'V Saturday, Ju'y 6 1918L . .. ripMERSTEXCriAHGE WANTED tram. Smith ". TlPOt. 11 itob.L. . n.,vman--.To. l -Tinted - JWP.eri!"r wood proposition ,nw dairy, retau itaon. Beaufort,, B. C.- manage for 2K the uht " ?TJS MB wd want Partoer. fliininTVj """"" family. ; rais in E. Buffalo and Tub incubators. "He7LwnndTaS tfi year., $4 eacfc . ThomPT JVTnets" Continental Friction" Tramper--TqrTcheck $96 Gets .. ingtjiHn- automatic Blibt hand. ro OrVenrS. C.-- llanagan . u,,.t.L ! 111""" 1 nw. -TTTgalc-Lllllston ream ."H" , MP9- ,,,' il..hln. -iri?eirdrilUng Machine for ,; making Wanted One we" ar"".B. i. for rocv Must be and' cheap. L. E. Slgmon, buck stock, s. 0CK' ' T ntr. .nrl Tk,oh Al AT- "Sale-Fifty-Baw wkio. m. - "riz r v.: m. i..nr ir a huuu - ' . r Fn0Ur 1918 Carburetor: 84 mllea per gallon guar using our P " Great poWer increase. Attach anteed. ,f ,;5fji wUlng Ifor ua. SO days triaL It yourself. B g proms sluing automobile. KctS SSS cSSrWarMidlaon Street. Dayton, umu. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES nhllshed. Representative Hcnooi ouvenur J TeMring and placing studenU. -Board at low n?ea Wri?e todw Virginia Commercial & Shorthand yuiioi " LIVESTOCK berkShires t, m Berkahlrea. Stone Gate .Farm. PetersburgVaT Berkshires-PlKS. service boars and bred gilts. James w. Graves, American National Bank. Richmond. Va. DUROC-JERSEYSk Reeistered Duroc-Jerseys Flneat strain, large bone type. Meridian College. Meridian, Mlsa. - 'r . 91 tn Kft Th Mala. 112.50: fe- ttnr naie uuivo "w w : ' male, $15. Biverdale Farm, Autryrllle. N. t. niirnc-lprsev PI28 of Good Breeding BeglBtered. 12 weeks. $12 each. First check, first choice. Greenfield Farm, Salisbury, N. C " t u.nn -niiro Tnnnthd nlfl. t!2.S0: tome en- titled W registration, $15. W. S. Brothers, Elizabeth City, X. C, Boute 4. - ' . - : For Sale Registered Duroc PlW Ten weeks. $12.50, Sturdy, prolific stock; good Individuals; guaranteed, J. 0. Boone, Lumberton, N. C. r . Registered Duroc -Jerseys Finest strain, large bone, bred sows, $100; bred gilts. $6Q and-$75; herd boar, $50; pigs, $15. Meridian College,' Meridian. Miss. , Duroc-Jersey 15oar Pigs 3 months old, entitled to registration. Price $10. Satisfaction guaranteed. None better. Bay Bishop, Route 1, Washington, N. C. For Sale Registered Duroc-Jersey Pigs, 8 to- 10 weeks, $15. Older ones In proportion. Pairs and trios unrelated. Well developed and healthy.' Iredell Coun- ty Pig Club, Statesvllle. N. C. . ' ESSEX . Choice Essex PIks From 1917 Blue Ribbon winners and from large litters. None better. H. A. Lamb, Garland, N. C. , IIAMPSIIIRE3 Few Nice Hampshire Boar Pigs and Shoati. Brier Hill Plantation, Thomasvllle, Ga. - For Sale Registered Hampshire Hogs All ages. Graham & Moore. Charlotte, N. C. . . Hampshires Ton-weeks-old pigs for sale, best of breeding; registered. Price 25 dollars if taken at once. Young Daniel, Carnesvllle, Ga. - POLAND-CHINAS Registered Poland-China Pigs-8 to 10 weeks, $10; 3 months. $12. W. T. Owen, Buffalo Junction, Va. Poland-Chinas Best Western Big Type breeding; Virgin6 411(1 y proUflc- Sunnyslde, Jonesville. txRie.!lster id W Type Poland-China' Pigs-Eight to PaS Sck s ecceedingly weU dCTelPed. Suncrest an?l,ni5Pi P?land-Chin Pigs-Mouw, Fessenmeyer and other leading strains. (March farrow) $25 each. y. Ij. Copeland, Pendleton. 