Wrday, Me 22, 1918 MfJ FRILLS "J ioia Perfection has improved'feature. Get. 'SaSffiToat of your cane; SnandextweUrMi 5 PT" " o01 capacity, ou- js A 5aSSSnd. Catalogfree VW"-1 J , ; Sth'BMail Order House. f ofSo"-i rec rn . Richmond. Vat THE orui : obMR SXCHANGE HELPOR POSITION WANTED JJOX 1U'J- L-.-. man- 0. -r-;-r7inn as Manager or Matron in good, gc tiers' home Reference given. iurs. 1, ANllt';su,,'"r iioitiiv Industrious uin yiuw w wu- ,W:tedo"eneral' homework. - Mrs. J. P.. Henley, Darll"!:i'"clr- - . . Hfll Fruit Trees vruaii"""! pKrS'MLVht. SJSW ood Prollts. Smith jjrns. . ' ri'" " MACHINERY i una tn n.i . w- - -SKsLTW Cheap for quick sale. iil,!res3 150 A " - VOU. A. BWHiii '""IZ, . ' ' . ,; TnuoiunHft for sDrayinii fruit -.-I'onThcn roosts, washing bungles and auto " " :T Una. also handy In case of fire. ?'!i'0 each. Postage paid. A. P. Sexton. Boy, ston, i. T. ..... n ia rn Trurtnr Slightly USed. rinMii'- '.n liales of cotton. Also one Llddell Pltanta S'nu outfit. Reasons for selling want a larger gin pl".:it and mure engine power. H. S. Morrow, Boutc 1, U-ruery, a. Threshlni Machine, all sheet steel frame, practically new; a!so one 12-horse mutinied St Mary's gas or kerosene eaglnc, has been used ve:y little. For Information write John Harvey, Snow liill, N. C. d i rn Dnrn rnni nil or Chnanest Gasoline using our 1918 Carburetor; 34 miles per gallon guar anteed Easy starting. Great power increase. Attach It yourself. Big profits selling for us. 50 days trial. Money hack guarantee. Styles to fit any automobile. Air-rriction Carburetor Company, 508 Madison Street, Dayton, Ohio. LIVESTOCK BERKSIIIRES i.,.ir.v.srii Vina Servian Rnnra and Rreri Gilts. James W. Graves, American National Bank, Richmond, Virginia. D I' HOC-JERSEYS For Sale Duroc PlgSGood blood lines. Vaughan Farm, Culloden, Ca. xu UK uuai itih it-1- & til a n v v at o viui five (lu'lnrs or will weich at 20 cents. Jno. .8. Adams, a. r. i'. , Asnevnie, is. u. Four Extra Fine Duroc Gilts and Two Male Pigs- Pure lint not entitled to registration. First check for $15 each gets them. Kinard s Duroc StocK Farm. W. P. Smith, Prop., Klnurds. S. C. ESSEX For Sale Registered Essex Pies. Hartsville. S. C. J. C. Gatling, IIAMPSIIIRES Few Nipfl TTamnshlrc Tlfiiir Via unrl Rhnato i Hill Plantation, Thomasville, Ga. Brier liamnshirps Tpn-ivrrku-nlH Plira fnr Rain float nf breeding; registered. Trice 25 dollars if taken at once, loung Daniel, Carne3ville, Ga. POL AND-CIIINAS Bred and Open Sows. Stone Gate Farm, Petersburg, Virginia. Registered Itig Tyro Poland-China Pigs Out of largo svs ; siie direct descendant of the noted "A omrr. Ilillbrouk Htock Farm, South Roston, Va. For Sale-nig Type Pdand-Chinas Bred80wsT b. .a" i s'ir'S Pips. Rest blood lines. They are t,, t i c, v ,Auaiess w. Smith. Waverly, Ala., KoiiteJ. Shipping point, Opellka, Ala. - For Kale Ttpirlet Mc ,m lar tyi'e- a11 Western bred, from pro wmglO nunter. Winston-Salem. N. C. Route 7. - ABERDEEN-ANGUS A 5tteteteretl Aberdcen-Angus Bulls-Black. X SftpropcrlL from birth. Come Virgi fa nte "ecchi island Farm, Clarksville. GUERNSEYS For K ii ' tested, son iJ,r Guernay cow. tuberculin T . X . vfueriwi-y COW, Wwsa Osnnrno rntnn ht n M..I.JII, .1 , . 