i'.X.3,y;'r' tufdayrD'cmber 7, 1918 " .1 . ' (23) 134?! iil..;;:..... Waiting !6f Your NEVEHl has there been such urgent demand Ur fursC Not only Is it a year ftr fur styles, but the Government also needs furs for. untr forms. This alne makes an enormous addition to your market. And nw NOWis the time for you to trap and ship. But make cer tain your furs go - where grading is fair and right where you will get all you are entitled to out of every skin. Trap Now For Ship at Once P. C. Taylor Pur Co. has behind it a record nearly half a century old for honest grading and highest prices. Trappers everywhere have shipped to Taylor, have tried -selling eleswhere and gone back to Taylor. For Taylor grades (furs up! And because square dealing has made Taylor America's Wggewt fecelver f .raw furs., it has also brought the most fur buyers to them. So Taylor assures you highest prices, provides you with the surest market. ' - .-- Money at Once Taylor pays "promptly - You do not nave to wait for your money.. It comes to you as fast as the malls can car-v ry it. - - ; Don! Wait to Write Ship at Once Don't writeship! ' Bundle up your f urs, tie a Taylor tag: on. them and get them tn. the; road io profits im mediately. Art if. you,need any fur ther informations or . supplies,' check and sen te coopon; . -s ; ; , . F. C TTiRvTOR 'utliiiiilrExcnaniieV 287FniEacI:sngeBIdfl., 1 " m- im-'J iVW-i htVi7i- ,u. :.: & LOUIS, MO. 9iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii4 f. c; TAYioa fur c6; g International For Exchange ' g m V St. tomav Mo. S vS? Ulenien: ease send me FREE, S fur Price Lht If v Animals 111 Colors m II How ta Mia WAnlnnh ; 1 8moko Torpedo , g Name ,, ;., :.vl;;v. post office ..;; - : tKS botfom and tfifn slowly. As shi skirt where it touches the edge of sfart length can be measured longer VT" " du"ired- This ""hod gives a perfect hanging skirt with no For hanging childrens1' skirts I use befor e ucketand -J- hanging; y : own , skirts, when w 18 n? one tc helP me, I sidle up to the table and put a row of pins around the skirt where table corner strikes me. Then I take the skirt off. spread it out nn ua - it - Upe-lme measure down from the row of ' nine f A !-! a 1 j i lv ..i, ucaiicu lengtn. inese measurements have to be made at in tervals of a very few inches apart to iiwurc an even length. Of course, at first it is rather hard to reach all the way around one's self to put in that row of pins but it can be accomplish, ed with practice. MRS. T. E. LIDE, Jr. Minter, Ala. , Comment. A small sized barrel hoop to which three legs of equal length have been nailed is also very good. CANNING SPARE-RIBS AND BACKBONES , The Best Method of Savmg the Spare ribs ' and Backbones Which Country People Have in Large Quantities at Hog-killing Time UEATHER is so variable that a few " days of higher temperature may occur at any time during the winter and even though spare-ribs and back bones have teen well salted they acquire a bad flavor unless used promptly. Our temperate climate has heretofore occasioned real extrava gance and waste, also much, sickness, from excessive use of fresh meat. For several weeks after hog-killing coun try people eat fresh pork three times a day in order to use the supply be fore it spoils. The Food Administra tion now requires a conservation of ineat and the following recipe is of fered as a means of extending the family supply of spare-ribs and back bones throughout the year. Use as large a roasting pan as will fit the oven and fill it with spare-ribs and back-bones. Salt and pepper to taste and add a little water, basting frequently and evenly until they are thoroughly done and nicely browned as if for immediate table use. Remove from oven ant cut meat from the ftones into small pieces and place it j in quart glass jars that have been pre? Viously sterilized. Fill all spaces and to brim of the jar with some of the liquid in the .roasting pan. Place the rubber ring, lid and clamp in position but do not close spring of clamp or screw Mason lidvtight. Place jars in oven, either on the rack, placed one or two inches from bottom of oven or else in a -dripping pan With a cloth laid on. the bottom and add two inches of water. Heat the oven to 'about 300 degrees Fahrenheit or about as it should . be for .baking bread. Leave jars in the oven at this temper ature