Saturday, February 14, 1920 v What the Garden Plow Will Do LONG with thi$y article, we are from disease should be burned on the premises immediately. 4. If cholera appears on any farm, A A r.'nr tti pp , hand carden 'nlnws I. Kp?nir used on a large truck farm on uhrf "V"1 immeaiate neigh th Ls ern Shore of Virginia,- Note hould notified so that that the rows in this photograph are may ProPerly Protect their own "iarrowr making; h ft ;- Hon absolutely impraticable. There- ; "hogs are sick or dying, the na- fnrp it is seen that where vegetables tu5e of the disease should be deter- IWlc u 4 ' ' . ..i ' minor) oc aiI,I.. -! crown as cioseiy-togeiner as are : " h- , as possiDie. . it. 1. x t. ii ; . T . . . .i are those shown m una. puyivgiapu, u is " .viuiuaung, tne temperature necessary .either to . use these hand of every animal should be taken and garden plows, or do all the cultiva- the technique (method of treatment) tion with an ordinary hoe, garden adopted by the Cholera Control Di iake or something' of that kind, vision as a standard should be car Trucking of this particularkind could jried out as carefully as possible, not probably be profitably done were Careless methods in vaccination is it not for the little hand garden plow, sufficient cause for the revoking of A great many of the vegetables virus permits. '. prown uo iiui uccu wiue ajavs. - xma onvmvi piwpcuy carea is particularly true of such as beets, spinach, radishes and other vegeta bles of this type. Therefore, . when one outs such vegetables as these in rows wide enough to permit of. horse your community and is not being cultivation, ne is wasting iana, ne is properly nandled, communicate with cultivating more, land than, is neces- this office immediately. for after vaccination and should be fed very lightly for at least two weeks. 8. If trouble among hogs exists in . . 'it.:. i sary in oraer io grow mcsc crups, ana securing far less yield than should be M. JACOB, Stae Veterinarian. I ' - 1 P - ' ' ' ' I I : v v - - ' p 1 I ' - - . - l $1 P ( Semi-Weekly Journal, UeJ ' Lyear, The Progressive Farmer n 1 year, Both one year $1.65 T"? PROGRESSIVE FARMER. oiRWiNBHAm MEMPHIS -DALLAS BREEDERS' CARDS AND ' FARMERS EXCHANGE (5 Cute Wtrtf. Cud With Ori) wlU Insert ads f or our PrograMir ftnnar BadBTi In this department of our Eastern edition Tcorerim Virjlnla. North Carolina. 8outh Carolina, riortda. and Georgia), at the rate I S cento a word, each insertion, if adTPrtisement to to appear nc. send 5 centoaword; U twice. 10 oents a word: four times, 20 cenU a word. eta. Kach word, number or initial (Including each word, number or Initial .in name and address) counts as a separate word. Advertisement hot accepted without cash with order. If the rate seems high, remember It would cost you $1,400 for postage alone to send a letter to each of the homes to which we cany your ad at this low tat. Stamps accepted for amounts less than $1. v . - A bore rates for Eastern edition only. Combined rate, all editions, 12 cents word each Insertion. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES . Learn at Borne or -School Bookkeeping. Shorthand, on credit Positions guaranteed. . Edwards College, Winston. N. C. Bookkeeping, Shorthand Thoroughly Taught Enroll any time. Address Greensboro Commercial School, Greensboro, N. C -for catalog. Wanted: Student Nurses Edmunds Hospital. 