'menuEdKewoocl Farms, Whitewater. Wis.. cr sift &h:& 9" Sun uae nreedinff u-.u I'1,c B"u pronuciion. xaay frofpssor J i nle "slufor description, and prices. HEREFORDS v. r . . 1-500 lHiundsi.J?nB4j;.1HerfoTd Bull-Weight 2RihTN c 8ellintt' draftel- Write Lacy HOLSTEINS iSSfneJ1?; nt Unrelated Bulla. Pni. c-.i ZT . ' 1. T "ilie Tuto i , . : . u n all to be f Ah Ta h' Holsteln iL2L.Bnu. Burling rom Aueust t( November. , u JERSEYS old. si trRtered Jersey huti tfllf ?aiM MATlikN T-liiairy Farm. Rout "uN."" B0:, r jwmjuio a. Btatesville. N. C, SfLf.imen,ent7.Bu" Calf-Fine pedigree. but.i. "an Col itor'Wma. heifer calves. 175. - n, Miss. at Res WsrTTa : Itubern, e 2 t 7 year, X n5 Uelrer8 muflt K 1 !!1 tested bvJeniLd-.Bu"9 all age. . Herd K l armq -Di"luai. ured for hiiHor. , AfciirH. v a ' ff6' Poll Rnirfe 0ffW t0t CV 7itt bounds Thore'" e w oun laleYounB n.J " frnh'c. It IT.6 sire FrShrop8hh,e and South- I 'vuua. ouaennoiL High Point For Sale My entire flock of sheep, consisting of 25 regUtered and pure-bred Shropshlres. W1U sell cheap to quick buyers. S. Q. Chandler, Buffalo JunrtlonTVa, BELGIAN I IIARES - Pure-bred Bufus Red Belgian Hares All ages. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Address Clifton Farm. Dispu tanta, Ya. For Sale Purebred Bufus Red Belgian Hares 3 months old, $5 pair, or trio $7.50. Act quick, as stock Is limited. M, C. Taylor, Oxford. N. C. DOGS ' Bird Pups-r$5. Oscb Eller, Wllkesboro, N. C. Pure-bred Collie Pups. Address George Turberville" Fairfax,- Virginia, - Pedigreed Pups Airedales and Collies. George Turberville, Fairfax. Va, 1 Address For Sale Beautiful Collie Pups From registered stock. M. K. Stroud, Herndon, Va. For Sale rure-bred Shepherd Pups Males, ten dollars; females, seven dolars. Natural heelers. J. B. Jennings, Marietta. S. C. . English Setter Puppies Twenty dollars; fourteen Inch Beagles, eight; broken dogs, matrons. All papers. B. H. Dutton, Herndon, Ja. TWO OR MORE BREEDS 200 shoats, 20c lb; 200 pigs, $8.00; 25 bred sows and gilt. 4 car loads young mules and horses. 120 head of fresh cows and springers. Chas. Crafton, Staunton, Va. POULTRY AND EGGS LEGHORNS For Bale Thirty-five Brown Leghorn Hens at $1 each; also two roosters. Mrs. John C. Myrick, Little ton, N. C. For Sale Full blood Single Comb White Leghorn roosters, 10 weeks old, $1.25 each. Address O. Harrl son, Whlchard. N. C. Baby Chicks Single Comb White Leghorn baby chlx, from our extra fine, bred -to-lay Leghorns, which have won first prize in every show exhibited, at 16a each, in lots 25 to 100; $15 per 100. Thopsands of chlx ready for shipment every week. Safe delivery guaranteed. Alabama Leghorn Farms Co., Ensley, Ala. PLYMOUTH BOCKS Stacy's Poultry Farm, Amelia, Va., offers Quality Barred Rocks Cockerels, hens and eggs. Supply lim ited. Order now. SEEDS AND PLANTS ' BEANS For Sale Shelled Velvet Beans for Hog Feed Write me for prices and how to feed. R. C. McGinty, Georgetown, Oa, Soy Beans( Mammoth Yrllow) A limited