THE" PROGRESSIVE FARMER i: , --yy'vyr'i I i.' 'J yy-li; AW , y v. t Mmf-&W'"' I ROADSIDE FLOWERS ; ! V T.-Ayi::'J-:i' L i 'A.y...- ...... .r- --" ': ' ---r-; ;.- : mmmm 1 mm xmm i. m Edited by MRSf Wt' N HUTT Syy h . ' v - A For Comfort TOLO POWDER Baby skins deserve -the test of care the best of powders. Colgate's soothes and(Xmforts because of its fine- ness and sanative ingredients. ; : r'-''J' f, Try Colgate' sTalc on your hands after Washing to help . keep them in good cpndi f;; tion. Suggest it to the men folks, too-r-used after shay ing it gives added refresh ' ment to the face. - iWi evtrywhert in a choice $f ' 'J: ' piffumt to mtall prefcrencts. v : A '.irial box uta . for 6c in. jtampi,-, "t ; Dr. Breneman's - cbmpaiutive ' re--J -' : port on talcum ' iMwdera will be . T.inclTide4 if you - askforit llf IS AllE the roadside flowers Stravlne from the carden grounds; Lovers of idle hours, y ' .i r. Breakers of ordered bounds. ' klf only the earth will feed us, ,'. We blosriom for those who need us, V'The stragglers left behind., . And lo, the Lord of the Garden, He makes His sun to rise, And His rain to' fall like pardon On our dusty paradise : ; : ' ) On us He has laid th.e duty T . ; ; The task of the wandering breed. To better the world with beauty, : 'J : Wherever the way may .. lead. ; ' :5 .Who shall Inquire of . the season. : . or ask or tne wina wnere 11 diowi We blossom and ask no reason, V The Lord of the Garden knows. - Bliss Carmen In Ladies' Home Journal. Hoasekeeping and Home-Makuig FANCY work is a thing of the past . have you noticed it? -Everywhere isthe serious work ; of knitting for ; mouth of can be made a beautiful girl by the ; expenditure; of ibout ai.huh- Tdred dollars with-a jfirstrclass. dentist 1 if she is taken to one within the "next two y ears,-rthe sooner the better. B e- sides teeth that nt to. each other are conducive to good health and good 5digetioh.'':i5;j- We feerthat tHe cost of getting the children attended to by our doctor. and the- dentist' has been well worf h , while '' ' ' : . ' : , . , ; "Our teacher says'that teaching is easier, since the children have stop ped having tooth and earache. c v With allhe agitation fot increased food production, do not' forget, the flowers, i: We needUhe roses ami the g61den1)ells, the zinnias arid the pan- sies. We want food for the body bufc we must not neglect refreshment for, the soul. : So i let us have the flower border lovelier than ever before ; Tw can churn In a fe J .J. r. tsa leader, stop butter "wuD Wft V foreverwith theold.fasLoie?Vl J r; 'v. ."iff WW DUtter In ft K'.wt time, and taaklnjf churninird - J1 th Hada of highest quality , construction-nothinS " .&SfeNiBriL hoops to all Vto-vi fSStgSi no Iron bearlnga to make bUcK5?,'1 Chilli trj taUist ronalne thura Jif etima proper care, m l&st a We wOlsendyoa this wonderful cham on 80 days' trial., Tryitjse lew yoarMlr.thb.U Ut md. of butur, tha u.of oparmtioa U roa mr not mU lnitlth.taafa Mf cbnra yo airar NN ttorn it t our ItMOH, Hxxuand. f . hT BiM tnia fata BO Uf trial. Yoa vli tun it. ieaf to ra KM ;SpisbI Introductory Prle.t . Yon cannot eaual these nrfeea n..L. ' raeycannot buyxreater churn Value, Ait. e . 39AU. 6al4 "Jl A GUI. a" w 15 How many war saving stamps have. you purchased ? ; Every woman and; w uv, uuo ,uui uiruing offer. Tm csaey yi Isssla tiae, wtrk lad battirwoaii I3T cs Bc rats, end forone onthtsUbersl the soldiers or folding pads or rolling should have them ,as ;well as (TOTTi bandages for those who'are woundey ch mn.ivWe can .well afford to put y - ; . v .what we would have spent for a hat m? Our cooking takes more time than a; dress into the stamos. for we know it used to because we are changing : that bv doine so we will not only our methods that we may send our5yhave ' more in ; the future' for our poric ana iarat our nour, ana sugar io clothes, but that we are. helping the those who "have gone , to foreign r bovi in the trenches.' . kVI ' UUl '41 Vil Vi SSM iihi w irf I and K ' S ' ' ' Colgate & Co; bipt, w:y- '199 Fulton St A Hew York safety. - : " ,.;-;y-' '-v.