Saturday, December 8, 1917 (15) 129S ".S : . Peace fgr Offering J widened and. there are many educa tional advantages. The salary she draws, while necessary and impor tant, is not the biggest thing she gets out of her work. L There are a couple of very good I a f 4 m correspondence schools giving courses in dressmaking, and many dressmaking- establishments teach and pay a girl small wages while she is learning. A most excellent bulletin, "Sug gestions for Garment Making," has recently been published by the Col lege of Agriculture, Urbana, Illinois. A limited number, are usually sent to other states. ' l ! V I know wkat will duagt mother's mind" nothing has solved house hold problems like Calumet Baking Powder. It has brought happiness into millions of homes made expert cooks of millions of housewives who never had much bake day "luck." .Its unequalled leavening: and rais ing: powers mean big:, tempting bakings. The never-varying quali ty of its wonderful ingredients means the same good results every bake day. Calumet saves yon money because : it'smoderate in price,goes farthest, eliminates failures and waste. It's pure in the-can pare in the baking ana the favorite in millions of homes. Received Highest Awards Ntv CmI Boii Frtr-S$ Slip inPtundCan. un fill ar r.i ; r... p.. VW . - Ptund Can. : e&CF' The late General Booth's message to his Offi cers aU over tho world t " OTHERS There are asa. hers of peer folk il fl ew hif cities who de-..pradtpei The Salvation Army . for airfttaics iarini Ike leaf WiaUr sMttht. Will You lUlp HslOiW lertaaata lhaayeerssin f Send Yoar Gift to Commander Eranfeline Booth 20. yesl' Fourteenth Street,' New York City .fr.CeMksiaW EstgUOS N. Dearhera Stmt. Ckicart ; (This tMceidonated by The.ProgresriTe Fanner) ilVT A WATHFITRFTIf ' ' 1 bed, S 8-lb. pil. : lows, a Urgs blanku 1 large counterpanes retail value S21. Reduced to 09.03 tor all. 30-lb, bed outfit at above tl0.ft,35-lb. bed outfll SU.47, 40-lb. bed ootfl.1 til. 07. BIDS 25-lb. SS. OS, SO-lb. 09.75 35-lb. S7.M, 1.25. Ill new feather, beet ticking. We hare 'deposit la bank to guarantee satisfaction or money Decs. . Mail money order or write lot catalog today.' ' '.: . - SANITARY DCDDINQ COMPANY Do; 600 r " " .' ' . ,' ' .- CHASttOTTf W Oe BAVC J New Feather Beds Only $6.50 wt fl.28 per pair. All new.ciean san ticking. Write lorUloitraedcetlo. A f ILtOW C0H nP. 13 fceeertere. . u . Kew reether Pillows at-25 per itery fnatbere. Best auui FlttM FIATNER When wrltinr to advertisers, say? "1 am writing; you as an advertiser In The rresTee slve Farmer, wale fvaraoteet the poUaoUley of all adverUslaff It earrles,- OUR HEALTH TALK Fifteen Health Rules for Farmer Folk ' Prof.trvlnf Fisher of Tale University has summed up in. fifteen simple rules what he terms the essentials to rood health on the farm. We print two of these rules this week and others will appear in successive Issues until the entire fifteen are published. FOOD-RULE 9 Eat Slowly COOD should be well chewed. If . swallowed half-chewed the stomach has more than its share to do. If it is necessary to force the food down, , you have not chewed it enouerh. Li- quids should not "be used to wash down food but should be sinned slow- . . A. . ly. Some of the most . wholesome loods are truits, boiled milk, sour milk, potatoes, bread, vegetables, and "nuts, if they are well chewed. It is best not to use pepper, mustard, cat sup, or other "hot" relishes at all. HABITS RULE 10 Have Your Bowels Move at Least Once Each Day , pOOD food must be eaten but the residue in the bowels must be dis- posed of. When the bowels move with out effort it is easy to keep well. ' If possible the habit of moving the bow els thoroughly twice a day after breakfast and after supper, shpuld be established. Headache is often caus ed by .sluggish bowels. - Food , is the natural laxative. Often, the. bowels' do not : move because not enough bulkyv food-has been eaten. A . few especially laxative foods are figs, fruits, bran, Oil, vegetables, butter, cream,, sugar, honey, syrups, and juices of fruits. ' Water drinking, es pecially before breakfast, is conduc ive to free movement. Drug laxatives should be used only upon the advice of a physician. QUESTIONS ANSWERED tiQHOULD children be taken frtm school 3 if other ones have colds? I believe mine is the only one there rot sniffing and cough ing." It seems that doctors do not generally- ad vise the taking of well children out of school where others have colds. They do advise these things: ." - .1. .That you keep your child well nour ished and free from constipation. . 