f,4 1 VI r JS66 (62) V . v -7 V- v,v : -: ' -. v:; V!?r r:;.v i.theprogressivje farmer -'I 1 . :' -WHERE TO B im -PUREBMEB: -MESfFOCK 1 , n t r . " 1 r ftiiPttN?FYq . 1 1 'ill , h r 1 - i ! 1 vB j - Z iff " '1 V O. I. C PlfiS, GILTS, SOWS, SOARS O. I. C Sold out of piss in pain, but have a fr to offer akin. at 18 each, reristered. Can furnish bred or open cuts. tired bows, service boars. Booking orders Jor sprint pits in pairs. All from high-grade Stock. Cross bill for killers, write for circular. - -.. . B. O, OWEN, Rout 1, Plwas 240. BEDFORD. VA. POLAND-CHINAS BIG TYPE POLAIID-CHINAS Oar Offering Sired by Oar Hera Boar MEADOWMERE PRIMUS3025SS Grand Champion, Georfia Stete Fair, 1919, were in such great demand that we are sold out. ' We thank our cutomers for their patronage and will be glad to book orders, delivered . after March 15th,' 1920, , : rJfs;.?:;.:.f1;f MEADOWMER E , Geo. T. Stalling, Prop Haddock, fy'rh-Geor CLOVER FARM GUERNSEYS ' Among our offerings at the i J - Southeastern. Conignment Sal !c U -'t-: will "Utile Annie of Clover Fafm" ..: WlflNEB OF FIBST PBIZB ; ' At Louisville, Nashville. Memphis, Meridian, Bir mingham, Atlanta, Columbia. Augusta, and at the Cheater and Lee County Fairs in- 1M. it We want you to see the kind we-breed and raise. We have repeatedly refused to sell her, - but now offer her as a drawing card at the first Boutheastern Bale. Start out with the winning tod. , , -s ' : , It costs no more to keep good ones. ? 5 JAMES LMcINTOSH, J :r : DdVesrille, Sonh Carolina. :0 . .We arfe quoting actual measurements of the, four Ifolfowia tr anC JWeelcl tyiJei ima a. ffivn fflftrtnrplVj !:.':' ..i.-'".-r '4, Ij , u- Queen 21 ihbnths old, , 1919lNbrth Carolina Grand , Champion. , Fair-' ' XtNa . mont Top Cok out of Fairmont Queen and sired by College Bob Aee 11 I . nine montns. it oung ooar ?tor sale out uiitterr mate , to Fairmont A laNa ruuccu ouu oiicu ju y vwiicuc wu, .c akc nine iuunins.: tgth betweeayea -.; Heart gi to;rootof aii-5?sM?: iivrf 72iinches H; 68,inches '2 66 inches 37 inchest 10 inches S;?.M'6nnfthes?-64' inches "' ; 64: inches 35 inches -8 inches : fJ, 'Iti 53 'inches-? - 48 inches 47 Inches 1 inches ?7 inches U ; S3 inches f inches -29 inches 8 inches o c EL" S. ViWATTA pwner and Manage. HILLSBOJRO, N. C. HOLSTEINS P 0 LA N D -CHI H Al3 Big TypiBfltGilts' ' Pigs Sired by Bus vCUanC One "of :the ;besf4tonsrthe champioq. thogjTKwrvdams specimens of J"allthexmo st noted blood of ;-the',breed.v -Herd cholera Immuned: by double: treatment with serum' and virus; Registered stock'1 f ori salej: at "all times.' Write-f or catalog.- - '. LENOX CASTLE STOCK FARM, T. Howard Slade,- McIye NiiC. ELM LEAF FARM . BBEEDXR3 OF;' Biff Type Pclacd-Cbiaas Only A few -late - Summer - and Fall Boarsjor sale from that famous boar, WILLIAM'S WONDER 2nd. "Also Open "or Bred Gilts, as you desire. -' : Just added a LONG MODEL BOB boar to - our - herd, which Is admired by an who see him and pronounced the pest In this section. - G. M. FELMET, Mgr, .White 'Pine, j Tennessee Texts Prove lie" Valne of Pnre l X? bred HOLSTHH Sin ;: r Reports 7)f' tests, ' cdvenng-a--period since 1909 arid published' by the Iowa Agricultural. Experiment Station,' state that the average of records made by the 'first ureneration heifers :bv a oure- bred HOLSTEIN "Sire show an in crease of 71 per cent milk and 42 per cent fat at an average age of three and one-half years overjthe record of their scrub dams at an average, age of