Saturday, July 21,1917 (9) tOl CUTTER'S :V BLACKLEG PILLS 44 California's Favorite".-: for nearly 20 years For tte PrcTcntion of . Blackleg in calves and young came : tl.!. ,V?oritv is due to near- ly 20 years of specializing in "Vaccines and Serums only. Year in and Year-Out they give better ' satisfaction "than , any other vaccine made, and the cost of a few cents : per dose .t,Aw Jnciimnce acrainst a disease that always" takes the fattest and .best Single Pills may be used for or dinary ana range Double Pills should be used for. I cure bred and high grade stock. Use any Injector, but , Cutter's simplest and strongest, 7 Prices in fefs nVtre. Single oills $1.00 n Hnsp. okere. Single pills 4.00 10 dose pkge. Double Pills 1.50 50 dose pkge; Double Pills 6.00 - Cutter's Pill. Injector.;.. 1.50- Insist on Cutter's. If unobtain-. able, order direct. . Write for new booklet, "Ihe Control of Blackleg." it tells about Anti-Blackleg Serum rViirVi cures Blackleer and may be used simultaneously with vaccine to combat out--breaks and safely protect val uable stock. The Cutter Laboratory, Berkeloy, Calif. Hie Cutter Latoatory of Qiiiou, CUogo Eastern Af eat INCREASE MTTTC ' ni PRODUCTION ZU 0 Snnv .i t.t. er irtt ct v .t- . "If J JUUI VUTTO 1TIUJ UU'UWfcTUU IUWU4 Cumins mmx.aa.S. a d I .u 17mwa1. harmless. Keeps flies away. Keeps cows from be coming irritated and nervous, making Differ mint " uuueoon possible, spray , With SO-BOS-SO KILFLY twice a day and' note how quiet your cows will be when prizing on the feeding grounds. Will not bliBfT th- .lr1n nnr mint Ka -'' SO-B06-SO KILFLT has been sold all over the U. S. and in many foreign coontries for 17 years. Thousands of farmers have used SO-BOS-SO KIL FLY with success. Put up in gallon cansenough or 4uu cows or for one cow 100 days. Your dealer will sell you SO-BOS-SO KILFLY. . -Send for descriptive folder. Th Cent Knows-but SHE tan V talk. Ask tbtDtaltr, H.E.Allen Mfg. Co. : . . Carthage. N.Y. U.S. A. Orchard and Garden 17ork-4lar- : keting Hints - -1 GROW enough fruit and vegetables tA:1i9'v'cAm .ill Tn " rrnr1iir martrtf afili fruit -it it necessary Uoc prune, spray and pro i perly - cultivate and fertilize the or- See that your name' and address is "plainly stamped, on' every- first-class package of fruit or ' vegetables you Three splendid varieties of plums that sell well on the local markets are Shiro, Burbank and Climax. Fall tomatoes usually bring a good price, it is a good time now to set the plants. . In the canning of fruits and vegeta bles let us first see that our own pan try shelves are -filled and; then con-; sider canning for the market. ' A neat attractive label helps great ly to sell a package of fruit or vege-;i tables. - . Look into the matter of using the parcel post to ship vegetables to your city neighbor. - ' -Plant a patch of sweet corn in or der to have late roasting ears to sell. ; Properly dried peaches; apples and other fruits can be marketed Jo advantage.- Utilize your surplus in this wayV . . "The earlv bird catches the worm'' can be most forcibly applied to the growing of vegetables and fruits for -Fall Irish ootatoes. as well as sweet potatoes, are good crops to have on hand for sale during the winter. It is" not oniv necessary that neat, clean packages be used in marketing friiit and vegetables" but the product must be graded and packed in the most attractive mamici. , . . - 'KftfnreV leavincr hxme with fresh vegetables for the. market see that they are sprinkled with water ana orotected from the sun. No one cares to buy a wilted product." . tf". i pno Year to Paylut uy tha Htm Butter fly Jr. No. t. Lightnmntner aay eieanins, eloae akuq- suing, durable, puarantaad lfl llfcttim. RMrnafiSnnArta III i par boar. Mad ttla in ir Mwaw