quantity. Peck, $1.50; bushel, $5. Brier Hill plantation, Thomasville. Ga. CANE SEED 1,000 Bushels Good. Clean Orange Cane Seed 4c per pound, f.o.b. Hickory, cash with order. Order by express. Hickory Seed Co., Hickory, N. C. CLOVERS Wanted Crimson Clover Seed Price, one to 150 bushels. Felker Farm, Box 262, Monroe. Ga. Crimson Clover In chaff, 20e pound. Use 15 pounds acre. Order early; supply this year short F. F. Dickson, Council. N. C. CORN For Sale Car load nice white corn. W. P. Barber, Barber, N. C. For Sale200 bushels shelled corn, $2.20 per bushel 1,000 bushels corn in shuck, $2.10 per bushel Order now. P.. P. Anderson, Dunbarton, S. C. Mammoth Mexican June Seed Corn Selected, tip ped, cleaned and treated for weevil. Peck, $1.40; bushel, $4.50. Millsaps Bros., Harrlston. Miss. For Sale 500 bushels good, sound, close slipt, shucked, mixed ear corn, $1.75 per bushel, f.o.b. Georgetown, Ga., or Eufaula, Ala. W. J. Rutland, Route 2. Hatcher Station. Ga. XIIUFAS For Sale Chufas, $6 per bushel; good, clean seed; no trash. J. F. Folks, Juliette. Fla. rEAS Sound mixed peas, price three' dollars bushel W. L. Dickens, Sparta, Ga. For Sale Choice Peas Brabham, Iron, Mixed. New bags. Moderate prices. Bood Bros., Omaha. Ga. Good Sound and Pure Iron Peas $3 per bushel f.o.b. Check with order. S. W. Adams. Weston. Ga. Mixed and Whlppoorwill Peas $2. Brabhams, $3 per bushel f.o.b. Fort Valley. J. W. Woolfolk, Fort Valley. Ga. For Sale at Less than Market Price 150 bushels California Black-eyed peas. Write or "wire S. B. Bivens, Greensboro, N. C. Good Sound Iron Peas $2.50; Mixed peas, $2.25, f.o.b. Weston, Ga., check with 'order. S. W. Adams, Weston, lGa. Iron peas are the best on the market and as early as any. For Sale Peas Large stock, sound and clean, can, make prompt shipment In new burlap bags. I-ons and Whippoorwills, $3; BraWiams. $3.25; cash with order. BJ F. Anderson, Dunbarton. S. C. . 150 Bushels Whlppoorwill Peas for Sale at $2.60 per bushel of 60 pounds, f.o.b. Mooresvllle, N. C. Cash with order, P. O. money order or certified bank' check (can't use private checks). Address W. N. Johnstan, Sons Co., Inc., Mooresvllle, N. C. PECAN TREES All About Papershell Pecan Culture Free. Bass Pecan Company, Lumberton. Miss. POTATOES Georgia potato plants. Can Ship now. $2.25 1.000. any variety. G. W. Murray. Claremont, N. C. Nancy Hall, Porto Rico or Bednose Potato Plants 1.000, $2. Can ship. O. D. Murray, Claremont, N. C. Potato PlanU Triumph. Porto Bico. Honcycutt. $2 1.000. Strong healthy plants. J. B. Stuart, Bay Minette, Ala. Lookout Mountain Irish Potatoes Price $2.25 per bushel. Instructions with order. W. P. Harris, Owings, S. C. For Sale Early Triumph Sweet Potato Plants $2 per .thousand., Prompt shipment. L. T. Rhodes, Bay Minette, Ala. Southern Queen and Early Triumph Sweet Potato Plants $2.50 per 1,000, cash. Good plants; prompt shipment. Yoder Bros., Hickory, N. C. Nancy Hall and Dooly Yam Slips $2.50 per thou sand, second zone; third zone, $2.65; fourth zone, $3, prepaid. B. S. Braswell,- Pickens, Miss. Potato Plants and Vines Leading varieties, $2.50 thousand. 