''..'v.-..--'. .5;:: i...-1 -.v -.J ; - . ''.vv-7v: , .' 7 c '.v. : '7" ""' ' " '' ''." 77;' ' "' r. '- ' J 0 ttiittv.-- vol. xxxiii;g:5g; V - -J 1 1 , ! . . '.. .... 1 , J,.. . .. .-J '(- ' ' ' ' " " ' ' '" '' " ' 111 ' ' 1 I ' ' Tititelv Farin Suggestions 1 or- 1 Oy5ter9K&fsr it;. Very probable that if ' iPi ; -V ptjCt cent :calciui9 carbonate; andlwhen ahimon mm iulphate" can be obtained, hprpperlyrhe produce a higb-gradert, ;rl!mc' lctaining; frm- 85 fto cear calcluni oxide, Calcium oxide (trogieni than ercent meal at Wc:;'t .contains l:times;as' much !'cikmnxi$A9.S0. : j, '7 the calcium' carhonat: '&riA-iiine'r.ai'-PA? '-1 ' ;.."''t ;' : S':'!' hquld be' djyided into eight plotj, ' Forage Poisoning. la niKCE considerable oJL the-cor5rinir ; Dthe northern partltn is?rich;oneikihouidi; Belt did not fully:maturentimei;4olje blanted tbri eiHvvirfetv nf tnr ; . "T .z : " r . rv rr- v vv ion oi caiciura cyanamia contains-: : emm isaterui otyaiue m ft vvvv.yuv, uic uiuciciu tuiuw ui iuic , if valued katV3i2 r nAt Ja - ised f orcorrecting soil acidity, should -Worth $109.44:-- w.. ' . v CV;' the killing frost of ber, there is a large amount ;rtr mm and some which: cj nrepe onlv with serious re when horses brulesi-are,-;! 0ed by the f eedingrof,; moldy prt;rihy'oit9 caianmqfrponatj ..it , will Uitrogeh:in cottonseed -meal -costs; follows :.Thcre is a wcak;rfflll fril,: staggering gait, ling oi uic uu48,,...r7;;ncH uic;iup8,anu rPc:wm ao:noi carbonate 3iW)nminH it will fiirn- ol Pou"? " urogen 10 mc IQU,:, sometimes slight cs total or partial inability to walbs ini solids or liquids, and:an: mipairent,there -"SVinJto ton of nitrate of soda. I " : of the eyesight. As a ro!ethe:temp ature does not rise and Wome isVc;:AtartoTo .cottonseccf, meaV; tankage, is below normal, ter thev sulphite" of - ammonia,' calcium tymm&. comes paralyzed, the ahimaHome iCantt' soy: Deans or some? otner crop his burnt' ovster shells;' - v -.. ,,wnw per ppuna lor nuro-f v ; : , - v f-thatwiUfumish7graiing; during 49.50 18.01 ' 118.80 ; 109.44 lo.oa slieht and the later symptoms .do hot! develoo. In these cases theanimal usually recovers in four;or" five days,-; r. In most fully developed cases, aeatn is the result in the three days. tA in rAWff ina'ftf mftTHvrdum-carbonate:throueH is' state de; can be or damaged feet SufrktiF&m&fa aged corn mav be fed to ho with Eton delivered ?r cMum w . . . . . - . -." . . safety, ; gree of should r be fed feed that is the ieasimoldy'or damaged in any way.Vj 7 r j c -vv" ViSfsC'the' lialidii f "dumped 6n his farm; :f .disregard ats feedihyalue' and figur heeding a Sowjggou apt? ..1, :v:; L- find that several other. mate- u 4,ru, ntaininir fiO ; tn : 00' neh reWt -Vair.inrrt . Hals are more economical sources of , leeaing a SDW-anaelluer,7" UE ARE of feeding which bers of VETERINARY; PROBLEMS .1 What Causes a Pig to Go Lame ? 11 ' t 3 ill ...'i.:;'1;l:'fi Jl 'READER asks: "What causes , in frt mr U 'snch M the erppn-sanri ' ononCiacia.'anQr OOtasn COntainea in - - A- fK 5" wwc "i uac jjmuics the v :t r ' ii 7: tSWi -AftAne kif 1 1' mm am T4 ahd :.'ta v ' that 'wav for weeks?" horse to first gt.theo vidn ior ieeaing ner; put it sterns weirr:tent: of ohosohoriis.