miwmm up wnoicwwii msv. f Dan Fret Trial r ewa emt R- ana mora d won i .i Jo erani. PotKl brinrt ftaa eat- Bur from tba maBafaotarar ana aaVaraoar. Jit ga31 Marahall Blvd. . CH1CAOO ftwaw hi mjra We ntifl cation for Hoga, Bheep and Cattle. r T ' uurcBB i cumoer nampaa on taga. -- m aampwa iraa) on request. . Bureh av CM184 W. Haraa Bt Chleas 1 PI Therp is a standard oackaffe ior al most every vegetable and fruit that is soldi Find out the kind tliat is usea in marketing the particular product you have sf or sale, and order a sup ply. - - ' - Where a number of parties in a community are growing fruit or veg etables for -the distant market they should seriously consider the matter of organizing a cooperative' market ing association.' Frr fniir anrl vegetables to sell readily and bring the best prices they must first please the eye or tne cus tomer, and second, they must dc.oi good quality. , Tn nreoarine root crops, such as beets, turnips, carrots and parsnips, for the local, market, remove an aeaa or defective leaves, wash-caretuily and tie. in bunches, using tape or, oth er attractive tying material. , What is true of early spring vege tables bringing the highest priced, is also very largely true ot tan vegeta-, bles. Plan to have tomatoes, . beets. celery, lettuce, garden peas and other fresh .vegetables to sen tnis tan. , Tin D-rower who sells fruit and vo-Atahles on the local market should see that his delivery, wagon -is newly painted, horse well groomed, harness in good repair, and the. driver; show ing every evidence of cleanliness. It pays.'. ' , .-. AH fruits and vegetables cannot be grown profitably throughout , the country, but in every . locality there are two, three or more that do particr ularly well and 'eiri be grown for market. ' Find out ' what kinds . are adapted to your conditions and. grow them. . ; , ' . F. j; CRIDER.: Clemson College, S. u Obi 3 mm en skids with, BUILT-IN MAGNETO The 3 and 6 H. P. Sizes Successfully Operate on I EFORE you buy a f aim engine !S look up the dealer who dis plays the "Z" Engine sign. . It's a sign of quality and a guaran tee of your satisfaction. v T .nw firRt rftst low maintenance cost simnle construction flight in weight built-in magneto these are a few "Z" Engine qualities you want. Sco tho and Ifou -llBiiy K - Ask your dealer" to demonstrate the qualities that make it superior to other farm engines. See it in operation and prove to your own .satisfaction that if s tlw best for your work. t . ) r.Jore than riated Power and a IVonder at the Prtco Foirbanko, Morcc fit Company, Chlcaco SHJ!82.-6HJSMS IDE1XO-LIOHT SELF-CRANKINO-SESTOPPING ' BALL-BEARINGS - All? .POOLED ' s m . L BURNS KEROSENE I I Ft DELCO-LIOHT BATTERY 4 tr works for me every day in the year, furnishing dectric light and power "When I want light I just press a button. There are no lanterns ! ' to carry There are no lamps to dean. t , I have running water in the house and barnyard, pumped ' by electricity. The churn, cream separator and washing machine :. ' are run by a small electric motor. , . The entire f amily is delighted. And what appeals to me is the fact that Delco-Light to rapidly paying for itself in time an? K t labor saved." ; ' - - - Jacob Stine. R. R. 4 Lewubura. 0. Thirty thousand other users are finding Delco-Light , . ; ... to be a good investment. "? " , Two sizes, $350 and $420 f. o. b., Dayton, Ohio,' except Western U. S and Canada. . Therala a dealer near you' Write for hla oame and deacrlpUve.oolrJet . THE DOMESTIC ENGINEERING COMPANY, : DAYTON, OHIO, U. S. A. . - .- ... J m, . wrttlna- rou m adTartUer Ib The mcraaahra- rarmtr, wblch i cuaraBtaaa tha rallalimr oi wi mT.r-.-. - I 'i t 41 i 't.'! f -Ml 1 1 IS 4 It U ' 11 4 -ft' !0 Our advertiaera are guaranteed. : i 1 1 Y