. ; TUE PROGRESSIVE FARMER ' 1190.(18) Th& Hoosier Schoolmaster By EDWARD EGGLESTON I 1 1 .i'H. if I ; . .r-.V'iI J .A & n I CHAPTER HlContinued) ; will caJl for no appPJ ogies 5 h :1 T&auks-, J giving Day. if doiie ( with a Keen JCutter Xarving Set;: ..There's a temper in the forged ; i steel blades of Keen Kvtter - , J; Carvers tHat makes them , take v ':-;y and hold a keen and lasting edge. ; ' :' 1 You'll lose all nervousness over v carving before your guests the : 'very moment . you get a ' Keen Kutter in your hand. And that holds good for every ". meal for years and years to come. Keen kuTTEit Carving Sets are inexpensive and guaranteed satisfaction oryour money back. and, with , his eyes ' fixed upon the date rm the teacher's -desk, he sidled HAT a quare boy Shockyjs T round upon the "broad1 loose, baard remarked Retsy. Short; with . mispiacea,oy ms own mu a tAcrvU H inst likes to instant' the other, end of the board a giggle. r HeJUSt UKeS lO .. ..WiMAI. f 4h'crhnnU - - - - . I OlC U U ' AAA LAI AAA iUUV wander .rouna aione. . . i see : nun r0 -,most striking Shocky in-the commnv out of the sugar j camp just f 'while Henry Banta went down ; S j . 1 jV - r : , into the ice-cola: water aeneatn tne hourtl-And Betsy Kifreled'again for .yv-'v-....... , etsy.ShortCTild:;sjggle iravslr prov3cation than any ther girl on v-v TOy,;Henryl 'icnedRalph, .jump- ' v"-S I " 1 ;V:kk- prise: "iiow did hishappeni'rnd tAVhen 'f l1 llped the dripping felfeut and qaiet.vflogged tread that he was cuiti- .ZA-u:m k '-' "i :?ating,5ked;into the school-room, seated him Jy the fire.x . -v , ;1 hP tnntffreat care not to seem to see ' oeiicy ouuu giggicu , , : the trap ; set - for him ;" but he care- . , Shock was so tickled that he qould iessiy,, stepped 'over, the -board "that had been so nicely adjusted. The boys who were Hank s confidants; in the plot wef e very busy over their slates,' and took pains not to show their dis appointment. y'? " '-"-y.,J :i; r.: '" .The morning session wore on with- out inciaent. Kaipn several, umcs caught two - people looking at him. One was Miraridy. ; ; Her weak" and watery eyes stole loving glances over the top of her spelling-book, which she would not study. Her looks jnade Ralph's spirit sink to forty below zero, and congeal.;; ' . - " But otti one of, the backless little .benches that sat iri the middle of the school-room was little Shocky, who also "cast many love .glances at the hardly keep' his seat. The boys who- were in the plot lookedvery serious indeed. Ralph made some remark by way of improving the occasion. He. spoke stronglyjof the utter meanness or the. one who could play , so heartless - a.- trick on a schoolmate. He said that it was as much thieving to get your fun at the expense 6f another as to steal his monev And while he talk ed, all eeswere turned On Hankall except the. eyes ' of Mirandy Means. They lodteed isimperingly at Ralph-" All the rest5 looked at Hank. The hre had made his face very red.M Shocky noticed" that.' Betsey Short noticed it, and giggled. The master .wound up witn an appropriate quotation j C r '"i J satisfaction or jour tnoneyoaci. : I itfnnif rim young master ; glances as grateful to from Scripture. He said that the his heart as Mirandy's ogling he person who displaced. that board had was temptea to can it ognng wab . better, not be encouraged by the-.suc-hateful.' , : " cess he said success with, a curious 1 "Look at Shocky," giggled Betsey emphasis of ; the present experiment Short, behind her slate. ,4He looks as to attempt another trick of the kind, if he was a-coin' to eat the master up, For it was set down in the Bible that body and soul." I if a man dug a pit for the feet of an And cn tliP fnrpnnnn wnrP nn as us- ytner ne wouia De very likely to tall ual, and those'who laid the trap had himself.; Whh made all the pu- ' V' Caning Set No. K631-G - SIMMONS HARDWARE CO. Manufacturers and DUtributm St. Louia New York Philadelphia V Toledo Minneapolis Sioux City r-;r': - Wichita "The rtooUection of QVAUTYremaint long ajurtkt PRICE iafomoU." ' . ;v -.' C. SIMMONS. Trade Mark Registered. V ,r I t - " II downy covering of ashe; and the' great half-burnt' back-log lay there smouiqenng iiKe a giant asieep m a. snow-drift. 