-y'-V" " :: S'. ." Gardening and .canning " was'once 'a desuJtory: occupation If we had no peacnes ; we trustea.( that ' Mrs. . lorn Jones would, giye'usisome ; if we -'nc-N'' glected " to plant "potatbes," we were . sure; John Simth; would' sell us spme almost as cfieap" ' as jre could raise them.' ' -Tom arid JbKri can sell, theirs for a good price this "yearas the ratt- A Wcaan Is Better for Dchg Club r - ' Work y- Workinf With Other Men and Wo- ; men for Common Cause Stimu lates and beVelops the Good Xlt Is in All of Us n iMM i - Btnest canner bartila trtr 1 D offered. Holds M Mb. emit eaolDMd with iron obatoJ . lor coal or woodf cumnl urvpoi, , amoKS tuck can fours, tipping cop per, funnel, gauuno<t, capplns steel tnd woo. oernu boon ol lnitnw tlons. Bivta all r oes. au i or oni With it you can make lists t3S ft day. saYins snnlui trait . andTeretables and canntax it in glanor tin lor the market or your own table. Cannert aD ' sties and crlces. All firortnteed money back it not satisfied.- Also combination cannert tnd eTaporators. : . . , s ' ' Writs today for folder,. or send tliSOtndiet started la this pleasant, profitable work. , 'y; :Hvy-yyvy I v. h ;?!.' ,yy-y-.y.y y'.yj'y Ari 7X l,::!iyys v:y ;rky;; ,iv;,'i-.i":. "w - . .. -: mmm r V v QMB o;:o paTnoLcuM jelly: -wu. oest education l . know, tor , a t woman who ha s pass ed y school rpaders will probably refuse to. haul days and does little, reading forgone 'i those things which ' can be ;raised."so : reason "or another, is. to get into club wc win ku uuugiy unless we grow.; worK. one simpiy cannot stagnate ii 4 mm ' Anli mmI 1aw 4 mma.1 ! auaaA?--. I.fb. itJL. 1 ihu vui, S4iv uu uijr, vyuat wc uccu sue is an active ciuu WOiKer. to spare. - , 1t fc , . y . , - She will have discouragements, oh tA t" t Ke- - k yes, it would not be aworth-while - , club if its ideal could be. reached with- A dustless dpster is made thus. Heat ; out effort and delay.'r She will have one cup of kerosene and one cup, of oooosition. too. for everv cdmmuriitv paraffin carefully but quite hot, on the hasits unprogressive persons ; 'but Madbetter.iafticiieernowute.cimb efntrA : T ttr An' -ifti'e enma. . ont.n r ab 'n( , '"il. 1 L -1 ' 1 . '!. ' 4 i I tCldlta. DMS left fUeL tMJ tO Opmte. T " J i V - V uolva V uic morc sue , worKS WUU ana lor a price,. aod up. We lumlli cant vii vuiiuii tioin, yrcierauiy nne organization amonsr the women sad labels, write for freb buosxhi, the more she will get from it. ; It: is not all giving; she receives" her i re ward in many ways. " ; She learns her community, and for ' cEmticca eoofinc foundry co. pet o v - vsnwoooKii a ran. cloth or thin sacking. Let soak, half an hour or so then squeeze- dry and fold awayfor use. These can be wash ed and used again. ; " Many are tnaMnf 115.00 and upper dir. can aiaf Fruit and Vefetables for maren. neixo bora and boms ute with a -; , , FAVORITE" HOME CANNER We also toanolaicbire Hone and CommtiBlty Steam Pressure Outfits. Tho Ccrcllna Mtal Products Co., Pest Of flea Dox 100 Wilmington, H.6 Kl! Mil:, tJ sy .y-. '"V. .5i!iS J yiry vr-'' 4 y' wniggiTweWflaigiatoi w3 ' ICONtOUDATCD) ? 30 DsirpttlVaiit City y A r v ' THE H00SIER POULTRY FARM 5 Has stock and efts for Bala from 15 ;i.r IMT "!a lssdlnf tarlatiM of pura-brad land and crw' J l -ater fowls. Band Se stamp for cataloc. 'i-VvW f j'.". -i.:t,:v X luouon uv paper wnea wiiuua. yf-'''-y---y-y-.i3. rv'?;.'x,.,',:y--Aasss - . 'H y-;,:t;y i.;B. .8CIRCLE, . Wavtlasl, Indiana, lllliIliGbt?al;Fodthoi' Bod i , :. .(V ,.l I- .j-..' y yhi --:,yi': i .M.-;j(Tj'f. yyv.yy-y -wysisy n 1 ::hdy?