3- , v y I) J 4, , '? 'I , 4 f Vf 1 i J 1 1' V tj'-' ' 1 ' - 1 (a ' ".vis '4 If-; 1 4-V if !'! ywh5 mc :rn 1 L- alone haa ll . I H II ' ' fTkTV4Sr 'luras 1.5? -1 , " t'M-m , i , 1 LCi. 1 mm- a m mw m m s. a . ' ' iBsfe"' -" V:,l . wwo rwMfT 1 t Mia mfflav wttnoot a sinaie penny or " - . r-r"- aned return at m - . If I I thnn land M bm lljS per ei in cotton Bd my corn U gnaX. BMtnj will In ches ronnd. Mr On Mn KlratiB ?itt Bnllcil 8 locb rd dIm itompi. AI- to ti Mtoniafateect of Bwmnt -ff. J. 7Xon0 o,A9pmon, arm. KiraOa Stamn Fnltar and I work fin. 14 Uttto oy 10 yaara old en ppu b hones required. No dlffiinff, ping r - viocr a vera its lize m dies big arest tomptv-' aulckl eaTl- 11 cheap I .Saxee fn?! iaDor.tune, money! Poll green, rottm, low-en t, tap rooted aramD trees or brasl "etdinM v noana. nd balf to zoor . f aet eroa h too. bat tlx Little aJRSTIN takaa them- 1) ont fin. Sr. A.7.toto, Esoenaba, Mien y Atlanta, Ga. . Portland, Ora ,Worlr$ Largest V Makers of ; a i Stomp PuHeTsf ; innncv In tihiiMt ta nrnn itl If not Die exoeoM. looaon t ruK s penny iwwwiws( Imo MMrt lea. Has Lasts lontfarl With seientioe Eirstin. leverage principle few DOOMS pnii or POBO on nanoie exen ions on scampi r iter speed, strength and power. .irsan, leverage pnnapis zen ta tons on stump! My Olsflew Dook on Stump Pullers FREE! Tells how to poll stubborn stamps In s few mmates at low east. Shows how the Kiratin clears acre from one ancborl Low speed - to start .stump high to rip it out qulckr Patented quick ;; A I If IIJCTIII rn?PIIV "CAHAoA, MICHIOAIf I in & Morrison St. nxtliiaviui wiiii rail - iuu mm wwmmw .via IS III llWi t III I Western Braneh .Morrison Si Portland, Oro. COLUMU Cooperation " I fHE Progressive farmer advocates because' cooperation ' accompiish'e big thirigsJ Tel! "the people you' Vail on ""how The Progressive v Farmer coopcrates wirii them". ?HereYth"S Story .Two hundred thousand subscribers pay us $1 each. ' This enables. us to' pay our large staff of- editors 4 $40,CHX) a "yearr so as to cover every kind of .farm work from breaking the 'ground-to Ynnrltrtincr trie irnn. nlsrt ' nitr AVom' an.s. Department, and. to .buy- $100000 .wortn 01 print paper a year; 10 maintain a large printing plant, and. givV our readers the benefit of, it all af only 2c a week, $1 a, year." - ! t In other vords, through coopera tion, we give them what, they qouldn-t buy singly for many, .thousand- dol lars; Surely cooperating with The' Progressive Farmer pays. All is iGrist to tlli W CONVERT everything that stock can eat to "real meal." Grain, "stalks, hay, peavines, velvet beans, kafir corn heads, an fact almost', anything that grow can be made ' intorgod stock feed.. -Get more . feed arid morife digestible . feed by ' using the Williams Mill. , The exclusive Williams Patented grind .in system is different. Hinged tool teel hammers, revolve against heavy in- . r ..;-,". terchangeable breaker plates and screens. These break, cut and grind any grindable substance into any desired grade or meal or1 fine flour. Some use -it for grinding clean shells, robts and the. like.' Can be adjusted in three-minutes, No wrench needed. ' , . v . - i... A No- buhrs, rollers - or knives. ' Hammers are: reversible. 