10,000 up, $2.25. Can fill large orders quick. Rush them in. G. D. Moore, Hawthorn, Fla. Sweet Potato Plants Catawba Yam or Southern Queen Earliest, most productive. Plants ready now. Promnt shioment. t2 thousand: $2.30 postpaid. Leslie Bolick, Conover, N. C. Sweet Potato Vines and Plants Porto Rico, Tri umph, Pumpkin Yam, $.75 . per 1,000: Old-fashion Nigger Killer vines, $2.50 per 1,000. cut in short lengths ready for setting. Can deliver .vines after June 10th and nlants after June 15th. We set vines through July and make a good crop .of potatoes. Clark Plant (17) 741 Por SalePotato Vines Porto Bico and Nancy Hall, one thousand two dollars fifty cents; ten thousand and above, two dollars. Prompt shipment Address H. W. Sleg Co., Jacksonville, Fla. Porto Rico and Nancy Hall Potato Plants $2 per thousand; well rooted; good count and prompt ship ment; will make, set till July fifteenth. Webbs Stock & Plant Farm, Pavo, Ga. For Sale Seed Potatoes Green Mountain, per bag of 150 pounds, $3.15; Peach Blow, per bag of 150 pounds,. $3.20; Irish. Cobblers, per bag of 150 pounds, $3.10. Cash with order. C. W. Sandrock,. Fayette ville, N. C. .:-...' Porto Bico, Triumph and Pumpkin Yam Potato Plants packed in damp moss Express: - 500, $1.50 ; 1.000. $2.50; 10.000, $2.25 per thousand; 20.000, $2 per thousand. Parcel post: 500. $2; 1,000, $3.25. The Dixie Plant Co., Hawkinsvllle. Ga. First-class Porto Bico Yam Potato Plants For de livery June 25th. $2.50 per thousand. Best quality Lookout Mountain seed Irish potatoes for fall crop. Prices quoted on request Reference: Bank of Green wood. Willow Brook Farm. Greenwood. S. C. For Sale 200 bushels of Improved White Peach Blow Irish potatoes, a smooth, white-fleshed, big ylelder, and very hardy late potato. Instructions as to raising same, if desired. F.o.b. Southern Railway. J. A. Spears. Midlothian, Va. ' Dlsmukes' Potato Plants Ready April 15th. Porto Rico and Nancy Hall varieties, from selected genuine seed, packed in damp moss, at $2 per thousand, by express; by parcel post prepaid, 500 for $1.50; 1,000 for $2.75. Z. C. Dlsmukes, Mystic,. Ga. ' Lookout Mountain Seed Irish Potatoes For June, July and August planting, $2.25 per bushel; Green Mountain potatoes, $2; Irish Cobblers, $2; Early Rose, $2. No orders accepted for less than one bushel. Write for price list on other summer and fall seed. Klrby Seed Company. Gaffney, S. C. , Nancy Hall, Porto Bico Swee Potato Plants Ship ments from June 1st to July 1st. $2.50 by express; $3 by insured mail, per thousand. Order early. Plants and not promises. Cash with order. Price subject to change without notice. Sexton Plant Company, Boy ston, Ga., Valdosta, Ga., Edgefield, S. C, Tallahassee, Florida. BYH Abruzzi Rye Direct from the machine, $5 per 100 pounds. You send bags, I pay freight J. M. Field, Climax. N. C. . SYRUP Buy "Our Famous Sugar House Molasses" and get the best molasses on market Sixty-gallon barrels, fifty cents; thirty-gallon barrels, fifty-four cents; ten gallon kegs, sixty cents; flve-gallon kegs, sixty-two cents. Cash with order. Winston Grain Co., Winston, North Carolina. TOMATO PLANTS Fine Tomato Plants Cheap 1,000 expressed, $1; 500 postpaid, 75c; 100 postpaid, 25c. Plant Farm, Ulah, N. C. Tomato Plants Greater Baltimore. Matchless. Stone, best canning varieties. 