six years.v. It has long been a'proven'fact that the introduction of a : purebred HOLSTEIN bull to a herd of common J cows will substa'ntially: increase pro-. Read in our booklets iust whv there's big money in the big Black-and-White; Cattle. - THE HOLSTEIN-FltlESIAII ASSOCUTKKf -T r 1M Hudsea Stree Brattbaero, " Vermat '".It-tilWlt 2-RECISTERED HAMPSHIRE H0GS and damsi Quality and pricesiight. : ;C j THE CEPlEK lM;:i CANTON;;M HOLSTEIItPReduaonSaIe- f GUERNSEYS ;; ;MML One of the ''Best Producing Herds in, the" Stated Before nisvlnk my herd t win offer for sale 25 or SO Cowsi ii a whole. 8 to 7 years oid. T. B. tested No reactors m uu-ee years; Jtterd now aversging to V Af- TOTJ CAN MAES TOTJB OWN SELECTION OF FBESIT.COWS AND " ?:'-: liEAVT SPBINGEBS N0TB1NQ BESEBVED. Price $200 per Head. - ::fiiC;SHORTER, SHORTHORNS 1 Reg tType Poland-Chinas OI ANT BTJSTEB; BIQ TIMM. Jl' WONDER and BIO - JOB PRICE hreeding. I have sli choice --Spring Ollts for sale, bred to a grandson of GIANT BUSTEB due to farrow May and June. Price 175 each. Also one "Soung Sow, bred for second litter. Price $100. I have a few choice pigs 3 to 4 months old, price $30 each. Order from this a4 ss it will not appear again. All stock registered. MBS. MAGGIE F. JONES, V GODWIN, N. C. REGISTERED HOLSTEINS i. Good breeding, all age of both sexes, for sale at all thnes. Guar anteed healthy and as represented. BROAD ACRE FARM, Inc, BrasdlRff asc Dairy Farst, BLACKSTONE, VA. - Bix TjrpV Poland-Chinas FA1X HOa AND JJBBD BOWS FOB BALI. ' Btrsd W l,m-ptia boars. Bt bloodlinas. H" P. CNEEK. RsMta t, LEWISBURB, TENN. HOLSTEINS FOR SALE lONB WELL OBOWN BEIFXB8 , From 13 to 15 months'1 old,' 00 per cent purebred, well marked, ' tuberculin tested, f.o.b. any point in North, Carolina, for $1,000? . J WSi. W. JACKSON, Farmville, " Virginia. Bulls REG. HOUSTEINS Heifers Three Fine BVJJL CALVES, 1 to 3 months old.' nicely marked, A. "B. O. dams, very reasonable for quick sale. Three Flnel5-16ths Heifer -Calves, '1 to 2 months, 130 each, If ordered at once, v , '- - ;. -i, r. . ' Reg: Big Type POLAND-CHINA Hog. w.ulow buen stock farm, Brasdy station, va BBJBD SOWS BBKD OILTB BBBVICB BOABS IKE NTUCKX H OLSTE1NS V V. a akin, . Priced to sell. . .,. - ... . .' : .. - - . -J Danville, Ky. pisT JT TLAZ tteuesa. rrieas rsasonaslo, ' KENTUCKY MttLSTEIM FARM. ; FIGS, haa W. W. JOHNSON, MILLER'S MILLER'S --MILLER'S . Buy ''MILLER'S" Big Type. Easy Feeding, Proline Poland-China Hogs. Write your wants. - "Miller's" LEWIS D. MILLER, Brrd'gewatsr, Va. "M War's"-! D R. A. W. MILLER,. Harrodsburg, Va. TWORTHS TAFIWHRTHQ ALL ages, English cana- 1 nlll If Ul 1 LltJ DIAN. or AMERICAN BREED. .Largest exhibition herd In the south dutch fork truck .farm;?" eastover. 8. c. GUERNSEYS a Ky. SHORTHORN STEERS : The SHORTHORN steer carlots at the Interna ; tional.' Chicago. - sold f o? -aiLaverage 01 cwt higher than any other breed.- 'C.- J Thos.' Johnson. Colum bus. O.. sold 100 Short' ' hors steers last October t hta farm for $19 per : ixs'zht' "K.xS. ' -S cwt; They'-weighed . 1 ,59S pounds, making a gain of 400 pounua in five moutns. r i It Pays to Grow SHOBTHOBN Beef ' AMERICAN- SHORTHORN BREEDERS' ASS'N.. I J Dexter Park" Ave.' .Chicago; lit. Halifax Farms, Inc., Scotland Ne North' Carolina. By VICTORIA PALE. Red, White and Roan, 1 to .6 years old, includ ing herd ; bull, $100, to r $300, f.o.b. va uvyvi.aii, a' -;.vV- ?'