21S West Main St., Danville, Va. A 3-years' course la given in medical, surgical, obstetrical and general nursing, $15 per month with full maintenance ia given. Uniforms also furnished. Address Superintendent. AGENTS WANTED Aeents Write today for catalog of our Sprayer and Auto-washer. Do not miss this opportunity. Colum bian Mail Crane Co., Columbus, Ohio. MACHINERY GARDEN PLOWS IN ACTION ON VIRGINIA TRUCK FARM. For the home eardener and intensive trucker there is no implement, as' imtiortant as the hand plow. It not only is a labor saver, bat does excellent work. secured from the eriven amount of Trartnrx Ranictiv Inrreasinor m tlie a; South No home crarden ran he the most economically - and :m o s t profitably THAT the sale of tractors is rapidly handled without using one of these increasing in the bouth is lndi- hand garden plows, and we ask allocated by a recent report of Deane 1 - . . a 4 . 4 t ft 1 I lUatilUg l!Uno. - au Bww wvnu icaa mis v article to careiuny u. carter, rvgricuiiuin uginccmis i ncim, wuRea tuumo, study the photograph in connection Department, A. & E. ; College, WeslH , For saie-case with it, then turn to another article- Kaleigh, J. snowing tne iraciors i plow, harrow, etc. m. c. Mcoonaia, west isnq. xm, u. ii . . . . . . ... 1 it. 'A4-;A . 1 Vnr Rl Tva John Deere, two bottom ang plows. " WIS ISSUe in WhlCh We ShOW Sev- HOW in UiC dim ic oa.c a 2g lnchea. $130 complete for both prol A'.K . . i-i- u.J -rvf (.fftrs in Mnrth l.arn ina tor I pomDiete with steel eveners. Cosr Jz-0. I'sea out 111- viincicui types .ui mcsc iiaim v- ... -,- - .tumnv. Uriah Stock Farm. Uriah. fvnjA i . 1 1 1 1 1 ,sknv ix: rr rt m wi rn 1 1 ri m iw inn i i a . . . gaiucn piows, ana then make up-your i-w. wuat viwi.. v.w...& anuam.. is a gooa maex to wnai mc wuuic CADM CITPPI Ikv South is doing. Mr. Carter says .m ! '.J!fV ffipr are 2 400 tractors in North Car- I For Sale-1 pair work mules; 1 pair horses; l large - - i imhrnifpn nnit l F'nrdsoii tractor : lo araue woisieui Corn Mills. Saw Mllto. Shingle MUU. Water Wheels. Engfliaes. De Loach Co.. 541 Atlanta. Ga. For Sale One 4 -horse riding disk plow; two 2-horse turning plows. AU good as new. uearaew jt arm, mind to secure one. L. A. NIVEN. T (57) ' 397 To Prevent Inhrnarflnr. I am AlfaHnv m Ki. rt,,r. Jersegr (Defender) herd boar for sal at S12S. Clover dale Farm. Handersrllle, Ua. Registered Duroc Puts Sired hr Hlsh rhlf 9nH 9U. months. $12.50. : Pedigrees furnished with each Dig. W. 8. Brothers. Elisabeth City. N. C Route 4. Four Touna Boars Farrowed 1 Cherry King breeding. A few extra fine fall boar pigs. Come to see them. Chestnut Hill Vmrm l.rnhh..,. Virginia. ' . DuroCS in Size, number and nuallrv them. Writa us. Ours are the big type strictly. Let us tell you what they weigh and measure before you buy. Uriah Stock Farm. Uriah. Ala. We Advertise Bi T ni itnn. v.., Durocs And hare what aiirti.. ivu ... tJT. tore you buy. Get good breeding, but get the big ones Alabama. m" Ullah 8Uck 'tt Urlan' For Sale Two T)im-.Tr.c. t .it i i Mnmune. tested sows, good mothers, weight 175 and 200 Iba. price $35 and $10. Also pigs. 2 months old. $10. registered in purchaser's name. W. A. Taliaferro, oavaunah, Ga. Durocs Bred ailts. for Marrh t rr,, trnm .1.. f!!5 bat produced the prize winners in the Martin and Edgecomb County Fairs lsst fall. $45 gets any of these, registered in buyer's name. Also some boars