50c hundred; $2.50 thousand. Cabbage collards, late varieties, 500, $1; thousand, $1.50, parcel post paid. Councill's Plant Farm, Box 37, Franklin, Va. . ' MISCELLANEOUS SEEDS AND PLANTS Tomato and Cabbage Plants $1 per thousand; p tato, $3. Oaklln Farm, Salisbury. N. C. Fine Cabbage and Collard Plants 1,000 expressed, I . . f rr l rr - . inn i J ,1 ncr. T1 l T7! ' i; duo puaiyaiu, ut, xuu ihmsiijimu, ic iuui iiiui, Ulah, N. C. ' Fine Tomato and Cabbage Plants 200, postpaid, 50c; 600, postpaid, $1; 1,000 by express, $1. Walter Parks. Plsgah, N. C. Tomato, Cabbage, Collard Plants 50 postpaid, 10c; 700 postpaid, $1; 1,000 expressed, $1. Well packed. Walter Parks, Plsgah, N. C. - For Sale Speckled peas, $3 a bushel. White Span ish peanuts, 1V cents pound, f.o.b. Morris, Ga.' Cash with order. R. A. J. Boyett, Morris Station, Ga. Cowpeas. Velvet Beans. Bean Feed. Becleaned Early Amber cane seed and White Amber cane seed. Let us know your wants. Smith Brokerage Co., Ten nllle. Oa. Cabbage Plants for Fall Heading 25c 100; 500, 90c; 1,000, $1.65. Tomato, 50c 100; 500. $2; 1,000, $3.25. Sweet potato, 500, $2; 1.000, $3.50. All postpaid. Tidewater Plant Co., Franklin, Va. PRINTED STATIONERY If Tou Want Thrifty Hogs and Plenty Milk Feed our famous Gubemut Feed MeaL Forty-live dollar ton. cash with order. Winston Grain Co., Winston, North Carolina. Buy Our "Famous Sugar House" Molasses and save money for bonds. Sixty-gallon barrels, fifty cents: thirty-gallon barrels, fifty-four cents; ten-gallon kegs, sixty cents; five-gallon kegs, sixty-two cents. Cash with order. Winston Grain Co.. Winston, N. C. OUR LAND EXCHANGE Virginia Farm Speclalist-Wrlte for free catalog. Venable & Ford. Lynchburg. Va. "Farm Lands" For bargains In farm lands near The Packing House City" of Georgia, apply to L. M. Burns. Moultrie, Ga. For Sale or Exchange for property, vicinity August County, Virginia, 150 acres, productive soil, well wa tered; buildings new; good road; one mile railroad station. O. W. Kennard, Pamplln. Va. Virginia Farm and Modern Country Home In Pied mont section, at two-thirds value, or $1,500, for quick sale. Would consider part trade in Southern States. H. II. Meschendorf, Forest Depot, Va. Farms for Salo-I have several excellent farms for grain, cotton and stock, from 88 to 420 acres. Prices, $5,000 to $15,000. All with good buildings and location. Tell me your wants. B. E. Prince, Balclgh. N. C. For , Sale 160 Acres Fine Land 110 under wire fence within quarter mile of postoffice and school house. , Railroad and hard road runs through two forties. Three miles from Lynn Haven, Florida, Fine tract to subdivide into 650 nice lots or will make a fine fruit or dairy farm. Must be sold. Price $1,770. Half cash, balance on terms. Address A. G. Davis, Camp Jackson, B. C. (Q. M. C. B.