1it nOULTRYr.i.5'"yfSf lit- III lit W ff 111 t III III k V WyggHl III aWlTTTTftwvVVWn, like any other &lffr 1 v,f and wrong wj.w- - . I . i. If . t v Tup "happy-go"" UW.r yy'T-"" Tnoultry hangyrotmd;tbe bs or - s in thrgarden, to atch f-.-.' ;J"-t.t , st coming up; runnuig uc 1 5. 11 " tilted the wrong: - wo 00 roostirfg in tree vliidipg away . S S nans er;halff i ' ..1 ..( jrT 'SWT-. vL'"-'SJ. .'."- .ni1" . . time th - , if v,- fnllv to imagine poultry; can ue It is folly to im . , :itCosim r he a source ; ui r nrofit any more -thaflj-it: canape r rttle. hogs i Cor. any, other d01V "I 1. livestockThe ; farmer Z thahisfpouXry;. thrive and pay wlren iorceu-iu 1 o.v liv tiff onihe wastes of 'the (arm eUherrt a rub flock to small to be ot TOe,,v. 7"' norant ot thnrst kjmhb ""V n. Krdinr on a buiineii basis means pttfebreif ftocfcj , comfort- able, sanitary quarters wcu oaianccu feeds-grains, mafibl and; gren' feeds -and pure fresh water, ata" times; -n.h hrppdinjr oen or-flock of- layers isolated from others,' and protected from invasion of strange fowls, dogs, cats, and vermin. Regular, hours for wHintr. for firatherinn eggs, tor clean- intr nf houses or, runs Kmusttbe ob- d. In short, system and regular ity are necessary all thVway through. This svstem has one important re- suit. Tt allows close.' Constant study of every bird its con'diti6n;ind' habits. The producers are soon r shown, and the loafers detectedvtndeHminated, thus saving 1 the . expensed- feeding drones. If trap nests" arefused, then the oroductivitv of each" individual is exactly known, helpingi to iix" -their value as breeders. , ,The Aim of every poultry breeder' should be to develop a strain, not so much of high, scoring, as ot high producing towls.-1 - If this ooint v ttr. attained and . the flock is reallv ourebred; ithe exercise of good judgment in the mating up :of the breeding pensj f balancing" strong and weak points, will srenerally result in reasonably hiffh' scorintr as well as highly productive birds:; In ithe long run, tor the average breeder, jt ,is yiuuucuon xnat.teiis.;--Xhrj. JK. Treat Tour-See7t?for'-Smiit TN ORDER that 'w- may increase production ? and lower' the, cost ot wheat it is verv'necp.ssarv to sow good healthy seed" wheat. s sit will pay well to clean .the,; seed several umes in a tanning ?mflr, iorall grain not nliitnn iri4 KJvtiV' ' eli-.,,11 -"K fanned out. Large' seed 7give larger icms tnan seed of smaller size. , If bunt or fitin1finof ,fim7it..ifl rivalent n the community, iwilt be necessary Jo spray or dip" seed; in ialformalde- yyae solution.; :7 f: I Spray Treat men ti-tTse ;vi ouart sprayer fillVf wifAn- nt nr40 ner cent formaldehyde. J and onVplnt oi icr. a ne quarts -will-f"reat w bushels of wheat.; "Leave 'treated wneat m a pile covered Up" for five "Ours. ' vr 7V ' V DP TreatmentTo 40 gallons of ater add nn-lnf tf 'Jn'nf' rnit ormaldehvdp;' 3 Tiln ' UV ' ? f est A0 minutes, thenspread'out-'and let dry lf you put wheat back; in ''bags ; be sre to trt iJv'Vv- xf- " rtlit "TTTTfT TDC bounty Agent, mlia'.CountyVa; INO. HE WAS TIREDI-S., During the war the shell-torn roads of France, advertised to the world for all time the wonderful strength and powers of resistance in Dodge Brothers construction. The Business Car embodies this same splendid sturdiness and ability to stand up under continued hard use, on and about the farmland to and from town It has a universal good name for infre quency of repair and unusually low cost of operation. A. Every inquiry you make will convince you that it is ideal for farm use in point of size, weight, capacity, low cost of haul age and long lite. Dodge Brothers. Detroit f1 v 1 s 1N x ,ti-'--A:. n , 1 " p t -vi.v.4?:',.-''i;.-. f ' .'." " t .-r-"l !7 - - . ' . , - I' . ..'.'"' . ..... ' . i .-.).:. :'"t frq ' . .- . :., v . ' . jf. , . . ' J. ;v ' u 1, jn, il jl Jl .ff, JL 111 JIL JIL Jl1 JIL JIL JILLIL" K JIL JL M JIL JIL JIL JIL JIL JIL Jl" " ' 1 USE PHOSPHATE ROCK AND LIMESTONE OnYourLandandYOUWiUKakciiiUoiiars.ioo . The "FARMERS BES1" Kaw fhos- . phate Rock ia shipped direct to you from our mines in Tennessee: , Talk this over with your County" Agent and write us for prices and "Farm Facts" regardingjjigger crops by using vt,,hhnio Rack and Limestone- - . ' "rADMrDQ PMO;PHATR & LlMESTONEtO- T: L qocl RMa - -.-. -Birmingham Aia. t Wood and lumDer ere m Dig aemana ; r .. top prices. Yon can easily make big profit -with an S-C Porta bit SswKIl. No bettet outfit made. - . Slmtola. powerful, eaay to operate. Buns on either. r : v Jalinekeroeene; 2 to It h. p. Costs little ta zlSl. .. .. J Cacnlfna nil KAratana EKaaS.' 7.r SUM w m www 7 SWTH-COURTKEY COStht CsryStt.. WctaonfcVf, tot ' South' Oldett ft W , , j . : - Sofeply House.' 7WYV ' r ,"some people belieV, thatr'tWrteen': ta- . is unlucky,' r -.JL.s-J-.-T - ii I ? Ks!on Tai,Gn wtoppcaat twelve. J Ml 111 mu. 1 trim. ni7" fui -no-mjw -r i.-Tr' l-Tf- wLv dkr m fcMr to bar t&bMt iSMOt fesn li from-na -otf ! fMUrr prtoefc. AIM teU abort jwt'W-cay ireo u. Writ for It tedaT. AienWlTMited f 1 'tQn Traoacript.w 'o-" -fy t iL Linn. i . ".' ;Il?5;4cr-,' r-."- -Vv .Jl vr J Ill