . ur ier'"8 an particulars write, - w. Y. is.. L 1 UMVIUDni 1W11U1&, I , OUR LAND ; EXCHANGE We do not extpjid our eeneral advertialnit ffuar chaser should "see land for himself before buying. But no man is permitted to offer land for sale In our paper unless he shows ua satisfactory referen ces as to his honesty and business responsibility. If It's a Farm You Want-Write " A. A. Paul, aomiiiituii, v., wnere tne Dsn ana oysters grow. For Sain TOT 1- 1 .. 'm T - a. f.T.. . u iearea, now growing grams, cotton, . nce wel1 timbered and good pastures. l, tn, BlIUOU OU11UU1 UI1U CUUIUI HUJU1U- lit . "-, 'ui-iwgi uwening 111 uttauuiui luH KrOVA TWA mil.. 41 i , . 1 . 1 Ini 7 7" "oo urai-ciRss college, a uarnum w tli advantages. $4,500. cash or 1 -" xMion uonege, ss. u. ERKSHIRES PINEHURST FARM BERKSHIRES We Now Offer for Sale 50 High-class Fall and i Winter Gilts, and 100 Spring Pig . From Our Noted Show Herd. , Sired by boars weighing from 500 pounds to 800 pounds and out of sows weighing from 400 to 600 Pounds. If you want quality Berk slnres, write. ;. .. . , PINEHURST FARM, : fmehur.ti North Carolina. LEONARD TUFTS, A. M. SWINNERTON, - Owner. . . .Manaoer. Several Finer Registered BERKSHIRE BOARS- 6 to 10 ponths old. Keady for service Price- 30 to $40. LvV OCCONP.Fruri? cadm urnam. m iu r - L jf THE BIG, LONG, DEEP FRKQUlDrc O'miiO BODIED KIND. ' i a i : m tvi v. i . . - . , mnin h "ay to .ervle: spring Pigs. p irio mt.i V I'ruio minim uusri, iibiib N "tk1"."'.?0. kln.- No cheap stuff, but nigh- i"QY HALL-" - 'r,ce'J WHERE TO BUTTURE-BREiy LIVESTOCK Come fib Melvffle Farm; ESTOCE WSipiSBSM, SfflE -. , . AUGUST 1st. ; I Will Sell my Entire Herd of Registered Jerseys, Thirty in All, Including ; Herd Bull, May Love's ' Eminent 131734; Fourteen Cows, nearly all under four years old; Five Bull Calves ' and Ten Heifer Calves. ;: , - "v' "',: H; ' '-:;'' '':::--:- -r''"-:-.. ; These cattle are choicely bred, good individuals, having in them the blood or Eminent, Flying-Fox, and Pedro. Twelve of the Cowsare granddaughters of Eminent that sold for $10,000 at -auction, and who has eighty officially tested daughters. May Love's Eminent, to be sold in this sale is grandson of Eminent, and also grandson of Blue Belle's Flying Fox that has many-high record daughters in he herd at Biltmore Farms." ; The herd is free from tuberculosis and other diseases. A certificate of -health will be furnished, they having been recently tested by the .Veterinarian of North Carolina State Department of Agriculture. r Now is the Time and Opportunity to get at your own price young Jerseys of , the best blood, bred and acclimated to our conditions. These Jerseys have been the most profitable of any livestock on the farm.. Registration papers will be transferred at sale, free of charge. PONIES. At the Same Time I Will Sell Sixteen Beautiful Ponies; grown and young ones of all colors. They are prolific breeders, easily kept, and useful. - - ' - SHEEP. I Will Also Sell About Forty Head of Sheep and Lambs. These are grade Shropshires, representing twenty-five years of constructive breeding. , - . . Write for Catalog. Come if you can;, if yu can't - . " ' come mail your bid on the animals you " Address: R. W. SCOTT, Prop., MELVILLE FARM, Haw River, N. C. DON'T FORGET THE DATE-AUGUST 1ST. TAYLOR PLANTATION lr" BULLS AND HEIFERS OF 4 1 M Golden Lads, Golden Fern's Lad, Blue Bell. i j Tormentor, n Oxford Lads and ' Eminent F' . I I 111 J ..... -.'