THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER Insect Pests arid Fungous Diseases 422 (18) at 1 i m 'ft 111 !!vl 'r- J I. -II i i i ,4i "j 'ts.v w i J v -At t if; 1 ,t f rt X? H 1 5. 1 1 "Quality Always Satisfies Me'' That's the reason one farm owner recently gave for his con sistent year-in and year-out loy alty to Mohawk Quality Tires. "If honest quality is the' basis of the seeds, the shoes, the tractor, the automobile, the tire or any thing else I buy I know I'm going to be satisfied with my pur chase" he stated. "That's why I knew Mohawks would satisfy and that's why they have they arc quality tires through and through." In seven years the Mohawk pol icy of building a strictly quality tire has not deviated for a day, an hour, a minute. In all this time not a single ounce of quality-reducing "fillers such as rosin, glue, whiting, clay etc., has ever found its way into a single Mohawk; ' Purest rubber strongest fabric only these are used in Mohawks and an extra ply of fabric goes into most sizes of the fabric tires. In addition to pure materials Mohawks are strictly hand-made by tire builders who are the choice of the industry. ' That this consistent quality is best in the long run js evidenced today not only by the tremendous - and steadily increasing number of Mohawk users but by the fact. ' proved by records, that 85 of -those' who buy their first Mo hawks continue to use Mbfiawks exclusively. ' ; All standard sizes in both Cord and Fabric tires ribbed or non , skid treads and an extra ply, hand-made Ford size, also. Good Dealers Everywhere HandleThem MOHAWK RUBBER COMPANY, AKRON, OHIO Branch: $8 Auburn Art:.; Atlanta ffliH 4$ a a a aiAftaa.' mm TpRACTION is what gives Monarch Tractors pre eminence iri every type of work. The traction is secured by means of the Monarch tracks which convert all the possible engine power into actual grip on the ground!" The Monarch tracks are constructed of tough, wear resisting Manganese Steel. Covered by a broad and full guarantee as to wearing qualities. v , There is a Monarch for every farm and the Monarch will do every type of power farm work quicker, better and more reliably. Strength, ruggedness and mechanical ingenuity ( are built into every part of every Monarch. Made in the fol lowing sizes: 30-18 H. P., 20-12 H. P. and 16-9 K. P. Read what Monarch users have to say. Our "Performance Booklet" sent you on request. General Tractors Incorporated 234 Old Colony Bldg., Chicago, 111. -DISTRIBUTORS: ' WoMhamt Weaverr W3 Walker St. Atlanta. G a. J. H. Osborne, 511 Main St.. Dallas, Texas. General Pests ' Irish Potato Insects rUTWORMS.-These hatch from eggs of p0TAT0 Beetleknbwn to all. v moths, usually laid 1 in grassy or weedy Remedies. Hand-pick. Dust with n lands. Becoming part grown by fall, they: home-mixed : or ready made. But th?01 Sn' grow: slowly through winter, become more best protection and the very hiehem3e active and destructive in early spring, be- profit: is by spraying two to four timp "Cu come grown and cease damage by the end of . home -prepared poisoned Bordpanv : ? iwitl1 May. . . . " -: ' 4 Remedies.-Clean culture, plow under grass 5-.rna.t ' of - lead to SO gallons Tf w.lcr. . 1U1S . KU18 tne beetles and the.r larva (worms) and also protects tJt from blight, which oftenPdoes moJe ES than the insects. This practice a ?heCCfc of asuch as SO bushels'o Flea Beetle. This is a small, dark-color limn nir hff1 ' 7 colred and tweeds in lite summer or fall. If not desirable to leave the ground bare through the winter, sow a cover crop after the plow ing. Late planting or setting will avoid much cut-worm damage. , Wire Worms. Hatch from eggs of "jack snappers," laid in grassy fields. Worms live two or three years before becoming beetles.- Remedies. Fall plowing (cover crop if de sired); long rotations by which susceptible crops 'shall be at least two years removed v ,Rdfes-"FLca jjeetfes are controlled to from erass. . - large degree by the regular soravin itimriin or Kf 1a ir1,nU ' t w blV TV AA11X I 111(1 IPC AlttB. . 