and p gs of the same breeding. W. T. Holliday, JAfTI68TiU6, IN, i , ESSEX Two Essex Sows Two Polanrt-Phln. nut r.i.n. weeks Poland pigs. TearUng Angus heifers and buUs. aomnaown rami. U. O. Jones. Tobaccorille. N. C. HAMPSH1RES Registered? Hampshire Bred sows and gilts: ll. all sizes and sexes. At reasonable prices. Ioka Farm. Battleboro. N. C. Registered Hampshire Hogs All mm. Prices $ JS and up for a pair of pigs, a young boar, or a young gilt. Safe delivery and satisfaction guaranteed. The i'epek Farm, Canton, Miss. O. I. C's Fine Lot Purebred O. I. C. Shoats 4 months old. at IIS each. Pedigreed free. Address A.. M. Sparka. Ronda. N. C. POLAND-CHINAS 4 Big Type Poland-China Service Boars Quick bar gains. Jno. S. McNeil, Joneevllle, Va. Purebred Poland-Chinas 12 weeks old, $12.50. W. Harwood, Mt. Pleasant, N. C, Route 1. E. Wanted An agent at every postofflce and on every rural route in the South. If you can devote a part or all of your time to a money making proposition.- write today for full particulars. The Progressive Farmer. Agents Wanted To sell gasoline iron, labor and fuel saver, sells In every home. Pay salary or com mission. Ladies make good representatives. Write for free sample. Imperial Sad Iron Co., Ft Worth. Texas. Salesman Wanted To cavass the farming and thresh ing trade, soliciting orders for lubricating oils, greases and naints. Excellent opportunity for right party; previous experience unnecessary. Address at once The Lennox Oil & Paint Co., Cleveland, Ohio. HELP OR POSITION WANTED Young, Single, Energetic Parmer Wants to Share Crop and board on good rarm, witn congenial people. Will consider wages, jr. oaxnes, .ftugseiivme, Aia. Wanted Position as manager on poultry or hog farm. Would consider general farming, juxperiencea 4 willing worker. References exchanged. W. C. Cooper, Altoona, Ala, r:irla Wantwt TY work In our sewinr rooms. Exoe- vlanrwl nnpratnra nam from $18 to ll'5 weekly. $1.75 per day while you learn. Dillon-Kearns Underwear Co High point. N. v. Wanted Cotton Mill Labor Male and female (white), orer 14 years old. One of the mills paying tha best wages in the state.' Transportation furnished to good people. H. L. Holden. Supt.. Rocky Mount Mills, Rocky Mount. N. C. Registered Poland-Chinas Pigs, 8 to 10 weeks olt. $10; 10 to 12 weeks old, $12.50. W. T. Owen, Buffalo Junction, Va. - . Poland-Chinas That Please Big and proline. Bred sows, boars, pigs not akin. Pedigrees. J. D. Thomas to Co.. Round Hill. Va. - TAMWORTHS Registered, Immune, Big Type Tamworth Hog March 15th delivery, pigs, males, $12; females, $15. Henderson Forest Farm, Blanch, N. C. ABERDEEN-ANGUS Allen Brothers. Registered Angus Cattle All ages. Chattanooga, Tenn. For Sale Registered Aberdeen -Angus Bulls Train ed for acceptable service. Come and look herd over. Occaneechl Island Farm, Clarksville, Va. HEREFORDS For Sale Registered Hereford Bull Age 5 yearn. Pedigree and further Information upon request. C. Orotophorst, Spring Grove, Va. HOLSTEINS Rnirlstercd Holsteln Bull Calves Write for lint. E. L: Smith, Barber. Va. R. Notice in Regard to Hog Cholera THE State Veterinarian of Tennes Olina. according to estimates made I hewers and springers; 2 purebred. Jersey bulls. J. W. .i a :...ii 1 tt1 : : 1 1 i Dy xne gricuiuicii ,ugiucciiug jc- nartment of the Jorth Carolina see, Dr. M. Jacob;' has issued the state College. The figures were