-y j Beds 25-lbl S9.75I 3ft-lb. 9lJ&i 85-lb. bed S8.26 0-lb. bed y:S8.g5s SWb. pillows el.25. AW new feathers, beat ticking. y "We bare Sl cash deposit in bank to guarantee satisfac .7 i l. ir.ii n nHta fiiv rata. won or nwWT VKI. man wim; -""""" log today. kmm iK.!gS CSDept 2 1 Cssrlstt. 1. C -NEW FEATHER BEDS ONLY JS.50- New reather Pillows SL2S uer -pair. , FuU size and j lull weight guaranteed. AH new.' clean sanitary featn ers. Beat 8-ounce feather-proof ticking. ' Writafor ::S new eatalog. SOUTHERN FEATHER & PILLOW CO. Dept. 136. dreentboro, N..C. Don't try to cardan this .'vai without Massey'e, Garden Book." Paper nound copy yithTThe Progressiva. Parmar one year. $1.26. C Floor mon ar VnnH mar1f Kv anyone to know one's neighborhood method.1 Heat worn out stockings in thoroughly is to approach a knowl- tri oil and naraffin.anH spw tfnmtn edge Of all communities. ' doth Vtiari tn fit nv?r trip Wtom She gains a knowledge of people; of vah ?old -broom that ? has had its eit strengths and .their weaknesses.' straws cut off almost up to the lower 0nc who knows people loves -them wires. even or cir fallures.,' vv - ' , - , : ' - " She "grows-broader and "most just in : Have you seen .Georgia's .two new her dealings with all classes. bulletins, Circular No.;57, t Drying She learns teamwork. -The success-' aim Djriiiuigoi. rruusvanu. v cgciaoies, xui woriter cooperates wwn tne COUn-. by Hiss Bessie ' Wood J and Bulletin ty agents, the doctorsand ; all men. jno. uu, now to MaKe uooa jautter, women and children rwith whom she by W.H.Howell? They can be obtain- comes in touch.. . , ed by residents. of the state by. drop- ' She learns to seTve through know- yuig ,a caru iu .xiic, voiiege oi n.gri- mg inau ine greatest woric. sne OOCS culture Athens, ,Ga. ' , ' ;.' is what she accomplishes through .the The mothers tell us that wonderful ?joPt of oihers. - For instance, results a're being obtained all over the lf she,S'1 W01?4 working country as a;result of medical exam- 'w"u4 m,in.c w1! me re Inatinn On wrttro cove ru. suits will be many times greater than were three things wrong with my boy f sh hcrself rked twenty times as and I know 1 would not have'discov- 3 ' - .J , . -" ereA , tlipir w mtrcAif tmtit i, ' one gams poise, which is the result "grown very bad. -Our - doctor had of seIf contro1 and assurance, There never discovered them, but of course waSt nver a woman yet who m the I'Art nnf KiaitiA iiim fnr tf f A; oeginning felt that she could get on hA nvor' ncVpr! Fn'tn tn rirt u sinri wi her feet and talk., , However, after she WttiM h;VA .tiAiirii frt says a few words about some familiar resented it if he had. Mv bov is like toP!c she ' ca" soon , speak 'on many; 'Mtfif rxA in i?c rlinrtif; N Subjects. ' - - ' r She gains initiative. As the women A "My"' little' girl- had nothing really tire of diets, ailments, butter-making wrong with her health but the doctor and other subjects, she - casts about sent this' note: As a result. of Bessie .for something-new and interesting.i being allowed to: suck her thumb in She considers a commuriity f air, beau- infancy her mouth is deformed 'She' tifymg the school interior or "getting will h"aye-a: very obj ectionable looking a telephone system She reaches out f r - . i - i V Ihis Canner e 75T ; Work! tin cani . or glasi 1 ta k. or out of doorii . cans fruits, vew-. tables and nw" and burns wood; . or coal. Daily ca ., pacity WO to fw. - cans. Used tensiveiypjrvj nlng Clubs tn OoTsrn IS.H. towfilubblni Otter snd prices on ctnfc; .Complete Poro Cmino UacMne Co Meridian, Miss. National Ahimj Oatwear sole boots feet dry, factory Kemo' Fof Dry Feet-Saa--l-or wood aeferal pairs Lf A . kP or o-yjnm- f u iimmi bt v w- - ITT a mj a rw rii ir MivM nrivw - lVheighte..r asnnAirtn ...... H tatehted. y.HSt dWet compare operate ; and mos the 1 ! ma w' ----- the msiB"- .' -AiTj&Steii5. - WHt for . MERIDIAN P. O. 'BoX 1. f'W'v M'te? 7"". '; -tjv'y'.y;..-; f r. vi ;y-y of j , -