1 small holes, doing more damage than the appear to. .. , ltK? tfe iruui glass. v, White - Grubs. Hatch from egg laid by brown May beetles, also green "June bugs" in grassy lands, especially manured 'lands. Control much the same as for wire worms. Hogs will root for them, or poultry to fol low the pldw will destroy many. Root Lice. Often destructive to cotton and sometimes corn, in restricted areas. " At tended by ants which help them through win ten -1 vV ),..' . v . -v-. . Remedies. Rapid shallow cultivation; ni trate of soda to stimulate rapid early growth; deep fall plowing of infested spots to scatter the ants. Avoid cotton and corn in con-, tinuous rotation. -- Weevil. Important with all grains, beans, peas, etc. Remedies. Prompt threshing and tight storage of small grains; shucking of corn in field and separatum of infested ears; clean bins. Beans and peas can be mixed, with equal quantity dry dust lime for storing. To treat stored grain, place in air-tight bins, boxes, barrels or other containers and sprin kle carbon disulphide on top at the rate of S pounds to 1,000 cubic feet of space in the con tainer, close tightly and leave closed for 24 hours. The material is highly inflammable and explosive, and no fire, lighted match, pipe, etc., should be brought near. If bin is not air-tight, use more of the disulphide. ; Leaf-hopper. Small, slender, light-colored jumping bugs which suck sap from the Waves. Same species infests apple, also grasses. - .. ' " Remedies.-Special treatment usually not profitable. The regular spraying already recommended seems to hinder them, while its stimulation to the plants enables them to recover from slight attacks. v 4 Tobacco Insects CLEA Beetle. Known to all tobacco grow ers. t Remedies. Careful burning, of all trash leaves, etc., around seed-beds; tight screen ing of beds. Spray plants in bed with powdered arsenate of lead, 1 pound to SO gallons of water. Horn-worm. Known to all tobacco growers,- Remedies. Hand-picking. Dust with 1 pound powdered arsenate of lead to 6. pounds dust lime, or spray, 1 pound to 30 gallons of water. Corn Insects v DUD-worm. This is the worm stage of the spotted melon beetle, worse on low grounds in cool, belated seasons. Remedies. Time of planting is important. Late planting will avoid some injury by this, as well as by cutworms and stalk-borers How to Fight the Hessian Fly THE methods for combating the Hessian fly are, in brief, as follows: - 1. Practice- crop rotation. , Do not sow wheat on stubble if it is possible to avoid doing 'so. ' '2. Plow under all infested stubble and ruined wheat, "Where practicable, soon after harvest. '-:. 3. Destroy all volunteer wheat by harrow ing, disking, plowing, or some other method. 4. Plow all land to be sowed to wheat as Some farmers claim to avoid it by very' early early and deeply as existing conditions per piamuig. . xraciice roiaiions. xiign lanas are less infested. A liberal amount of seed mar .give stand in spite of bud-worm. Ample cul- iivaiion ana noerai ieriuizauon neips. Stalk-borer. Two generations, "both attack. ing early-planted corn, only one attacking late-planted corn. Winters in base of corn stubble. ' mit, and prepare a thoroughly pulverized and compacted seed bed. 5. Conserve ' moisture against a period of drouth at seeding time. 6. Use good seed. 7. Fertilize. - 8. Sow wheat during the fly-free period as periment station: United States Department or Agriculture. To Prevent Weevils in Grain A GAINST weevils infesting stored grain and corn, carbon disulphide is effective at the Remedies. Planting after aboul May 25 advised by your farm adviser or state ex . a . . - . . a ' 41 XT !l . J A. llaMMOri will avoid large part of the damage in the latitude .of the Upper South. Plowing out stubble. so as to expose to chancres of weath er during winter Will reduce the number to appear in spring. Practice rotations. Ear-worm. Destructive everywhere, infest- insr ears, esoeciallv at the ton. The. same insect is called by. other names when infest- rate of 5 pounds for each 1,000 cubic feet, inir other croos. cotton boll-worm, tobacco nrn;dod ih annliratinn is made while the bud-worm, tomato fruit-worm)- It winters in temperature is not below 63 degrees Fahren the ground. heit. Make the bins as tight as possible, and Remedies.