FARMER Patutkd in Canada Apr. 6, 1915 tacli - s- . ; - x i ? XLlV.Oxford Doums: f Description and ExlorPJsf ;fOipCfejmutm Wt, befiTg the largest I tardtweh recent breed i jTA heameti Af a r , awe? v isrrosnna which' beaan thebuild- ydssesitna nAmts ..Se,' i4 ing d ihe breed "was probably started - 'Siz 'JLf .' t fa 1- I'll !T2 fi-' & ' 4 Li! Patented Hook Attachment Look for the wire staple J- with felt washer. It firm ly grips hook to pad eren though cover is weakened by sweat And long usage. This lengthen life of pad. lt is the greacs improve ment since wemrented the hook. If thta faatener la - not found on any pad you buy. It ; lacks amoat Important feature. - Ud on alt our hook padn . - andonty on pad mad by ere. m ui J tv. m inn mmiDn weuare in I ."lyoUr, horses and "mules if for no "7-f other reason than fnat theymay work harderpnu .mora' willingly and steadily. Have a -Tapatco Stuffed CoHat Pad forvery work horse and mute yoo owo. : Its txae will serre i- to safeguard their tfooulders against galls, chafes, of bruises, ' ' :,VX t'VT Stntfed Cclkjr PibWblley dre ll&lSir Our Stuffed Collar Pads", filled with a epadally prepared Composite tufiTng are, itefr, absor bent, cushion-like-foatures not found in nnstoSed pads. And Tapatco Stuffed Pads guarantee the greatest degree of protection and make poasible the use of badly .wcro horsa collarr that would ,- otnerwise oe thrown away, v -' ;.v'" Jrr-.; '.V.?-- ' Tanateo ' StnfTed'CoIlar'.Pada arnlKv avarv ; desirable feature In .pad eoaatfactlott; - Their eeprtant -uae la teal ecoQomy. They coat ao little and do eo cnueb that no one should work a horae o taule without tbaiq, For aU by Deateh Wcd fimkm a complotm fuie of Riding Saddlm Pad undPaddadDmek Band, TheAiiieril&Tex '- . GrmfieldV Ohio t ThbhfNhm Yeanx ' .. CaaaAoit finneft reached. Ra erally conceded fat;tA 6rdf yMavlerhts.are , blip as earlv ni lS57and7rn a bureJ '"'",'' i H "J" "v-;: - . vankediithtEnalUhjhowiin 1862. .I9i2f . - : ' - . ?-wwu, pomi. pastures and lib- In the making. 6 the breedl CoU-, -fral ffedtng probably the tt'ww urna t yjr hjh..; y - vrV f: never Dec ton p Hampshire ewes,.vut i, sue reverse- numerous vrespettaiiy popular in th crossing of tht sexes, ivas o&a$uiuz Souths 5C',- - NOW READY TO SHIP 0 EET PPLIP Palatable succulent vegetable feed for dairy cows, beef cattle, sheep and hogs We con tlc car of order from any part of the country . The Larrowe Milling Company Detroit, Mich. - Lbs Angeles, Calif. . Hatches I I Burn Slrto I W3M I I 99.S0 J I I fjiiii m 1 Uebtlb 20 20 Old Stvlc 0 il Lcnp: .088 this wonderful most modem of an lampsin yorir U'a elMnr an sm or keroaene. Tfto Ounhlno of the fflght': Its 0am stefi 5FD J? keep clean. Less trouble, less care III VB than may ether. Movreasy wicks to trim. Mo dirty ehiauKre CIS . SlffSvt w, smoke, too aoot, no smell, no drippinf oil. Tbe TAKE TINS JkAwaavfttaskaaa a 22 &ek-Ute Icryoa jMtl? or ' .'ay bmhij auu wwavrai rainuiiB- m ra9-ent spill foel or explode even It UoMd Over J Hand. eomeiy desigM BJMObed. Cost tons, only a little over aTerat a&!Kht. Onee you us. the Qokk-Uts you'll wonderhow you got alwithont itj COLEMAN LAMP COMPANY A TLANTA, GA. ;Wle