...... diooq man tnese iamous proved iamines. TAMWORTHS PlfiS. krtf filLTt aaa BOARS ready tot scrvlee. lot aal at reasonable prices. All well, bred and Done bat good Individuals offered for gale. - - WESTVICW STOCK FARM. 0. J. Lyhrook, Mgr.. R. I. WlMtoa.Saka. N. C ABERDEEN-ANGUS Abcrdcen-Angos iSTorSStf -5SK KOOd illalvidnala onil wall ki..J a m. n . - DrlCeS. Stock rncrtatcra . J. D. BLACKWELL. FaTetteMlSMnrL ! XUlUUkJ vnll Lib strains. Bulla read for aer. vice by Trojan-Erica and Oneen Mother elres. Also aa exceirUonally handsome PERCH EBON 8TALLION. ret latered In P. 8. A., coming 6 years old, weight 1950 lbs. Hust dale STOCK FARMS, ' jeffortontoa. Va.: TWO ANGUS HEIFER CALVES- - Of Quality and Choice Breedlnj. 7 and 8 months ,old. 'One 8 months Bull Calf. v. Jf or sale at our usul reasonable prices. R. F. D. 2, . Cascade. Va. HOLSTEINS r Purebred Registered HOLSTEIN CATTLE To the open minded farmer or dairyman, the results of actual comparative tests of Holstelns with other breeds are striking4 object lessons of economic investment The ten largest records of Holstein cows average 1,007 pounds of butterfat and 25,897 pounds of milk in a year. A like number of cows of the nearest competitive breed produced 974 pounds of butterfat, and 18,120 pounds of milk. - One good Holstein cow will pro duce as much as two ordinary cows at a saving in feed and care. There's big money in the big "Black and White" Holstelns. Send for FREE Illustrated Descriptive Booklets - The Dolsteln-Frleslan Association of America F. L. Houghton, 8eo'y.. Box 180. Brattleboro. Vt. -HOLSTEIN CALVES- 10 HEIFERS AND 2 BULLS. 15-16ths pure, 4 to 6 weeks old," beautifully mark ed, and from heavy milkers, $25 each, crated for shipment anywhere.. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send orders or write. - EDGEWOOD FARMS, Star Route; ; Whitewater, Wis. Write for descriptions and prices. Our Berkshires are r Unexcelled. TAYLOR PLANTATION, COLUMBIANS. C. . ... r .- - y Of KENTUCKY SADDLERS- MAMMOTH JACKS ,;S f -: if "Bohemian Kino 2410V 1 n 1 -SHORTHORN and JERSEY CATTLE- POLAND-CHINA, BERKSHIRE and DUROC HOGS : -SHETLAND PONIES and MULES Plantation Walkers, Begistered Stallions and Mares. " First cost Breeders Prices.- Safe pelivery Guaranteed.- Write us fully your Wants. - THE 6LENW0RTH FARMS. Allen S. Edelen, Owner, Buroln, Ky. TrmwtifmillllliW'iTWrlfiiirmi 'Blue Grass Kino" Well Bred Berkshires Well bred, easy, feeders, thrifty. Berkshires, the practical hog for the farm er. Ready for shipment. . Either sex, 3 months old, $15.00. PRESTON W00DALL, ; Benson, North Carolina. DUROC-JERSEY DEFENDER PRINCRi A CRAND CHAMPION The demand Is great, but we are prepared to meet the wants of the people. We can supply-for Immediate delivery pigs of all ages, in, pairs or trios, properly mated. Bred gilts, bred sows and service boar's In any quantity. Those who cannot pay cash can buy from us ontlme. .'''--'''.- :. KIMBALL FARM, OXFORD, N. C DUROCS SPRING BOARS DUROCS ; Good Enough to Stand at tne Top of Any Herd. Hired by Illustrator Orion II, the great sou of Illustrator, out of Defender sows. Let us .know your wants. - ' - - 4 THE RICGS' FARMS, Frederick! Hall, Va. THE IDEAL FARM DUROCS Will soon be sold out of gilts. A few, more good, thrifty big type boars 'sired by S. C. King the Col. No. ,72777, out of litters of 12-14, each V$, registered. A' few either sex sired by John's Orion Again, out,, of Taxpayer dam, -$15 each. ' THE IDEAL FARM, D. J. Simmons, Prop., Route 4, Timmonsvllle, 8. C. HIGH-BRED DUROCS With size and Quality. Threo undefeated show sows, ,ust farrowed thirty-si pigs. Two of these litters tiirea Dy our great junior yearling son oi a worm s Champion. Write your wants. J. J. JORDAN & SONS, McCULLERS, N. C. O. I. Cs 0 1 n and CHE8TER WHITE Boars, Bred . 