m THE PROGRESSIVE .1 m 736 (12) FARMER' " i"'f f i .' mum 3 - I'. ,i ,L-T i, It r.. ' ; I, 4 !:5fi-i:( ' II 3 'fit !" II! (t V'.. ".t.G I ' f Si.'' V r m T ;t it 4 1 . I.' .1 . .4 -i i .V V f 1 . .. .li f'.v-l r "r III" Jim I i J- til,' ' s: I 'i V . n jf'if ..1nT A' j, ( in . ' 1 .! . . i :i n ;i f.'kV : 1 S.I' . r. :' -5; I. i; -i K 1 MJ S Mi : . ii.s mm mm , !.H Hill; ' . ' ,.a ( 4 ?3 !f VH .t 1' 1 J C IT J) 'I) A Hundred Pages of -Price-Smashing Bargains HERE is a remarkable money-saving op portunity. Montgomery Ward & Co.V Special Sale by Mail offers it to you. Consult the 100 page Special Book of Price-Smashing Bar gains. You probably have a copy of it by this time. If not, send us your name and address today. It's yours free by return mail. Consult that book for what you need. It is surprising what a broad field its special offers cover things to wear, . to eat, to use in the home; dress goods, gloves, men's clothes, work suits, silks arid satins, kitchen-ware, grocer ies, gas engines, auto acces sories and tires, kerosene oil cook stoves all kinds of merchandise. And every offer a real money saver. Chicago Kansas City Ft. Worth Portland, Ore. Pleat Writ Hoa Nart You Insects Iro Dan gtroustollealth- Put Fliis.Roaches cte Out el Business. Our Farm Wofhen J , ,y Edited by MRS. W. N. HUTT Y 1 -THE SERVICE FLAG DEAR little flag in the window there, Hung with a tear and a woman's prayer; Child of Old Glory, born with a star, Oh, what a wonderful flag you are! Blue Is your star in its field of white Dipped in the red that was born of fight; Born of the blood that our forbears shed To raise your mother, the Flag, o'er headr And now you've -come, in this frenzied) day, To speak from a window to speak and say: "I am the voice of a soldier son Gone to be gone till the victory's won. . "I am the flag of the Service, sir. The flag of his mother I speak for her Who stands, by my window and waits and fears, But hides from the others her unwept tears. "I am the flag of the wives who wait For the safe return of a martial mate, A mate gone forth where the war god thrives To save from sacrifice other men's wives. "I am the flag of the sweethearts true; The often unthought of the sisters, too; I am the flag of a mother's son And won't come down till the victory's won!" Dear little flag in the window there, Hung with a tear and a woman's prayer; Child of Old Glory, born with a.qtar, Oh, what a wonderful ilag you are! WILLIAM HERSHELL. After this I gave a bath to the dogs, O'Sears and 0'Roebuck,and the. house cat O'Tap. . I cleaned out the schoolhouse, scrubbed it out, polished the desks, repaired the heater and chimney and cleaned under the house and off the yards. Then next I gave out lists for finishing painting the school building " and took up $50 and then we finished painting the school house and bought twelve automatic desks for the .school and a library for the school, and next I came home and starched and press ed everything that needed it and decorated the parlor. MAUD V. COLLINS, Pinola, Miss., hv2gmn why V H Guaranteed to kill flies, ants. roaches, mtfequitos, bed bugs, mites, fleas and many garden bugs. No muss or dirt. Just a fine powder that gets sure results. Thousands of farmers are using Hofstra in home and garden. Money back if It fails. HARMLESS TO Hi) MAMS Hofstra is NOT A POISON. Odor less and tasteless. Can't stain or discolor. Special formula that has them all guessing. LOADED CD CP METAL CUN3F KCL If you send us your dealer's name ana ouc ior Dig dox or uuFSTilA. .Postage paid. Use coupon. Hofstra Manufacturing Co. 300 llogalas, Tulsa, Okla. Enclosed find 50c for bte box of HOFSTRA and! Loaded Metal Gun, FREE, aty name and address iai .... .tMtMV.MMtlt..t Dealer's Name . .... ;.t.i?....t7.it! FACT0RY-T0-RIDER AVES YOU MONEY uy direct end tave 110 to $20 on a bicycle. RANOER BICYCLES now come in 44 styles, colon and sizes. Greatly improved; pricea re duced. Other reliable modela Q8.78 Dp. WE DELIVER FREE to yon on approval for 80 day frt trial bcuuu Tiding wbi bi our expense. uur ms free catalog snows everything new in bicycles and The Clean-up Contest ' TF EVERY reader of The Progressive Farmer could read the letters that came in in reply to the prizes offered for the best description of work done during clean-up week, she would be educated and entertained. It is won derful the amount of cleaning accom plished. The accounts of work accomplished were so varied and suggestive that we are going to publish at least parts of all the prize letters from time to time and extracts from others. You must enjoy them with us. TRIZES 1st Prize, ($3) Miss Maud V. Collins, Rt. 4, Pinola Miss. 2nd Prize, $(l)Mrs. L. J. Neumeister, 'De rail Bluff, Ark., Rt. 1. 