-ibu " : foot, just as any other animal It is "t)uttinff the cart- becasiohanyr is injured,; and lameness v result. - If , a v careful examination of the affecied limb can finI no swelling 7 or soreness,; or ;if ;there has been no direct . injury," such as a blow or a strain " ihn w". -mav" triit tfiat . ihti . Oi k ... WAA, AAAV M.r0CT AAW' Mr . cause is oi aaincrcni nature, rigs grazed on peanuts exclusively, or fed any other unbalanced ration, particu- , made for feeding: and J.thatf the Jcalcium must be r.AAt..-nA:miu snow lameness in one or . ; our observation, the' often affected ii m i mm-m mm i 111 i i) . i. ' . 4 Sa . ouvv aim raise -. an . PTira lTrprar ',1 . t: t i . - i - 'a r 'i;i v i --i-. jr-'j. v'T i iwvotiui . tms time, for we wd.patAJUeJiaiedlikMiiv " porn even thoughe n0,. 7 7 yvv" :tneif eontent or caicium- carponaie.. - ' a - faj , na sow tall ernn im; rkirwl4tt-i4-i:-,.A, . t -. - , , . mJrtr" v 1 i a ivi I spring Ha ;S II r s brazing. . J andlt .contains proT)abybnly a trac :....,. .., been ,7, ..V if! - ? i -. :S7t. '7'77fi: ." y-".'i't:"y'-ij' t ' 1-7, 7a acre of ground should tne growing of airotationf osfroc nat will provide greeh7feedtv.nga considerable portion bffthe;;year. calcium -phoipha However. Sinr- iKJ-aimT j ti. -"a.;.i i-i fH-rAfiili :' em over a large part f the an a rotation that;will furhish?grai-iw nec CVery month in theyeariirisilso'ho1 time, has ithis .calcium compound ?Joi;a pound of phosphoric acid; these "J this .particular pig, wer can . only ad DiplSary that every i sow :: andherrUhepower to neutralize soil acidity. 'A two plant foQdsf as contained in a ton .vise a careful examination of the leg of ntiiL.J . v". Pretnatiican,i)efihi tatio"6 p obtainedvfrom theirb u time in ..whv"fAri:u Derma M r 7y lV7laKessucra wicre is snmo U j .t,..; ' . 7? n that the mixture for this pur-c v -Xkt VI'-J nosftecommenein li'.VtVi:? ?.i !' kept under shelter, twnere 7tnot .7;? ;;4,j the- other Z neriltter one.to?, wni burnt oyster shellsJoV tnatmat- n-The question to be solved is whet .nogs may c w"; - - Juuuid lie a rii . : "r-v t xCr 4ui a ion 01 tms man contain ci yuwuiuiiHuwH v w vv , , w3p rnfoj jacent to the -acre th he-vr 1 Km t onn 'A t 'i:m .,'". tTii material at a less cost. - A PAINTED AUESTION ' mm ent;ammonia'or 6.2 per cent; ters, - away, from other hogs, should ileed "bfIimee s it ls oppgoi.sirui.iiis ;aic4Hy uim , b uuring the 7iate&sDrinff7:attd Fnr ana -W1?.n0n.Wj)eti ' . im,;v .,i.5aKu 7ton will cost the purichasef:$42.41,70r ing the c ! !f xentrp" poundv ---xv -? stated. Fe rt lt- .a 4a t.-v, a , -.a.a-.v -a .-.. . " a . ; 1 a A.i & nMtvrn t ireTiAHI u3RKn'-?", M-V vvc v trom l.oW to pounds 01 calcium in some otner material 1, a tcaa wu, a rumiw wwuw, iwirc i-k - v.4, -f.. - t -a.-a-'cs-'aa l .mfflMilflin enlnliiit ' . ' x ' . - 77?viUii flmmns at tiiirosren. on in town or in acre m aw :.xounrry. - iu rA?-St.izi rpt "ner nftund" a -moke disappears, but tha laad. remain. 'jilil Safy for tM r rt 1S'',l0 eces-economicalinputting calcium mnhe" contains ;4W InH . 3 acr the b6v Will cut -'n?r tfran rmrnt nvster shells at " $10 ' the " haSlS of ' e material as it grow and ner ton. '.-'? t 4 1 - ton 'of . ammonium suipna.ic ia wwi u ort tsenup. - . lid- 4 icw-jn. II