se- r .. iouowing notice1 to all holders of per mits for using virus in the vaccina tion of hogs to prevent cholera: The season of the year is now af riv,mg when hog cholera in Tennes see usually appears most prevalent. cured from eight or ten of the lead ing companies. v . The rate of increase ot power farming in the state is shown by the fact that previous to 1919 there was a total less than- 1,000 of tractors. LIVESTOCK BERKSHIRES Rpiriatered Holsteln Cow. Bull and Heifer. Knapp Farm. Peabody College, Nashville. Tenn. For Sale One two-year-old Holsteln Bull. King Juda Sadie Vale No. 235 4 221. Price $100, Addre O. C. Livingston, North , S. C. Registered Holsteln Calves Finely bred bull calves for sale. Herd tuberculin tested by U. S. Government. Write J. P. Taylor. Orange. Va. Resiotered Holsteln Bull and Heifer Calves for Salt. whose dams made as 2-year-olds from 13,000 to 10.000 lbs. milk and from 600 to 800 lbs. butter; sired by a proven sire whose dam made 80 lbs. butter in 7 days. . Federal accrciited herd. Address Frank S. Walker. Woodberry Forest, Va. - JERSEYS Registered Jerseys Bulls, service age and younger. $75 each. Also a few good heifers reasonable. Hick ory Grove Farm, Conover, N. C. Wnr Hle Purebred Bull Calves Sired by 24th 8. F. King Pontlac 6th, whose dam made over 30 lbs. butter in a week, whose sire carries 87 per cent same blood as the first 44-lb. cow. The dams of these calves have never been officially tested, but they are heavy pro ducers and are of the most popular blood lines. For further information address Beauregard Stock Farm. Brandy Station. Va. SHORTHORNS Vnr Hale 16 Young Grade Shorthorn Cows and I well bred registered bull. H. L. Mahaley, Salisbury, North Carolina. For Sale Registered Shorthorn Bull 4 year old. First prize winner at County rair. Hure nreetier. Price $500. C. L. Gill, Henderson, K. C, Route 4. HORSES AND JACKS . Large Berkshires. Virginia. Stone Gate Farm, Petersburg. Registered Percherons "Cheap.1 Crimora, Va. ' ' Alexander Co., . s communication is therefore be- During the year just closed 1,600 ma - u iu me unaidi vuuo v. cnines were soiu. ttt holders,-with the request that each and 'every one giye thorough and efficient cooperation in the con J"ol and eradication of this disease. Dt not lose sight of the fact that wnen Manufacturers estimate sales ' of approximately 3,500 tractors in 1920. Purebred Berkshires 50-pound pigs, $15; 75 pounds. $19. Hollywood Farm, fores ii.noo, xNu. - n-Mrohira HI Utters Registered pigs and sows for sale.. Hickory Nut Gap Farm, Fairview, N. C. C1..1.. fViMoa niirohrml Ttr-rkshire PlgS both Sex, by Premier of Virginia and Rosemary 21st. Jno. J Cave, Louisa, Va. ' : Rerkshires Big type, cholera immune, 6 service boars. 15 gilts, 10 bred so-.vs. All carefully selected. James W. Graves, American Rational jjana, nicu- mond. Va K,r Sale Large Type, Registered Berkshires Big boned, prolific strain. Several nice young boars now ciV rf tractors I ready for service. Male and female pigs, not reiatea. The most common Sizes Of tractors rea9onable. satlsfacUon guaranteed. Jos. M. in use are those ranging from 18 to sainueis. orange, va. 24 horsepower at . the belt. The size, Registered Berkshire Gilts 9 months, bred for spring uned, for 1 farrow by Epochal nerd boar, cnoiera nnjn j wuc graniea a pcuuu. juu , deoendS upon tne USe tO immediate shipment, special, 1 