3rd Prize, (?1) Miss Bess Loop, Stamford, Texas. 4th Prize, ($1) Mrs. T. A. McKay, Chandler Springs, Ala. 5th Prize, ($1) Mrs. Frances M. Stephens, Duncan, Okla., Rt. 4. STATE PRIZES North Carolina Mrs. A. R. B., Lenoir. Virginia. S. A. Frodl, Jarratt, Rt. 1, Box 87. Georgia Leverett Whatley, Greenville. Tennessee Mrs. B. F. Payne, Humboldt, Rt. 11, Box 91. South Carolina Mrs. G. C. Roper, Laurens, Rt. 6. The names of the prize winners for the rest-room contest will be given next week. lifttMill .IK.'IU m mmmmmm KIotrlo Light Motorblk sundries. Write for it. TIRES .J am p8, wheels, para and supplies at half mual priett. Do net buy a bicycle, tires, or sundries until you get our wonderful ntw offer, low prices and liberal terms. A costal brings everything. f ICAfl Cyclo Company 1.1 fall If Dipt. A-79 CblMIt DAISY FLY KILLER 'BStfHrtHMJi flies. Neat, clean, or namental, convenient, cheap. Lasts all season. Made of i metal,can't spill or tip tfWAw. mtI11 ...) mnn a. VTCi WAU UUb BUU ML injure anything-. Guaranteed effective. BoldbydMlers.or 6 sent express prepaid for $1 BAX0U) B0MEB8, uo DeKalb Avenue, SrooUyn, H.T von. rii,n"..t0 dvertler, lay: am wrltlaa uarUt5r.tKV-wt,f.rh HJhl PfHratths Farmer, which auarantoii the reliability ot all aivtrtltlng It earrlH." What I Did Clean-up Week ($3 Prize Letter) I SCALDED and scrubbed everything auvuy iiiv uuuov auu W UlLC W dSllCU the milk house. I cleaned the cup board and-1 brushed and scalded the ceiling and polished the beds, and I went after suspected bed bugs with gasoline and caution. I polished the piano and re-stacked the books in the library, and next I washed everything about the house where it was needed. I washed the clothes and bed clothes, spreads and lace window curtains, pillow cases and pillow ticks, and next I. cleaned under the house and cleaned off the yards and the lawns and filled up all the. damp places. I freed the poultry and hen-liouse of all vermin, and I gave the children pennies for repair ing the broken fences and tumble down outhouses. cleaned out the smoke-house and repaired the fly screens, and cleaned out the pig pens, the ox stalls and stables and the barn, and raked off the lot and carried trash to the field, and next I cut all the undergrowth in the pasture, and drained out all the mud holes and filled them up. HOME PRESERVING EGGS BY WATERGLASS SOLUTION Our Food Administrators Urge Every Woman to Put up at Least 24 Dozen Eggs Now While Eggs Are Plentiful DY THE use of this process is offer--;ed a means of preserving eggs which are plentiful and prices low, to be used when eggs are high in price. It is cheap, simple, practicable, and is a success if we will follow these sug gestions. Selecting Eggs. Those to be used must be clean, fresh, not over three days old, and ab solutely sound in shell, that is, no . cracked eggs are fit. Eggs can be put in each day, just as we wish and can spare them. This is a great advantage. Container. Any suitable sized earthen ware Jar, galvanized tub, wooden tub or bucket. These must be thoroughly boiled and cleaned before putting the liquid In. Size of Container. Any size can be used. This depends on the number of eggs o be preserved. The following table will help: 1 gallon 40 eggs 2 gallon 80 eggs 3 gallon 120 eggs 4 gallon 160 eggs 6 gallon 200 esss 10 gallon 400 eggs Water Glass or Sodium Silicate can be had at any drug store at a cost of about 50 cents a quart. If the stores do not have it, have them order it for you. Mixture. Use one quart of water glass to nine quarts of boiled water or one part to nine parts. Boiling Water. Water must be boiled at least fifteen minutes and allowed to cool. Mixing Solution. Mix the water glass and water together thoroughly as per above pro portion. Then put the eggs in the bottom of the container small end down and pour the water glass, mixture in until the eggs are covered to a depth of about two inches. As you add more eggs put in more water glass solution. If the mixture becomes jelly like simply add a little, more boiled water. Keep the surplus mixture in a sealed jar, as a fruit jar, to prevent evaporation. Testing Eggs. Use great care by testing every egg before placing in container as one bad egg will, of course, spoil all in that con tainer. The testing is fully explained in your bulletin No. 562 which you have. Where to Place Containers. Containers should