'Shocky longed to wake him up. ' : ;; ;: As for Henry Banta, he .was too much bothered to get the: answer to S E LF-r O I LI N G Wl NDMI LL - With INCLOSED MOTOR Keeping OUT DUST and RAIN - Keeping IN OIL SPLASH OIUNG C1IJ s ' SYSTEM ; SXSWnhJrs tHwFloa.&U ; Every Bearing WKh OiLNakesbPumplB The lightest Breca OIL SUPPLY And Prevents WBar -. REPLENISHED ONLY ONCE A YEAR DOUBLE GEARS - Each Carrying Half the lo4 Every feature desirable In a windmill In the - AUTO-OILED AEHMOTOR , a Gasoline Engine Pumps Tank ' Water Supply Goods) Steel ffcen Saw Wurri AERMOTOR CO. 2300 fm ST.CHicAea) 13c PER ROD UP IBSOWNJEKCE forgotten it, themselves. The morn- P"s i00K,3 solemn except ; letsey ing session was drawing tov a : close, hort, j who gigged. And Shocky The fire in the gf eat old fire-place, wanted to. And Mirandy Cast an ex- had burnt low. The flames, which ""is ai ,aiP; , n ine eppmpd n fn h nno-pU VukV- teacher was not love-sick, he certain- disappeared, and now the bright coals, ly wag sick of Mirandy's love. - which had played- the part of men When school was "let out,1" Ralph and women and houses in Shocky's gave Hank every Caution that he could fancy, had taken on a white and about' taking cold,, and. even lent him nis overcoat, verv much against Hank's will. For Hank had obstin ately refused to go home before'the school was dismissed. ; Then the master walked out in a qiiiet.and: subdued way to spend the noon recess in the .woods, while a sum he was doing, to remember ;bhocky watched his retreating foot- -i 'a. i- : j. t .. r . . 1. - i - ... lit. 1 : i . . anyimne auoui nis iraD.': in iaci, nc - sicys yvriu loving admiration. Ann had quite forgotten that half an hour .the pupils not in the secret canvassed ago in the all-absorbing' employment the question of who moved the board. of drawing ugly pictures on his slate Bill Means ssaid he'd bet Hank did it, and coaxing -JBetseyhort to -giggle w bhort off in 'an un- Dy snowing- tnerasryiy across tne - cuniroiiaDie giggle. Ana bhocky. lis- scnooiroom. : unce .or Atwice .aipn . icneu innoceniiy. naa Deen atiractea.to. oecsey s exxra- v-..ut 'that night Bud said slvlv ordinary .fits of giggHng,aniiad come;Thunder. and lightning 1 what a malt- so;nearvta evening trianK:,inai ine, ager .yoh air, Mr. Hartsookl" To uoy. xnougiu it uest not iu runaiiymi- which Kalph returned no reply ex- ancrnsK.oi ine'eca;swucn?s,.ii ?ect a Iriendly smile., Muscle paid or five feet Jong, laid up behmd.the tribute to brains that time. .. -masterful sight-of the school as a V -r... painlt i, rt prophylactic. t;Hence h s application tJ - . -f"-cut" fusnow to his rsum'' in longoivision, sCh00l J came the spelling ahd? hence his puzzled look, for, idler ' ' hat he was, his "sums" did not solve CHAPTER IV-v ' themselves easily. As usual in such cases, .he came up in front of the . opening Down the Master master s desk to have the difficulty t : A . TT . "1 J a - explained, ne nao 10 wan a minute until Ralph got through with shoWing Betsey Shortj who had been seized with a: studying fit, arnd who could hardly give any attention to the T 'LOW," said Mrs. Means, as she A stuffed the tobacco into her, cob ?e after supper on that eventful ednesday evenine: "I Mow thvMl app int the; Squire to gin out . ; the rovo prd for Vft7nETPEI1, w i?w Ford (or U&. ' V.Y' ne8"lo'.PlMUf'.orboth,youcaa . - j.uuLm.v ioiia grcai car suu more lattftlAO. tory.ty eqtappuig it With the ' PATENTED aiMJSorbar-cars In bnatnesa cm, where rnnning cost 'la all Important, the Haesler should be used because it gives yoa from 20 to 100 per cent greater mile, age from your tires, redueea np-keep a third, and inereaaet the mileage per gallon ot gas surprisingly. r.-:. ... in- pleasure riaingwnere pomlort is all-lm a d sortantf the Bassler should be used because it absorb all Jolts and i&rs. prevents rebound, eliminates sldesway and provides the eentln. S1 ,7 and Dro ringy aotion similar to tCe tiding Qualities ! the big 12,000 oara, ;.' - , ;; 10-Day Firee Trial Offer VrRev teesT Ur IllEX TKUL BLAIK sad ws win ksr set ef HsMlsrs pat ea year Vsrd wlUout a wat f zpsass f ysa. irj tnranodsyo Tkaa, U y sr wUliac to d vrltksst tkeak tksy will U taken so? wttliwt shsrt. Dost rid wKkMt Basdsrs shaply beesuts wuh diMsnrsKM yos from trrl"C tkssk Aeeept tkla sffr sad sss I sr rsamln Orr 800,000 sets I ass. Write today I0W. BOBKBT H. BA88IEH, tapb B-S Zsdisaspoiisi This ; Home -Book ;;Sfor;,. 