Dallas l7ortb$3f.3 now Ony riu $18 .08 ITI,Thkeomplete flrsMaas 04lu -ftSatiS j1' Kwt?w aiHwsi u n5 full 4LlMka and an full ataa W The feathers are all W. Mval!m - iten, eovered with the kls aate Sl2r-fiSL.aBd ship youTSSi "I.0008 S nikil Tour nam. and h32 -?2lw- WS Promptly mail yoo our "ffroe. etc. Bicaest tarrtSsMm saw- Our prices save more than halt, 50UTISKI FEAnim t PIOC J C(X. Oaearwaaat 20. - ClUllUoiai M. el TRIAL ' IA. JKJam.1 2. mm t I- day. a npir.shil M ft n fuM - SIR) In Sam MmH i 4-1. -smhw ana iracnr frasuwas, BeYomr Own Dots, M man eeat learn to be an ex inechanie by tbeSweeney ton of woridDjr en real ears. leof fmrf baaia;. Kh tOOX XUUne and S5-5?rd, will do. for ear 1Sii.,,r x-,wre m ew .09Sh ;w"v"3 ii MiMfTM mm 17 II ir nt?rrnrc at bargain price " uui-ssiUaarW. TO PLANTERS - : r- - IRS not uearh' in as Xarae number ax - butfiitni ihpr n'nln' tt 4 a innner , Hampshire ewes, . , - ; V"T, ; - titrie Undr'eichindhegvier weights Oxford Dovms began tdmtng tohan thfr''m breeds. Their this country' bet-ween 1846 find fJ5ii - early maturing qualities are average, and since 1880 have' been. imhArtrd in but Iambs. maJte".heaw weiahts. considerable numbers. "They are now The qualify'' of the meat is good. It ". widely distributed in this tdiihtry and. large 4iiuantity,,of. medium grain, truer. nuTvrei oywn stjrtca, siusfraita, afa tht ntermxxng $ lean ana jat Canada, and South America although: ' 'is good s their numbers are smallin the :$Mti:sTk breeding qualities of Oxfords em states. - , T- r - -Qrg faitlylgood.The ewes are good The American Oxford' Down Shee.6 - mhthpr-ntul ikilberc unit thrre is a Record Association, which ' maintains fldfge 'per cent of twins. , a registry for the recordingrof pedi V? v'6oiThe wool of Oxford Downs "tirees. twos oraantsed tn J 884 Th - 'r'lr', v j ' : - . rr, . w: : - " . tnr coarsest ana neavtesi m secretary w, a. Wer; Hamilton, L0f -fleece of all the Down breeds. -Vni0.K, v , x rrPfumb Uys wetUkept flocks should CHAsACTERistics'; -Sufierficialh , ' shears -ftiece averaaina close to 1- . . . ,j -.... r v ww ..' urrtf isr mr ;..aeiav ebb, uii. uu mmmm , ay v v w gaffo. ' closely. ' , TAey ire hornless. 10 to 12 founds would he'nearer right. have fork' brown jace and legs and :iComparedl&ihSauthdovns, Ox .are wooledover thejoread. : The; fords are much larger end heavier, , f? lo!l9 fhin U of wool- better dotted ia intensive farming lhe orown color, however ?s some- . m:; 4 i;t,,i idina and fl ana longer,, 'coarser. more, -vbenKand iu.-T,.,.-t. CMzffe heavier fleece, . t t V whMrtiLnMent.andaualitv are de- .,ThenOxford Down 'M distinctly' of '4Mlr'cA EXPERIENCE ; LETTERS AHD;PH0T0GRAFH3 WAIITED FROM V-." .: '.fl FARMERS AWD FAIirj.TOMEIt .COR the oeat letter reeled on each ebject-wUl-award- a prie of $S, f hc 1. second beat letter. nd we will,f a j recuW euW:pac, rates ; tor" trtrj tene letter v-',' fExnerieneaa In Caitfn (Ura ni rrtt. 1 .'Mail fcttera b, November ' T -C; " , -W' ' T", 7 X-S?er,e,,f; Sprayfa.Mall Jetters by December lVj1 - 'Vf ; 4 SUBJECTS tABirartMffM --:KV. ".f ' t' ' PHOTOGRAPHS 4 WAITED ''fi' s. . re JrJ? Kood farm photderaphwe can e.-Kail bMesVapht, any tje.