be kept In a cool place and the top must be covered with heavy paper to prevent evaporation and keep dirt and dust out. Quality of Waterglass Eggs. They cari be used In any form axcept for poaching. The eggs can be fried, .boiled, scrambled and for general cooking purposes. Before boiling, however, the big end of the eggs must be punctured with a pin to prevent cracking. When you take eggs out of the solution they should be washed in cool water to remove the jelly like solution on the shell. Eggs can be taken out just as they are needed, anoth er great advantage. Selling. Eggs put up in this way can be sold as such and are equally as good as most eggs that are put on the winter market. ALLEN G. OLIVER, Scientific Assistant in Poultry Husbandry. M Canning Hints AKE your hoe this summer keep your can-opener busy next win ter. Can nothing that can be kept with out canning. Dry such vegetables as corn, string beans, navy beans, ma ture Lima beans, okra, etc. You can brag about your garden all winter if you have your canned evi dence on the Gunner table. Concentrate products, especially soup mixtures, so that each container will Kbld as much canned fo6d and as little water, as possible. v Let empty cans and jars wait for nr. - i ' C J- oyea by ONE Fiv Think what a cow is up ainst with , nads of em after her All The Time. 7 : Out m pasture or in the barn, horse, and mules lose flesh and cows drop off In JSt flow. They can't help iC O'BOS-S Mil e i v solves tiie fly time problem. It's a money saver. It rids all stock of fly worry. Spray it daily on your stock. It is absolutely harm less, but flies dont like it. Used and en. dorsed by leading stockmen for over 18 years. M Atk your dealer for SO-BOS-SO KILFLY frsS py nunc in nanay itzea containers, or send ui Lis name for our special Trial Offer. The H. E. Allen Mfg. Co., Inc. Box 66 Carthage, N.Y. fNIII Canning a Duty This Year Biggest canner bargain ever offered. Holds 24 8-lb. cans; dally capacity S00 to 400 cans; equipped with IRON GRATES ior coat or wood; charcoal nre-pox, smone stack can tongs, tipping cop per, funnel, salamoniac, capping steel and won. derful book of instruc tions, ffivinir nil re. ciDes. all for onlv 114.50. r With it you can make HO to ' 130 a day. savins sui dIus fiuit and vegetable. and canning it in glass or tin for the market or your own table. Canners all sizes and prices. All guaranteed money back if not satisfied. Also combination canners and evaporators. Write today for folder, or send $14.50 and set started In this pleasant, profitable work. CHATTANOOGA ROOFING & FOUNDRY CO. Dqt 10 Chattanooga, Tean. THE SELF-01Un0 YIMILL has become so popular in its first three years that thousands have been called for to replac-;. on thea rA tnwm. nther makes or mills, and to ! - ' ice, at email cost, the gearing ot the earner -vcrmuiuis. uiuuub uiciu "' , ins. its enclosed motors keeps in the oil and! keeps out dust ana rain.The Splash Oiling Qmam rf.tnatni'iH'tr fluJ..Mik..rii9iiii)hni tire venting weaf and enabling the-fi; mill to pump in the lightest breezed p The oil supply is renewed once a ye. , . , Double Gears are used, each carrying half the load. We make Gasoline Engines. fPVTS Water Supply Goods and Steel Frame b Write AERM0T0R CO- 2509 Twelfth Sl,Chxg HOTEL SEVILLE FIFTH AVE. AND 29TH ST., NEw YORK CITY CONVENIENT TO ALL BEST SIH' IDEAL FOR OUT-OP-TOWN VISITOR. Single Rooms with Detached Ba th-$3 P Single Rooms with Private Bath I Room., HltharBath for Two-$3 to $5 per day. Parlor, Bedroom and Bath-$5 to $10 Ptr uw. DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET WITH BOOJTLAK. STATING ALL PRICES ON REQUEST. JOHN F. GARRETY, Mgr. Economical ro)fhV Af RELIABLE lr vy VV VU fam-n Mruk aknn At mIY DOWCP pis. vtshsssrS& nrmtjiVirhtinV olanta.eto. t'amoua Galloway ensiuaa. all atylea, l)i to 16 h. p., portable and atadon- ary. 900.000 Muatraa wmwuw mr tettify to quality of Galloway trsctora. Price aave you 1-8 toj X4. Aik for new 1918 cataloa. 1 ..rn dOIILTRY FAR. Has stock and eggs for und nd water fowls. Send Zc P Usntion thU PPr when w Addreii . d fcr.iRCLE. WVian. s . II. T' m r- T3oaaf SubscPlptlon O er : CI Kfk lOf one renews each if seni $ l.OVJ ,CrlpUon for one year eacu In together; or . lv s0bscrip- $Z.UU tions all sent iV??h A ddress- 01 M cems on tau ""-- . n TffR PROGRESSIVE nn. vor l: six months, 50 cents- tb rnootbi IS' cents. oTl if paid wholly in advance: two y n bUd three years, $2; five years, J. B0 acriptions, U a year; Canadian.

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