THE PROGRESSIVE -Ss. (I . r 1 l I i . i" - r f l . JfV. (Tr 1 N. r .1 i I 1 WHERE privies and out-houses are necessary, as is most generally the case in small towns and country places the odors arising therefrom are- most nauseating and unbearable, particularly in summer. They are also the breeding place for millions of flies and other vermin. FHes do not respect the home or kitchen, but, on the contrary, transfer disease germs direct from filthy places to the babys milk, the meats, vegetables, pies and other foodstuffs. Typhoid fever is invariably transmitted from germs that originated in out-houses and such breeding places, and these germs are usually carried to the house and kitchen -by flies that take an air route, bringing filth on their feet and snouts. One of the principle reasons for the large number of deaths from fly-conveyed diseases is that so many homes are entirely without toilet facilities or have privies that are fly breeding places. To prevent flies, the premises must be kept clean. Keep flies from having access to human excreta especially. Privy deposits will be consumed by sprinkling Red Devil Pul verized Lye in the privies once or twice a week. o) in Red Devil Lye, plentifully sprinkled in privies every two or three days eats up privy deposits and other filth,, keep such places odorless and clean and helps to wipe out the pestiferous fly- The cost is only a trifle while the benefits cannot be measured in dollars and cents. Use Red Devil Lye for this important purpose, and you will be amazed and delighted to find how it actually eats up- the filth. Do it at once, and get rid of the filth, fiies and odors., I I u 7 2. 7 3. 4. n 6. Where i the fly bornt In privies aad filthy Where doe the fly livet In all kinds of filth, and he carries filth on his feet and wings; Where does th fly ga when he leaves the out-house? He goe into the kitchen the dining room and sick room. What does the fly do there He walk on the bread, fruit, vege tables and pastry; net wipes his nasty feet oa the butter and bathe in the- milk; Does the fly visit patient sick with consumption, typhoid fever and cholera infantum? He does; and he may call on you next earrying the1 infection of these; diseases. Whs disease doe the fly carry? Typhoid fevers consumption, diarrheal diseases, diphtheria scarlet fever, and in fact, any communicable; disease. Families should buy in case lots (a case contains forty-eight cans). Remember that Red Devil Lye is not an expense. It is an invest ment; because it promotes economy, sanitary surroundings and health. It is therefore most convenient and advisable for users to always have a case on hand. Avoid cheap, ruinous and vaofoful brands, and it your Qrcocr will not oupply you, write direct to uo. n IZJdDa