8. C. . Bilur.nHalr",BiB Type Poland-Chin asBred sows, lure m I8"1118.?1?8- Best bl0d Unes.- They are Route V km; ,Addref8 P- W. Smith. Waverly.lAla., gwjtej, bhlpping point. Opellka. Ala,' . .. kind- hSSS? Type Poland-Chinas The real big o A Wonder w Td ttyh prlced right: descendants Jumbo hStS J?e' K n.g ,of Wonders. Big Tlmm. you! Triii nMS'-ii1, P08ltlvely v4U be honest with --21! Sunry Crest Farm, Sclota. IU. . - teemhT2!? Pe Poland-China Sows-Age six bred to 355,rhfM1L0Wed I9 March 15. 1918, now mlhty Ciwu R,IBtOprr,8"month9-0ld Krandson of the of the sow. j?oTerthe "?te8t b0r living. Price Tey we slreri L ey w 11 make 600-It. sows each. chamniorNhin xT b D,uPree's Jumbo No. 79777. won g0d piKS foY,,'-anuary, 1918. Also some extra ftrw & vwood Stock Farm. e' yrP- Walstonburg. N. C, Wot btvtvs : p . a , V5" m' registry Tllle. Tenn champion sire. Knapp Farm, Nash- I,e5SpronduSle8o7i,5"1.6otls &ure' nlly maiked. from ltSSffl 17fl 'elghing 120 lbs. at weighing over Uh7baSa,y bred young Holstein bull, seven- Sm' Fair Oaks fflS'iiS,11" Po"ao Jnkspear Lad; IT same farm Ai?m5' eneratlorur own rrty founds daily two Sd prducrs. milking sev-' 'r breeder unt ii Jl nak Grand-dam a regu Sn bargain S eighten years bid. Prlcell2S 1 A w. a. Hooker, NokesviUe, Ya, JERSEY8 - Jersey Bull Calf for Sale Eligible to register, cellent breeding. Gates Bass, Bice, Va, For Sale Registered Jersey; bull calf, four months om. Buuaiune juairy Farm, uoute s, Btateaville, N, C Milk Cows Fine high-grade Jerseys, carefully select edi young dairy cows, will . freshen soon. Meridian umege, xaeriaian, aiiss. - , r - . &ULES " Tr, Good Farm Mules Seventy dollars up. - Cottage PONIE3 Shetland Ponies Tor Sale or Exchange for registered cows, ueuers, or lurQc-wersey nogs. : Menaian uouege, Menaian, Aim -,!'. :- v-...:r SHEEP. : ,: - Shropshire - Sheep Two . grade . eyes and yearling duck, not asm, roriy-nve aouars. . uauympie Farm, uexiuKiuij, v. v i ... v ..7w i.;V.j..,'.'. ' ' A Few Carefully Selected, Registered Hampshire and Cheviot Buck Lambs From blue ribbon winners. James vw waves, American National Bank, Richmond. Va. r A Flock of Nice Grade Shropshire Ewes ; and Ewe juamos f 1Z.BU eacn. Good native ewes and ewe lambs crossed, ten aouars eacn. voltage Hill Farm, Boykins, Virginia. ., , DOGS Bird Pupa $5. Osco Eller, Wllkesboro, N. C. Pure-bred Collie Pups. Address George Turbervllle, jiainax, Virginia. , - - . For '. Sale Pointer Pups Best . blood, $5 and $8. F. C. Weaver," Seaboard. N. C. , , For Sale Beautiful Collie Pups From registered ! ' ' " ii I Registered Airedales Most profitable animal for larar nome. Best watch dog. -Fine companion for children. Fine stock or bunting dog. The government war aog. -Most intelligent of alL Wfrlte for prices, Meridian College, Meridian, Miss. TWO . OR MORE BREEDS 4 Good Young Native Brood Sows Thirty dollars each, or the 4. sows. 8 ehoats and 8 pigs for one hun dred and fifty dollars. Cottage Hill Farm, Boy kins, Virginia. ; ' . - . ' POULTRY AND EGGS PLYMOUTH ROCKS Stacy's Poultry Farm, Amelia, Va., offers Quality Barred Rocks Cockerels, hens and eggs. Supply lim ited. Order now. - SEEDS AND PLANTS CABBAGE Fine Cabbage and Collard Plants 1,000 expressed, $1; 500 postpaid, 75c 100 postpaid, 25c. Plant Farm, Ulah, N. C. Fine