-Fall and winter olowin. where, after sprinkling. -fhe liquid over the grain. badly infested crops have grown; pinching or cover tightly with gas-proot tarpauim. cutting . oit tips, in small garden patches; dusting young Silks "with . mixture of equal parts of powdered arsenate of lead and dry lime in corn for table use. There is no really effective treatment in the field (other than plowing) for general crop corn. The meas ures mentioned are not as good as could be wished. ' . . :: Cotton Insects I EAF Louse More destructive in cool seasons, causing distorted leaves, usually disappearing with hot weather in June. Remedies. Could be controlled by spray ing with tobacco preparation ' known as "Black-Leaf -40," one part to 800 parts water, or by laundry soap in water at the rate of 1 pound to 4 gallons, but generally such treat ments are impracticable. They 'are usually the fumigation continue for at least twenty- four hours. f arm ana jaraen Preyentiiig Cutworm Damage F)R the cutworm no better, method has yet been devised, so far as I know, than the use of poisoned baits or poisoned bran mash. The mash is usually applied before any plants come out of the ground, so t hat the worms crawling over the surface wi 1 w attracted to it and killed by eating the poison. R. W. Harned. Appls Rest and Its Prevention THE fungus which causes apple rust lives over winter on the cedar producing tw well-known "cedar galb,' or. 'cedar balls. Carefully conducted investigations m severe apple-growing sections have demonstratea iff. "j ::.nsble to the pre attacked by large numbers vi lady-beetles sence 0f apple rust; and that no rust oc and parasites which control them before I.. ii 9r. within a. radius of arnnc 1 . , -vuia TT All vw.. - . n 1 irftp asniagc uctoracs wiuc?sprcau. Red Solder. Causes a form of "rust." fol lowed i by shedding of leaves. Worsein long dry spells. Feeds on many plants, often starting from pokeweed. : - . " Remedies' Plnclc 'the first affected leaves .into an oil-soaked sackj-take out of field and bur,n. Isolate infested section by taking out frnm th orchard are destroyed. . Cedar trc around the house are sometimes w valued and the owner may desire to w m the cedar galls, instead of desin hicii trees.: .This is a tedious operatn J must be repeated -annually, and will prooa soon cause the owner to revise his ideas hjk 'in t( hi net trees. a tew stalks ahead of infection to vCnecic ,.- wot ail varieties oi yv ? i7ct of sus spread along row. Spray with ready-made ceptible to rust.. The following un , value lime-sulphur, 1- gallon to 60 gallons water, ceptible and immune varieties wui tions But the most important point in preventing to those who plan to set orcharas i" red spider is to keep down all growth of where rust occurs: . . ' . " pome pokeweed near cotton fields. . Susceptible to Rust r York Imperial, Boll-worm.-Same Insect ' as ear-worm in Wealthy, Ben pavis, Grimes Golden, corn. Although the total damage by ' it nam Bonum, Jonathan, ShqcKJey. cotton is large, yet the- damage per .: acre s ; ; lmrat,ne, or at least W"'!;; ym an, seldom enough to justify spraying or dust- ,wm . Nyinesap Arkansas Black, t.Atri ing. winter plowing as mentioned for ear- vllow Transoarent, Black worm in corn will help . Boll Weevil. Remedies consist of early planting of early varieties, hastened to maturity by ample use of quick acting fer tilizers and abundant cultivation. Methods of poisoning recently developed are des cribed in a Farmers' Bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture. Blush. Dr. F. A. Wolf. Frequently during the mfler infer months we expect to say, rttt:j5 Ref mation on this subject, see our w ertnce.Special.: If ".ES U

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