.;. -:' v: SHEEP sjsSaaaaMfiasswV RITY A WFFP ! AiiptHiiiia,,.ss best LHI 1 A JnEitr : MUTTON BREED. Writ AMERICAN HAMPSHIRE SHEEP ASSOCIATION to send yoa dandy boaklet with list" of Dresden. Boaae near yoa. COMFORT A. TYLER, Searttary, t Weeslaur Avwaa :DaraltV' MleUeaa if x -v indicates the buyers high J estimation of the value or fi ; , the. breed.7 . Let us teU ' you why Queraseyi lead in popular 1 favor. v ' Ths Aaterleaa CuarMty ; - . Cattle Chib, C 044 Fstra N.H. was the averaKe price paid for au OUtHNBtvs sold at pubuo auction in 1910., This : figure 1 . y. i2 V I asss SHORTHORNS SfinoFuiiOFsis - - . - " -We thank our customers for. their many orders!-- We are sold out ex cepting our consignment to the ' - Georgia Shorthorn Sale At Macon, Ga on March 2, ' 1920. - " We are sending ' THREE VERY CHOICE, BULLS TO THIS SALE. MEADOWMERE, Geo. T. Stallings, Haddock, Georgia, SHORTHORN BULL POLAND-CHINA H063 Registered Milking ; Shorthorn Bull, General Clay and Duke Buttercup cross. .Well grown. Two Real .Herd Boar Prospects Big Bone and Gerstdale Jones families. - Also a few Pig- for sale. Herd headed by BEN-JONES 858189. first prise boar at Delaware State Fair. 1919.- - , Write for Prices sad Descriptions to . - i. E. WAY. i . .. v. . 'J." : DOVER. DEL. ' rT.iBrstiar-sf Big Type Polans-Chlna. : .everything Registered and Immune. - MISCELLANEOUS BREEDS A DOLLAR.DGWN AND t THE FTOpUEl OCCONEECHEE, FARM. ' AiTPKvWMevrgfPia DURI1AM.NC. , . sold on I G5 Shorthorn Bolls Berkshire Pigs Beg. Milking Shorthorn Bull, General " CW and jr u"rcup cross, -weu, grown: 2 bmi Hera " P"0. Big Bone i and' Gerstdale Jones JamUies Also a ew Pigs for sale. Herd headed S.Be2 ron,l?J58J' Prise boar at Delaware SUte Pair, 1919.erythin registered and immune. J-., , ., ;-. . . Write tor Prices to ; .-.' J. E. WAV, v; : "'.: DOVER. DEL. Brestler of BlfOyM PeUsshlsaa!" , Sav.e yowr papers arid-get a bindri: ' '- ? f ... . i . : j ; , - , ' .. ..." '- HOLSTEIN i GU waaas.eiSL 11 -I naaa m A -.- raver, aeaamraoy saarksS sad Safe antral sxerwatei. Witts MISCELLANEOUS BREEDS IXZVTMcCLUnES Auctioneer. Haying determihed to reduce our ltjkliiweVwill'lI at PUBLIC AUCTION at the FARM JiSp:H:;lLmE, 1 miles east of Brookewood Sta tion on the B. & O. R. R and ZYz miles vreit of Stuarts Draft on the iWeasiaM 1920 1 t-year-ojd Ref iatered Percheron Stallion. 2 3-year-old Registered Percheron Stal- 1 7-year-old Unregistered Stallion, good T one,"- v . . . '-' v '--' 1 13.year-old Registered Mare, with Foal. 1 S-y ear-old' Registered Mare, bred in the (M. - ' 2 7-year-old Unreg, Percheron Mares, with FooJ. -w,--,'; x '; 2 Heavy Draft Mares. 2 Heavy Draft Horses.5 and 8 years old. 4 Heavy Draft 3-year-old colts. 4 Heavy Draft 4-year-old Colts. 2 Combination Horses. 3 4-year-old Saddle Horses.. : 18" 2-yearrold Cattle.- v Springers and Fresh Cows. I Regr. Yearling Shorthorn ByiU. Sale cbmmences prbmptly at 10 a.m. Trains from 'Lexington and Staun ton will be met -at Brookewood. Terms made known on day of sale. J. H. 8c S. F. McCLURE, Spottswood, Virginia. - ' , - s FOB THX BIST Tanrworth and Hampshire Swine ' WBITB OB VISIT REYNOLDS-LYBROOK FARMS -COMPANY, - Sttesstsr ts Wsrwlsw Stssk Farm) Winston-Salem, Route 1, N- C. 'i0b Xk W lO-PrPflf'-'R: R?LShuf6)rd, Tlop Newton, N. C. Jersef Cattle and Hogs ;: YOUNG STOCK FOR SALE. ' K :Write-tjor Price List. AUCTIONEERS IRACOTTINCaH UCIIIEERS-- Sell niorc 'sales in South than any other men. Next trip first 10 days n January f mtso' fore part of March. j - x - V- " -n.Tf-y.. w-tllJF - I TTr 7 III, j..