Cabbage Plants for Fall and Winter Heading Postpaid, 300, 75c s- 500, $1.15; 1,000, $1.75. - Express, $1.25 thousand; 10,000, $10. Collard plants same prices. Tidewater Plant Company, Franklin, Va, CLOVERS Bur Clover Seed $1.25 per bushel. L. E. Norfleet. Tarboro, N. C. Wanted Crimson Clover Seed Price, one to 150 bushels. Felker Farm, Box 262. Monroe. Ga. For Sale Southern Bur Clover Seed In the bur, at 1 2 o pound; 100-lb lots delivered. J. C. KHlebrew, Penelo. N. C. - - . Bur Clover Seed In bur, screened and cleaned, $1.25 busheL Reseeds-itself. Planting instructions. F. W. Pittman. Enfield, N. C. Bur Clover, Is Our Specialty Put this crop In this year sure, and buy before the price advances. Ask for quotations. Rhodes Seed. Co., Forsyth, Ga. New Crop Crimson Clover Seed, Abruzzl rye, Ban croft,. Appier and Fulghum oats, buckwheat, etc. Write for price llBt. Hickory Seed Co., Hickory. N. Cv Bur Clover Screened, enough dirt left In seed for inoculation; no noxious weeds or grasses. 10 pounds to bushel. $1 busheL In large lots. 85c busheL Cothran & Link, Abbeville, S. C. .. . CORN For Sale 3.500 bushels shelled corn. Do not delay sending your order. D. B. Hutcheson, Randolph, Va. For Sale 200 bushels shelled corn. $2.20 per bushel 1,000 bushels corn in shuck. $2.10 per busheL Order now. B. F. Anderson, Dunbarton. S. C. V OATS Fulghum Seed Oats for Sale Elmore Farm. Lake Landing, N. C. PEAS Iron Peas for Sale 82.50 Per busheL tA.b. Lump kin, Ga. ..Address G. W. Pugh, Lumpkin. Ga. For Sale Choice Peas Brabham. Iron, Mixed. New bags. Moderate prices. Rood Bros., Omaha, Ga. Mitftd and Whinnoorwill Peas $2. -Brabhams. $3 per" bushel f.o.b. Fort Valley. J. W. Woolfolk, Fort Valley. Ga. For Sale Peas Larse stock, sound and clean, can make prompt shipment in new burlap bags. Irons and Whippoorwills, $3; Brabhams, $3.25; cash with order. B. F. Anderson, Dunbarton, S. C. PECAN TREES All About PanerahAil Pecan- Culture Free. Pecan Company, Lumberton, Miss. Bass POTATOES Lookout Mountain Irish Potatoes. S. W. Peek, HartwelL Ga. ' ' miifii nlanta Pan Rhln nnnr. 12.25 1.000. . r f . I any variety. u..w. Murray, uiremwu, m. Pnttn Plants Trlumnh. Porto Rico. Honeycutt. $2 1.000. - Strong healthy plants. J. B. Stuart. Bay Minette, Ala. .. Sppfi Potatoes Peach Blow, ner bag 150 pounds. $3.40, cash with order. C. W. Sandrock, Fayettevllle, rock, fayetteville. N..C. .- T- Bos1 Paaxhhlnvtf Pntatnon Onnrt RDUnd Stock. one dollar each sixty pounds, sacked, f.o.b. Claremont, Va., cash with order. Claremont Supply Co.. Inc., Claremont, va. - .-' ' . - : a -' - :r- T5n7 Ha1, Port( B,c0 m Bednose Potato Plant 1.000. $2. Can ship. , Q. D. Murray. Claremont. N. a , North Georgia Bye Gives Best Results $160 busheL cash with order. Luther Cobb. Culberson," N. C. ' Abruzzl Bye Direct item the machine, $5 per 100 pounds. ; You send bags, I pay freight. J. M, Field, Climax. N. C ' m For Sale Native and Abruzzl seed rye. right from ine macmne. write at once. 0. ,W,. Clayton, Brevard, North. Carolina.. ..: . , New Crop Abruzzl Seed Bye. at $2.90 per bushel; Southern seed rye. Tall Growing, at $2.50-per bushel; In S-bushel lots and over, at 5c less on the bushel. We shipped over 12,000 bushels Abruzzl rye to more than six thousand customers last season, and returned sev eral hundred orders that we could not fill on account of not having the stock.