'Home Owners 4 On Request mar TELLS j about plumbing good plunnjinT-stanaar'd plumbing for convenience, comfort and luxury in Bath, Kitchen and Laundry. ) If ybu havrunnir& water in your ' home iftyott expect to build or re model with a water supply you can use this book to fcood advantage. ' Write tot Greatest money saving fence barzain book ever printed. Brown lence ' la made of' Heavy DOUBLE 3 ALVA KrZED Wlrfti RhMi rust lenesst. 150 Styles. Also Gates. Bteel Poste. Barb Wire. teacher s -explanations, she did want: vrus to-nignt. lhey mos always to:giggle.so.muchl Not'at any thing ; d9 y,u seerkase he's the peartest ole in particular, biit just at things in man ln this . deestrick; and I 'low creneral. . ' , v .- some of the. voune fellers wm?M tiav ' Lew Facterv PrtcM. Freight PrspaM. Write toy 'wnnriflrfnl free fence book and sazrmle to test. f Tks Bran Ftaca 1 Wirt Cs, DeplUl - datsUnd,' Ohla tS J v;tWhile:Ralph was "doing". Betsey's ! ?j? ?Lni ef would keep ?srt'WfrUeni,,'t, upto nim And he uses sech remirW- 611-I AftiZu "TTVT? "i;' able smart words He VaT. flashed upon him, but the punishment. aws don't I remember v seemed severe one. He gave it up- ?7e"e was Parr ?r Job's tyrjcey once or twice, but he remembered ul- J a- f wn,en nc. come .to how turbulent the Flat Creek ele- ese cfe dm's, that air Squire ments were; and had he not only re Si iX &'-v'fl "hool-master. solved to be as unrelentine as a bull- sa ,d ,pai1 stid of bucket, and (T!atcli Fisll, EMSaSS HUIVU U LJ3Uf numbers, with the new ig as a bull- ing again the oft-remembere dog? He fortified himself by recall-, "i!??"?11,. C0Vi . 9ao that bered remark Vl iSJA ftl;garwhat Poldlnjr. GalvanlJiea Cteel Wire Trap. Catches them like nj-tra catches flies. Hojn all alsea. Write for Prloe List, and Free Booklet on t bait ever discovered for attracting all klnda siua.'aiarwMases,a Mwu,hiu$ of Bud, "Ef Bull wunst takes holt. EATt br low and by right smart. and yarth can't make him let. i "1 A'c:: .1,7" - Bemember that if what you want to buy ta endvertlaed ine Prorreaslve Farmer, sow can often fet It by pnttlnc'a little no'Use Jm ear rarTnera BxchaJife.. - heaven ft A go. v Ana so Hank and. the Jesson. "Just step round behind me, Henrv. and you can sec how I. do this,", said Kalph. . . ... our wavs now. an' he' . L .. ... . . w L . ' jcsi as civuizea as the rt of .v wholehool one W6;41 er been 7 . .,, ... . Cee'TTH didn't stay poar long. Not ...... he. He lest married a ritrVif nVVi mVi i iuna Dentna me. Henrv. tt-i u-i a j al i " 6.4' v hci. ahu mc oia woman grin ned at Ralph, and then at Mirandy, and .then at the rest, untU Ralph vv-uiiunuca on. page colunjn, 1 ) : . Plumbing Fixtures represent luinett oeKty--lona mannftctttr ing experience wide variety of .styles at reasonable prices to meet your wishes. The-fStandW Green end Cold Label s a pledge of satisfactory aervlce. See that it is on the plumbing fixtures you buy-and talk to any nearby plumber about "plana ara Fixtures. Write for the book today. Stmtdwd ioglD&Co. Departmaiit 213 ; : Plttalmrk ar ... f AIUJEI1 mbsbbsbbbbbbbsbbW J n r pJ a lai TREES, up. rW.ri.ai, Cfcwry, B-Ol Fra&trswbirrl TH GKSCIK HALS BUDDED trm BmtU B. AL CUV1HK ItoUctesi iPPLES. WriU for lissstalof. UMN. NURSERY CO, Co 6 Clevetend, Teniu Bast gTmds f W prrt Ucsuig. o ti imu tMd. Writs far wf CAXCLCU Ltr:c;S CO, DeptltlCrearejU. THI. HOOSIER POULTRY FAR" Has eiooft if -fToitf T5 alffsrent vsrt!tea Is- J ITi.n .nrf .star fowls. ; Bnd M Msnuoi Address, hrart lsnd and stamp for catsloy. ner when vrritlns. J. R. eClRCLC, MsnUon thla Vm, Wsl'saa,'lr When wriklni- to aaverUeert,' aayC' writing- you athaii.advartiser In; The Prpfreij alvt rarmer. Tfhlch g-uarinteaa tne reliaMM of ail advartlalnf It carriei." .' ' , ... 1

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