2. That you permit, ypur. child to share her drinking. cup one else, and that she not. use pencil, towel or handkerchief that another child has used". ' " ; 3.; That she accept no bites of candy, ap ples or other (ood:from other children. . 4. That you help the teacher to instruct the children in the aanger , of spraying the air full of-germs by coughing and sneezing into 1t; that, if necessafy, the Woman's Club or the trustees, provide little square; clean muslin or paper to be burned after. using. , 6. That a Jacketed stove be provided, if stoves are the .means of heating. ; , . 6.- That an open' vessel. of water be kept on the stovs all the ttme. ' ' : v ".'. i:rv'- . "Mr hands perspire so that sewing Is no pleasure to ne." v ' ' ; A smalt box of. talcum powder kept In the sewing' bag, and dusted. on the' hands; when they .become' moist is a great help, espec ially when doing fine sewing. Any permanent relief from the perspiring is uncertain.. The old wet the hands with boric acid solution, but that helped only a. limited number.: A better treatment is to wet the hands with a mixture of, two teaspoons of ordinary 40 per cent formaldehyde in a pint of water at night. This Is apt to make the hands rough, so after drying them rub in some glycerine, to an ounce of which has been added twenty grains of salicylic acid. It can do no harm and frequently cures. An emery bag costs little and is useful for re moving rust or roughness from needles.. Remember that if what you want jo buy la not advertised In The Progressive Farmer youTen often get it by putting a Uttlo notice In our Farmers' Exchange. Vlrtro!aXVILx2&S VIetroia XVII. electric 32S iv'-i'S'iiiii'!:'1' .if ''!!' iii'ifr'i'" ; I, i'iBi.ipii.1. , .;.! i 'l.llii!t'll -Itoli'!!.!!'. it" Will there be aMctrola in your home tiiis Christmas? To hear the world's best, music is a pleasure every one enjoys, and the artists who entertain you on the Victrola are the artists every one wants to hear. The world's greatest artists and they make records for the Victrola exclusively. Caruso, Alda, Calve, Culp, de Gogorza, De Luca, Farrar, Gadski, Galli-Curci, Gluck, HempelJ Homer, Journet, Martinelli, McCormack, Mel, Ruffo, Schumann-Heink, Scotti, Sembrich, Tetra zzini, and other famous singers of the opera'and: concert Stage. t . Elman, Kjejsler,' Paderelski, Powell, Zimbalist, and other noted instrixien- laiiscs. Dousa s .Dana, rryor s uana, Conway S Band, Victor Herbert's Orchestra, and other ands and orchestras of world-wide renown, r Harry Lauder, Nora Bayes, Raymond Hitchcock, arid a host of other favorite entertainers, v : , .Get a Vtctrols this Christmas. ;: There are Victor dealers ererrwhere, and they will gladly play your fatprite moilc for you and demonstrate the various styles of the Victor end Victrola $10 to $400. Write to ns for the ; handsome illustrated Victor catalogs, and name and address of nearest Victor dealer,' ' , . " ' Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden; N. Ji. Vlclrala" u Km U4Kt4 Traimrk wf UN VIsUr frnDdrnt MacMa Cir Sad&itKK Mw wfcm M tklm Campmr only. Waraiafll thM.tlwwOT Vtal. wm m to Ow hilln n mji tfjnr rtlw h Wtt M.rtil-i i- r- i-r- r '"" ' m Ul-tll S gin in mnnm rftfc. VUto The useful gat. SHIRTS R K .... k L . FOR . CHRISTMAS Tjrplty true economy Fit wcllLobk nell : .Ana do wear. . .. k;"; ,, '' Colors are Indanthrene We aruartntee they will . not fade-Will last a Ion as the shirt. Fabric and Detail Quality, Kept Up V Ton will find just the colors and pattOrna jroa ' . wish at your own doaler'a. ' -, ; . HALL, HARTWELL A CO Makers, Troy. N.Y. TT f "T9 nn for pet the big saving oh three and five-year subscriptions AJSy JL to The Progressive Farmer i Cms tr, 52 U$is, St. 00 Thrmi years. iS6 Issues, $2 049 - Twofars, 104 Issues. 1.60 . Fh yars. 260 issues, . 3.QO ' Ten fears, 52Q. issues, S3.00-l4ss than tcper eopt, .