- Write us for price list on other summer and fall seed. , Kirby Seed Company, Gaffney, S; C: . r Buy "Our Famous Sugar House Molasses" and get the best molasses on market Sixty-gallon barrels, fifty cents; thirty-gallon barrels, fifty-four cents; ten gallon kegs, sixty cents; five-gallon - kegs, , sixty-two cents. ' Cash with order. Winston Grain Co., Winston, North Carolina. - - - -' : r' , - TOMATO PLANTS Tomato Plants Greater Baltimore. Matchless, Stone, best canning varieties, 50c hundred ;w$2. 50 thousand. Cabbage, collarda, late varieties, 500, $1; thousand, $1.50, parcel post paid. " Counclll's Plant Farm, Box 37, Franklin. Va.. ' v MISCELLANEOUS SEEPS AND PLANTS - Cabbage and Collard Plants $1.50 per thousand. Varlna Plant Co.. Varlna, N. C. -' . : Tomato and Cabbage Plants $1 per thousand; po tato, $3. Oaklin Farm., Sallabury. N. C. Seed Bye, Barley and Wheat Buy direct. Write for prices. F. C.-Chelf, Seed Grower, Box ,62-N, Harrodsburg, Ky. . ' For Sale Abruzzl Bye and Miracle or Stoner wheat Have had experience with' both and can recommend. Also want slightly damaged velvet bean meal. Send asmple and price. C. E. Jones, Carysbrook, Ya. MISCELLANEOUS For Sale Velvet Bean Meal $2 hundred; $35 ton. G. D. Fain, Edison.. Ga. . Rubber Stamps Name and address, 40c; name 25c; ink pad, 80c. Office Specialty Co., Charlotte, N. C. Elsie Doherr. Interior Decoration. Studio 500 Fifth Ave., New York. Suggestions by maiL Samples of curtains, etc., on request. -Write for particulars. Wanted to Buy Several old-fashioned, colored, hand woven coverlets or bed spreads In fine condition. De scribe fully, state price. Address E. R. Gllgour, 118 West Saint Clair St., Indianapolis. Ind. FURE DHED LIVESTOCK DUROC-JERSEYS Half Interest Highly Profitable Dairy Herd Includ ing growing crops and equipment,' In Mississippi. Dairy products sales, $1,800 per month. Owner in army. Write Alf Shrelner, care Dr. J. K. .Shrelner, Westby, Wisconsin. Farmers: We. have a permit from the Government to buy your wool and are paying for average lots of clear grease wool 63c per lb. ; light burry, 55c per lb. ; me dium burry; 50o per lb.; hard burry, 40c per lb., and' express charges. J. E. Harris, Morrlstown. Tenn. Duroc-Jerseys Pecan Taxpayer uur Big urand Champion is siring the kind that win. Watch his get at the shows this falL Book-, v tag orders for pigs of May farrow. 1 ;,', J. J. JORDAN 4 80N8, . McCULLER8, W. C, 2JAMPSHMNRES. -SUHKISIHAHPSHIRES- REGISTERED CHOLERA IMMUNED Choice well belted pigs of the best breeding. Pairs no akin. Also some open and bred gilts, ALL STOCK GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED Write us your wants before buying elsewhere. Pedigrees Free. , SUNKIST STOCK FARM, R.F.D.No.2,Box84, " Tifton, Gu ABERDEEN-ANGUS REGISTERED ANGUS v: ' :Vi:v , '. THREE COWS : : ' Three years old : . . . . . . . . $125 each TWO HEIFERS 14 months old .... . . ... $100 each ' v . " ONE BULL ,.' Two years old ... . ; . . , J100 ' ALL BRED Papers furnished with . each. A Bargain Act Quick, Address, W. KING DAVIS, Church Road, r Virginia. ARrnnmi AWf IIC I offering number nuuiwtjuirunjvu or youns BULLS. CCtWH -T -. ana HEIFERS, good in dividuals and well bred at moderate prices. ''' Stock registered. - v . J. 