-l.) Farm for Sale 390 Acres In Habersham County. Georgia. Fine for livestock, general farming, or fruit. On main road; rural delivery at door; 4ft mile from county seat, three miles from railroad. Nine-room house, Including bathroom. Good cellar; fine well; water system. Fine large barn and implement shed. Nice home orchard started. Beason for selling, sons In the army. Don't delay. Write at once. Snare & Sons, Mt Airy, Ga. For Sale, Lease or Bent A well equipped dairy, with 85 acres of land, 20 acres in high state of cultiva tion; two small pastures with living streams; one-half acre fish pond, stocked with bass and blue bream; 6 room bungalow, with water and electrlo lights and 'phone; large barns, milking abed and concrete floors and metal stanchions; milk huse with steam heat; Sharpies electric milker, 3 units, and 100-ton silo. Can give possession in time to make cane and corn for silo. On macadam road half mile from city limits. Fowler & Lee. Monroe, N. C. . PURE BRED LIVESTOCK 100 Envelopes or Letterheads 35c; 1,000, $2.40, postpaid.- "Printer B," Bear Creek, N. C. 100 Envelopes Your name and address printed on corner, postpaid, 50c. Otho Overby, Route 3, Raleigh, North Carolina. MISCELLANEOUS Velvet Bean Meal for Sale by Smith Milling Co., Tennllle, Ga. , .. For Sale Velvet Bean Meal $2 hundred; $35 ton. G.'D. Fain, Edison. Ga. Wanted Second-hand Floor Showcases Give des cription and price. D. W. Alexander, Connelly Springs, N. C. mmmmimmmm REGISTERED DUROC-JERSEY hogs of all ages. Pigs In pairs and trios, no akin. Young gilts and boars, bred gilts, bred sows and service boars. My Durocs are of the blood lines that have made Duroc History NOTHING BUT THE BEST. Can fill any order from one pig to a complete herdw Have shipped to twenty-seven states and to foreign countries. I have no other business except this and give every order my personal care and attention. Remember Kimball's famous guarantee: "EVERY ANIMAL SHIPPED MUST PLEASE THE PURCHASER." W. R. KIMBALL, Hargrove. N. C. PRATTV1LLE STOCK FARM Silko-Paulsen Model nerd of Hampshire Hogs We have in our herd over one hundred Mammouth Brood Sows, every one direct mating -of GRAND CHAMPIONS: Twenty af our sows are sired by the 9ftn ilranrl Pha.Tnnlon "Paulsens Model : over forty of them are either daughters of granddaughters of the t celebrated Gen. Tipton. .We have three hundred weanling pigs of this breeding for immediate sale, every one cholera immune, and backed up by the absolute guarantee of The Prattvllle Stock Farm, which is as good as gold. Our bred Sow Sale is Saturday, Oct. 19th, 1918. TflE PRATTVILLE STOCK FARM, PRATTVILLE, ALA, C. . THOMAS, President. CARL F. ADAMS, Sec-Treas. "A. 4i n n Shanklin's Jerseys Bulls and Hellers Of Golden Lads, Golden Fern's Lad, Blue Bell. Tormentor, Oxford Lads and Eminent Families. You know there is no better blood than these famous proven families. Write for Descriptions and Prices. J. A. SDANKLIN, tJgfS&m COLUMBIA, S. C. Old Original Big-Boned Spotted Polands The kind our forefathers raised. Spring Pigs for sale NOW. Write AT ONCE. Everman Stock and Poultry Farm, Route 5, Gallatin, Mo. If 1 1 i: -ft . v .; t ; n . it ! I vo., Tnomasville, Ga.