'Will' outlast several sets of buhrs. Shaft has ball bearinsrs. Lieht running. Has double the capacity of any otner type ot mils on equal power, Capacities 600 to 12,000 pounds per nr. rower: 6 h.p, gasoline engine up. With or without wind-sacker and" self-feeder. WTDTD Patent Williams Patent Crusher & Pulverizer Co. 25 Pins Stf Montgomery, Ala, ; V ; 2701 North Broadway, St Louis. Mo. writs neamt office r.;.:- ' ' ' 1 , - - Mk " 100 1BSMET 'V, ;DD0E01SIEITJiH PURE AND UNA0UUERATED p -it s ma leeawnn corn i .will make SOME BOG ; UNION ABATTOIR, INCI nnnuwufvAe 0 - a FATTEN HOGS QUICK And at Lowest Cost . With Our DIXIE DIGESTER TANKAGE Unadulterated residue or animal tissue- no horns or hoof s: Contains SO per cent protein. MixexLwith - corn it makes the ideal balanced ration. PutHore meat on hogs quicker and cheaper than any other feed. 100. pounds....... $4.50 lOO" pounds ........ .;$4.35 (In 100 to 500-lb. lots) ' . (In more than 500-rb.lots) Price per Ton (1 or more tons) ......;.;.,... $85.Q0 Order now at these low prices to assure . prompt delivery. . - ; , UNION ABATTOIR, RICHMOND, VA. This Means You! . NQ MAN knows , The Progressive . TT'irtYxar ttninn?ra tinn and ral service it gives to the man on the jarm liKe tne man wno xaxes u fromi. his mail bos; . every Saturday.. We have already a smaU army pf lo cal representatives who along, with their regular farm work take time to' speak "a good .word for their favorite farm paper and get their neighbors to subscribe. '. W'.-. '-. It is our desire to enlist; the active support of our readers in each com munity, the' men of -whom it is said f2 "You can tell by their frms that !hey f f I read The Progressive Farmer,' -and V. I this is our invitation and reauest that you cooperate with us in making. your neighborhood a Progressive Farmer reading neighborhood. . ' Every other subscriber in your neighborhood is a reason why the fellow who doesn't now get The Pro-' gressive Farmer should give you his subscription. rAv sample copy or a back tiumber containing an article,. of interest to your neighbor prospect, a few words of solicitation, and' the job is done. " V ; Pi 170-ACRE FARM FOR SALE 4 miles from Farmville, Va-.Two gopd houses, tobacco barns, and ' many other small buildings 100-acres clear" and "under cultivation, the balance in good timber. The buildings have all been rebuilt and newly painted, there; is plenty of excellent water. .The farm has been worked on shares this past year and j raised a first-class crop of tobacco, corn and sorghum. All buildings are in first class condi tion and the farm will pay for itself, m 2 years. Address: . -- - . ; . , J. B, PORTER, ' 722 Main. St., Room 4, Buffalo, N. ,Y. - : J. M. R; 3-Ply Smooth Surfaced $2.75 pei Roll i 2-Ply Smooth Surf accdZS per: Roll , 1-Ply Smooth Surf aced $1 JS per Roll ' Every roll contains -108 ' square feet of RUBBER ROOFING a with nails and cement for laying, furnished FREE. ' ; S, - RUBENS PAINT A GLASS CO; ' - " RlchmondVVfe;sK:i, f ' - Does the Work of Ten Ken A Cos) This .one-man cross-cut saw outfit run by gasoline engine cuts 15 to SS -cords of wood aay-r-f ells trees makes tiesruns machiney. On man o a boy can handle it, t Easy to operate, easj tomove. Engine can be used for other farm wort When not sawing for yourself or neighbors C ; mum onE-nAwonAQ saws Fast money-maker and M a lahor Wm. . rliS 5ny y eatberf pimply send name-a pos Mud will dofor free folder and special prices. v Mr5IW?PS?AG sawmfgJco. 