J! c otlirHav. November ,.1920 . , - ; - rrf: Saturday. 1V, . V"- ' y,v yi.. -A tfc WAKX: tribute u to , everybody's confidence FLORIDA -';FflI2i-1S' frTrS have c6med bjtterly of w mr m , -, u trie frtniiti a i i . . . , j. " .- . v Vllb mill VII I Mil T If Aiw.i: . ftVv proaueure zazxas ww prices i - . . : - "u.miuons alone the Seaboard Air Line, J , in the prices of farm orodiirr siKa: ?f livestock. , 'Th;; SOrops marketed each: month. uu,,J?l nonuctuationssuch fluctua- SStSUFfS: Jtt"s- the product, of other indus- facre. v General and .livestock "J"5, ' An a general way, -prices of tev?-'W-,l???!ltol" m Protocts must go up or down V ' 1 w wnciiier mere is a nlenri- 1C' Jones, Gen. Dev. Aft, 1 fut cron nr if ,15 Pien seAboard aib uim : I 1U1 cOD or a short one. The farvnpr's "&A5aB,?:hry materials are the fertility xf the .:tti "" "jJiv; aiiu Hie here. AVERY CO., 2512 Iowa St., Peoria, Hi. Bnaca ileaiea. Diitnbaton ud service Stations Covering Ever State ia tka Union n nXYwTT Motor Farming. ThMtthlnA and Road lSaildit lachineRV rain -iti the .Se of his crODS is measnr K,r I 'the supply of these raw materials and uic 5Kiu witn which he makes use of them. He cannot control his "nrodnr- I tion and adjust it to the demand as J2an the manufacturer. But he can see no good reason whv the nrire nf his products should fluctuate so vio lently from week to week, and some times from day to day. We must get a better understanding of the factors Which influence agricultural prices, With a view td avoiding these violent unv.iuaiwu aim unng aDout average prices, which shall bear a reasonable relation to the cost of production. We do not offer any quack remedies in this Makes a' - r.'srjr " " "r.r.r rrge .Vrse yes; to Dandy Chriotmao Gift out hJT Everybody wants one-boya and grown-ups too. "J , 0Ut what causes it, and then apply Toy model of big Avery Tractor. Cast iron tne remedy which promises a cure, beautiful red and black- enamelrgold atriping . rolling wheels. About 3K 'inches high; dKJnches Fourth, we must put an end to un- long. Get your boy :one for Christmas. - Makes nrM.aw'i ct j . ideal table ornamf nt too. Send 35c 30c tnCan- necessary price-fixing; of farm products ada) with names of five "possible tractor. ino,tor and to ill-considered efforts arbitrarily cultivator, motor truck or thresher buyers and rt fPfi,ir(l j.., . T ; we will maU it postpaid. - v-;.? v. lP "duce tarm product prices. In times 01 national crisis, when there is a known scarcity of- any necessary product, price control for the purpose of making a -fair distribution of the stores on hand maybe both necessary anJ wise. But we know that there can be no repeal of natural laws the .external fundamentals. In times past, many nations have tried to hold down living costs by arbitrarily fixing prices ol farm products. All such efforts have failed, and have usually brought na tional disaster. "Fifth, the farm loan act should be administered so as to help men who farm to' secure farms of their own; and to give to them long-time credits needed to practice the best methods of diversified farming. Steps must be taken to authorize theorgani2yition of associations to provide the necessary machinery to furnish" personal credit to the man, whether landowner or tenant, who, is hampered for lack of working capital, The highest type of rural civilization is that in which the land is farmed by the men who own it. j " "Sixth, we must refuse to recognize the right to speculative profit in our transportation systems, but at the same time we must take steps tos re store them to the higheststate of ef ficiency as quickly as possible. Agri culture has suffered more severely than any othef industry through the inefficient railroad service of the last two years; Many farmers have been compelled to incur disastrous losses through the inability to market their grain and their livestock. Such a con dition of affairs must not be permitted to continue. We must bring about conditions which will give us prompt service at lowest possible rates. "Seventh, the revision of the tariff must necessarily also be a factor in the preservation of the home market for. American labor, American agricul ture and American industry. For a permanent good fortune all must have l common interest. If we are to build up & self-sustaining agriculture here at hoirffe, the farmer must be protected from unfair competition from those countries where agriculture is still be ing exploited and where the standards of living on the farm are much Jower. We have asked for higher American standards, let us maintain them. "Now tha consumption at home is so nearlv reaching1 normal production, American ..tarmer nas a-ngni. ur n w .iuiiwvvii u hi s m u iik.... r 'Mar lh,wt- veather holdfast' y to your job' -r' If you wear a Fish Brand Slicker If BALERS VEfirYWH-RC eSTAJBUSHGD . 