0, BLACK WELL, FAYETTE MI880URI. JERSEYS r OUR LAND EXCHANGE Virginia Farm Specialist Write for free catalog. Venable & Ford, Lynchburg. Va. Wanted to Rent Small farm for next year, with option to buy. O. B. Smith, Spartanburg, S. C, Boute 4. ' - "Farm Lands" For bargains In farm lands near "The Packing nouse City" of Georgia, apply to L. M.' Burns, Moultrie, Ga. .. ? : v ... . Virginia Farms for Sale Great fruit-growing section of the state. Write for catalog. H. K. Hawthorne & Co., .Charlottesville. Va. ' r Your : Farm Subdivided and Sold at Auction will bring more money than if sold as a whole.. Write us. Carolina Realty Company, Raleigh, N. C. For Sale or Exchange' for property., vicinity Augusta County,- Virginia,- 150-acres,productive soil, ..well . wa tered; buildings new; good road; one mile -railroad station. G. W-Kennard,, Paraplin, Va. For Sale 205 Acres Improved Alfalfa Landr-One mile from this city. All lime land with good Improve ments, an ideal stock farm, price $40 per acre. Come to Alabama. It is the best livestock section in America. Write for list. - Berry-Snelllng Realty Co., Demopolls, Alabama. Forty-Acre Farms In most profitable general farm ing section of Florida; 20 to 80 acres cleared, plowed and planted to cowpeas this year; enclosed with Ameri can nog-proof fence. New barn and house on each farm if desired. Good transportation. Fertile land for general farming and livestock raising. Principal crops potatoes, January to May; corn, April to Sep tember; hay, July to November; all on same land. These and all forage crops , yield heavily. - To farmers with sufficient money to produce crops next year, farms are offered at $3,300 to 5,000 each. $500 cash, bal ance one. two and three years at 6 per cent, giving purchasers opportunity to produce crops, . making land pay tor useir. uniy a limited numner. iarms orrerea at these- prices. Write today for particulars, or, better still, see the farms at once. C. B. McLeod, President, Southern Farms Company. 52-B West- Forsyth St, Jacksonville Fla. - . . , . - Tt,t Mmmtsln Triiih Potatoes $2.50 bushel: na to Htnnlr In onnrt rnnriit.inn. Instructions for fall crop with order., V. H. Jockisch, Greensboro, Alabama. Sweet Potato Plants Southern Queen, Catawba Vara, earliest, biggest yielders; makes good crop planted last July. Prompt shipment. Half , price, Ji.zo tnousana. fl.50, postpaid. .Leslie boiick, uonover. . v. Porto Rico. Plants Packed 1.000. -$2.50; I,' 500. 2; 1,000, vllle, Ga. Triumph and Pumpkin Yam Potato in damp moss. Express: 500, .$1.50; 000, $2.25 per thousand. Parcel post: $3.25. . The Dixie-Plant Co., Hawkins- Lookout Mountain Irish Potatoes $2 per bushel; 10 bushels and over, $1.75, cash with order. Extra fine. - . Guarantee satisfaction. P. D. Cunningham, Taylors, S. C, Route 2. Dlsmukes' Potato Plants Beady April 15th. Porto Rico and Nancy Hall varieties, from selected genuine seed, packed In damp moss, at $2' per Jhousand, by express: by parcel post prepaid. 