1 Kansas City, Mo, Let: us have your, acceptance of this invitatfon- and while about it send a new subscription io cinch the con tract, and let us know whether you wish to earn merchandise, rewards or Cash commissions.; v Today is a good time vto write me. aii Rigtt wwm "VOU should give us young people a page. We haven't a page. Get your heart on our siderand give us a page.. Now come, ou and give us a We recently receivod the ahnvi from Aren Burgess and were happy to be able to write him that our plans are all -made for just the dan diest : kind of a Young People's Page and that ' same will start very so6n now. So, boys and girls, don't think that The' Progressive Farmer forgets .you for a minute. and be onihe look- out for: the .Young People'srPage.' ' ' - iVr i-acjs oay - -- 3,.!,, - V" NC" ,.1 - v -. I j'lwlill! -, DEPENDABILITY h 7m;ViiI'-iw'n else In a run A ning water supply, system system that re- ouirea tinkering - lSi an annoyance. One that . falls atcrltleatlmes is a keen disappointment When, you puWlu .yourwater aystem. put in s 0M wltt W' 4epeodaDl8:tgueh a water '7 Bina is ine i.'' C-W!: .:.. "-, '. ' 1 - iS-:.'r-- Jr' ,. u Home Water System ;fi: - i: : leader in- Fame - ai . t Name. Sines 1903 Tj5AtKR hsibeen supplying run ning water, to. the finest country homes, farms. ' anit estates, iA the Tnlted States. We- tnow all Water systeml s-sell LfSADKB because it Is the best -XSADEB is not a piece-meal job. ?la aelt:livtlKLTdnlr -'oxaplcto unit of pump and tank manufactured and guaranteed by the isa'jiantt '2: ' LAT& comes In Stock sizes to fit every re ' Irement, large or sniAlI.H Tou might be sat tisfled. wltha lees perfect, system for a short .time, but if you .want to" be right first and :J. last, choose XX&jfrER, It costs nothing to in vestigate, f tners ls. no Leader dealer near joui wnt ns i- mi.'siocKS. at .winston-saiem. Atlanta and Blctunond. ' ;5i;;THsTofbR COMPANY, - . ':' Winstoa-8alem, N. C. v: vr UNIVER3AL MOTORS COMPANY. V -xf Atlanta,' t3a. AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRO COMPANY. Y.t' B'cnsiond, ya, ' f.i.r-'-..,. V -TAHK8. PUMP8 AND POWER CttUIPMENT mt a. i " ErtablUhsJ 1903 J Dehorn, your cattle in the modernT O k.,SlMieJ'waysN( crushlns-i-a single A stroketdoes the Work quily when i On you jse a KEYSTONE Dehoraer.A We also niakn KthM d..ii , a and other axnllanrtm f oitHi fti I fnd dairymen all sold on ;oaey. y X i hack soaraatea." Write lor circular. y x ' v It pays to.deDora.v-.. 'S;:';: "V-v4 r.-v it ' wi r-H -paw OMEinenmao- ;.;Te to ' dodge enough " work " to keep jit ;dozei'peo MM :-:Lsti;,-';'i?K. ,3? r.v,-'ij)tr. --. v m a .. v a a s rj i ij ar a" a ar s n was -i ; ' Breck: I. heard of . a ; Cerman wbp'leaned up a tortune -uv.twp :"mon tD 'h ?v Syj IfKSGG S!dcbcrJ! Sweater Bargain If you appreciate value, you'll find it in this splendid men's sweater,, t send no MONEY .Send ronr nana and ad dress, crivinor size WRntAd. and wo will send you the pymail, post- On delivery voO oar mailman oar low hmr- train Dries of enlv ea.ae. Sweater is madeof heavy knit eonnnercial yarn has- f a) O fl P". Wnen V-nack.slevelsss,Bllpover J i. m i. U OsliVOrtd! mn'n he Bur- Wd88 to46: This v -naBKBieweiaB,Bupover , i - iuu hit winiwr w i ' - .it u anr- wonderful value can never be duplicated again. Order supply NOW?. OrdsrbyI13B9ia. ;s ... w VTHC HOWARD LUX COMPANY Dtpf.lG ajO Lakeside Awe.- Clevetand, o. I' K k jr-JM Will I MR lERhuywisM rsrViA., wvAAAlCrAflOai. Used VVAMWI ,TWwaw" wiwlBs- . recommended by thousands Of Soutn ern farmers. Strictly A-l Huality -no eeondt. -No pulpV; no ta ?rwiU not .uii '-fLriji wi-i Ha snon sues ia rous. xuijr w . 1Po lenthastrictly one-piece roDs w -square leet, wttn cement airecnons zor layinr.,- LOW. PRICES dSSSS- largest Machinery and Supply House. Write for f'a samples and lowest direct prices.. SLATE-SURFACE SHINGLES The; moiiv attractive, durable and economical roofing for residences. i j - iv l in l i1 mM m . Ksr-esssv " w sw - - .wc..--bl. . dlulh i j is npr nia nin nnr war. . wm a i a mm" a. asxas aiaaHB :-- ass ssavasHsa arssBkea m .Bk sa " l;;K.feK - - i' . . - c 4 , - - ' , - - . . r - - - ,