1VJ, tot f ft 1, I.J , t 1 " N 5 - U .il f , , 11 1 jobs- I ll 1 l' r&f . -.Send II Jl . : Tke tools tMrS Mte tin woipls Disston Tools! The kind that; e made, specifically for their, that enable you to do the;' thousand -and-one jobs on &e , farm in the least time. Poor tools are great time wasters. They are top costly in for the wise farmer to use. Get Disston Tools I for our free booklet "Disston and Tools on the Farm." HENRY DISSTON & SONS, Inc. General Off ics Philadelphia, U.S. A. w f 1 ' i' ma ;m c l.-' aaiMsaBai . - 'Yr 111 V k ;. V.TIYi '"IWLLSYOUR hand fHf A-C-AND or 3 ,J -BEANS light f4 1 power L ( - ' 1 of SSEF? pay dividends on crops .r"8, M seed is imiy re- ' UvZ tr P18' cleaned and de- , S"1 Fast efficient work with a substantial saving in labor. ,.).' QufreLSf8' nef suitable, for "all re- -deSf: IUuBtmtedataioirue eivme. aetaua free on request. Address ' i A. B. FARQUHAR CO- Limited . via, r .- j.; . V . ..... . .. .l. n for Bprina" work. Get yonr ditching- and torrAouur dona now witb . . iwai find ardr J m ditokM down 4 ft. imp. AUMmI. aranlblft A4jnateUib Writ, foe AmBo.; WE5SS0IS BfTcsnt i man ct,ks. ii sij iimMf ff, the insist that in bur trade relations with other countries he shall have the same consideration that is accorded to other HIM. Hi 'lfElllindusfries,i, .!. A Wonderful Test Orchard Think of one hundred vari eties of peachesvin. a single test orchard I Here, new varieties are thoroughly tried out before being offered to oar customenu Thousands visit this orchard yearly; ' Even U. S. Gorera ment investigators rely upon it for valuable data. ' Our variety test orchard Is but one of many costly pre cautions which assure for Harrisons' Fruit Trees the highest known quality. Write for Fftt 1921 planting Guide. HARRISONS' NURSERIES "Largest Grower of Fruit Tree in the Worlds Box 8 - Berlin-' Maryland PRICES 'WAY DOWn We're knocked the bottom out of hicrta cost of fence building. We Pay the Freight Jd nave yon money. Bero0inan that Saved 30 per cent Mr. R. D. Dlllard. Milton, Okie., writes! Mf found alt the Pens tood or better than I expeoted. 1 saved 28.65 on my 9)78.00 order." --,- Ton win never kbow how much yon can save thru on DIRECT PROM FACTORY TO FARM-, selling plan nntll you get onr tree caUlogr.Write today KITSELMAN PROS. Dept 84 Munole, tnd. ft! I ha flEEP" Hi' a-3sl LEARN THE AUTO BUSINESS! " We teach you in 8 to 12 weeks. - ; Write Tor.advance Catalog to T . - ;Shenaan Acto & Tractor School, Dept A, , Sherriari,Texas. J 4 PUttS tor POULTRY HOUSES All styles. 150 Illustrations. -. Also cony of "The Full Egg Basket"- , These Will surely please 70U send 25c. .;.,..'. . INLAND POULTRY J0URHAL. i r DejiMft , tt A'. ' , IndiaoapeUv In.. WEIGHTS HAM PICKLE Is a scientific prepara tion for curing meat Contains all the neces sary Ingredients except Bait. Cures meat better, with less work and gives delidoua flavor. Wright's" -Ham Pickle is sold by . made :bv! con- densiner act ual, hfckorir smoke. Simnlv and easflv EDplied with ' cloth '. or - brush. Gives wonderfully delicious flavor, doea away with old smoke house -eaves 20 lbs. of meat out of every 100 lbs. ,, A large $L25 bottle will smoke a barrel of : ; ieatgaanmteed.4vr . , XVrtaM Food Producfa :'f i, Are Guaranteed V, v t AS3 ydUQ DEAUE2X for tho firenulno ' Wright's Srnokeor Ham PickK Bothtraarw enteed satisfactory or your money back. Write us if your dealercan'tstxpply yon. , We'll eetid you Taluable book on smoking pient and explain how you can get at fine , butchering set at factory cost. - - C. D. VniG3T COMPANY, ltV -843 vrosjOMfcy Keneae City, Mo. LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS Progressive Farmsf ;tJompany "V. .Aft' p n-r r j ' a t" - i - ' ) ' ' .V; r(