500 for $1.50; 1.000 ror ss.75. z. v. uismuKes. mjbuc, u. ci.fc n..,.. Trinu nP1aifaPnrtii Tr umph. Pumpkin Yam, $1.75 per L000. Old-fashion XT! . Will - Jnn. 4 KA . ryam 1 AAA mt In nnnrr. lengths ready for setting. Can deliver vines after June lutn Ana plants alter June ioiu. vuruuu July and make a good crop of potatoes. Clark Plant Co.; Thomasvllle,' Ga. . . . .t, . For xSale No. 1 A tract of land In Charlotte County, Virginia, on Staunton River, about 4 miles from Clover, a station on tne tjoutnern JHauway. con taining about 650 acres. About 125 acres of this tract is Staunton River low grounds and the balance Is fine bright tobacco land. Produces also' good crops of grass, wneav ana otner grains, wiu cui uus into smaller tracts to suit purchaser and sell in any quan tity desired. . Can be easily divided. Into four farms each containing 25 to 35 acres of . river low grounds.. There is no better corn land anywhere than the Staun ton Blver low grounds. No.. 2 Another- tract on Sandy Creek, In Charlotte County, Va., containing about 500 acres. Extra fine grass, grain and tobacco land.. This. also wlu be cut up into smaller farms If . desired. Both places can be sub-divided so as to give wood arid water to each subdivision.' Will accept small cash payment and aive long terms on the deferred payments. - Posv session cannot be given until the fall of 1918, but pros- ' pective purchasers can see the land now. with crops actually growing on tnem. For lurtner particulars apply to D. o. Hutcneson, Formosa, va, ( OCR SUBSCRIPTION BATES One year, $1; six months, 50 cents; three months, 25 cents. Long-term subscriptions, If paid wholly in advance: two. years, $1.50; three years, $2; five years, $3. Foreign sub scriptions, $2 a year; Canadian, $1.50. i : I MERIDALE y rVYER JERSEYS For Sale: Five sons of Interested Prince 2d 95708. Out, of Register of Merit dams. They are the kind that spell herd im provement. & McKINNEY 300 Chestnut St, Phila., Pa. Registered Jersey Cattle Big Type Poland-China Hogs EDGEWOOD FARM. JEFFER80N CITY, TENN. .: W. Powell Hale, Owner. Four Bulla Five to ten months old, beautiful Indi viduals, carefully selected from my highest producing cows, These bulls are sons of Cannon's Noble, his dam Is Morney Cannon's Love, Senior Grand Champion cow at Denver, Col., 1017. Full and half sisters to. these bulls are very-high producers. Come to see them. A Few Choice Heifers Eight to eighteen months old. Would Sell a Few Cows, as will be overstocked by . winter. Registered Pigs Best breeding. Bred Gilts and Sows for sale at all times. -JERSEY BULL CALF- .. Tattoo 330 Dropped April. 1918. Sire and Dam out of cows that have very high butter fat records. Dam now on test Price $100. MANSFIELD HALL FARM, Fredericksburg, Virginia. HORSES AND JACKS yujl Kentucky Mam moth Jacks!!! Big Black Registered Jacks with bone and substance. Also Registered Saddle Stallions. Every Animal Guaranteed. Write fully for prices today. KENTUCKY JACK FARM, Jet E. Wright, Ownir. Junction City, Kentucky. SHEEP -r-For Sale at Reasonable Prices 25 HIGH GRADE DORSET SHEEP AND LAMBS. AL80 WELL BRED DUROC-JERSEY PIGS. A. A. STACY, AMELIA, VA. RAISE HEREFORDS-THE BEST BEEF BREED Hereford produce more and better beef than any other breed, at less cost and in shorter time. Cross a ure-bred Hereford bull with .your-native cows, and buy two or three pure-bred Hereford cows as foundation for pure-bred herd. For full Information, address A aA. HEREFORD CATTLE BREEDERS ASSN. 1608 3rd Natl. JJank Atlanta, Ga, v.. V - ir. . hi.: ,f). i;; I! J n t'Vi .v. f! ft:?-!. 1:1 m in ri .i:t a 1 . i l- V i J - M '.' 'mm. 1