reaftrv . nf nnr . however, qepcima v . , Berkshire pigs. 10. weeks, of excellent breeding. $15 ri. . lty became a. member ot our hich e machine is to be put. There each, j. r. Reynolds, ciarksvuie. va. - ; -niera; Control Force and with the . VAr i:ttie call for a "machine of Registered BerUsh't Bargains i Pigs. $10: 100-ib, Pvn.i. , .. .. . IS Verv lime van - t k. KtwA.! wi hinr. cnolera tmmuned. ' for 27 to 30 horsepower. expectation that you would give every 'casonable assistance in combating JJ,S Pgue. Publicity is urged for he following suggestions. If chftlera 'appears in the comy inunity,- all sick or exposed herds should be vaccinated. 2' All sick or 'recently treated herds would be-held in absolute quarantine' a 11 rf pU i . , i j i. A mn a " J,1UU1U not De permiueu iu I have been a reader of The Progressive large nor have access tO PUbllC Farmer for some time, and I think it ta "ighwav5 - very valuable farm paper and a great help . . " . to the Southern farmer. Henry L. Kaune, the carcasses, of all hogs dying Lady Lake, Fia. 1pt than 16 horsepower, and the immediate shipment, special $48... Also registered . j - ..4.:,, I Berkshire pigs, 10 weeKs, or exceueni, or-soum, largest sizes sold in any quantity are j, 'Reynolds, ciarksviUe. va; "Wives are sold "" in" thej Fijl;Islands fdr. vine, y. c. $S each."' "TJghr ' . "Shame, isn't it?" "Yep," growled the more profiteering!" v , DUROC. JERSEYS Purebred Duroc Pies $10 each. - E. A. Fry, States- Chestnut Hill Farm Sale 50 Bred Sows See 41s play advertisement. grouchy bachelor, I ?L Registered Duroc Male Pigs 8 weeks old, price $10, M. J.- Tyler, Aiaen, . v. Ttumn Pin Sin '. DediKreed. good breeding. Shawl- neck Game chickens. Oantwood Farm, Meigs, ua. Reduced Prices on RegUtered Duroc Sows Bred to Scissors 2nd. Knapp jrarm. j-eaoouy iouw, For Sale Registered Percheron Stallion Weight hum ninr hias-k Rf ana easv to nauuie. km una colls! young and sure. For price, etc., write S. A. - Shult, Bt. 1, Winston-Salem. .IV. C. For Sale 1 registered Percheron stallion, 7 years. f Ann ihii . dannled erev. sure oreeaer: i regwterea Mammoth Jacks. 6 years. 1.050 lbs. , 15 hands, nulcfc ' servers, proven breeders. Send for photograph or come to see them. Dr. Q. L. Cruse, StatesvtUe, W. C. JENNETS AND JACKS Vnr Knl or Hxehanee 2 Snanish Jacks and 2 Jen nets; for your work and brood mares,' 1,400 to 1,000; lbs. -W. 8. Mott. lnxonuaie, va.- - DOCS For Sale Scotch Collie Pups 2 months oM, male. $10; female. $7.50. If interested, write O. F. Jones.' Mebane. N. C, Route 2. For Sale A PurebrW Female Bull Terrier 4 years old, at a bargain. For inforaattoa write Tom Saun ders, Jtutneriorcuon, n. j. - - . RABBITS Belgian Hares Rufus Bed. Prices right Clara Dale, Baphlne, Va. v - - . ;ti ' . Exua Fine Pure Belgians Toung and breeding age. . Bldoot Babbitry. Aiken, S. C. Bufus Bed Belgian Hares for Sale 6 pair; 2 do. 1 buck, for $10. None better. Loyd Helmstetler, Let' ington, N. C. Route 5. TWO OR MORE BREEDS For Sale Pigs, 8 weeks, $7; ahoate, SO lbs., $15. Grades of all breeds. W. M. Russell, Forest Depot, Virginia. . 7 POULTRY AND EGGS ANCONAS tm. .f rt...iuv tH)f hv Turner's Orion King. Mctra good colors and best of feet and legs. Alex. Turner, Winnsboro, 8, C. Mrs. W. ttmis Good layers. $2.50 each. Cold. Shelby. N. C. Route 5. (Classified Ads continued on next page) .- "v.. N S - ' I ! n t I , i ! !