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Mail Coupon ' 1 prove all I claim-Host ship it back tc k me end yow trial doesa'jt ooetyoc a smgM penny . 1 , III 1U I f ml S Ml A' 'I A 1 ,l i -e s7 a v w v kmbt ih saie. II 1 I I c Send me-FBEE-yaat wonderful urgan cgoaa I NAME ADDB.ga I Use Ddelipii Butter Color TJX 1 i t vA fifi a naii-iea- l'i spoonful : to -ach - gauon oi wiiii" -cream and out o your chum comes ; butter golden ?June;shaae to V, bring you top prices ( . DANDELION Oof tec Color r'Airstoreselt35- 7 Vcent bottle each : sufficient to keep -'that 'rich; "Gold- s en Shade" in your Butter all the year Butter Color for -50 years. ;, Purely' vtgexaDie. Meets an iooa ,iaws, oitc and National. -Used S byalWarge creameries. Will not-Coloirahe. but termilk. TastelessJ' " - ELLS & RICHARDSOH lOBurtlnqtolt, yt As low aa .-, ' "' $19.50 F' HertzlAr A 'ok PortaW, "uuu saw Frame tLL'& 1 a; TT II II If l nar.Kr, this SAW PortableCAW lYobdViilf. rlt'ssay to'ep.rt- v slwpert w tnado t wbien a ripplnf my o Money refunded if not iscsoryir'" we lor. HERTZLER & ZOOK CO. Box - BtlvHie, Pi. LOCAL SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS WANTED t v Write at'jonco ; . J hc ProgreWe .Farmer ' Company ntift lav HW a cViarl World. 4 John's exoression at times Wassa stern that it repelled her, and although hi manners were gentle with, her ne was uncompromising and hard with others. He mystified her, and she dreaded and secretly loneed to hear his history. The first night after dinner, when they went to the parlor, he had asked t ! 4 4 - tier ir sne piayea cness. btie- sur prised herself by replying that she did, and he opened the board and they played several games, in which she was -the victor; and from then on Ihev nlaved each evenine As she 7-' jr o- nioved her men on the squares of the I board between them, she would ask -herself what were the nmes of the distant places which had been fam iliar to him? What "kind of people had been his friends? What had been his pleasures? What were his anxieties and his history during the long, silent years? If she had not been so absorbed in her elder son when the two were children, she might have been more sympathetic with this one, but believing what she did about him, nothing could have surprised her. Had he told her of hew dishonors and new disgraces, she would have taken them for granted. . As she confronted him across the chess board, she put to herself ques tions which he would have answered in a moment, had she spoken them aloud, but that she would never do. What part had women played in the life of her son? a question that rievery woman thinks, first of all. He was married, perhaps; possibly he had children, sons like himself sons whose father had been a thief. How could she know? He told her noth ing. John, facing her,- was too subtle not to follow her thoughts. .tier hand paused over her pawns, giving apparently a more hxea attention xo this game than she had ever given to his game of life or to his chances. He understood that she judged him anTl- condemned him, and he knew that if he had told her that a prison had sheltered him in the interval she would not have been surprised; nien had gone to prison for lesser crimes than his. And he in his turn won dered what would arouse her pity, what would arouse her mercy. That she had tenderness he knew; he had seen her tender to others ; he had seen Uor loan nn ' his brother's arm; he had seen his brother kiss her, as he would have been glad to do. He had seen on her face the light that a son likes to remember. On' one occasion when her- hand touched his over the game she asked herself : "Is it possible that , this is the hand. of a thief?" and raised-her wliAn-hc was not looking, to discover in his face signs of weak ness, moral turpitude or failure. In That keen, indifferent countenance, in those eyes, cynical as they were, un that grave mouth, she saw only signs it nnalities anv woman might VI nivtfv . - j love. She was so intent in her study t.; . fnrcrnt to move ner men, and John, glancing up, reminded her and flushed as he met her