for 45 minutes. . Remove from oven and tighten lids 'completely. In vert jars to test seals and protect thenr from a cold draught. Let cooi gradually. It is necessary to use, a rnhher rimr that will stand this heat. The "Good Luck" or "Cold Pack" are recommended.' ? Meat must be canned within three days after butchering; earlier if tem perature is above freezing. When ready to use, heat the meat in the jar and serve on a platter, sur rounding the mom or mcai w.t steamed rice or mashed potato. Sausage may be saved by using the . above method after jtne caKes or uu have-been fried". :" HELEN B. WOLCOTT, : State Home Demonstraion . Applied Patriotism Woman has made herself indispensable to the Nation s war activities. This is being demonstrated daily in many splendid ways. The telephone operator takes her place in the front ranks of our "national army" of women. f Back of the" scenes, invisi ble, her war work is to make telephone communication possible. Through her the Chief of Staff in Washington speaks to the Cantonment Commandant in a far-off state. The touch of her fingers forges a chain of conversation from Shipping Board to shipyard, Quartermaster General to supply depot, merchant to manufacturer, city to country, office to home. Without heT iris increasing complexity" oi military, busi ness and civil life could not be kept smoothly working., Hers is patriotism applied. She is performing her part with enthusiasm and fidelity. The increasing pressure of war work continually calls for more and more telephone operators, and young women in every community are an swering the summons cheerfully and thoughtfully shouldering the responsible ities of the telephone service upon which the Nation de pends. Each one who an swers the call helps speed up the winning of the war. American Telephone and Telegraph Company And Associated companies One Policy One Syttem Universal Service You can now make your home bright and cheerful and SAVE UJNJS-hal U1L. Tests by Government and leading Uni versities prove this wonderful new Aladdin is nearly five times as efficient as the best round wick flame lamps. BURNS 50 HOURS ON ONE GALLON common kerosene (coal oil). No odor, smoke or noise, nojpumping up, easy to. operate, won't explode, won UULU Mfc-UAL. Guaranteed. ray D7 io HCGure fceg Prove for yourself without risk that this remarkable white light has no equal. If not entirely satisfied, return it at our expense. $1000 REWARD will be given to anyone who shows us an oil lamp eaual in every way to this new Aladdin. , C2t YOURS ! We want on? U8er eacn locality In that way vou may get your own without cost. Write quick for 10 DAY FREE TRIAL OFFER and learn how to get one FREE. MANTLE LAMP CO., 460 JllKi CHICAGO UtiGtST KEROMNK (mI ail) MAMTU LAMP HOUWIN TNI WOBtO . " 1 . . f a t if t MAIfR MANBtf CD7IDI3 No pwyfont experienw Tixmar7.vm ww oeiiTwy pbbdiuct I'lHilh 1'iwiii. in-ni!. it easy. NO MONK I NUUlSosAKi. nm iaxijou. owopw woe TIME' OR FULL TIME I tot 10 day trial and GIVEN FREE when yua becomo a dutrOmtor. 1 j i m riiri 9 TUP I AIMI i rib Priced Incubator Per Chick Hatched This la proved by the "Success fil" la year record; You want the "Snc AAOHfiil" for a rare success this year. Sell more eggs and chickens help feed the world. "SUCCES$FUL2SSS Write me a postal for book and prices. "Proper Care and Feeding of Chicks, Ducks and Turkeys" sent for 10 cents. "snc. cessfal" Grain Sproaters 1 furnish green food mae hens lay in winter. Ask about my high-grade poul tryall leading varieties. I. S. Gllcrest, Pres. DES MOINES INCUBATOR CO. 76T Satsss tt, Bts Mmm, It. D rouLTit lessomU I B .f REE TO 9 EVEII CUST9MER B WRisrrUhnUHRER .CO cAWjaG FHEE-OEP?'-M LAuRESCENT. MINN. 'Don't .guess; get busy nd And out. Have You a Farm to Rent? Do you want to manage a farm? , d If vou have a farm to rent or that you want to sell, now is the tinie to advertise. q Farm Managers who wish to change positions tor the cotriing ' year should let the public know it q THE PROGRESSIVE FARM ER is the best medium to use if you wish to advertise your farm or for a farm or if you wish a position. 'V X' . When writing to advertiser, say: "I tm writtrg vou as ao advertiser la The Prooresslve FarmK. whl.lj gsjaraatoss tas reliability f all admrtislag It sarritt.' V". ',' V :J in ! It. -y mm i t,-H Agent, ot Kentucky. n 7' '