1, -V,, S Guts, sows. Young Herds a 8peelalty. No. akin; prolific, large kind. Pedigrees free.' Write 'fot!jprices and circulars. Prices reasonable. ' F. .E. RUEBUSH, Sciotaf IllinoU. POLAND-CHINA BIG TYPE SALE, AUG. 18, 1917, - AT DISKd, INDIANA. 100 to Select From. . Both Aha Black and the 8potted , ' BIG .TYPE POLAND-CHINAS The. best breeding In the Corn Belt. 24 pigs rais ed from two litters. Write for catalog and prices. LINC LUKEN3 A, SONS, DI3K0, INDIANA. -POLAND-CHINA PIGS- From, .extra large boars and massha sows. 1 - -All pure-bred., and registered. MURFREE8B0RO. TENN. T. E. BROWN, Bred Gilts and Early Spring Pigs now ready for shipment. , Famous for growing into 1,000-lb. weights. Backed by a guarantee to please. Also Angus. You will win if the last word is from J. P. Vliterlng, Box 7. Alton, Illinois. TAMWORTHS TAmWUKinO or American bred. . ' Largest Exhibition Herd la the South. ' DUTCH FORK TRUCK FARM. ... , , : . . Seutli Carolina. GET A GOOD BULL CALF or none. , Wo have two well-bred Holstelns $110 and $120, Including registration papers. . First check, gets either. We carry Insurance guaranteeing safe arrival and health for 30 days. " Animals' 'guar? anteed as represented. Bred up not down I We also have 3 choice lielfer calves, $125 each. MOHEGAN FARM, Box B. PEEKSKILL, N. Y. Sheboygan County Holstelns Are bred for production. We have nicely marked, high-grade Heifer Calves at $20 each, crated. Regis tered Bull Calves, $50 ' and up. Begistered Heifer Calves, $100 and up. - , , ' -CEDAR HILL STOCK FARM, Box 97. Plymouth. Wli. FOUNDATION HOLSTEIN HERD, $325 OR $500 Two six months old Heifers and Bull Calf, $325. Also two fifteen months old Heifers, bred to splendid sire, and A. B. O. yearling Bull. $500. Beautiful indi viduals and royally bred. Have over 100 head of various ages and both sexes for sale. KAINTUCKE FARM, ; Bardstown, Kentucky. High-grade Holstein Heifer Calves TtA.iitifiiiiv marked Hired hv niire-bred. registered Bull." $25, crated, f.o.b. THEODORE CLARK STOCK FARM Monroe, - . Orange County.. New York. JERSEYS MERIDALE JERSEYS rrEwiUfiri; iOS VY mall triad- on J request the 1917 r-S'. issue of " Merl- dale Jerseys," the business story of a business herd. AYER & McKINNET 300 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. shorthorns- RAISE MORE BEEF u r.rmitr and Mr. Cattle Raiser -Tou will ln- 'crease your beef output by using registered Bhort born Bulla. The Shorthorn Is the great Improver. Mr. Dairyman -Select your Bull from a Short horn strain showing a milk tendency. The calves from him will sell readily and at higher prices and the milk flow wll be maintained. Use only Pure-bred Registered i Bulls. Wo will help you secure them.' ' AMERICAN SHORTHORN BREEDERS' ASS'N.. 13 Dexter Park Ave., , CHICAGO, ILL. m inn 'J'fJ, Iff!) I f 1ILL8BORO, N. C. .. ..... , ' . I ', . ...... .. , a s ' ' , , - . , ' . ' . . 1 .f'- . v - T' - '.' . .-. . , y . ' . . 7 . ': ' ; '-:. -;'-, , ' '' ' .' ' . '" ","-. -.'... . - ' ' 1 'I'.' .'I.'