scru tinizing eyes. . - When Tremaine had once conceived a -'plan, he was not at rest until he. had put it mto execution. Immedi ately on arriving he, set all the Ne: groes he" could hire, to work in the field; and . stoning the pastures, and by the end of the first week, he had forty Negroes at work on the property, while old Hanny had neighbors in the stalls 'for the first' time. - He'worked his changes rapidly and with a mister hand. Things' we accomplished- very quickly on the Tremaine 'plantation. M? wa no object to -firm, and he . himself :jtiAA AVPtvthme. He tramped daily over the property, making him W thelract l IR 7 A quick III VI I I K TTTfK fh III IX 1 M WW TTM VJ L to keep him ., Ii .. 13o while the nei Many of the old Hart. Parrs that plowed the . virgin prairies of the Northwest are still in use today. The great grand - daddy of all Tractors was old Hart-Parr No. 1, built in 1901. or way to discourage your farm Ht frill his nmHtforL is hriind a nloddint? team of horsed ighbors Doy runs a rjaexor. - nf trip hnv will he auick to note the difference. He will soon figure out the advantages of a tractor, and he will either sell you the idea or lay down on the job sooner or later. i"-. ; ' I Many Boa Hart-Pmr Tractors The most enthusiastic letters we get are from the young fellows who are operating the tractor M for Dad. The Hart-Parr 30 is a tractor that appeals to the boy because it is- so simple for ; him to understand. TKe working parts are easy to get at It doesn't take him long to feel that he's a "full-fledged" mechanic You can understand this better when you 1 go over the Hart-Parr 30 catalog and fate the simple and accessible construction of this tractor. Write for, copy today. ' FoandrM of th Tractor Indaatry 436 Lavrler St. Charles City, Iowa 5jP5v aWHr .i &rW 'r " J ' ttiimiimtHiriiiiiiimiiiillillllllllllllllllll III I ft? Salzers Ndrihern Grown Potatoes We off eV 'for immediate shipment to Our southern trade choice stocks of seed potatoes grown under our supervision in the -renowned potatp producing , sec tions' of the Red River Valley of Minnesota. We probably are the largesr growers of .choke. reselected seed stock in the country and offer you only the cream of thecrop. v " . T perbvu - Salzer's Six. Weeks.Ko"r."rf'-"",","""".""?"55 Salzer's Earneit.........".."..."" """""": 552 Salzer's Certified Red River Qhios.............v Salzer's Certified Triumphs f.....r...i........f . Salzer's Irish CobblersiM..M""'v" . Salzer's Early Ohio .....i...'"."" The above prices for immediate rfd fall shipment, f.o.b. La CroSse, our acceptance, terms csh -with -order. 3 bushel . barrels 75C extra: i r .ju . . . Sid for free catalog HstinS all varieties of Northern r., Vegetables. Flower and Pield Seeds. 1921 Catalog ready January 1st. Send for it. , ; JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO. - . La Crosse, WiV mmmm GETA FEiOTERQEP SAVE $1100. t2S-ni. bad. I pair 6-lb. pillows, l pair blankets, (all uV 1 connternans large ite. all for 15.95 (Betail value $27.00) Same as abWe with an.n. bed alfl.fl5i with 35rlb. bed 17.98t ' with 0-lb. bed W.95. VBeds alone 2S-lb. tlO.05l SO-lfe 9UMt SS-lb.,ta.g5f 40-lb. tU.es. , Two 2 l-t lb. pillows 91.05. New featbers. beet ticking. SI. OOOH) Caeb depot!! te bank to gosrantae satisfaction or money back. Mailorder today yrUfcmCatoty.?:, SANITARY BEODIHIQ COMPAMY. D araw t '1 1 1,- ' -r: 'L. ChertHe, -Is. C Stop Losing aw a . Bare your nams 07 ponim u ti th hona &t the start with m Turley Meet Salter Then cheynresaxABomaTOern weatber tarnwwann. Thoo i sands in us. Honey back f . J.Tsrltf, C St vSwnbwi " " ' ""T'TTI-!; - r -, - - fc .4 fill i j VEvcry Fana Use I ;r 1 k I t; Red Seal Batteries 3i -1"$ sparktronget-Jat z . v -5 a-iS longeatalways den Vf' 2lf V"tendable. Have the corU gl VrTTi'ltl fiaencs of sUpowerfsrmers.il . I 1 fif 12 f 1 ftveiy eu scat 4.ii ,f . i . ., . - rr . 1 V "-'"l sens, M josrsnewo,-''t.,fc-.v'i.'-- -ri i - J-il9 j , 3 ..t"4 Siisr fisrf for-engine ? ' . ... s& ' ss " m -m .. ' i BSW .BSBBsaaseaiBBBeBwaMPBnHa , ... M J- Our advertisers; are ;guarahUe I "7 ,N" -4